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SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION TR-447 SAMPL ea ; eee IDENTIFICATION fll a ra A511746 tH) sfol. alm | lolaloli Jalol iM me Jlalelen| Ts Tililils Tea] pores] aera 5 SEE aE — lolafe PL Ils} Loy + stat Laspectoss ahnd Libis sl absb| — : a 2 i : : 3 lhe Ie] 2 1 i A all t fi @ " [ole 7 | i : or ee ca 2 ILL J Ove 0 I aan oe I [a | | A] 00 asia! KH m0 nae Bo ae a SAMPLING INFORMATION Accelerator AEA Bearing Pads Cement Coarse.Agg. Cure Comp Cylinders. Cores Fine Ag. Fly Ash Liquid 30 02 plastic bottle Code/403, Class/ACCL, 408/711.3d Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle Code/403, Class/ AEA, 408/711.3d ‘Sampled by Inspectors. Code/414, Class/50PL, 50LAM, 60PL, 60LAM, 408/ 1113, Powder, 1 Gallon plastic bucket. Code/276, class/1 (1, 14, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, 4, 5), 408/ 70112 Stone, Large cloth bags approx. 15 pounds, sampled with square end shovel. Code/203, Class/A57 (for Limestone) Class/A57SL (for Slag) Class/AS7GL (for Gravel) Class/5, 7, 8, 57, 67), 408/ 703.2 Pipe Plant - Exclude Gradation, Wash Test only Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle Code/ 398, Class/ CLEAR, 408/ 711.2 TYPE 1-D ONLY WITH RED DYE 2 cylinders for compression test. Code/217, Class/BOXBM, IBEAM, INLET, MEDNBR, EDWALL, JNCBOX, MHLSEC, SDWALL, BOXCVT, REWALL, AASTRU, 408/714 ‘Strength Required. Date 28 days from date of pour (Slump & Air Entrainment) 4 cylinder for hardened Air Sample. Information sample SR 0-90085-0-9-000-4200-614- 9405 Hardened Air Only (Slump & Air Entrainment) 2" diameter by 4” high preferred Code/218, Class/Same as cylinders compression test ‘Small cloth bags, approx 10 pounds, sampled with 2" tube Code/ 207, class/A, 408/ 703.1 Pipe Plant ~ Exclude Gradation, Wash test and FM only Powder, 1 Quart plastic bucket Code/276, Class/FLYAC OR FLYAF, 408/724.2 22 SAMPLING INFORMATION HRWR Linseed Oil Masonary Unit Mesh (Black) Mesh (Epoxy) Mesh (Wire) Mesh (Def.) Patch Material Rebar (Black) Rebar (Epoxy) Retarder Strand Water wr Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle Code/403, Class/HRWR, 408/ 711.3e Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle. Code/402, Class/ ASPALL, 408/503 8 blocks from different stacks Code/221, Class BLOCK, 408/713 1 sheet 36” by 36” or 2 sheets 18" by 36" Code/230, Class/BLACK, 408/ 709.3 1 sheet 36" by 36" or 2 sheets 18° by 36" Code/280, Class/EPOXY, 408/ 709.3a 1 wire approx. 72° Code/230, Class/WIRE, 408/ 709.3, 1 sheet 36" by 36" or 2 sheets 18" by 36” Code/235, Class/BLACK, EPOXY, WIRE, 408/ 709.3 This is not sampled Code/276, Class/PATCH 408/714 3 pieces 48 inches long from 3 different bars. Code/231, Class/ BLACK, 408/ 709.1 3 pieces 48 inches long from 3 different bars Code/231, Class/ EPOXY, 408/ 709.1 Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle. Code/403, class/ RE, 408/ 711.3 This is not sampled. Code/288, Class/STRAND, 408/ 1107.2 Test according to “AASHTO” M203, Pub 408, section 1107 .02(m)3.c, except the wire must meet only and 8 kip breaking strength. Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle. Code/ 420, Class WTRMIX, 408/ 720.1 Liquid, 30 oz plastic bottle. Code/ 408, Class/WR, 408/711.3e How to complete a Form TR-447: Fill blocks left to right except 408 Material code — From the list above Material Class ~ From the list above Date Collected — MMDDYYYY Contract Number ~ From EQMS State Project Number — From EQMS, except cost function itis always 9405 for sampling S Class ~ QR except cylinders for hardened air then use SR Supplier Code — Bulletin 15 code, or Bulletin 14 code, if available, or list supplier in the remarks 408 Year ~ Section ~ Year *00", “03”, or “07”, Section — from the list above. Tot Inc ~ Total increments Lot Number — Lot, Heat, Batch number etc. Lot size/Quantity ~ Number of reels, Number of pads, etc. QA Engr — Your initials Location Code ~ Bulletin 15 code ‘for the plant where the sample is collected, Place Collected — Plant location, Town and state ‘Sampled By ~ Your Name Phone Number ~ Plant inspection office phone number or your office phone number. Remarks — Describe material being sampled, anything not labeled above. (3) copies to the regional PENNDOT Engineer R-4218 (8-11) NOTICE OF APPROVAL AND SHIPMENT OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BRIDGE BEAMS All approvals and/or shipments of the Prestressed Beams must be identified with assigned number as shown on the approved shop drawing, date of manufacture, type of beam, (Box or I) dimensions (cross section & length) ‘Structure # Beam ‘Beam Mark Type —_| Date of Manufacture | Dimensions ncieoes Oe at — (ft in) Remarks and/or Waivers: NOTICE OF INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BEAMS OR FABRICATED STRUCTURAL STEEL Sy | SR [Sou] Ph [Sec] Om | Alot] OF | state project Number: 45 | pebiocne! (Bulletin 15) Code: Inspection Agency: Inspector Name: Signature: Date: Fabricated Structural Stee! Material Description Plan Quantity (Ib) Present Request (Ib) | Previous Approvals (Ib) Prestressed Concrete Beams ‘Material Deseription Plan Quantity (beams) | Present Request (beams)| Previous Approvals (beams) REMARKS: “TRa43 (8-11) QUALITY REPORT