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Prolonged Fever, Hepatosplenomegaly, and

Pancytopenia in a 46-Year-Old Woman
Liran Levy1*, Abedelmajeed Nasereddin2, Moshe Rav-Acha1, Meirav Kedmi3, Deborah Rund3, Moshe E.
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 2 Department of Parasitology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical
Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 3 Department of Hematology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Description of Case patient’s history, physical examination, cannot be ruled out and should be
and routine screening blood tests and investigated as an underlying disorder
A 46-year-old woman was hospitalized cultures. In this case the history gives no preceding a more common cause for
due to fever of up to 39uC of one week’s apparent clue; therefore the organomegaly prolonged fever.
duration. The patient complained of should be the basis for the assessment. The Multiple blood, urine, and stool cultures
weakness, night sweats, and weight loss massive splenomegaly narrows down the were negative. The patient’s laboratory
for two weeks prior to admission. The differential diagnosis, as only a few results revealed pancytopenia with 2,800
patient had no past medical history, and conditions generally cause this degree of leukocytes/mm3 (2,200 neutrophils, 400
did not take any medications, supple- splenic enlargement (Box 1). These include lymphocytes, 200 monocytes, and no
ments, or illicit drugs. She was born and infectious causes, such as bacterial (ty- eosinophils or basophils/mm3). The he-
lived all her life in a rural village. She was phoid fever, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or moglobin level was 98 g/l, and the platelet
indirectly exposed to farm animals and AIDS with M. avium complex) and fungal count was 59,000/mm3. The reticulocyte
pets, yet had no close contact with these, agents (histoplasmosis), but more com- count was 1.5%. The erythrocyte sedi-
and her family was not engaged in monly splenomegaly results from parasitic mentation rate was elevated at 104 mm/h.
agricultural work. She denied having been diseases such as malaria and leishmaniasis. Her prothrombin time and partial throm-
bitten by ticks or fleas. There was no Viruses such as those causing infectious boplastin time were prolonged (41.5% and
history of recent foreign travel or eating mononucleosis, i.e., Epstein-Barr virus 46.6 seconds, respectively), and the fibrin-
raw meat or unpasteurized milk. She (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV), or ogen level was low at 82 mg/dl. The
reported no rashes, arthralgia, dryness of hepatitis viruses rarely cause this degree of peripheral blood smear showed mature
eyes, mouth ulcers, or mucocutaneous organomegaly. Hematologic disorders white blood cells with a mild left shift, and
bleeding. such as myeloproliferative diseases, lym- a few red blood cell schistocytes. The
On examination she appeared pale and phoma, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia serum creatinine and urea levels and
sweaty. The cardiorespiratory examina- and hairy cell leukemia, as well as electrolytes were all normal. Liver function
tion was unremarkable. A markedly tender thalassemia intermedia and autoimmune tests (LFTs) were elevated at three to four
and enlarged liver and spleen, 3 cm and hemolytic anemia, should also be consid- times the normal values, with hyperbiliru-
10 cm below the costal margins, respec- ered. Infiltrative diseases such as Gaucher binemia of 27 mmol/l (0–17 mmol/l).
tively, were noted, with no palpable lymph disease, sarcoidosis, and amyloidosis may The lactate dehydrogenase was markedly
nodes. Periorbital and peripheral extrem- potentially cause massive splenomegaly. elevated at 4,245 U/l (300–620 U/l). An-
ity edema was also present. The previous history of complete health, ti-nuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor,
the tenderness of the spleen, and the anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmatic antibody,
What Are Likely Etiologies for abrupt onset of high fever all argue for anti-cardiolipin and circulating anticoagu-
This Patient’s High Fever and an acute rather than a chronic smoldering lants were all negative, as were direct
Organomegaly? disease (such as an infiltrative, autoim- Coombs tests. Serology for Mycoplasma,
mune, or a chronic hematologic neoplastic Brucella, Legionella, Q fever, spotted fever,
Physicians commonly see patients with disease). Nevertheless, a chronic disease murine typhus, HIV, EBV, CMV, hepa-
prolonged fever. There are many different
possible etiologies, most commonly infec- Citation: Levy L, Nasereddin A, Rav-Acha M, Kedmi M, Rund D, et al. (2009) Prolonged Fever,
tious, but neoplastic and inflammatory or Hepatosplenomegaly, and Pancytopenia in a 46-Year-Old Woman. PLoS Med 6(4): e1000053. doi:10.1371/
autoimmune disorders may also be a journal.pmed.1000053
possibility. Less common conditions in- Academic Editor: Ronald C. W. Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
clude drug-related fevers, factitious (i.e., Published April 14, 2009
self-induced) fevers, and other rare diseas-
Copyright: ß 2009 Levy et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
es. Some patients with prolonged fever will Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
remain undiagnosed despite an intensive provided the original author and source are credited.
diagnostic work-up. Funding: This manuscript had no specific funding, and no funding agent played a role in the article’s
The diagnostic approach should be preparation.
based on any potential clues in the Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus;
HLH, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; LFT, liver function test.
The Learning Forum discusses an important clinical
problem of relevance to a general medical audience. * E-mail:
Provenance: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed

