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Num 31-32
Num 33-34
4/13 2 Kgs 8-11 103 THE READ
CHAPTER 1 - CREATION & FALL 4/14 2 Kgs 12-14 104
1/1 Gen 1-3 1 Genesis 1-11 2/21 Num 35-36 52 4/15 2 Kgs 15-17 105 SCRIPTURE PLAN
1/2 Gen 4-7 2 Image of God 2/22 Deut 1-3 53 Deuteronomy 4/16 2 Kgs 18-19 106 This plan takes you through the entire
1/3 Gen 8-11 3 Torah: Genesis 1-11 2/23 Deut 4-6 54 4/17 2 Kgs 20-22 107 bible in one year. The scriptures are
CHAPTER 2 - THE COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM 2/24 Deut 7-9 55 4/18 2 Kgs 23-25 108 divided up into sixteen “chapters” and
1/4 Gen 12-15 4 Genesis 12-50 2/25 Deut 10-12 56 The Law CHAPTER 8 - THE PROPHETS BEFORE THE EXILE
organized in semi-chronological order.
1/5 Gen 16-18 5 The Covenants 2/26 Deut 13-14 57 4/19 Isa 1-4 109 Isaiah 1-39
1/6 Gen 19-21 6
You’ll read two or three chapters a
2/27 Deut 15-16 58 4/20 Isa 5-8 110
1/7 Gen 22-24 7 2/28 Deut 17-20 59 4/21 Isa 9-12 111
day, and sometimes skim through
1/8 Gen 25-28 8 3/1 Deut 21-23 60 4/22 Isa 13-17 112 larger portions that contain genealo-
1/9 Gen 29-31 9 3/2 Deut 24-27 61 4/23 Isa 18-22 113 gies, census information, etc.
1/10 Gen 32-34 10 3/3 Deut 28-29 62 4/24 Isa 23-27 114
1/11 Gen 35-37 11 Torah: Genesis 12-50 3/4 Deut 30-31 63 4/25 Isa 28-30 115 psalms of prayer
1/12 Gen 38-40 12 3/5 Deut 32-34 64 Torah: Deuteronomy 4/26 Isa 31-35 116 One Psalm is listed each day for you
1/13 Gen 41-42 13 CHAPTER 6 - THE PROMISED LAND 4/27 Isa 36-38 117 to slowly pray through, making its
1/14 Gen 43-45 14 3/6 Josh 1-4 65 Joshua 4/28 Isa 39-41 118 Isaiah 40-66
words your own. By the end you’ll
1/15 Gen 46-47 15 3/7 Josh 5-8 66 4/29 Isa 42-44 119:1-32
1/16 Gen 48-50 16
have prayed through the book of
3/8 Josh 9-12 67 4/30 Isa 45-48 119:33-64
CHAPTER 3 - THE EXODUS OF EGYPT 3/9 Josh 13-21 [Skim] 68 5/1 Isa 49-51 119:65-96
Psalms 2.5 times.
1/17 Ex 1-3 17 Exodus 1-18 3/10 Josh 22-24 69 5/2 Isa 52-54 119:97-128 Gospel of Kingdom
1/18 Ex 4-6 18 Holiness 3/11 Jdgs 1-3 70 Judges 5/3 Isa 55-57 119:129-152 VIDEOS
1/19 Ex 7-9 19 3/12 Jdgs 4-5 71 5/4 Isa 58-60 119:153-176 Each day you come to a new biblical
1/20 Ex 10-12 20 3/13 Jdgs 6-8 72 5/5 Isa 61-64 120 book there will be a a short animated
1/21 Ex 13-15 21 3/14 Jdgs 9-12 73 5/6 Isa 65-66 121 video on The Bible Project website
1/22 Ex 16-18 22 Torah: Exodus 1-18 3/15 Jdgs 13-15 74 5/7 Hos 1-5 122 Hosea about that book’s design and message
CHAPTER 4 - THE COVENANT AT MT. SINAI 3/16 Jdgs 16-18 75 5/8 Hos 6-10 123 and what to look for as you read. You
1/23 Ex 19-21 23 Exodus 19-40 3/17 Jdgs 19-21 76 5/9 Hos 11-14 124 can also sign up to have those videos
1/24 Ex 22-24 24 CHAPTER 7 - RISE & FALL OF ISRAEL’S KINGDOM 5/10 Joel 125 Joel
1/25 Ex 25-27 25 Heaven+Earth
emailed to your inbox. In addition to
3/18 Ruth 77 Ruth 5/11 Amos 1-5 126 Amos
1/26 Ex 28-29 26 3/19 1 Sam 1-3 78 1 Samuel
videos regarding books of the Bible,
5/12 Amos 6-9 127
1/27 Ex 30-31 27 3/20 1 Sam 4-8 79 5/13 Obadiah 128 Obadiah
you will find theme videos relating to
1/28 Ex 32-34 28 3/21 1 Sam 9-12 80 5/14 Jonah 129 Jonah several topics that appear throughout
1/29 Ex 35-40 [Skim] 29 Torah: Exodus 19-40 3/22 1 Sam 13-14 81 5/15 Micah 1-4 130 Micah Scipture.