FRERICATORIOEATON [SUT REPORT ca aT SAE RRORCTS im see eau E ContracvPermit No: Date: Inspection Agency: Inspector: Product Type / No. Pieces: Material Type (check one ) TiPresiressed Precast CIRC Pipe SteovBricge C)SteevSign OSteelPole Timber Discrepancy Type (check one major heading and all sub-elements that apply 4) i Specitication violation QC violation C Product deviation Field identified concer Quality Control Process Materia! Construction Procedures Unapprovediuncertified technician LJ incorrect material used [Does not conform to drawing No QC on operation GINo certication for material Di not perform procedure (property) ‘Fabricated without inspection ‘Unapproved suppliersubcontractor 5] Welding out-ot-position Fother, ac Finished product out-ottolerance 5] Unqualified welder ‘Unstamped material shipped ‘Unapproved repairs performed deficient concrete strength D setety concern Bother, Material 1D Other, Construction Documentation Equipment Sampling/Testing DDecumentation missingiincomplete L] Incorrect type of equipment used Testing frequencies not followed D Unapproved drawing ‘DeEquipment not calibrated ‘D Appicabie test method not followed ‘D Unapproved WPS/Mix design DRequired equipment not used ‘Dothner, Sampiing/Testing other, Documentation ‘other, Equipment Description of discrepancy Company Disposition: (eheck one A) Rework Repair Use ‘asis' (Reject (1 Other (end product not affected) Explanation of disposition: Action taken to prevent recurrent problem: Company Representative Signature / Date: Disposition acceptable? : I (check it yes) Disposition resolved and completed? : Cl (check “it yes) Conditions of acceptance / other comments: PENNDOT or Inspector Signature / Dato ar PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FICLOUT COWPLETELY ‘rina tobe retained wth projec recor FOR (COG Diet Otho MATERIAL STORED OR ON HAND i Gedhaeit Suppor Reference: Pub. 408(408M), Section 110.06 SA, Sen ‘county District: Date Project No. Contractor: __ supplier: £ Storage Location: “4 On Site (Location) Vicinity of Project, (Location) 4 OFF Site (Location) _—_ (Reason) ‘Approval Section: “Attachments: Acproval Oisapproval A. Contractors Letter of Request Storage Location a a A. Invoices Conttication & Shipment, Section 108.086)... Materia Centtications ‘Storage of Material, Section 106.05 o a 4 CS-409 For Structural Steel or Prestreszed Beams Material identiiod & Set Apart a oa A. €8-4171 Certlicate of Compliance Inspected By: Signature Tae Date inspected Eaimated Tem ‘30% Tam Hem Amaunt Data of Contract Contract ‘Amount Ne Invoiced Useage Price Price Payable ‘otal Previously Requestes _ subtotal x 25% Currant Contract Amount ‘otal Payable: Approvals: Inspector-in-charge Date: Asst. Const, Engr /Nigt)§ 28 Ret (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR BARRIER 52” GLARE SCREEN FERENTOR aE Dim Description Tolerance Design | Prepour | Actual [Deviation ‘A_| Overall Height 1-3" [5 | Botiom wiath Hea | Reveal Height Hea | Sioped Vortioal aT | Slot Heignt Lost F_| Sloped Horlzontal Dinension ea (G_| Sloped Horizontal Dimension rao H_| Top wth ary 1 | Overall Longin TH por 10" of longth (12 Max) ‘J_| Location of Liting Hardware (symmetrical and + 47) K_| Sot Death Os at | Siot Location ta M_| Slot Width As shown on standard drawing ROS7 shest ofS N | Twist "14" per 10° of length (0 | Sweep (measured om centering) ta P| End Skow 3 If, With drainage slots, (Maximum = 1/4"/10ft) blook out or weep holes per drawing. Q yes CANO — Glare Screen: Check for twist . 1, With tranetion pleco por drawing .......C1 YES C1NO Approved Shop Drawing . Protective coating propery applied........ YES QLNO AC- Drawing... Reinforcement (size, grade, location) . Date of Casting Comments: Q Yes C1NO Property Repaired Date of Post-Pour Check TR-2 (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR BARRIER 34” & 41” MEDIAN SINGLE FACE y T or te a 4 ———— al i £ 3 Dim: Description Tolerance Design [ Prepour | Actual [Deviation ‘A_| Overall Height WET Tor 4" 41-9 tora B_| Bottom with ee C_| Reveal Height ae D_| Stoped Vertical Wea E_| Siot Height Ot F_| Sloped Horizontal Dimension ca ‘G_| Sloped Horizontal Dimension Weare H_| Top wiath re T_| Overall Length 7" per 10" of length (W/2" Max) _| Location of Liting Hardware (symmetrical and +4) K_| Siot Depth Tee T_| Siot Location aa M_| Slot Wicth ‘As shown on standard drawing RCST shest 3 of 5 N_| Location between Weepholes. ha ‘0 _| Minimum Pitch of Weepholes: v P| Verical Location of Weephoies ace | Twist 4" per 10° of engin R_| Sweep (measured irom conterine) aa" 'S_| End Skew ie" 1, With drainage siots, block out or weep holes per drawing (4 YES C1 NO Approved Shop Drawing ves No 11, With transition piece per drawing Yes C1 NO RC-Drawing ves No Protective coating property applied (4 YES LJ NO Properly Repaired J ves LJ NO Reinforcement (size, grade, location) Q yes No Date of Casting: ‘Comments TRS (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR BARRIER 34” MEDIAN DOUBLE FACE ee Pig [oe J | ' i | I | 1 i I i_|\ 1 \ TYPICAL ELEVATi rae Dim Description Tolerance Design | Propour | Actual_| Deviation ‘A_| Overall Height ea B_| Bottom Wiath eae ‘C_| Reveal Height Ea 1D_| Sloped Verical Dimension sha E_| Slot Height =o F_| Sloped Horizontal Dimension hae ‘G_| ‘Sloped Horizontal Dimension Ua Hop With +a 1 | Overall Length “74" par 10" of length 12" Max) J | Location of Lifting Hardware “symmetrical and +- 4) K_| Slot Depth + Vat L_| Slot Location sha M_| Slot Width As shown on standard drawing ROST sheet S ofS N_| Twist 174" per 10" of length (0. | ‘Sweep (moasured tar contortng)| ha P_| End Skew +308 1, With drainage slots, lock out or weep holes per drawing TINO Approved Shop Drawing . -.Qyes QNo 1, With transition pieos per érawing .. CANO AC-Drawing. 