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Cruz vs. Filipinas Investment [G.R. No. L-24772. May 27, 1968.] requested the Provincial Sheriff of Bulacan to take possession of, and
sell, the land subject of the Real Estate Mortgage to satisfy the sum of
En Banc, Reyes JBL (J): 7 concurring, 1 on leave
P43,318.92, the total outstanding obligation of Cruz, et. al. to FIFC.
Facts: On 15 July 1963, Ruperto G. Cruz purchased on installments, Notices of sale were duly posted and served to the Mortgagor, Mrs.
from the Far East Motor Corporation, 1 unit of Isuzu Diesel Bus for Reyes, pursuant to and in compliance with the requirements of Act
P44,616.24, payable in installments of P1,487.20 per month for 30 3135. On 20 March 1964, Reyes through counsel, wrote a letter to FIFC
months, beginning 22 October 1963, with 12% interest per annum, until asking for the cancellation of the real estate mortgage on her land,
fully paid. As evidence of said indebtedness, Cruz executed and but FIFC did not comply with such demand as it was of the belief that
delivered to the Far East Motor Corporation a negotiable promissory in Reyes’ request was without any legal basis.
the sum of P44,616.24. To secure the payment of the promissory note,
An action was commenced by Cruz and Reyes in the CFI Rizal (Civil
Cruz executed in favor of the seller Far East Motor Corporation, a
Case Q- 7949), for cancellation of the real estate mortgage
chattel mortgage over the motor vehicle. As no down payment was
constituted on Reyes’ land in favor of FIFC (as assignee of the Far East
made by Cruz, the seller, Far East Motor Corporation, on the very same
Motor Corporation). The provincial Sheriff of Bulacan held in
date, 15 July 1963, required and Cruz agreed to give, additional
abeyance the sale of the mortgaged real estate pending the
security for his obligation besides the chattel mortgage. Additional
resolution of the case. The trial court in its decision of 21 April 1965,
security was given by Felicidad Vda. de Reyes in the form of Second
sustained Cruz,’s stand and declared that the extrajudicial
Mortgage on a parcel of land owned by her (68,902 sq. ms., TCT T-
foreclosure of the chattel mortgage on the bus barred further action
36480 of the Registry of Deeds of Bulacan, mortgaged to the DBP to
against the additional security put up by Reyes. Consequently, the
secure loan of P2,600), together with the building and improvements
real estate mortgage constituted on Reyes’ land was ordered
thereon, in San Miguel, Bulacan. On 15 July 1963, the Far East Motors
cancelled and FIFC was directed to pay Reyes attorney’s fees in the
for value received indorsed the promissory note and assigned all its
sum of P200.00. Hence, the appeal by FIFC.
rights and interest in the Deeds of Chattel Mortgage and in the Deed
of Real Estate Mortgage to Filipinas Investment & Finance Corporation The Supreme Court modified the decision appealed from, by ordering
(FIFC), with due notice of such assignment to Cruz, Cruz Reyes to reimburse to FIFC the sum of P2,148.07, with legal interest
defaulted in the payment of the promissory note and that the only thereon from the finality of this decision until it is fully paid. In all other
sum ever paid was P500 on 2 October 1963, which was applied as respects, the judgment of the trial court was affirmed, with costs
partial payment of interests on his principal obligation. against FIFC.
Notwithstanding FIFC’s demands, Cruz made no payment on any of
1. Article 1484 of the Civil Code
the installments stipulated in the promissory note. By reason of Cruz’s
default, FIFC took steps to foreclose the chattel mortgage on the bus. Article 1484 of the Civil Code of the Philippines is the pertinent legal
However, said vehicle had been damaged in an accident while in the provision on sale of personal property on installments. It provides that
possession of Cruz. At the foreclosure sale held on 31 January 1964 by “In a contract of sale of personal property the price of which is
the Sheriff of Manila, FIFC was the highest bidder (for P15,000.00). The payable in installments, the vendor may exercise any of the following
proceeds of the sale of the bus were not sufficient to cover the remedies: (1) Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the vendee fail
expenses of sale, the principal obligation, interests, and attorney’s to pay; (2) Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s failure to pay cover
fees, i.e., they were not sufficient to discharge fully the indebtedness two or more installments; (3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the
of Cruz to FIFC. On 12 February 1964, preparatory to foreclosing its real thing sold, if one has been constituted, should the vendee’s failure to
estate mortgage on Mrs. Reyes’ land, FIFC paid the mortgage pay cover two or more installments. In this case, he shall have no
indebtedness of Mrs. Reyes to the DBP, in the sum of P2,148.07, the further action against the purchaser to recover any unpaid balance
unpaid balance of said obligation. Pursuant to a provision of the real of the price. Any agreement to the contrary shall be void.”