1/30 Lev 1-4 30 Leviticus 3/23 1 Sam 15-17 82 5/16 Micah 5-7 131
1/31 Lev 5-7 31 Atonement 3/24 1 Sam 18-20 83 5/17 Nahum 132 Nahum POSTERS
2/1 Lev 8-10 32 3/25 1 Sam 21-24 84 5/18 Habakkuk 133 Habakkuk Free downloadable posters from each
2/2 Lev 11-13 33 Holiness 3/26 1 Sam 25-27 85 5/19 Zephaniah 134 Zephaniah Read Scripture video are available on
2/3 Lev 14-15 34 3/27 1 Sam 28-31 86 CHAPTER 9 - THE WISDOM OF ISRAEL
The Bible Project website under each
2/4 Lev 16-18 35 3/28 2 Sam 1-3 87 2 Samuel 5/20 Job 1-3 135 Job
2/5 Lev 19-20 36
3/29 2 Sam 4-8 88 The Messiah 5/21 Job 4-7 136
2/6 Lev 21-23 37 3/30 2 Sam 9-12 89 5/22 Job 8-11 137
2/7 Lev 24-25 38 3/31 2 Sam 13-15 90 5/23 Job 12-15 138
For more information about the read-
2/8 Lev 26-27 39 Torah: Leviticus 4/1 2 Sam 16-18 91 5/24 Job 16-19 139 ing plan and how you can support The
CHAPTER 5 - THE WILDERNESS 4/2 2 Sam 19-21 92 5/25 Job 20-23 140 Bible Project visit our website:
2/9 Num 1-4 40 Numbers 4/3 2 Sam 22-24 93 5/26 Job 24-28 141
2/10 Num 5-7 [Skim 7] 41 Holiness 4/4 1 Kgs 1-3 94 1 & 2 Kings 5/27 Job 29-31 142
2/11 Num 8-10 42 4/5 1 Kgs 4-7 95 5/28 Job 32-34 143 Wisdom: Job
2/12 Num 11-13 43 4/6 1 Kgs 8-10 96 5/29 Job 35-37 144
2/13 Num 14-16 44 4/7 1 Kgs 11-13 97 5/30 Job 38-39 145
2/14 Num 17-18 45 4/8 1 Kgs 14-16 98 5/31 Job 40-42 146
2/15 Num 19-21 46 4/9 1 Kgs 17-19 99 6/1 Psalm 1-2 147 Psalms
2/16 Num 22-24 47 Torah: Numbers 4/10 1 Kgs 20-22 100 6/2 Prov 1-3 148 Proverbs
2/17 Num 25-27 48 4/11 2 Kgs 1-3 101 6/3 Prov 4-6 149
2/18 Num 28-30 49 4/12 2 Kgs 4-7 102 6/4 Prov 7-9 150 Wisdoms: Proverbs
DATE READINGS PSALM VIDEO 7/27 Esth 1-5 53 Esther 9/17 John 5-6 105 11/10 2 Cor 11-13 4
6/5 Prov 10-12 1 7/28 Esth 6-10 54 9/18 John 7-8 106 11/11 Gal 1-2 5 Galatians
6/6 Prov 13-15 2 CHAPTER 12 - PROPHETS after the exile 9/19 John 9-10 107 11/12 Gal 3-4 6
6/7 Prov 16-18 3 7/29 Dan 1-3 55 Daniel 9/20 John 11-12 108 11/13 Gal 5-6 7
6/8 Prov 19-21 4 7/30 Dan 4-6 56 9/21 John 13-15 109 John 13-21 11/14 Eph 1-2 8 Ephesians
6/9 Prov 22-24 5 7/31 Dan 7-9 57 9/22 John 16-18 110 11/15 Eph 3-4 9