PLoS Medicine | 1 April 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e1000053

volve the bone marrow, causing cytopenias
Box 1: Diseases Associated with Massive Splenomegaly
as well. Because all the above tests do not
Massive splenomegaly is defined as a spleen extended greater than 8 cm below reveal the etiology for this patient’s severe
left costal margin and/or weighing more than 1,000 g. disease, a tissue biopsy is needed. As the
liver and spleen appear radiologically
N Hematologic homogenous with no focal lesions for
# Myeloid biopsy, a bone marrow biopsy and aspira-
& Chronic myelogenous leukemia tion, including multiple cultures for the
& Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia different infectious diseases discussed,
& Polycythemia vera
should be the next step.
# Lymphoid A bone marrow biopsy was performed,
& Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
revealing a hypercellular marrow with no
evidence of malignancy. The aspirate
& Hairy cell leukemia
showed the presence of many monocytes
& Lymphoma and marked hemophagocytosis (Figure 1),
# Benign with no evidence of immature cells.
& Thalassemia major or intermedia Cytogenetic examination showed no ab-
N Infectious normalities, and the immunophenotyping
showed monocytosis with no excess blasts.
# Parasitic
& Visceral leishmaniasis The trephine biopsy was stained for CD3,
& Hyper-reactive malarial syndrome
CD20, CD30, CD68, and leukocyte
common antigen with no evidence of
& Schistosomiasis
lymphoma. T cell receptor gene rear-
# Bacterial rangement was negative. PCR examina-
& Mycobacterial/AIDS with Mycobacterium avium complex
tions of the bone marrow for EBV, CMV,
& Typhoid fever human herpesvirus-6, and Leishmania were
# Viral found to be negative and no apparent
& EBV, CMV (rarely gives massive splenomegaly) causative agent or disease found. Cultured
# Fungal marrow for bacteria and fungi was nega-
& Histoplasmosis tive. A repeat bone marrow examination
resulted in similar findings to the first one
N Infiltrative
that was performed.
# Gaucher disease
As the patient’s symptoms continued to
# Sarcoidosis
progress, a transjugular liver biopsy was
# Diffuse splenic hemangiomatosis performed, revealing hemophagocytosis
N Autoimmune with no pathogen or malignancy. Addi-
# Autoimmune hemolytic anemia tional blood tests showed a ferritin level of
15,614 ng/ml, triglycerides of 4.35 mmol/
l (0–2.3), and a soluble interleukin 2
titis A, B, and C, parvovirus B19, and of blood cytopenias to some extent. Hema- receptor level of 9,577 U/ml (,1,000).
leishmaniasis (Leishmania infantum, L. dono- tologic malignancies may involve the bone The patient was deemed too ill to
vani, and L. chagasi) were all negative. Acid- marrow and therefore lead to cytopenia. undergo splenectomy, and she was diag-
fast stains of sputum and blood cultures for The lack of eosinophils, basophils, or nosed as having a hemophagocytic syn-
tuberculosis were negative. Thick blood nucleated red cells and the morphologically drome. Empiric treatment with high-dose
films for malaria and Borrelia were nega- normal circulating white blood cells make a immunoglobulin (2 gm per kg) and
tive. A computed tomography scan of the myeloproliferative disease unlikely. The 300 mg of hydrocortisone daily did not
chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed a lack of enlarged lymph nodes and the evoke a clinical response. High-dose
homogeneously enlarged liver and spleen absence of atypical cells in the peripheral dexamethasone (20 mg daily) was initiat-
(splenic long axis, 24 cm). The echocardi- blood make another hematologic malig- ed, followed by cyclosporin A with a rapid
ography showed normal ventricular func- nancy less likely. Furthermore, the spleno- and substantial improvement during the
tion, and no valvular abnormalities. The megaly may itself cause hypersplenism and next few days. Her fever subsided, blood
patient continued to have daily spiking peripheral blood cytopenias. The coagula- counts rose, and DIC resolved. She felt
fevers and sweats, and her cytopenias, tion abnormalities of both prothrombin well and was discharged in an excellent
coagulation defects, and LFTs worsened. time and partial thromboplastin time, with condition with normal blood tests. She
low fibrinogen (which is an acute phase continued treatment, tapering the steroid
In the Absence of a Laboratory reactant expected to rise in any inflamma- dose to completion, and was maintained
Diagnosis of This Patient’s tory state) and circulating schistocytes, on cyclosporin A at a dose of 5 mg/kg a
Signs and Symptoms, What implies the presence of disseminated intra- day. At a monthly follow-up the patient
vascular coagulation (DIC), and the mark- was free of symptoms, and continued to
Should Be the Next Step?
edly elevated LFTs point to a more severe have normal blood counts for a period of
The main laboratory feature observed is disease. The unremarkable autoimmune three months. An abdominal ultrasound
the pancytopenia. However, most, if not all serologies are also against such an ongoing showed the reduction of both liver and
of the differential diagnosis of prolonged process. Infections that cause immune spleen to almost normal (15 cm). Bone
fever and splenomegaly may comprise that hyperplasia or organ infiltration may in- marrow aspiration and biopsy were per-