0... Dyes Ono Protective coating property applied... CANO Property Repaired. .....s.sscecceesse EYES CANO Reinforcement (size, grade, location)... no Date of Casting Comments: Date of Post-Pour Check 31 ees (12-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR JJ-HOOK BARRIER ‘center OF seinen! SB plastic inseRT e t TYPICAL END VIEW TYPICAL ELEVATION VIEW Dim Description Tolerance Design| Prepour | Actual | Deviation -A_| Overal Height ae B_| Boron with 2 C_| Reveal Height = | Sloped Verbal Dimension ee r E_[ Stoped Horizontal Dimension = F_| Stoped Horizontal Dnonsion Bie | Top Wein e H_ Overal Length Too) aa 1 1 [ Overal Length (Bator) a 7 I | Pastis nservLocaton aa Tae K_ | Set Dap aa = T_| Sit Location eT ae M_[ Slot wih as Tier [wet per 10 of ong A (0 [ Sweep pressured Fo crtring) a = P_| Drain Siot Height ar = G_| Mama Drain Sor WaT vee a F_[ Oran Sor Hegre ee 3 S_ | Hook Protasion ae Tae, TI Hook Location aa 1 Markings property applied? YES UNO Hookwosing propery apied? (a yes Q No Protective coating property applied? YES NO Approved Shop Drawing ves No Riniorcomont (sie, grade, locaton) (YES UNO RC Drawing? ves No Dato of Casting Dato of Post- Pour Chock Comment: NOTES: Jlrancas ae el cumulative, Total irene fo) (82 hel el exc * Coverage of primary steel ronioreng +f 34" (13ewn} from Gesign with minimum 138" (SB) coverage rom the outside wall 32 TR (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR MANHOLES f——)_| i iN k a yf Woh rh 4 [Dim] —Brecription | —Totorance [Design | Prepour [Actual [Deviation] | Hatta anda ectons Wax, varton Wom O08 Sa toitoother 3 | Bese Sem reese Levees of boton w winn TE Swat tiiness D_ [Top ot ane carer E_[ Topo cone wa oes | Top of cone inside caret (afaion 7 Tax) | Base sab fang wih A [eae sa camer 1 | Bianeter of mamale I [ Openings a: ascsion ot menaiocurer | ie Lecaon ee [Access opening baraion 3 ran] a TM_[ Aeneas oping sation ee | top mines ary [Tongue cap a P| Rt op cameior ara Base section marked fr maximum alowaoie cepth YES UNO Approved Shop Drawing ves Uno Looatons (with regard to joints, base RC-Drawing yes Ono botiom, and proximity io ather openings)... YES ONO propery Repaired ve ves G No Feinlocement (626, rade, locaton) yes no Date o Casing Date of Post Pour Cheek: Comments: 186 (8-11) RC 46M DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET BASE TAT Ene REO pe oT in SECTION A-A Description Prepour | Actual | Deviation Terai Wish Dim A = C_[ ema wah [Bern arena E_[ Wal Thaknese Shae F_[ Base Thickness Ea G_| Seat Opening Tt_| Loaaton of Opening EE He_| Location of Opening ae Ti_[ Location of Comar Penetration arg 2 [ Location af Comer Penetration ee Irrequied, are iting devices) ether Weldod Cages: Was approved WPS flowed? galvanized or plastic YES TNO Wales acceptable? «eos. Gives No Pipe block out within walls Wore kayways provided accor {8%4,boxallowed 1" penetration ino wal)... YES NO ne standard? ves Ono 4 inirum above comer paneraton? ......Q) YES TNO Approved Shop Drawing ves Ono Maximum allowable depth marked onpisce? .. YES LL NO AC- Drawing sesseeseeseneeseecdEl YES: ONO Reinforcement size. grade locaton) YES [NO epaited Propeny ves Ono Date of Casting: Comments: _ 34 TRe7 (10-11) RC 46M - DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET RISER a a a cS aE oT g T j ———] \a al ASS B D 1 i ——; as Plan View Section A-A [Dim] Description | Tolerance Design | Prepaur | Aetual = | tenain ae =e 8 | wan Ba 5 © | teneral waar ee Perey b | penn me = [Wal Thomess 1 required are ting devices}ether gatvazed or plastic? Uyves Ono GNA Manniole Steps Are they required and the corecl ype? Gives Uno Ona Gyes no ONA -Gyves Ono GNA -Uyes Uno OWA Weepholes - Are they installed according to General Note 1 in RC 46M? Reinforcement (size, grade, location)”. Maximum allowable depth marked on piece. . Wiekded Cages: Was approved WPS iolowed? Wels acoepiable? 3 ves no INA ‘Wlere keyways provided according ta RC Standard? Gives Uno NA ‘Approved Shop Drawing? Gives Gino Na AC Drawing? yes LINO INA Properly Repirea? yes Gino LiNA Date of Casting Date of Post-Pour Check Comments: 35 Tre (12-41) RC 46M DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET TOP OR TRANSITIONAL SLAB E Bie — = a am ay el | a | Fr SECTION A-A k Saale were t x 1 Seencemmenrmane PLAN VIEW Oi Description Torerance Design| Prepour [Actual [Deviation a [tena EESTI Swath ECS | Stab Tekan wae [Opening cena Sea 3 = [opaning wan Sa Soe F [Location of si wee required, are iting cevice(s) ether ‘galvanized or plastic. Additional “S2" reinforcement bar ‘around opening?: Reinforcement (size, grads, location) Welded Cages: Was approved WPS followed? Date of Casting Comments: yes Uno Ona yes LINO UNA yes Uno Na Gyes No GNA Welds acceptable? Were keyways provided according to RC Standard? [Approved Shop Drawing RC - Drawing Repaired Properly. Date of Post-Pour Check 368 Gyes Uno UNA yes LINO UNA yes Uno Na .