estate mortgage contract, authorizing the mortgagee to foreclose the
2. Provision clear as to available remedies; Remedies alternative not
mortgage judicially or extra-judicially, FIFC on 29 February 1964
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The provision is clear and simple: should the vendee or purchaser of a who will be made to bear the payment of the balance of the price,
personal property default in the payment of two or more of the despite the earlier foreclosure of the chattel mortgage given by him.
agreed installments, the vendor or seller has the option to avail of any Thus, the protection given by Article 1484 would be indirectly
one of these three remedies — either to exact fulfillment by the subverted, and public policy overturned.
purchaser of the obligation, or to cancel the sale, or to foreclose the
5. “Action” without a definitive or exclusive meaning; Action referred
mortgage on the purchased personal property, if one was constituted.
to in Article 1484 thus may be judicial or extrajudicial
These remedies have been recognized as alternative, not cumulative,
that the exercise of one would bar the exercise of the orders. The word “action” is without a definite or exclusive meaning. It has
been invariably defined as “the legal demand of one’s right, or rights;
3. Foreclosure and actual sale of mortgage chattel bars recovery of
the lawful demand of one’s rights in the form given by law; a demand
any balance by vendor; Reason for the doctrine
of a right in a court of justice; the lawful demand of one’s right in a
The foreclosure and actual sale of a mortgage chattel bars further court of justice; the legal and formal demand of one’s rights from
recovery by the vendor of any balance on the purchaser’s another person or party, made and insisted on in a court of justice; a
outstanding obligation not so satisfied by the sale. The reason for the claim made before a tribunal; an assertion in a court of justice of a
doctrine was aptly stated in the case of Bachrach Motor Co. vs. right given by law; a demand or legal proceeding in a court of justice
Millan, thus “the principal object of the amendment was to remedy to secure one’s rights; the prosecution of some demand in a court of
the abuses committed in connection with the foreclosure of chattel justice; the means by which men litigate with each other; the means
mortgages. This amendment prevents mortgagees from seizing the that the law has provided to put the cause of action into effect”
mortgaged property, buying it at foreclosure sale for a low price and (Gutierrez Hermanos vs. De la Riva, 46 Phil. 827, 834-835). Considering
then bringing suit against the mortgagor for a deficiency judgment. the purpose for which the prohibition contained in Article 1484 was
The almost invariable result of this procedure was that the mortgagor intended, the word “action” used therein may be construed as
found himself minus the property and still owing practically the full referring to any judicial or extrajudicial proceeding by virtue of which
amount of his original indebtedness. Under this amendment the the vendor may lawfully be enabled to exact recovery of the
vendor of personal property, the purchase price of which is payable in supposed unsatisfied balance of the purchase price from the
installments, has the right to cancel the sale or foreclose the mortgage purchaser or his privy. Certainly, an extrajudicial foreclosure of a real
if one has been given on the property. Whichever right the vendor estate mortgage is one such proceeding.
elects he need not return to the purchaser the amount of the
6. Award of attorney’s fees; Litigation was avoidable as law and
installments already paid, ‘if there be an agreement to that effect.
jurisprudence are explicit
Furthermore, if the vendor avails himself of the right to foreclose the
mortgage this amendment prohibits him from bringing an action The provision of law and jurisprudence on the matter being explicit so
against the purchaser for the unpaid balance.” that this litigation could have been avoided, the award by the lower
court of attorney’s fees to Cruz, in the sum of P200.00 is
4. Further action against guarantor would indirectly subvert protection
reasonable and in order.
given by Article 1484 to purchaser
7. Reimbursement for FIFC payment of Reyes’ outstanding balance on
To sustain FIFC’s argument (that what is being withheld from the
loan with DBP
vendor, by the proviso of Article 1484 of the Civil Code, is only the right
to recover “against the purchaser” and not a recourse to the To the extent that she was benefited by the payment of FIFC to DBP,
additional security put up, not by the purchaser himself, but by a third for the release of the first mortgage of Reyes’ land, Reyes should have
person) is to overlook the fact that if the guarantor should be been required to reimburse FIFC.
compelled to pay the balance of the purchaser price, the guarantor
will in turn be entitled to recover what she has paid from the debtor
vendee (Article 2066, Civil Code). Thus, ultimately, it will be the vendee
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