PLoS Medicine | 2 April 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e1000053

By the end of a three-month period
during which immunosuppression was
continued but doses gradually reduced
(Figure 2), the initial symptoms of fever
and weakness recurred. She was urgently
admitted with rapidly progressing pancy-
topenia, DIC, and elevated LFTs. Another
bone marrow aspiration, the sixth in
number, revealed for the first time mac-
rophages filled with organisms whose
appearance was consistent with that of
Leishmania amastigotes (Figure 3). Within
days, serology and a culture of the bone
marrow confirmed the diagnosis of Leish-
mania. In addition, PCR confirmed iden-
tification of L. infantum species. This form
of leishmaniasis is seen mostly in children
or immunosuppressed individuals in en-
demic areas of the world. It is the causative
agent of both the cutaneous and visceral
forms of leishmaniasis; the dog is its main
Treatment with liposomal amphotericin
B was initiated. The patient’s symptoms
Figure 1. Bone marrow aspirate showing monocytes (red arrows) engulfing red blood disappeared within a few days, and her
cell precursors (black arrows). (Giemsa stain.)
laboratory abnormalities subsided. She
was discharged, and has continued to be
free of symptoms at routine follow-up for
formed two additional times and were and etoposide-based chemotherapy. In two additional years. All past pathologic
found to be morphologically normal. this patient, the use of this treatment preparations were thoroughly reviewed,
Repeat PCR for EBV, which is strongly modality seemed appropriate considering including bone marrow examinations and
associated with hemophagocytic lympho- her severe clinical deterioration with no liver biopsy, none revealing the Leishmania
histiocytosis, was also negative. No other underlying etiology found. It is still a parasites prior to the final diagnostic
PCR or serologies were sent at that time. mystery that the primary cause of this examination. The patient gave her consent
patient’s disease has not been found. The for the publication of this case report.
How Is Hemophagocytic patient’s response to immunosuppressive
Syndrome Diagnosed and therapy is not unusual. It should be kept in
Treated? Is This a Real Case of mind that T cell lymphomas tend to
present with hemophagocytosis, even with The term hemophagocytosis describes
Primary Hemophagocytic minimal disease, and that this type of the pathologic finding of activated macro-
Syndrome? neoplasm may respond to lympholytic phages and engulfing erythrocytes, leuko-
Hemophagocytic syndrome is a clinico- steroids and cyclosporine A, which are T cytes, platelets, and their precursor cells
pathologic entity. Its diagnosis is defined cell depressants. [1,2] as shown in this patient. It may also
by a set of presenting major signs and
symptoms (Box 2). The disease may be
familial or primary, and is observed mostly Box 2: Criteria for the Diagnosis of HLH
in children, though it may be secondary to
Five out of eight should be present.
malignancy (mostly T cell lymphomas),
infections (most often EBV related), auto- Major Clinical Criteria (all five should be evaluated):
immune diseases, or drugs. In this case the
criteria are completely fulfilled, but con- N Fever
sidering her age and the absence of a
relevant family history, the main question
N Splenomegaly