-Giyes Ono OWA yes Uno UNA TR9 (10-11) RC 45M - DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET TOP TYPE D-H PRCA RANE FT NTO oe SAE PRORGT ae ree EON = fe ™ : “ . = ' = ——7 ” “ to n i ; : 4 a — " 6 ” Plan View Section A-A Section B-B Dim Description Tolerance Design _| Prepour | Actual] Deviation ‘A_[ Exarrat engin Wee iim TAT_| Length (rom baderortvo bend pon aeala 3512 6 _| External width Ea az ‘G__| internal Length (rare) erties ww 1_| Internat Length rbactont walle Bend poi] eae 2658" D_[ intemal wath (rae) a El ET_[ interna Length a we 2_| tomar Wath vee 26 F1_| Weilthickness (backront wea 378 F2_[ Wall thickness (840) a e Gt | Dent (back wall eetlae cl G2_| Depth ront wath wea 1 T_| Frame Seat wth & Tong ae ne [Frame Seat (depihy ee Be | Frame Length (backitorto bend par aetia 2518 Hrequited, are iting devices) Reinforcement site. grace, locaton)... YES. QNO LANA Cee eaee cetnaes? AYES CANO chia, Mitttansolcelengt of 1einches? .CLYES NO OINA Tobia Een cnet nl th Welded Cages: Was approved rotectve coat apple WPS followed and welds acceptable? LIVES ONO LANA as per Sect 7148(0) of Pi within 1 1/2" of top? Ges Ono Ona RC Drawing? Oves Ono Ona Properly Repaired? Uyes Gno UNA Date of Casting Comments: Date of Post-Pour Check: R10 G11) RC 45M DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET TOP D-H LEVEL ETE FTES SEE a $s rns 5 FA es + “ yo | ate | ‘ pli | 2 | — 4 | ; BE 2 é SECTION AA Puan view Di eae ae, ia Pee | Aaa oman 7 Sana angi eae a 3 [Exemat wien eur ae | rat era ae) seu wie > [irra Wah ear sae F 1 [ ierraLergh seu Bre = [eral ar saa a 7 [War Tose Ceo oa ae 5 wach a) sae ¥ © | beath 7 TT Fame Seat a Borg Tie [rae Seat opr Tie Hrequired, are Iiting device(s) ether Minimum splice length of 16 inches:.. YES LINO LN galvanized or plaste: Gives TINO CNA Weide Cages: Was approved rames exposed ancigawvanized:....TIYES TINO TIWA ws foioyac? Wales accopsable? ...Q) YES CIN Minis Protective coating pronesty apaied as per Sect 714.81) of Pub. 408:..... YES TINO CNA —Apmroved Shop Drawing (ves ino Lina tapered, botom dimension RC- Drawing ves No Tawa sensi Wf a Ges Ino OWA repaired Property... ~ Gves Ono Owa Feinforoemert (size, grade, location): . es Lino Liwa Date of Post-Pour Check: —_ Reid (10-13) RC 45M - DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET TOP TYPE C & C ALTERNATE RSRCROR NATE roa Panton Eo STATE PRORCTE se See SOON F 1 -R r =i “ ” te ot! fF + ea tet | <> ” . ” = i & Plan View ‘Section A-A. Section B-B View C Dim Description Toreranes Design| Prepour | Actual | Deviation ”A_|[ Exieral Cengih Te S718 | Extemal Wain a Boe ‘C—[ internal Length (ame) Ice ee 1D enal Wat (rame) a 2r ET_| intemal Lengih Dimension ae Bie 2 [ intemal ath Dimension are Bar Fi_[ Wal Trigkness (ron! & S353) a 5 F2_| Wall Thickness (oack) we ae ‘Gi_| Bepih ron ae ia ‘G2_| Death foack) a Die {G3_| Depth gutter ina) ae Tz (many F_[-ofing eye Locator aa 1 | Frame Seat with & oagm) Ta cai “| Frame Seat (epi) a Zi Ta Top of Curb a r Tit Location of char Slots vom back) ae TIE UBD 12 | Looation of Andhor Slats (rom baat) Te = N3| Location of Anchor Slats (rom back) aI 5 ‘0 | Fan Dimension (rom top & potion) IY = ‘OT Pan Dimension (rom top & bottom) aT = ‘G2 | Pan Dimension (botom of guten) a ae [Location of Pan (rom sides) ae Tie | Pan Dimension (outsiGe) wi Tie 2 | Pan Dimension grate podeoTa) Te r F3_[ Pan Dimension (inside) EI Toe I required, are iting devie(s) ‘either galvanized cr paste? YES LINO Minimum spice length of 16 inches? ves Uno Frames exposed and galvanized? C1 YES LINO Welded Cages: Was approved rdlsotive ay Hhsly ail WPS folowed ana welds acceptable? yes Lino 88 per Sect 714.8) of PUB 208? C1 YES LINO Approved Shop Drawing?, -A Yes No Ii 1apered, is bottom cimension RC Drawing? a ves No within 1 172" oop? sissesesessEd YES INO Propetty Repaired?..... G yes Gino Reinforcement proper ype size, grate, ocaton)...) YES JNO Date of Casing Date of Pst Pour Check Comments: 39 TR12 (8-11) RC 45M DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET TOP TYPE M [PLANT 108 1: ECs a (ress ere SEC: EOUNTY g | et [ r 4. s | eth 3 7 | b = A Dia Desaipion “alerance Design| Prepout [hua [Deviation 7 Enero oar aie 3 Earl aih a = [Fiera Lorik (rare) a a [rier Trae) sa Er [ real Onenson (ena sea Ez ror Berenson (wth sa = [war Tramess a | Bor sa 7 ofing Ep Lacan rere Toa TT [Frame Sear wire erry am [Fae Seat ony sa I required, ar iting device.) elther Ggahanized or plaste: Uves No ONA Frames exposed and gakvanized:,.... YES LINO DNA Protective coating property applied fas per Sect 71480) of Pub. 408:,.... YES CANO ON Itapered. is bottom simension within 1%" of top: Uves No ONA Reinforcement (6ze, grade, locaton): IVES LINO CANA Date of Casting: Comments: —_ Minimum splice length of 16 inches: Welded Cages: Was approvect IPS follows” Welds acceprable? Approved Shop Drawing Re - Drawing Repaired Propaty. Date of Post-Pour Check: (yes No QNA ves Gino GNa Oyes Qno GNA Qves No GNA (yes Gino CNA TRaA3 (10-11) RC 45M - DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST