Fluid and Electrolyte Problems in Renal Dysfunction

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Fluid and electrolyte Learning objectives

problems in renal After reading this article, you should be able to:

dysfunction C

explain albumin:creatinine ratio
describe how to treat hyponatraemia of renal disease
Jennifer Oldridge
C list six treatments of hyperkalaemia

Swati Karmarkar

Abstract criteria proposed by Bellomo et al.1,2 have now gained general

The primary function of the kidney is to maintain fluid and electrolyte ho- acceptance.
meostasis. Each day the kidney must excrete 1500 ml of water and any Chronic renal disease (CRD) has been defined as either a
excess ingested sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphate. The kid- glomerular filtration rate of less than 60 ml/minute/1.73 m2 for
ney also plays a key role in calcium homeostasis. Of the total number of 3 months or more, irrespective of cause, or evidence of kidney
patients in intensive care 3e25% will develop acute kidney injury and pa- damage for more than 3 months based on abnormalities. The
tients with chronic renal disease will frequently present for surgery. The incidence of CRD is increasing and more than 550 people/
treatments for renal dysfunction may themselves cause disturbance in million receive renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the UK
fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, particularly the use of diuretics and which accounts for over 2% of the NHS budget. NICE has
renal replacement therapy. Loss of normal renal function may lead to suggested that chronic renal disease should be classified to
major changes in fluid and sodium balance. Volume status assessment include patients with kidney damage who are at risk of pro-
will be required in patients with renal dysfunction because they are at gressing to failure (Table 1). In 2013, the Kidney Disease:
risk of both hypovolaemia and hypervolaemia. Loss of renal function Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidance on the evalua-
will lead to retention of potassium and magnesium with serious systemic tion and management of chronic kidney disease adopted the
and cardiovascular consequences including cardiorespiratory compromise subdivision of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) categories sug-
and collapse and cardiac dysrhythmias. Hypocalcaemia will result from gested by the NICE guideline, but also included three albu-
reduced renal calcitriol production and phosphate retention. The identifi- min:creatinine ratios (ACRs) for each GFR category in an
cation of fluid and electrolyte imbalances and the management of clini- updated classification3 (Table 2).
cally significant changes are required when treating patients with renal Early recognition and treatment of patients at risk of devel-
dysfunction on an intensive care unit or who present for anaesthesia. oping AKI on a background of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is
Keywords Calcium; electrolyte; magnesium; potassium; renal; sodium extremely important. AKI in CKD patients can lead to a higher
mortality than AKI in non-CKD patients and it can also alter the
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD matrix: 1A02, 1A01, 2A05, 3A03 progression of the underlying disease process. Progression to
end-stage renal failure has been found to be higher in patients
who develop AKI in CKD compared to non-CKD.4

Renal dysfunction: prevalence and morbidity Renal dysfunction in the postoperative period
Renal dysfunction results in the loss of fluid and electrolyte ho- Renal dysfunction and AKI in the postoperative period con-
meostasis and the accumulation of potentially toxic products of tinues to be a problem. Historically aneurysm repair and car-
metabolism. Problems may arise as a result of chronic renal diac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass have
dysfunction or as a result of acute renal failure. represented a significant risk. Endovascular techniques such as
Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs rarely in the community endovascular repair of the aorta and transcutaneous insertion
with an incidence of between 140 and 288 per million. It occurs of aortic valves are associated with substantial contrast ne-
in up to 15% of adults admitted to hospital with the elderly being phropathy. They are also at risk of micro- and macro-
particularly at risk. The incidence in intensive care patients is embolization and changes in renal blood flow patterns. The
much higher and is quoted as 3e25%. Occurrence is quoted at 5 creatinine rise after these insults can be slow and is defined as
e7% of all hospitalized patients to varying degrees. An NHS AKI if there is a 25% relative rise 48 hours after administration
study has shown severe kidney injury to have a mortality of 30 of contrast. Prevention measures that have been suggested
e40%. Many definitions have been applied to AKI but the RIFLE include hydration, use of statins, antioxidants such as n-acetyl
cysteine (orally or as infusions), ascorbic acid and alkalinizing
the urine with sodium bicarbonate.
Other high-risk patients are those with existing CKD, patients
undergoing emergency surgery who have a degree of AKI at the
Jennifer Oldridge MBBS FRCA is an Anaesthetic ST7 Trainee at the Royal
time of presentation and sepsis.5
Preston Hospital, Preston, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.
The most prominent response to anaesthesia and surgery
Swati Karmarkar MD (Vrach) DA MD (Anaesthesia) FRCA is a Consultant is water and sodium retention which is directly related
Anaesthetist at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK. Conflicts of to the magnitude of surgery. During surgery ADH levels increase
interest: none declared. 50e100-fold and start decreasing towards the end of surgery or