that should be asked repeatedly is: what is N Cytopenia involving two or more cell lines
the primary process due to which this N Hypertriglyceridemia or hypofibrinogenemia
hemophagocytosis results? Primary hemo- N Hemophagocytosis ( with no evidence for malignancy )
phagocytosis is so rare at this age as to be
New Criteria
practically nonexistent. A continued
search for a malignancy or an infectious
organism should be performed, and sple-
N Low or absent natural killer cell activity.

nectomy should be considered.

N A high serum ferritin level (.500 mg/l)
The treatment for primary hemopha- N A high soluble CD25 [soluble interleukin 2 receptor] (.2,400 U/ml)
gocytic syndrome in children consists of (Adapted from the Histiocyte Society guidelines [2,17].)
high-dose dexamethasone, cyclosporin A,

PLoS Medicine | 3 April 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e1000053

Figure 2. The patient’s diagnosis and treatment over the course of time (x-axis in days). y-axis denotes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
levels in blue, white blood cell counts (WBC) in red. Black arrows designate hospitalization onset. Green arrows designate bone marrow biopsy (BM)
or aspiration, red for liver biopsy (LB).

be more properly termed hemophagocytic and secondary HLH. Primary HLH, liferation with hemophagocytosis. It also
lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). The most found most often in young children, is a develops as a consequence of strong
typical presenting signs and symptoms hereditary transmitted disorder, consid- immunological activation.
are fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and cyto- ered to be an autosomal recessive disease, This secondary form is encountered
penias. Less frequently observed clinical affecting immune regulation. Recently, most often with severe infection. The
findings are neurological symptoms, mutations in one of two genes have been viral-associated [8], most often EBV-
lymphadenopathy, edema, skin rash, and found to underlie 40%–50% of cases: the related form is also termed fatal or
jaundice [1,3,4]. Common laboratory gene encoding perforin, the major im- fulminant infectious mononucleosis, yet
findings include hypertriglyceridemia, a mune cytotoxic protein, and the gene other viruses have been implicated. At-
coagulopathy with hypofibrinogemia, and encoding MUNC 13-4, a protein involved tempts should be made to screen for an
elevated LFTs. in exocytosis of perforin-bearing cytotoxic infection with EBV, CMV, and parvovirus
The entity comprises two different granules during apoptosis [7]. Secondary B19, either through serologic testing or
conditions that may be difficult to distin- HLH, which is found in both children and PCR, in-situ hybridization, or (in the case
guish from each other [2,5,6]: primary adults, comprises a lymphohistiocytic pro- of CMV) immunofluorescent antigen test-
ing. Serologic testing for HIV and human
herpesvirus-6 infection should also be
considered [9]. Bacterial infections such
as brucellosis, salmonellosis, tuberculosis,
and rickettsiosis have been reported to
cause this rare syndrome. Parasitic diseas-
es such as malaria and leishmaniasis may
also induce secondary HLH [7]. The
presentation of visceral leishmaniasis with
hemophagocytic syndrome is rare in all
age groups, especially in adults [10,11,12].
Furthermore, the Leishmania serological
test and bone marrow examination in-
cluded in the work-up may be initially
negative, necessitating repeated bone mar-
row procedures for diagnosis [10]. Indeed,
diagnosing Leishmania in this patient on the
sixth bone marrow aspirate (after five
previous negative examinations) is an
extreme example. HLH may also develop
subsequent to other forms of immunolog-
ical stress and activation, as in the
macrophage activating disorder in rheu-
matic diseases, but is most often seen
accompanying malignancy [13]. It has
Figure 3. Bone marrow aspirate showing multiple parasites (black arrows) within and
been described during the course of active
released from the monocyte, consistent with the presence of Leishmania amastigotes. lymphoma, but also in patients in com-
(Giemsa stain.) plete remission [14]. Even if an infection
doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000053.g003 known to be associated with HLH has

