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Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals & Applications

Fifth Edition (1st , 2nd & 3rd Printings)

Yunus A. Cengel & Afshin J. Ghajar
McGraw-Hill, 2014
Errata Sheet
Last Update: August 3, 2016

Chapter 1
p. 55, Prob. 1-62, 3rd & 4th lines: Change "determine the approximate rate of heat loss from the
sphere " to "determine the approximate rate of heat gain by the iced water"
p. 55, Prob. 1-62, at the end of the 6th line: Add “Treat the spherical shell as a plain wall and use
the outer area.”

Chapter 2
p. 81, two lines above Eq. (2-44): Change “z = cos θ” to “z = r cos θ”
p. 120, 4th bulleted item, place a minus sign in front of the first term on the right hand side of the
C 1
solution: Change the solution to “ y = − 1 + C 2 − Sr 2 ”
r 6
p. 120, 5 bulleted item, place a minus sign in front of the first term on the right hand side of the
solution: Change the solution to “ y = − 1 + C 2 ”

Chapter 3
p. 177, Table 3-3: In the ηfin equation for
Straight triangular fins, change “I1(2mL)” in the denominator to “Io(2mL)”
Pin fins of triangular profile, change “Io(2mL)” in the numerator to “I2(2mL)”
Pin fins of parabolic profile (blunt tip), change “I2(4mL/3)” in the numerator to “I1(4mL/3)”
p. 192, left hand side of Eq. (3-93): Change “Q” to “Q̇ "

Chapter 4
p. 243, 1st line of Analysis for Example 4-2: Change “The characteristic length and the Biot
number of the metal plate are” to “With a metal plate thickness of 2L = 2 cm, the characteristic
length of the plate is”
p. 244, 3rd line of Discussion for Example 4-2: Change “velocities less than…” to ““velocities
greater than…”
𝜕𝜕θ (1,𝑡𝑡) ℎ𝐿𝐿 𝜕𝜕θ (1,𝑡𝑡) ℎ𝐿𝐿
p. 246, Second part of Eq. (4-11): Change "
θ (1, 𝑡𝑡)" to " 𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕
θ (1, 𝑡𝑡)"
p. 248, 1st equation below Eq. (4-18): Change “→ − 𝑒𝑒 −λ τ (𝐴𝐴λ sin 0 + 𝐵𝐵λ cos 0)” to
"→ 𝑒𝑒 −λ τ (− 𝐴𝐴λ sin 0 + 𝐵𝐵λ cos 0)"
p. 249, 4th line below Eq. (4-21): Change “dx” to “dX”
p. 251, Table 4-2, in the heading for the 2nd, 4th, and 6th columns of the table: Change “λ1” to “λ1 (rad)”,
three places
p. 262, Eq. 4-41: Change the subscript on “T” from upper case “S” to lower case “s”, two places
p. 262, 1st line below Eq. 4-42: Change “functionsrom” to “functions”
p. 291, Prob. 4-29, 5th line: Change “duct” to “spherical junction”

Chapter 5
p. 313, The first two lines: Delete “Using Eq. 5-6,”
p. 326, Fig. 5-25: Change " " to " e2V2 "
p. 348, In the numerator of Eq. (5-61): Change “∆τ” to “∆t”
p. 350, For node 6, First term on the right hand side of final equation which starts with (𝑇𝑇6𝑖𝑖+1 ):
Change “(… … . . )T3i ” to “( … … . )T6i ”
p. 351, In the denominator of equation for claculation of ∆t: Change “3.2 × 10±6” to “3.2 × 10-6”
p. 351, First term on the right hand side of equation for node 5 (T5i+1 ): Change “T1i ” to “T5i ”
p. 378, Prob. 5-153: Change “(e) T6 = (T2 + T5 + T7 + T10 ) / 2” to “(e) T6 = (T1 + T2 + T9 + T10 ) / 4”

Chapter 6
p. 393, 13th line above Eq. (6-15): Add “overbar” on “𝑢𝑢′ 𝑣𝑣 ′ ’’, two places
p. 393, 10th line above Eq. (6-15): Add “overbar” on “𝑣𝑣′ 𝑇𝑇′ ’’
p. 393, 9th line above Eq. (6-15): Add “overbar” on “𝑢𝑢′ 𝑣𝑣 ′ ≠ 0 ’’, “𝑢𝑢′ = 0”, “𝑣𝑣 ′ = 0”, and “𝑢𝑢′ 𝑣𝑣 ′ = 0”
p. 393, 7th & 8th lines above Eq. (6-15): Add “overbar” on “𝑢𝑢′ 𝑣𝑣 ′ ’’
𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 ’’ to “𝑣𝑣′ 𝑇𝑇′”
p. 393, Eq. (6-15): Change “ ����
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v
p. 397, Figure 6-30: Change “
≪ 0" to " ∂x ≈0" and “∂y ≪ 0" to " ∂y ≈0"
p. 405, 1st line above Eq. (6-64): Change “Eqs. 6-28, 6-29, ...” to “Eqs. 6-21, 6-28,...”
p. 406, 3rd line: Change “Nu” to “Pr”, two places
p. 407, Eq. 6-73: Change "L" to "x" and change "ReL" to "Rex"
p. 407, Fig. 6-38, 2nd line: Change "ReL" to "Rex"
p. 416, Prob. 6-19, 5th line: Change “k = 0.266 W/m·K” to “k = 0.0266 W/m·K”
p. 416, Prob. 6-19, 9th & 10th lines: Change “plot the air temperature gradient at the plate surface
as a function of air velocity” to “plot the air temperature and plate temperature gradients at the
plate surface as a function of air velocity”
p. 419, Prob. 6-63, at the end of the problem statement: Add “Treat this problem as parallel flow
between two large plates with one plate moving at constant velocity and the other stationary.”
p. 419, Prob. 6-66, at the end of the problem statement: Add “Treat this problem as parallel flow
between two large plates with one plate moving at constant velocity and the other stationary.”
p. 423, Prob. 6-114: Add the following to the problem “ (e) Nu = Cf Re1/2 Pr1/3 ”