INLET TOP TYPE S FRSRCATOR WANE ao FONT Se aI STATE PROT a fo Soon = 0 z ” 5 a t eetus it mn) | i * . a s ACA ” Plan View Plan View Dim Description Tolerance | Design | Prepour | Actual | Deviation A_|Exemaltenaih Ea 5714" &_ | Beemer with ee oe | intemal Lenath trame) a aa D_[ intemal Width frame) ae or Er_[ Internal Dimension (enath) ae ae E2_| intemal Dimension (wongih) em a F_[ Wal Thickness we e Gi_| Be (back) ae [22 [Benin tron 13" 3_| Depih (gutter Ine) i (mind H_[titing Eve Location 1 _| Frame Seat wicth & lenath ie T_[ Frame Seat ent) ae K_[ Ralot detalls por RG Sids or appr shop drawings required, ae iting device(s) cithor galvanized o plastic? CAVES GLNO GINA Minimum splice length of 18inches? YES INO CANA Frames exposed and galvanized? ... YES JNO LIN/A Welded Gages: Wes approved re Protwailte doallg prtperlyappled WPS folowed and welds acceptable? AYES C1NO CIN/A 8 per Sect 714.8(0) of PUB 4087 ..,LYYES NO LJN/A Approved Shop Orawing?, yes Uno UNA I tapered. is bottom dimension RC Drawing?, Gyes Ono OWA within 1 12" of rap? YES LINO CINA property Repaired? Gives Gno Ga Reinircerert peserypue oxi. .IYES NO LNA Date of Casting: Comments: at Date of Post-Pour Check TR-14 (3-12) RC-81M DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST LIGHT DUTY JUNCTION BOX JB1/JB2 FRBRICRTOR NAVE FORA TER FART OB: rose TATE ROWE i Bee SOOT G Sos Fun Dim Description Tolerance Design | Prepour | Actual | Deviation [Cena Eau B_[Wwieth We __[ntemal Dimension Eau D_| Wal Thickness aa E | Hole Location Ea Fight (Wax. varalion rom one F | side tothe other: 44") eee &_[ Dest of Anglo a Frame Knockouts As Indicated (DYES LY NO Approved Shop Drawing Yes No Elactial round per drawing (YES [NO RC- Drawing (Yes no Reinforcement (size, grade, location) J YES [J NO Repaired Property JQ Yes 11 NO Date of Casting Date of Post-Pour Check: Comments: 42 TRS (3-12) RC-82M - DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION BOX JB11/JB12 i 4S Section A-A se — a eee a Electrical Ground Per Drawing Gyves no QNA Reinforcement (size, grade, location) ives No JNA RC Drawing. nee Qves DNo ONA Properly Repaired ie Gives Ono DNA Date of Casting Comments: 43 Date of Post-Pour Check: R16 (S11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST “D” ENDWALL SRCT ORE Foam THER Fanta ene SERGE ae ee [poo r = FRONT VIEW Dine Description A_[ cong of wall [Basa Flange Wah T_[ wall Thekness ° Design _| Prepour | Acwal | Deviation Base Thickness Levelness of Bottom to ba witin 1/2) Fook Size at dsoretion fot manufacture Tacaiion of OpSnINGS _ | Natition from ane exige to another (of Centerline {rom see sei" ‘one to another) [Wall Height eae ‘Overall Height H._| Variation trom one edge 85° = Hf 18" tothe other ‘Block out betweon 2 and 4°» pipe 0.0... YES TNO AC- Drawing ves Ono Reiniorcement (size, grade, lacaion) (YES NO Repaired Property O ves ONO ‘Approved Shop Drawing ves No Date of Casing: —= Dale of Post-Pour Check__ 4 TReA7 (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST D-E ENDWALL a [SATE PROET ee EE [eau ie Din Description Tolerance Design | Prepour | Actual _| Deviation A | Length of Low Wait Length of High Wall Base Flange wiath Wall Thickness: [Base Thickness [everest ol Satan bbe wtin V2) m|olo}e@ ale Size at dsoration of manufacturer Location of Openings - Variation from one edge to another (ol Centerline rom one to another) © | wal Heian (Overal Heigrt Variation from one edge tothe other Block between 2" and 4"> pipe O.D. Reintorcoment (siz, grade, location) ‘Approved Shop Drawing .. ees RC Drawing. . ide Properly Repaired aanie sas Date ot Casting ‘Comments: (ves No LNA (ves No GNA Gyves Qno ON Uyes Ono UNA (VES NO LNA Date of Post-Pour Check 45 Tris (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST DW ENDWALL Pantone eae SAE PROT ae ee coms cs ” Mh Dim Deseription Tolerance Design| Prepour | Actual | Deviation ‘A_| Length of Back Wall Ee B_| Base Flange Width ae C_| Wal Thickness: ae | Base Thickness (Leveiness of oe Bottom tobe within 1/2") Wing Wal Length | aviation in length from one wall tothe other: 112" F_[ Dimension betwoon Wing walle | _<35 =¥h 1 36) Tap of Wing Wall to Top of Back | Wall Variation, (Right wall WAI atte to Lett wal) Face of Wing Wal Height 1] Overal Height ~y File s206 at of manuiacturer Tocation of Openings Variation from one edge to 7 | another (of Center-ine rom one we tothe other) max. Si Block out between 2" and 4">pipe 0.0:......) YES NO RC- Drawing ves Q No Reinforcement (size, grace, location) DYES NO Repaired Property ves Q No ‘Approved Shop Drawing Q ves Q No Date of Casting Date of Post Pour Check: Comments: 48 TRe19 (10-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST E-S ENDWALL UNTIOoe——eause REPT ES ca ERT E \ ree iae t = 114. iy {\ | >| m | ‘ +—} t oF Tl — = — hs L 1 . Plan View ~— View A-A Dim Description: nee. ‘Retual | Deviation 1 | Lento Each on ene 3 | Base Fange Width ae | Wall Thickness Ve 1D [Base Thickness tnenen cltowmiotennn T= vee E_ [ote Sizes | tesaton of Openings - Variation rom one edge rr another (of Cantatine fom one to another) sha &_ [Wal Heh cay <6" = a 1 [overanHeignt See Block between 2 and 4"> pipe O.D. dyes UNo GNA Reiniorcement eze, rade, locaton) ves UNo INA ‘Approved