PLoS Medicine | 4 April 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e1000053

been confirmed, immunophenotype and T disease was a new opportunistic infection hemophagocytosis is found, it may take
cell receptor gene rearrangement tests caused by immunosuppressive treatment. sequential repeated aspirations in order to
should be performed on bone marrow or According to this hypothesis, the patient reveal its secondary etiology [10,21,22].
other tissue specimens to determine had idiopathic HLH that resolved after All adult patients may not have a clear
whether an underlying T cell lymphoma treatment with steroids and cyclosporine diagnosis of HLH. In a large case series, in
is present [9]. To further complicate the A. While being immunosuppressed, she 20 of 34 patients with HLH, no underlying
diagnosis, T cell receptor rearrangements acquired Leishmania, a second opportunis- etiology was identified [23]. There is no
can also be found in both EBV-associated tic disease. Similarly, it could be argued specific feature of HLH, but the disease is
HLH and EBV-positive T cell lymphomas that the patient was asymptomatically often fatal, so that a prompt diagnosis is
[15], but have not yet been demonstrated infected in the past and thus Leishmania mandatory. Diagnostic guidelines were
in other secondary forms of HLH. antibodies were undetectable [18,19]. developed by the HLH Study Group in
HLH is considered to be the final Although this seems to be a reasonable 1991 [6], including clinical, laboratory,
common pathway of different infectious alternative explanation, there are a few and histopathological findings (Box 1).
organisms as well as autoimmune diseases reasons to favor the hypothesis of Leish- The disease may be underdiagnosed since
and lymphomas, stemming from the same mania as the initial event causing the entire treating physicians do not often consider it
process that causes immune activation. syndrome. First, an initially negative assay in the differential diagnosis of candidate
The pathophysiology behind this excessive for Leishmania does not support the pres- patients [2,6]. Some patients may express
activation, although apparent mainly in ence of a dormant infection but rather an one or more of the diagnostic criteria late
the monocytic lineage, involves the inter- acute one with false negative results. in the course of the disease. Thus, in the
actions of T cells and macrophages. The Previous reports of HLH and leishmania- absence of any specific marker of disease
major pathogenic role of TH1 hyperacti- sis have described patients receiving im- in pediatric patients, treatment may be
vation is suggested by high levels of munosuppressive agents for their HLH started on the basis of a strong clinical
cytokines, such as interferon-c, tumor until their final diagnosis months later suspicion of primary HLH, before over-
necrosis factor-a, and interleukins 1 and [10]. Second, the possibility that the whelming disease activity causes irrevers-
6, all of which are secreted by activated patient had two concurrent very rare ible damage and the chances of response
TH1 cells [10]. These cytokines cause diseases—idiopathic HLH and opportu- to treatment are less likely [2,9,21].
enhanced phagocytosis in vitro. The major nistic leishmaniasis—is unlikely. Third, the Whether this rule can be applied to adult
role of TH1 is further suggested by the fact that the ultimately diagnosed Leish- patients, in whom the HLH is almost
coexistence of HLH TH1-related infec- mania infection manifested with precisely always secondary, should be considered
tions such as tuberculosis and leishmania- the same signs and symptoms as the individually.
sis, and by the therapeutic use of the T cell primary HLH, as well as the fact that Treatment of HLH is therefore depen-
depressant compound cyclosporin. All there was rapid resolution of the entire dent on its cause. Infectious, neoplastic, or
support the hypothetical role of T cells as syndrome under the appropriate therapy autoimmune causes should be treated
a key element in the pathophysiology of (liposomal amphotericin B) and cure (at promptly along with administering sup-
HLH. There are reports [10] describing the present time the patient has been in portive care. There are no randomized
patients with secondary HLH due to remission for more than two years), also trials for primary HLH due to the rarity of
leishmaniasis who were treated with im- favors this theory. this disease. Treatment is based on the
munosuppressive agents, resulting in a In order to define a disease as primary combination of immune suppression (such
temporary long-term remission, highlight-
or idiopathic, one has to rule out all overt as cyclosporin A) and chemotherapy (such
ing once again the immunologic reactivity
or rare causes. It is important to repeat as etoposide) [22,23]. Intravenous immu-
as the basis of HLH etiology rather than
blood tests and to repeat biopsies of the noglobulins may also be beneficial. The
the causative infectious agent. Yet, not all
suspected organs involved. Repeating the combination treatment plan (such as the
patients with secondary HLH-related dis-
bone marrow aspiration, a usually safe HLH-2004 protocol) is described in the
eases develop actual HLH symptoms.
procedure [20], seems to be the most Histiocyte Society Web site protocol page
Thus, the underlying immune modulation
effective method of follow-up. When [23].
deficiency that differentiates a patient
prone to developing HLH from his or
her counterpart who does not develop this
syndrome has yet to be determined. Key Learning Points
It is well known that immunocompe-
tent, immunocompromised, immunosup- N Hemophagocytic syndrome is a severe disease with multiple causes, mostly
pressed, and HIV patients are more prone secondary to infectious organisms, but also to T cell lymphomas and
to acquiring or reactivating Leishmania autoimmune diseases. It can also be (rarely and mostly in children) a primary
parasites easily, mainly in endemic areas idiopathic disease or of familial origin.
as seen in the Mediterranean area [16,17]. N The cause of HLH should be repeatedly sought. If the diagnosis is not readily
It could therefore be argued that, being found, repeated tissue sampling, serologies, and cultures should be obtained.
immune suppressed, the patient acquired N Treatment of HLH should not be delayed as the disease progresses rapidly and
an opportunistic infection or activated a may be irreversible.
dormant one [18].
This argument cannot be completely
N Visceral leishmaniasis is a disease that may involve multiple organs. Diagnosis in
endemic areas should be sought vigorously, particularly in immunocompro-
disproved because the facts are equivocal. mised hosts.
The preliminary negative serology sup-
ports the possibility that the seroconver-
N Immunosuppressive therapy such as high-dose steroid treatment is a double-
edged sword. Although it may alleviate symptoms, it can mask the diagnosis.
sion appearing later in the course of the

