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The Simmering Flame

he town of Millstone is not one that would
typically be of much notice. Indeed, there is Arriving in Millstone
only one road to the town, which ends at the The party arrives in Millstone in the early morning, just as the
town itself, meaning none could venture there town is recovering from the most recent goblin attack.
by accident, and merchants would not pass
through while on their trade routes. Still, As you all clear the final hill, emerging from the forest you see
Millstone is relatively prosporous. It lives in the the town of Millstone. It is here that you agreed to make your
shadow of the nearby mountain, and has a large farmer
population, due to the incredibly fertile soil, which usually first stand as an adventuring party. It would be here that the
draws a couple more to join the town every year. It is not historians, chroniclers, and bards of the ages would record
without dangers however, being isolated and without many your first grand tale. And what better setting could there be?
formally trained warriors the town is prone to attacks from The town, although not entirely remarkable itself, rested in the
goblins and similar scavengers. As of late, however, the goblin shadow of a great mountain, taller than all those within several
attacks have been growing more bold. They have killed or days march. The fields were a brilliant emerald green, with
taken livestock, and even grabbed any form of treasure or rolling hills that flattened towards the town's base, as if the
gold they can get their hands on. To make matters worse, landscape itself was trying to frame this simple town.
Millstone has also been experiencing unnatural weather as
well. The snow-capped mountain seems to have more
avalanches than usual, and sometimes the earth under the As you approach you notice that the sleepy-looking town
town itself shakes as if with anger. The villagers don't know seems to be in a state of disarray. Noticeable to you is a
the nature of this new threat, but can only conclude that both female dwarf building a new fence around a pasture, and an
are coming from something sinister dwelling within the elderly couple who are worriedly having a hushed conversation
mountain. next to a house that appears to be missing its door.

The dwarf is Daerna. She has the statistics of a Guard, but is

Running the Adventure wielding a light hammer (+4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
The Simmering Flame is an introductory adventure to 20/60ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludegoning damage),
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. It is designed for parties and her AC is 14.
of four to six adventurers that begin at level 1. This book is She came to the town about fifty years ago when her clan's
meant for you, the Dungeon Master, alone. It assumes you homeland was destroyed. She avoids the topic whenever
have the fifth edition Player's Handbook and Monster possible, and does not talk about her clan name, believing it
Manual. When a creature's name appears in bold type, that's is not of much use anymore. She is rebuilding her fence that
a visual cue pointing you to the creature's stat block in the was destroyed in last night's goblin raid, during which several
Monster Manual. of her livestock were slain and mutilated. If prompted, she will
offer 100 gold to whoever can find and put an end to the
Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud or The elderly couple are Mr. and Mrs. Grieves, they both
paraphrased for players when their characters first arrive at a have the statistics of a Commoner. They only moved to the
location or under a specific circumstance, as descrived in the town fifteen years ago as a quiet place to retire. Most of their
text. gold was stolen last night in the raid, and they are at a loss for
what to do, as they were already having trouble paying for
damages from the small earthquakes, without the recent
damage caused by the goblins.
Both Daerna and the Grieves upon being prompted, can tell
the party of the information from the introduction. They both
believe that the goblins are primarily hiding in the mountain,
have a strange sense of forboding about the place. They also
warn that another group of adventurers ventured up the
mountain not two weeks ago. They have not returned.

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