Chapter 7
p. 426, Eq. (7-2): Change the first “+” to “=”
p. 430, Below Eq. (7-17): Delete the first two lines, it is repeated twice.
p. 431, 2nd line above Eq. (7-23): Change “Eq. 7-21” to “Eq. 7-19”
p. 431, 1st line above Eq. (7-23): Change “Eq. 7-22” to “Eq. 7-20”
p. 440, Figure 7-19, on the horizontal axis: Change “6” to “106”
p. 448, Table 7-2, in the title of the table: Change “… NL > 16 and 0.7 < Pr < 500 …” to “… NL >
16 , 0 < ReD < 2 × 106 and 0.7 < Pr < 500 …”
p. 448, Table 7-3, in the title of the table: Change “NL > 16” to “NL < 16”
p. 460, Prob. 7-51, 2nd line: Change “0.8 m/s” to “0.01 m/s”. Also make the change in the Figure P7-
p. 463, Prob. 7-79, 5th line: Delete “and” at the end of this line

Chapter 8
p. 521, Prob. 8-22: At the end of the problem statement after the period add “Use air properties
for the combustion gases.”

Chapter 9
p. 542, Table 9-1, Eq. (9-20): Change range of Ra from “1010 - 1013 ” to “109 - 1013 ”
p. 542, Table 9-1, Eq. (9-22): Change “0.59” to “0.54”
p. 542, Table 9-1, Eq. (9-23): Change “0.1” to “0.15”
p. 562, 7th line from the bottom of the page: Change “Gr/Re2 < 10” to “Gr/Re2 > 10”
p. 579, References section: Add this reference and renumber the rest.
22. S. Globe and D. Dropkin. "Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Liquids Confined between
Two Horizontal Plates." Journal of Heat Transfer 81 (1959), pp. 24-28.

Chapter 10
p. 605, Eq. 10-3: Change “ρ2v” to “ρ2𝑣𝑣 ”
p. 620, Eq. (10-28): Change “Pr” to “Prl”
p. 620, Eq. (10-29): Change “Pr” to “Prl”, two places
p.620, Figure 10-26: Change “Pr” to “Prl”
p. 633, Example 10-9, in the denominator of equation for Fp: Change “0.0177m” to ”0.0117m”
4/5 4/5
p. 634, 4th line below Eq. (10-40): Change "𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 " to "𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑙𝑙 "
p. 634, 18 line above Eq. (10-41): Change “(Eq. 8-74)” to “(Eq. 8-76)”
p. 635, Replace the last line of Ref. 4 with: “Frontiers and Progress in Multiphase Flow I,
Chapter 4, pp. 157-212, edited by L. Cheng, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland,

Chapter 11
p. 663, Eqs. 11-18 and 11-19: Change "mh" to " m h " and change "mc" to " m c "
p. 697, Prob. 11-17: Delete “Answer: 1856 W/m2 ·K”

Chapter 14
p. 862, Figure 14-30 right bottom corner (case d, mass flow rate): Velocities should not have
subscript “diff”. Change “Vdiff,A” and “Vdiff,B” to “VA” and “VB”.
p. 863, Equation (14-41), equation for 𝑚𝑚𝐴𝐴̇ , expression after the second equality: Change “ Vdiff,A”
to “ Vdiff,A”. The capital “A” should be subscripted.
p. 864, Equation (14-47): Change “ρ�𝑉𝑉 ���𝐴𝐴 = ρ ��� ��� ���� ��� ���
p. 877, Figure 14-49: Change “CA,∞” to “wA,∞”
p. 880, Table 14-13, Item 3, right column: Change “0.7 < Sc 160” to “0.7 < Sc < 160”

Appendix 1
p. 910, Table A-3, cP values at various temperatures for Carbon steels (AISI 1010): Shift the
entire row to the right. For example the cP at 400 K should be 487 and at 600 K should be 559
and so on. There should be no value listed under 200 K.

Web Chapter 16
p. 16-28, 3rd line: Change "Table 16-11 for" to "Table 16-11 (given in page 16-26) for"

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