Shop Drawing ves Uno Oma RC Drawing ves No GMa Propery Repaired ves Uno Oa Date of Casting: Comments: Date of Post-Pour Check: 47 TR-20 (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST SUBSURFACE DRAIN OUTLET ENDWALL SECTION A-A isa | tir OR TUhNGUS rT Paint tie <— = Protruding Bars Properly Coated: Yes NO AC-Drawing O ves No Reinforcement (size, grade, location) DYES TNO Repaired Property Gives Ono Approved Shop Drawing . . yes 2) No Date of Casting Comments: Date of Post Pour Check: ‘TRe24 (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST SOUND BARRIER Precast Sound Barrier Post Precast Sound Barrier Panel Dim Description Tolerance Design | Prepour | Actual | Deviation 3) Posts A] Length V4" per 10" n length (@/4" max) 8 | Depth Waa | wath aaa 1D_| Sot Height (inside) 8%, 178 E_| Stot Height (outside) (a 78 E | web Thickness 41a G_[ sor depin re ‘Out of Flatness Longs 10 8 feet 18 Lengts over 8 feet va 2) Panels. A] Heiont wa 5 | Lengin a C_| Panel end to iting hareware (Symmetrical and 44°) 1D | Thickness (General 4 “Thickness (at outer *) +18 | Bexcer wath Par ‘Out of Flatness Lengths 198 feet 176 Lengths over 8 feet a Architectural finish(es) meet sample panel:.......IYES LINO RC - Drawing sos “tyes LINO Reinforcement (size, rade, loation) [ayes 1No Repaired Properly layes LINO ‘Approved Shop Drawing (yes No Date of Casting ‘Comments: 49 Date of Post-Pour Check: TR-22 (10-41) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE FADRIGATOR NAME FORWTD: PLANT JOB eae SATE PROROT# ae BEG (coUNT: = fe A w = eB a a eee eal Coes 1, , Concrete Pipe TYPE... eevee eeeeeeeseeeees (Circular or I Etiptical Properly Repaired : 3 wocselde ss Cuannannas cso UVES. ChNG? China Manutacture Date Date of Post-Pour Check: Quantity | _DIAD DIAL Paid | Wall Thick Steel (inch) 2/Linear Foot Made [pi (inch) | Li(inch) | Marking | (W)inch [inner Cage] Required [Outer Cage| Required Comments and/or Waivers: 50 R23 (8-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRESTRESSED ADJACENT BOX BEAMS. CRETE a Tee [ome Deserption Tolerance: Design | Prepour | Aetal | Deviation aang S12 [wah arta [Heit ae a D~[Vertcal amber Tapa 5

HOTT] =| Bearing Arca Fairs rae [inser Piacerent aH A Sip Projector a [Done oles aie a SE are Se Cracks or Spa Tincotaneaus “Ton Sab inh ee icewal TheaTes ae 1 Tocation of Stand ee Daboraing o Sand Skew of Bam End Tae SRT Gear AGH Batter of Beam ne eeuicie aeameien Satay Post Loomion Parapet Prgectons ar Horizontal Fonn Misalignment Er Pontive Marrent Steel Locator Markos end Markos ena Marked End Unmarked End Unmarked Enso Tmarked ENSC Thmarked Eng Reinforcement (size, grade, locatkon) Dives ONO AC- Drawing Qyes Ono Approved Shop Orawing: D1 ves [2 NO Repaired Property Q yes Ono Date of Casing: (ate of Post. Pour Chock c= Comments at ‘TR-24 (8-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRESTRESSED SPREAD BOX BEAMS DAP DETAIL Presse Mare Dim [Description TToterance Length Te Wan ew Height Se Verical Camber Torso 50%, < Tare Horizontal Camber Up 10 40.174, 40" SIE > eo:12" Toanng Area Flaneee ae Insert Placement ae Stirrup Projection EK Dowel Holes ie Tie Fod Holes ae ‘Out Of Square Se Cracks Or Spall Miscellaneous Top Slab (in) rie Sicewalls Thickness (ny 385-7 Localion of Stand =e Deooncing of Strand ‘Skew ol beam end ie Batter of beam end TE SIE AB" Beam Heit “+ 5/6" >48" Beam Height Safely Post iocalion Parapet protections S2) OES Horizontal form misalignment eae Posiive moment stee location Bearing Area with Daps | Tolerance Design | Prepour Marked End A a Macked Ena 6 Te Marked End.0 Te Marked End D Te ‘Unmarked End A ae Unmarked End & Te Unmarked End C Te Unmarked End D 7 Fiiorcement (aie, grade, localon Date of Casing [Approved Shop Drawing: Date of Post-Pour Check AG — Drawing Properly Repaired: Flanvarks and/or Waivers 52 TRIS (10-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRESTRESSED I-BEAM A jescription, Terence, Tag SE ‘Wath Tog Fly eae" 7 jt Boriom Fla am a wt 36 1 Height Bear Hea Hoght-Top Fa a Haight Bottom Fay aT ee ET perio ‘erica Chamber ST 50%, ST Beating Area Fates Sea Pate Location. at irup Proctor ara imup Coating Condon rand Cover Missalanoous Location of San Denonding of Stand kaw ol Bear End SE ae ean Hea Bator of Boam End pee tit aTey POS Location oid Down Locatan a ovizontal Form Nisalgrinart Seae ‘Cracks Spas ostve Movement Sil Location ing Area = repour_|~Actual | Bevialion Wakes End A Waikas End Wakes Eno Wakes End 0 Drmarted Eng Damarod End. marked End Tamarios EdD. eileen (te grade, oat)... (yes Qno ONA Approved Shop Drouin (ves Qno Na FC Owing ves Gxo Ona Propery Repared ves Gno Ona Date of Casting: Date of Post-Pow Check: (Comments andor Waivers: 1R26 (8.13) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRECAST NEXT BEAM FRET Far Ee Ra TOne: EST SRERROnTe ae eS Some = DAP DETAIL Dim Description Tolerance Design _| Prepour | Actual Deviation ‘Ai_| Deni Stem & Filets ea A2_[ Dept = Siem & Filets ea | Thidess Top Range Tee | Depth Overall ar D_[ Wish Flanges qe =] | Wah Siem ee Ez | Wah Siem eae Lengih See ‘Stinup bars (onaitudinal) G_| Genter canter of bearings ar Cantavine Gearing fo beam and EG Siem papendicularty 18 per verial oot Distance between sieme ae Exposed Beam Ends -cevialion