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Ways to Overcome Sterility

1 Knowledge of science and research have helped man to discover ways to

overcome sterility.
2 There are several ways to overcome sterility such as:
(a) 14trirition
The couple planning to have children must have a healthy balanced diet
with sufficient amounts of zinc, vitamins E and C to ensure that their
reproductive system is healthy. They must also avoid alcohol, cigarette
smoke and drugs to improve fertility.
(b) Hormone treatment
Women whose ovaries fail to ovulate and men whose testes do not
produce enough sperms can undergo hormone treatment. Taking
hormone pills or hormone injections can help to stimulate the ovaries
to ovulate, or the testes to produce more sperms.
(c) Surgery
Surgery can help to clear blocked Fallopian tubes or sperm ducts,
remove fibroids or polyps in the uterus and treat impotency.

(4) Irr vitro fertilisation (Pa)

lifF is a technique in which ova are fertilised by sperms outside the
woman's uterus. This treatment requires ova to be extracted from a
woman's ovaries after they are stimulated to ovulate by using hormones.
The ova are then mixed with the husband's sperms in the laboratory for
fertilisation to occur. The resulting embryos (usually one or more) are
then placed into the woman's uterus for implantation,

Birth Control Methods

1 Birth control is the step taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies,
2 The following are methods of birth control;
(a) Rhythm method
I n this met hod, sental intercourse is avoided during the few days before
and the few days after ovulation. The rhythm method is a natural
racthodi of birth control and can be practised by women who do not
want to use contraceptive devices. However, it is not effective for women
who have irregular menstrual cycles.
(b) Condom
The condom is a thin sheath made of rubber
worn over the penis to prevent the transfer
of sperms into the vagina during sexual
intercourse. In addition to being an effective
birth control method. it is an effective
orntection aRainy.tMAIL rikr-transmitted

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