PLoS Medicine | 5 April 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e1000053

Conclusions achieving the correct diagnosis. Perhaps a delay the diagnosis and definitive treat-
splenectomy or splenic biopsy (both of ment.
Hemophagocytosis, being rare in itself, which have considerable risks in pancyto-
is a diagnosis that is usually performed in penic patients) could have revealed the Author Contributions
seriously ill, hospitalized patients. Leish- correct diagnosis earlier.
maniasis, endemic in certain areas, yet ICMJE criteria for authorship read and met: LL
There are several lessons to be learned AN MR-A MK DR MEG. Agree with the
rare in most of the industrialized world,
(see Key Learning Points). HLH is a severe manuscript’s results and conclusions: LL AN
may therefore be too rare for the treating
disease that has to be identified and MR-A MK DR MEG. Analyzed the results of
in-hospital clinician. The diagnosis thus
treated promptly. The diagnosis can be the case investigations: MEG. Collected test
may be delayed in this setting. In the results: AN DR MEG. Wrote the first draft of
laborious and elusive, but the search for a
patient described above, the tentative the paper: LL MEG. Contributed to the writing
primary source should be continuously
diagnosis of primary or familial HLH of the paper: AN MR-A MK DR MEG.
sought, in particular for obscure patho-
together with the presumed clinical im- Carried out the Leishmania serology, PCR,
gens. Treatment should be started without
provement under immunosuppressive culture, and species zymodemal analysis: AN.
therapy may have initially saved her life. delay, yet it should be kept in mind that Participated in the diagnosis and treatment of
Nevertheless, this treatment had a major the use of immunosuppression may further the patient: DR.
contribution in the delay of ultimately

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PLoS Medicine | 6 April 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e1000053

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