horizorval= 1/4 from squaraidesigrated skew ver 2178" per 1h mak Ve" Deviations af ands (var bata) Ey Dabonding of stand Per Drawing sere =z Naik end = 176 oo Bearing Araa Flatness, NonMarkend= 16" oo Siiup Bars (projection) FET] aie ee Cabana dco Poalive Moment Steal Lacaiton H_| Horizontal alignment (swoop) = 118" Per 107 Horizontal Form MBalignment ane Lovalion of Sand =a Pasion pasi-lensonang aut =a {ete ee | ae Projection fram end af beam ry (racks or Spails 54 TA-26 (continued next page) TR-26 (continued) Bearing Area with Daps: Tolerance Wake End Nearsice A Ea Marked End Nearsige B ee Warked End Farside A Marked End Farside B Unsrarked End Nearsise A Unmarked End Nearsive 8 Unmarked End FarsidaA Unmarked End Faraida 8 Tee Reinforcement (size, grade, lacation) [DYES LA NO Chamfers ground and seated (yes U1 No Approved Shop Drawing Yes NO Repaired Property ves No Date of Casting, at of Poste Pur Ch Comments: 55 78-27 (8-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PRESTRESSED NEXT BEAMS DAP DETAIL Din Dimensions Tolerance: Desi Prepour_]|_Actual | Deviation ‘At_| Depih- Stem & Fillets A2_| Depth Siem & Filets | Thickness Top Flange _ [Depth Overal D_[ Wath ~ Flanges: Ei] Wath — Siem Ee | width Siem F [Length Centr to contr of bearings Centarine-bearing fo bear end ‘Stor perpencicuariy "1 por vertical Toot Distance between stems a enone Exposed Beam Ends - Square ver a8 42 Tresor Ee Wareend = 16 Bearing Area Flainass oie t = ine ‘Siitup bars (projection) ra al ‘Stimup bars (longitucinal) SNE ee T_| Honzontal aigament Horizontal Form Misalignment TLosation of Strand) Postion - postiensioning duct Longitudinal position ofifiers T_| Camber aiferonta (adjacent) ATE Positive Moment Steel Location PEG rejection rom end of beam ae Cracks or Spall TR-27 (continued on next page) 56 TR-27 (continued) Proce Wark Bearing Area with D: Tolerance: Marked End A ie Wake End =e Marked End =e Marked Ena D =r Unmarked End A =e Unmarked End & =r Unmarked End © Ee Unmarked End D Se Dale of Casting einforoement (size, grade, location). Date of Post-Paur Check ‘Approved Shop Drawing Property Repaired ‘Ghamfers ground and sealed ‘Romarks Andior Waves: Pumbness Pro: Post a7 R28 (3-12) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR BOX CULVERT PNT a SIRTEPRORST ae REE eo F A at lo ee wel 7 FEL © cr] ce 8 Dim Description Tolerance Design | Prepour | Actual | Deviation TAI_[Lengih Right Side TIFT of Length (172 Max) A2_ [Length = Miocle TIFT of Longin (172 Max) A3_ [Length - Left Side TWSIFT of Length (172 Max) Bi _|Wiaih- Outside 2 [Wien inside was (Max) Gi [Height Outside 2 [Height Inside Wise Max) Di [Wall Thickness: Natless than - a D2 | Wall Thickness: ‘Notiess than - aie E_| Top SlabThiciness ‘Notiese than 3/16" F_[Baso SlabTricknoss Notloss than = a718" _[Hauneh v4 H_| Weep Holes we 7 [Weld Plates Kinser T_ [Post Tension Duct 7 T_[ Length of Opposite Surfaces | U87FT of niemal Span (5 Max) [eternal Diagonal W156 (0 Max) Protective coaling propery applied... yes UNO LNA Reinforcement (size, grade, location) Gves No UWA Approved Shop Drawing (aves No OWA RC Drawing «yes Ono OWA Properly Repaired Gyes Jno ON Date of Casting Comments: Dale of Post-Four Check 58 R29 (8-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR MSE WALL PANELS FDC ORNANE Fone Section A-A, ff Dim Description ‘Tolerance: Design_| Prepour | Actual_| Deviation ‘A_| Tricknoes a | win ae C_| Height Pay D_[ Wing to Comer aa Reinforcement (size, arade, cation) JLYES KLNO Grout Leaks . Ges NO Ton Finish = DYES NO Exposed Rebar Q ves ONO Botiom Finish -DLYES TNO Exposed Chairs .. Oves Ono Surface Texture FD YES NO Openings /Block-outs ves ONO Cracks !Splls -fQYES NO 1/8" alignment fr cevis loop O ves ONO Squareness LD YES LLNO Approved Shop Drawing O ves Ono Chamters (DYES NO AC- Drawing Q Yes Q.No Honeycomb LOVES LNO Repaired Properly O ves Ono Baboon ‘Gommenis = eatin =, R30 (8-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR PARAPET BARRIER ANT OR [EIS SRTEPRORGTE se Ea co ce ‘TYPICAL END VIEW _ iF TYPICAL ELEVATION [Dim[ Dimensions] Tolerance, Design| Prepour | Actual | Deviation -A_| Overal Rei =e | Bottom wieth 21a" C_| Knockout Boum width Sie D_| Knockout Top Wiaih =e E | noekout Dapth Tet F_[ Top Wieth zie Tr_| Top Length TAT per 10" oflongih (vie Max) 72_| Bottom Leng WA per 10" oflengih (12 Max) | Location of Lifting Hardware (symmetical and + 4) [twist 1" per 10" oftenaih Yer Praiactive ooaling properly applied Reinforcement (size, grace) Projection Top Location: Prdjection Bolom Location: (Wanimarn = 147 101) Glare Screen: Check For wast Date OF Casing “Approved Shop Drawing Date OF Past-Pour Check AG - Drawing Properly Repaired Remarks Tea DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR T-WALL zaay a oa za = fea a a faitoans a cg sapere areca « [ih Soa | Reinforcement as por Design Clearance fo Stem. Clearance to Face. Clearance to Haunch. ‘Agproved Shop Drawing Properly Repaired Date of Casting: ‘Comments: yes - Yes Date of Post-Pour Check: 61 Qyes Lives ves yes no GNA No ONA Gano NA Uno ONA ano UNA Gano ON R32 (6-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR DURA-HOLD UNITS ERCNORNATE FoR PUNT SOBO——]ESnS | Tare PRORET = ie REE ea r Applies to: Standard Unit Coping