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:6 262 Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

9% of cases. CKD is a stronger predictor of mortality in advanced

Stages of chronic kidney disease (NICE) CHF than left ventricular function.
Stage GFR Description
(ml/minute/1.73 m2) Impacts of treatment of renal dysfunction

1 90 Normal or increased GFR, with

Patients with chronic renal disease are frequently on multiple
other evidence of kidney damage
medications7 to help maintain homeostasis and to treat associ-
2 60e89 Slight decrease in GFR, with
ated conditions such as hypertension, cardiac disease, and dia-
other evidence of kidney damage
betes. While some of these treatments such as bicarbonate and
vitamin D supplementation are aimed at restoring normal ho-
3A 45e59 Moderate decrease in GFR, with
meostasis, these and other medications may cause electrolyte
or without other evidence of kidney
and fluid disturbance. Diuretics in particular may result in sig-
nificant changes in body water, sodium, potassium, and acid/
3B 30e44 Moderate decrease in GFR, with or
base balance. Care must be taken in particular to medications
without other evidence of kidney
controlling blood pressure as these can have a profound effect
4 15e29 Severe decrease in GFR, with or
when combined with anaesthesia in the perioperative period.
without other evidence of kidney
Patients requiring RRT, particularly haemodialysis, may have
profound changes in fluid, electrolyte and acid/base balance at
5 <15 Established renal failure
the time of treatment. In such patients total body water status is
best estimated by body weight changes. These will be recorded
GFR, glomerular filtration rate. regularly in dialysis patients and many patients will know their
own ‘dry weight’. It is important for the anaesthetist to know
Table 1 the normal dry weight and the weight just prior to surgery.
Failure to achieve dry weight is a common problem especially on
within 3e5 days. Other reasons for fluid retention may be effects short-duration dialysis prescriptions.
of anaesthesia on renal blood flow, GFR, effects of hypotension Blood electrolyte levels should be measured regularly in
and hypovolaemia, increased circulating catecholamines and patients who are receiving RRT in critical care or those on
increased plasma cortisol. To determine whether water imbal- long-term RRT who require anaesthesia.
ances are due to deficiency (diabetes insipidus (DI)) or excess of
ADH (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Water
(SIADH)), fluid intake, output, specific gravities and serum Water balance is severely affected by renal dysfunction. Patients
electrolytes should be monitored daily. DI occurs more with CKD are at risk increased risk of fluid overload and this may
frequently than hyponatraemia, and is characterized by large be a stimulus for inflammation and rapid progression of renal
amounts of dilute urine which can lead to hypernatraemia and disease.8 Patients with oliguria and anuria are at risk of water
may require treatment with desmopressin. SIADH peaks on overload as they will lose only about 1000 ml per day from
postoperative day 7 and can present with severe and symptom- insensible and other losses. Daily fluid restriction is frequently
atic hyponatraemia. Management is mainly by fluid restriction. used to control water levels in such patients. Diuretics are often
used to increase fluid excretion in those with some remaining
Fluid management in CKD renal function. Conversely, these patients are at risk of dehy-
dration if other water losses increase such as increased insensible
CKD and congestive heart failure (CHF) are closely associated
loss in sepsis or in patients with diarrhoea. Over-aggressive fluid
(cardio-renal syndrome) and make fluid management difficult in
removal with RRT may also result in dehydration.
these patients with conflicting treatment goals.
Some patients will develop polyuric renal failure (particularly
Preoperative renal dysfunction is a predictor of postoperative
during recovery from AKI). In these patients dehydration may
renal failure.6 A preoperative serum creatinine of more than
develop if intake is not increased to compensate.
176 mmol/litre is an independent predictor of systolic and diastolic
Assessment of hydration status is always required in patients
dysfunction and is associated with major cardiac complications in
with renal failure. If normal body weight (or ‘dry weight’ in
dialysis patients) is known then weighing the patient will give an
Albumin:creatinine ratio (KDIGO) idea of hydration status. Each 1000 ml of water weighs 1 kg.
Daily weights should be conducted on intensive care patients
ACR category ACR (mg/mmol) Terms with renal failure. History of fluid restriction, urine output, RRT,
and fluid balance should be taken. Examination may reveal signs
A1 <3 Normal to mildly increaseda
of fluid overload or dehydration. Attention should be paid to
A2 3e30 Moderately increasedb
hydration of mucus membranes, jugular venous pulse, and
A3 >30 Severely increased
capillary refill, presence of oedema, blood pressure, heart rate
ACR, albumin:creatinine ratio; CKD, chronic kidney disease. and respiratory symptoms.
Relative to young adult level. Mild dehydration may be treated with oral rehydration. If the
Including nephrotic syndrome (ACR usually >220 mg/mmol).
enteral route is unavailable or the level of dehydration is more
Table 2
profound intravenous fluid will be required. The nature of fluid

