Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon

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Young Beth Jacob!

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Morning Yom Kippur Afternoon Rosh Hashanah, September 9, 10 2010
Groups Begin @ C h i l d r e n ’s t"ga, vbav atr
Note: The Rosh Hashana Torah Reading is divided into 5 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literal-
Groups with the
10:30am, Parents please Lunches. ly: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Weisers -5:15pm
tend to your children
beforehand The reading for Rosh Hashanah “remember” only the “good” in our
can be found in the Machzor. In the behalf when He Judges us.
Youth Morning Groups Mussaf Prayer of Rosh Hashanah
Teen Morning Groups For all of humanity, for the whole
Tots: Below 1st Grade with there ae 3 descriotions, so to speak,
Pre-Teen Girls: Torah world is Judged today, we ask that
Morahs Faye & Shayna od G-D, through which we can
Learning w/Bobbe He “remember” the faith of Noach
Group 2: Active and Edu- relate to Him:
Reitman who endured taunts and threats for
cational Programs with our
Tweeners Groups 1) Malchiyot - Kingliness: 120 years while he built the Ark, and
Middle School Helpers
Shalosh Seudos G-d is the incomparable King of The tried to explain its purpose to his
Junior Cong: The Classic—
in classroom B Universe. The destiny of wayward generation.
Reborn with Mr. Weiser
humanity is to come to this For the Jewish People in particular,
we ask that He “remember” the
realization. Whereas human kings
Fast of Gedalia early loyalty of our People, who
h! rule in accordance with the principle
Fast begins @ of :”might makes right,” G-d is the followed Him as a bride, as He said
5:18am “I remember your youthful devotion,
Selichos @ 7:3 Holy King, Who is, at the same time,
0am beyond comparison in His power, the love of your bridal days, how
Shacharis @ 8:0 “Vas er vil, Tut er” - “Whatever He you followed Me through the desert,
0am in a barren land” (Yirmiyahu 2:2)
Mincha @ 6:25 wills, He can do,” yet He is also the
pm Father of the orphan and the Judge and later as a precious child, “Is it
Fast ends @ 7: because Ephraim is my favorite son,
ating! of the widow, Who is always on the
Erev Yom Kipp
ur! Sukka Dec,o9r:30-12pm side of the my beloved child? As often as I speak
of him, I remember him fondly. My
Mincha @ 2:00 19
pm Sunday, Sep powerless.
heart yearns for him, I will have pity
He is the Incorruptible and on him, says the
Righteous Judge of the World, Who L-rd.” (Yirmiyahu 31:19)
favors no one, and cannot be bribed.
Most of all, we ask that He
He is the true G-d and His word, the
Get Excited! “remember” the supreme act of
Torah, is true and eternal.
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:45-8:00pm-Begins Oct. 6 devotion performed by our fathers
2) Zichronot - Remembrances
Avraham and Yitzchak, where
Bloomberry Pancakes - Sundays at 8:50am-9:20am- Back & Bigger We recognize that Hashem is above
Avraham suppressed his
Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740 Time, and the idea of “forgetting”
does not apply to Him, nor is He natural feelings mercy towards
limited in “understanding” the his son, and was prepared to
inner thoughts of His creatures. sacrifice him at the command of
Nevertheless, we ask that He G-d, and Yitzchak was prepared to
be sacrificed, thereby suppressing his natural feelings of self-preservation,
in fulfillment of G-d’s command. So should G-d suppress, so to speak, His
Midat HaDin , His Attribute of Strict Justice, which would require that we
Rosh Hashanah Schedule
be punished for our misdeeds, in favor of His Midat HaRachamim , His Mincha...…….........................6:35pm
Attribute of Mercy. Candlelighting.........…………… 6:45pm
3) Shofarot - Blasts of the Shofar FIRST DAY
We recall the time that G-d revealed Himself on Mt. Sinai and gave us the Shacharis Main Shul ......... .... . 7:45am
Torah. Mincha...................................6:35pm
“The whole world trembled at Your Presence, Creation shook in awe before Light Candles after.. ................7:44pm
You, when You, our King, did reveal Yourself on Mt. Sinai to give to Your
People the Torah and its Commandments, letting them hear your majestic SECOND DAY
voice, your holy words out of flashes of fire. Amid thunder and lightening did Shacharis Main Shul................7:45am
You reveal Yourself to them, amid the sound of the Shofar did you appear to Light Candles before...............6:43pm
them.” Mincha..............................6:35pm
The Shofar will be blown during the final battles of Israel with its enemies.
It will be sounded when our Exiles return. The word “Tashlich” means “You will cast away.” In this context, it refers to a custom
It will be sounded when the Temple will be rebuilt. dating from at least as early as the fourteenth century, but probably much earlier, based
on the last verses of the Book of Michah (Micah) 7:18-20, shown below:
It is the sound signifying the
“Who is a G-d like You? You forgive sins and overlook transgressions
Presence of the majesty of G-d. For the survivors of Your People; He does not retain His anger forever, for He loves
We ask that it be sounded again with the arrival of the Mashiach. Kindness; He will return and show us mercy, and overcome our sins, And You will cast
into the depths of the sea all their sins; You will show kindness to Yaakov and mercy to
Avraham, As You did promise to our fathers of old.”Consequently, Jewish communities
have for many generations gathered on the First Day of Rosh HaShanah at bodies of
water and recited the Tashlich Prayer, which consists of certain chapters of Tehillim
Welcome! Coming Up! (Psalms) and the verses shown above, to symbolize our wish to get rid of our sins, and
Sign up for the Sukkot Dinner to be forgiven by G-d. If the first day of Rosh HaShanah falls on Shabbat , Tashlich is
To all guests and visitors here said on Sunday, the second day. If it cannot be recited at all on Rosh HaShanah , due to
on Wednesday, September 22nd.
for Shabbos, please feel free inclement weather or “whatever,” it can be recited until Hoshana Rabbah.
Order your Lulav & Esrog no
to ask us if you need anything. Tashlich is preferably recited alongside a body of water containing fish, to remind us
later then Wednesday, Sep 15. that just as fish are protected by the water in which they live, we pray to be protected
This Week! by G-d. Also, just as fish swim freely and can suddenly be caught in a net, so too we can
Refuah Shleimah just as helplessly fall into the net of sin. And even as the eyes of fish are always open,
Cemetery Services on so do we pray that G-d too will keep vigilant watch over his people.
Irving Bernhardt | Rose Kraft |
Wednesday, September 15th @
Goldie Masliah | Doni Lepor |
| Marcie Maisel Moshe Wiesner
Rabbi Bogopulsky’s
Shabbat Shuva Derasha
We are taking WELCOME!! Philip Silverman &
opening bids for the Rabbi & Mrs. Stewart Yaakov Klein for
Yom Kippur Auction!!! sponsoring the Bima The Mikveh will be open for
Please speak to the Gabai Mordy & Yael Estersohn Flowers in honor of all men on Friday, September 17th
from 11:45pm-5:00pm
the Beth Jacob Women

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