6/10 Prov 25-27 6 8/1 Dan 10-12 58 9/23 John 19-21 111 11/16 Eph 5-6 10
6/11 Prov 28-31 7 8/2 Haggai 59 Haggai 9/24 Luke 1 112 Luke 1-9 11/17 Phil 1-2 11 Philippians
6/12 Ecc 1-4 8 Ecclesiastes 8/3 Zech 1-4 60 Zechariah 9/25 Luke 2-3 113 Gospel of Luke 1-2 11/18 Phil 3-4 12
6/13 Ecc 5-8 9 8/4 Zech 5-8 61 9/26 Luke 4-5 114 Gospel of Luke 3-9 11/19 Col 1-2 13 Colossians
6/14 Ecc 9-12 10 Wisdom: Ecclesiastes 8/5 Zech 9-14 62 9/27 Luke 6-7 115 11/20 Col 3-4 14
6/15 Song 1-4 11 Song of Songs 8/6 Mal 1-2 63 Malachi 9/28 Luke 8-9 116 11/21 1 Thess 1-2 15 1-2 Thess
6/16 Song 5-8 12 8/7 Mal 3-4 64 9/29 Luke 10-11 117 Luke 10-24 11/22 1 Thess 3-4 16
CHAPTER 10 - THE PROPHETS OF THE EXILE CHAPTER 13 - the story so far 9/30 Luke 12-13 118 11/23 1 Thess 5 17
6/17 Jer 1-3 13 Jeremiah 8/8 1Chr1-10 [Skim] 65 1-2 Chr 10/1 Luke 14-16 119:1-32 Gospel of Luke 10-19 11/24 2 Thess 18
6/18 Jer 4-6 14 8/9 1 Chr 11-14 66 10/2 Luke 17-18 119:33-64 11/25 1 Tim 1-2 19 1 Timothy
6/19 Jer 7-9 15 8/10 1 Chr 15-17 67 10/3 Luke 19-20 119:65-96 11/26 1 Tim 3-4 20
6/20 Jer 10-13 16 8/11 1 Chr 18-21 68 10/4 Luke 21-22 119:97-128 Gospel of Luke 20-23 11/27 1 Tim 5-6 21
6/21 Jer 14-17 17 8/12 1 Chr 22-24 69 10/5 Luke 23-24 119:129-152 Gospel of Luke 24 11/28 2 Tim 1-4 22 2 Timothy
6/22 Jer 18-22 18 8/13 1 Chr 25-29 70 10/6 Acts 1-2 119:153-176 Acts 1-12 11/29 Titus 23 Titus
6/23 Jer 23-25 19 8/14 2 Chr 1-4 71 10/7 Acts 3-4 120 The Holy Spirit 11/30 Philemon 24 Philemon
6/24 Jer 26-29 20 8/15 2 Chr 5-8 72 10/8 Acts 5-6 121 12/1 Heb 1-2 25 Hebrews
6/25 Jer 30-32 21 8/16 2 Chr 9-12 73 10/9 Acts 7-8 122 12/2 Heb 3-4 26
6/26 Jer 33-36 22 8/17 2 Chr 13-17 74 10/10 Acts 9-10 123 12/3 Heb 5-6 27
6/27 Jer 37-39 23 8/18 2 Chr 18-20 75 10/11 Acts 11-12 124 12/4 Heb 7-8 28
6/28 Jer 40-44 24 8/19 2 Chr 21-24 76 10/12 Acts 13-14 125 Acts 13-28 12/5 Heb 9-10 29
6/29 Jer 45-48 25 8/20 2 Chr 25-27 77 10/13 Acts 15-16 126 12/6 Heb 11-13 30
6/30 Jer 49-50 26 8/21 2 Chr 28-31 78 10/14 Acts 17-18 127 12/7 James 1-3 31 James
7/1 Jer 51-52 27 8/22 2 Chr 32-34 79 10/15 Acts 19-20 128 12/8 James 4-5 32