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:6 263 Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

replacement will to some degree be guided by the ion de- If the patient is hypovolaemic administration of 0.9% saline is
rangements that will usually accompany dehydration (particu- appropriate to treat mild hyponatraemia. Some authors recom-
larly sodium) though, as a rule, potassium-containing fluids are mend hypertonic saline (3%) for severe symptomatic hypona-
best avoided in anuric patients. Administration of sodium chlo- traemia (Naþ <125 mmol/litre with seizures or coma). However
ride may result in hyperchloraemic acidosis, which can worsen rapid correction of chronic hyponatraemia is associated with a
hyperkalaemia. Metabolic acidosis can reduce cardiac contrac- risk of central pontine myelinolysis. Patients with hypokalaemia,
tility, cardiac output and decrease renal blood flow. Hyper- malnutrition, cirrhosis, burns, alcoholism and young menstruant
chloraemia itself can decrease renal blood flow and GFR. females are at higher risk of brain damage. Correction should be
Intravenous fluid therapy should be administered with caution as limited to 1e2 mmol/litre/hour in serious cases and no more
overload may precipitate pulmonary oedema which may be more than 10 mmol/litre in a 24-hour period. After sodium concen-
challenging to treat in this population. tration has reached 125 mmol/litre treatment should be by water
Diuretic therapy can be appropriate to treat fluid overload in restriction. Brain swelling disappears at a sodium level of
patients with remaining renal function. High-dose loop diuretics 130 mE/litre so correction to normal levels is not required.5 In
such as furosemide 250e500 mg, given as an infusion, are often intensive care hypovolaemic hypotonic hyponatraemia is most
required to produce a diuresis is in renal failure. In patients with commonly treated with haemodialysis or haemofiltration.
pulmonary oedema or with oliguric/anuric renal failure haemo-
dialysis or haemofiltration will provide more rapid and predict- Potassium
able correction of fluid balance. Plasma potassium usually remains normal until onset of Stage 5
CKD. This is usually because of increased excretion per func-
Sodium tioning nephron and increased excretion in stools.
Sodium levels in renal failure will usually be related to fluid Acidosis in renal failure will result in potassium shift out of
shifts. Maximum sodium excretion is a function of GFR. Patients the cells (in acute acidosis K will rise by w0.5 mmol per drop in
with renal dysfunction are at risk of both hypo- and pH of 0.1). For this reason ventilated patients should not be
hypernatraemia. allowed to develop respiratory acidosis if hyperkalaemic. While
Increased loss of free water or reduced water intake will result chronic hyperkalaemia is better tolerated than acute hyper-
in hypernatraemia (sodium >145 mmol/litre). Reduced water kalaemia, potassium levels greater than 6.5 mmol/litre may be
intake due to inability to drink (nausea and vomiting) or associated with serious complications such as hypotension,
inability to respond to thirst (excessive water restriction, intu- weakness, and ventricular dysrhythmias. Potassium levels
