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Tej: Good morning everyone our names are Tej, Meet, Tolu and Aimee.

Our group’s
book is A Long Way gone and the social Behaviour theory we have selected is
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Firstly, for step 2 Meet and I will be discussing how
Ishmael demonstrates Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, then after, Tolu and Aimee will
be discussing how the lieutenant demonstrates Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.

Okay now, Firstly, Ishmael showcases Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by basically

starting at the bottom of the pyramid and making his way through it. Let me explain to
help you understand better. Primarily, while Ishmael remained at the army camp the
lieutenant had told Ishmael and his friends that if they wanted to stay at the camp they
would have to join the army. Ishmael hates the idea of joining the army, however he
acknowledges that without the army his physiological and safety needs would be
stripped of him so he stays.

He demonstrates Maslow’s Hierarchy by putting his physiological needs in front of

his love and belongingness needs as he gives up his search for his lost brother.
However, as time progresses Ismael starts to crave more now that he has secured his
spot in the army camp. Looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, love and
belongingness and esteem needs are next. Ishmael works on achieving both of these by
pleasing the lieutenant which in return makes him leader of his group thus making
most of the soldiers look up to him. These are reasons as to how Ishmael demonstrates
Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs by progressing from the bottom sections of the pyramid
to the top sections of the pyramid.
According to Mollman, Sports minister Laura Flessel told RTL radio that if, “our
security cannot be assured, the French Olympics team will stay at home.” In both the
book and our real life situation, both characters are following Maslow’s Hierarchy of
needs by putting their physiological and safety needs ahead of their esteem and love
and belongingness needs. In A Long Way Gone, Ishmael first secures his physiological
and safety needs before progressing to the esteem needs. While in France’s ministers
case, she puts her countries safety needs in front of their esteem needs. France are
giving up their esteem needs as they are giving up their chance of winning medals at
the 2018 Olympics, while In A Long Way gone Ishmael is giving up his love and
belonging needs by discontinuing his search for his brother so he can secure his
physiological and safety needs by staying at the camp.

Firstly, before we get started we must first understand what the question means. We
aren’t saying the society controls us, we are saying the society controls our behaviour.
In our context we define behaviour as the way in which one acts or conducts himself.
Now knowing the question we can start to explain how we are controlled by the
society in terms of our behaviour.

Claim 1: Our parents and our surrounding society condition us into becoming the ideal
human beings from their perspective disregarding what we want. An experiment to
backup my claim was the Little Albert Experiment. Basically in the experiment two
psychologists by the name of Rayner and Watson help demonstrate classical
conditioning by using a 9-month old infant, named Little Albert as a test subject.
Basically, in the beginning the two show Little Albert a white rat, he has no response,
however two months later they show the white rat with a loud banging sound which
makes him cry. They repeatedly do this and soon he starts crying when only showed
the white rat. Overall, the experiment demonstrates classical conditioning as initially he
shows no emotional response to the rat, though due to the fact it gets shown at the same
time as the loud banging sound he relates them together and develops a phobia of it.
This experiment could be shown as a representation of children and their parents
because basically, as children, from birth we come to learn if we do as our parents say
we get rewarded, anything else and we get punished, or in other words we get less
attention from them. This causes us to start only doing the things our society wants us
to as we come to learn that we only get rewarded by the society when we do as it says.
And when we conform to it we are basically being controlled by it since we are
allowing the society to decide what we should and should not do. If my points weren’t
enough to convince you then now my colleague, Meet will expand further.

Good morning, everyone, I the South Korean President have called you all here to
discuss the reasons as to why you must attend our 2018 Winter Olympics hosted by us.
Firstly, I can guarantee that your entertainment needs will be satisfied if you attend our
Olympics. I will personally make it my highest priority to ensure that you have a
wonderful time while staying here. You may have your eiffel tower and famous
baguettes but we have other great wonders such as the Seoul Tower, the Namsan and
many more. Also our food is to die for, our dishes such as kimchi, bibimbap, bulgogi
and Japchae are scrumptious and mouthwatering. If these reasons aren’t enough to
persuade you then let me move onto my second reason as to why you should come to
our winter olympics.
Secondly, a strong and athletic country like yours will surely gain a great deal of
silverware. All these medals will certainly please your country and fulfill all your
esteem needs. Did you know your country has only earned 107 medals in the winter
olympics, however they have won 717 medals in summer olympics. This is a difference
of 610 medals. If you don’t come then you would just be increasing this margin by
even more.How could you possibly miss out on a great opportunity like this? We have
been working really hard to make sure there are no inconveniences during the event.
North Korea will even be sending twenty-two of its athletes to compete. Also both our
countries will march together under a blue and white “unification” flag at the opening
ceremony. Do you think North Korea would want to injure their own citizens. After
listening to my points please reconsider and come to our Olympics as a country like
yours would raise our overall publicity and event by a lot.

Open Debate Tej on Meet: Yes, I agree with the fact that our war has been going on
for a long time, however don’t you think we are doing our best to make sure the event
runs smoothly? Alos as I have stated before North Korea will be sending their own
athletes to our Winter olympics, so do you really think they would want to injure their
own athletes.

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