7/2 Lam 1-2 28 Lamentations 8/23 2 Chr 35-36 80 10/16 Acts 21-22 129 12/9 1 Peter 1-2 33 1 Peter
7/3 Lam 3 29 CHAPTER 14 - jesus and the kingdom 10/17 Acts 23-24 130 12/10 1 Peter 3-5 34
7/4 Lam 4-5 30 8/24 Matt 1-2 81 Matt 1-13 10/18 Acts 25-26 131 12/11 2 Peter 35 2 Peter
7/5 Ezk 1-4 31 Ezekiel 1-32 8/25 Matt 3-4 82 10/19 Acts 27-28 132 12/12 1 John 1-2 36 1-3 John
7/6 Ezk 5-8 32 8/26 Matt 5-6 83 CHAPTER 15 - the people of the kingdom 12/13 1 John 3-4 37
7/7 Ezk 9-12 33 8/27 Matt 7-8 84 10/20 Rom 1-2 133 Romans 1-4 12/14 1Jn5, 2-3Jn 38
7/8 Ezk 13-15 34 8/28 Matt 9-10 85 10/21 Rom 3-4 134 12/15 Jude 39 Jude
7/9 Ezk 16-18 35 8/29 Matt 11-12 86 10/22 Rom 5-6 135 Romans 5-16 CHAPTER 16 - the revelation
7/10 Ezk 19-21 36 8/30 Matt 13-14 87 Matt 14-28 10/23 Rom 7-8 136 12/16 Rev 1-3 40 Revelation 1-11
7/11 Ezk 22-24 37 8/31 Matt 15-16 88 10/24 Rom 9-10 137 12/17 Rev 4-6 41
7/12 Ezk 25-27 38 9/1 Matt 17-18 89 10/25 Rom 11-12 138 12/18 Rev 7-9 42
7/13 Ezk 28-30 39 9/2 Matt 19-20 90 10/26 Rom 13-14 139 12/19 Rev 10-11 43
7/14 Ezk 31-33 40 Ezekiel 33-48 9/3 Matt 21-22 91 10/27 Rom 15-16 140 12/20 Rev 12-13 44 Revelation 12-22
7/15 Ezk 34-36 41 9/4 Matt 23-24 92 10/28 1 Cor 1-2 141 1 Corinthians 12/21 Rev 14-16 45
7/16 Ezk 37-39 42 9/5 Matt 25-26 93 10/29 1 Cor 3-4 142 12/22 Rev 17-18 46
7/17 Ezk 40-44 43 9/6 Matt 27-28 94 10/30 1 Cor 5-6 143 12/23 Rev 19-20 47 Heaven + Earth
7/18 Ezk 45-48 44 9/7 Mark 1-2 95 Mark 10/31 1 Cor 7-8 144 12/24 Rev 21-22 48
CHAPTER 11 - THE RETURN FROM EXILE 9/8 Mark 3-4 96 11/1 1 Cor 9-10 145
7/19 Ezra 1-3 45 Ezra-Nehemiah 9/9 Mark 5-6 97 11/2 1 Cor 11-12 146
7/20 Ezra 4-7 46 9/10 Mark 7-8 98 11/3 1 Cor 13-14 147
7/21 Ezra 8-10 47 9/11 Mark 9-10 99 Gospel of Mark 11/4 1 Cor 15-16 148
7/22 Neh 1-3 48 9/12 Mark 11-12 100 11/5 2 Cor 1-2 149 2 Corinthians
7/23 Neh 4-6 49 9/13 Mark 13-14 101 11/6 2 Cor 3-4 150
7/24 Neh 7-9 50 9/14 Mark 15-16 102 11/7 2 Cor 5-6 1
7/25 Neh 10-11 51 9/15 John 1-2 103 John 1-12 11/8 2 Cor 7-8 2
7/26 Neh 12-13 52 9/16 John 3-4 104 11/9 2 Cor 9-10 3

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