bated patients, and those with reduced conscious level) will greater than 6.5 mmol/litre or hyperkalaemia associated with
result in water depletion. Conditions such as diarrhoea and ECG changes (P wave flattening, tenting of T waves, and QRS
vomiting or increased sweat loss will be associated with a degree widening) should be treated as a matter of urgency.
of sodium loss but if free water loss is greater hypernatraemia Treatment of hyperkalaemia is aimed firstly at reducing
will result. Patients with certain kidney disorders such as cystic plasma potassium levels by increasing intracellular movement of
kidney disease are at risk of acquired nephrogenic DI. This re- potassium and secondly be increasing potassium excretion.
sults in the production of dilute urine and hypernatraemia. Calcium is required to protect the myocardium, this may be given
Administration of sodium bicarbonate or increased oral intake of as either calcium chloride (5 ml 10% over 5 minutes) or gluco-
sodium chloride may result in sodium overload. nate (10 ml 10% over 5 minutes).
Initial management of hypernatraemia associated with dehy- Increased intracellular shift:
dration should be aimed at restoring normovolaemia. Once vol-  insulin and dextrose (50 ml 50% dextrose with 10 iU
ume status has been restored water deficit can be corrected with Actrapid over 20 minutes)
5% dextrose. It is important to remember that many drugs,  correct acidosis with sodium bicarbonate (50 ml 8.4% over
including antibiotics and soluble or effervescent medications, 1 hour via central access in emergencies or 500 ml 1.26%
may contain a large amount of sodium. over 6 hours)
Patients usually present with hypervolaemic hyponatraemia.  salbutamol nebulizers (5 mg).
Hyponatraemia (sodium <135 mmol/litre) results from dispro- Increased excretion:
portionate sodium and water loss or excessive free water. The  furosemide if some urine output
kidney is required to reabsorb 99% of the filtered sodium. In  calcium Resonium oral 15 g four times daily, or rectally if
some patients with renal dysfunction and normal or high urine oral is not tolerated (binds K)
output loss of reabsorbtive power will result in hyponatraemia  haemodialysis or haemofiltration.
with or without hypovolaemia. Other causes of increased sodium Less commonly hypokalaemia (K <3.5) may develop. This is
loss such as diarrhoea and vomiting, diuretic use, and Addison’s frequently related to treatments such as diuretics. In patients
syndrome are often associated with hypovolaemia. When pa- with renal tubular acidosis potassium is lost in exchange for
tients are anuric fluid intake should be restricted to insensible hydrogen ions. Treatment with K supplementation should be
loss. If intake is increased water overload with dilutional hypo- performed cautiously in patients with serious renal dysfunction
natraemia can develop. Dilution may also occur with osmotic as life-threatening hyperkalaemia may develop.
diuretic administration in anuric patients. Water overload may
also occur as a result of water retention due to raised aldosterone Magnesium
levels (such as in CHF) or SIADH. Loop diuretics can be used to Magnesium is actively excreted by the kidney and renal
treat these patients (furosemide 1 mg/kg). dysfunction will lead to raised magnesium levels (indeed