Unit Fight Comer Coping Unit GF Lott comer Coping Unit Hat nie Hatt Unit Coping Unit Applies to: CF Te-Back Unit i Romcarerunt A Left Comer Unit i im eription folerance | Design | Prepour | Actual | Deviation ‘A_| Overall Longin a | Overairwih er C[ Biosk Height ae 1D__[ bongitusinal Tongue Wah wie = | Longiucinel Tongue Distance a EE F [Tongue Height a z | Longiusinal Groove WaT Te = Ti Longivanal Groove Distance a ri 1 | Congtucinal Groove Height ae z I [engiusinalTangue Leng ee K[ Transverse Tongue With Te = [Left Transverse Tongue DTane® 8 M_[ Right Transverse Tongue Distance er | Transverse Grocwe Width ae = (O- [ et Transverse Groove Dislance Te P_[ ight Transverse Groove Distance I [oc [eanr tongue tong aw T_[ Deviaton From Sauare Nong Base Diagonal Ee F Markings Properly Applied 2 ives GINO UNA Architectural Grooves Properly Sized and Spas Gyves no Na Proper Concrete Color Applied Gyves Ono Ona Reinforcoment (size, grade, locaton) ......c..s.seeereesseeseseeceeee Gyes Ono Ona ‘Approved Shop Oraning Gives no ONa Properly Repaied vives Ono Ona Date of Casting Comments: Date of Past Pour Check 62 R33 (10-21) SUPER SLAB DIMENSIONAL REVIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW. Connection Components (SAEED Bedding Grout Not to Scale $e. Distribution PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW. Connection Components Bedding Grout Not to Scale Distribution g a 5 5 I * Phen Bs of HB) SE ro ob » somos tye BESEEE ‘TR-33 (continued next page) 63 TR-23 (continued) Description Tolerance | Design | Prepour ‘Actual Deviation With anor Lonath ‘Slab Diagonal (Square) A-D Foim Depth (Slab Thickness) Tilting nse Number 1, 23,4 {iting insert Number 1, 2,3, 4 Dowal or Bedding Grout Pons Dowel or Bedding Grout Ports Cont Slots Dimension BD ‘Dowel Embadment Laval A-C ‘WF Connection Dowel Projection FF Ganneation Pat Racase Connaetion Type 1x1" Chamter along all bottom edges {'x1°Chamtr along all dowel sits Blank edges per drawing detail Reinforcement Top Clearance 2 ¥". Reinforcement Bottom Giearance 2 Reinforcement Bottom Clearance 3" Our (ves ves Gives ves ves ves Orr no no Gino no no no Comments: Comments: Comment: Comments: Comments: Comments: 64 e349 (821) INVERSET DIMENSIONAL REVIEW SHEET SRCROTTE ron TEE aC RIE ERTS OE RE] con PARAPET LOCATION = (> W VARIES Nile ry Proper Angle (6) | (8) SLOPE > \ (along he West side) Center to center of bearings OUTLINE FL r NORTH END SOUTH END BACKWALL BACKWALL ne wears votive 14 DIST 414 Dist hus ist bya pst + | -CICBRNG — 4 |___ inverse Toran LeNcTH @) ——+ Dim Description Tolerance Design] Propow | Actual | Deviation Deck oval eng ; 41 | along tho East side) Sa Te Beck overall engir “ane Dak Top Wich (North End Backwall-East) eral Hah North End Backwall: Wee 7a : 18 | (South Ens Backwall East) ps vera Height ; M4 | (south Ens Backwall Was aw 65 TR-34 (continued on next page) TR-34 (continued) Dim Description Tolerance Design | Prepour | Actual | Deviation ar | DBtaNEEBaioon FBeam North Ena Distance betwen FBERTT 22 | (south End [oexk dagonm ae I TREIaSe iz 7" | (average on East side) ua oat Thcknse 5 7? | average on West sido) 10% Dati Foraanial Sweep (weasvied 7 trom conarete decking coterie) se Wailea anear ; CE | midapan at Eat so) arse Vartea! Cambor CW idsan at West sco sma tBoam Camber (East se pretoad) FBeam Camber (Wiest sie, proes) ange iting (Ean 80 beam, prooad) [Range ting (Westside beam, prosoad) [Book Sope (at Units mespany TEx P| Parapat Hoght i 1 | Parana wah F_] Nort Backwvat Thannass F2_| South Backwal Thekross we North Backwall End Bator see 1 Roth Backwal Enc Planar Sra Proper Angle to Deck (West) a South Backwal End Batlor oe ch Baska En = Planar Suge sw Propor Angle to Dak (East 8) ae Joint (sz, locaton) [DYES UNO Proce coaing propery applied Yes U1 No Haunches (size, ocaton) 2 Yes NO Reinorcomant size, grade, locaton) yes Q No Lit Hos (62, location) DYES 1 NO Approved Shop Drawing G ves Q No Backwats soa plates (20, laeaion).......1 YES NO. Chamfors ground and sealed G ves Q No Inserts, Studs ype, size, lean) 1 YES [NO Repuited Prope QQ ves Ono Date of Casting, Comments: Date of Post-Pour Check 66 135 (8-11) DIMENSIONAL REVIEW FOR CON/SPAN ARCH STRUCTURE FETT FoR EF ane ene i POET ae =e cane & i= See fol y come puvanioy = - pero om Desarpton Tareranse Design| Propeur | Aetual[ Baviaton 7 [San ae = [hee ca [sae Flay sa 3 [war Tetra se = [Siar Tress Fon ay Longin War] oa # [tay cena Win} Tae [Sar Evan os a Markings peopety aed? TQYES LINO GINA Daspecalitems (block outs, Sheathing uct ciameiers as access openings. skews, et.) specie on drawings? (YES GINO GNA — comply ith drawings? yes Ono OWA ‘Sheathing ducts located within Rednforcamen’ (ize, grade lesan): VYES GINO QINA sprctiad tolerances (4 uriass Wingwalls in accordance with otherwise specified), both ends?.....C1YES LINO CIN — aferoved shop drawings? (ves Ono Ona Posttensioning recess as ‘Wingwall anchors in accardance with speciiad on drawings? (ves GINO Gna — abproved shop crawings? yes Gino ONA Coatings property apptieg? ves GNo Gna Approved Shop Orawing ~ Gives Ono ONA RC - Drawing yes No ONA Repaired Property ves Ono ONA Date of Casting: Date of Post-Paur Oheck: Comments: 67

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