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:6 264 Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

magnesium levels often follow potassium levels). Symptoms and Recent evidence indicates liberal fluid therapy might cause
signs tend to develop at levels greater than 2 mmol/litre. Early and aggravate AKI in critically ill patients.9,5 Targeted fluid re-
features will be nausea and flushing. As levels increase muscle striction does not seem to have the same effect. In general, daily
weakness and hypotension may develop. Magnesium levels requirements ¼ losses þ approximately 500 ml (for insensible
above 8 mmol/litre may be associated with respiratory weak- losses). In anuric patients without extra losses this may mean
ness, AV block, and cardiac arrest. that they only require 500 ml daily. Fluid overload occurs
The treatment of clinically significant hypermagnesaemia is because of increased capillary permeability and reduced sodium
calcium administration. This may be given as calcium chloride or excretion in acutely ill patients even before AKI actually sets in.
calcium gluconate. Other treatments are aimed at either pro- Fluid overload can lead to intra-abdominal hypertension and
moting intracellular shift (insulin and dextrose) or excretion abdominal compartment syndrome which in turn increases renal
(fluid loading, diuretics and haemodialysis). venous pressure and decreases renal blood flow. As the kidney is
Treatment of renal dysfunction with diuretics or increased an encapsulated organ, renal interstitial oedema itself could lead
loss from other sources may rarely reduce magnesium levels. to decreased renal blood flow.
Both hypervolaemia and hypovolaemia are avoided by goal-
Calcium and phosphate directed fluid therapy using cardiac output monitoring. Oeso-
Plasma calcium levels are frequently reduced in renal failure. phageal Doppler monitoring and transoesophageal echocardiog-
Reduced production of active vitamin D (calcitriol) will result in raphy are commonly used to measure intravascular volume and
reduced absorption of calcium from the gut. Phosphate is actively blood flow. Chronically uraemic patients seem to adapt well
excreted from the kidney and will accumulate in end stage renal to anaemia and no studies have shown an improved outcome
disease. Phosphate will bind calcium and is then deposited in with liberal preoperative blood transfusions. However recent
tissues. Presentation is frequently with signs of increased nerve evidence shows the more blood transfusions a patient receives
and muscle excitability such as paraesthesia and carpo-pedal before transplantation, the greater the chances of a functioning
spasm. More serious problems such as cardiac dysrhythmias transplant.5
and laryngospasm may develop. In 2013 the use of intravenous fluids containing hydroxyethyl
Treatment of clinically significant hypocalcaemia is intrave- starches (HES) was suspended by the Medicines and Healthcare
nous calcium (chloride or gluconate). Longer term measures products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This was due to a number
include oral calcitriol and oral calcium carbonate to bind phos- of studies in critically ill patients that suggested an increased risk
phate and increase calcium intake. Haemodialysis and haemo- of kidney injury requiring RRT in patients receiving intravenous
filtration will help reduce phosphate levels. fluids containing high-molecular-weight starches. Mechanisms of
renal injury with use of colloids are incompletely understood
Hydrogen and bicarbonate but may be due to direct molecular effects and effects of high
Acidebase homeostasis is maintained by the renal excretion of oncotic pressures. The Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation
hydrogen ions and the production and reabsorption of bicar- (SAFE) study did not show any difference in renal effect between
bonate. With a normal diet a 70-kg man will produce 50e80 the study fluids. Albumin and gelatins are used as colloids if
mmol of hydrogen ions per day. To maintain the normal pH needed.
of 7.4 hydrogen ion concentration must be kept at about The hyperchloraemic acidosis caused by large volumes of
40 nmol/litre and the kidney must actively excrete the majority 0.9% saline has been discussed above. Potassium-containing
of this hydrogen load. Patients with renal dysfunction will balanced crystalloids do not cause hyperkalaemia At present
develop acidosis due to hydrogen retention and reduced bicar- buffered crystalloid solutions such as compound sodium lactate
bonate production. In some patients there may also be excessive seem to be the best fluid to use in critically ill patients to avoid
bicarbonate loss from the kidney (renal tubular acidosis). Pre- renal injury.
operative assessment of plasma bicarbonate level can be helpful. A suggested alternative crystalloid is a K-free bicarbonate
Acidosis may be managed with bicarbonate administration buffered dialysis solution such as Hemosol. A
(dose in mmol ¼ (desired bicarbonate e serum bicarbabonate)
 weight  0.5), but will also be corrected by haemodialysis or
haemofiltration. REFERENCES
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ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:6 266 Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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