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Services for 1

Power Transmission 2

and Distribution 3


Contents Page
Introduction ....................................... 9/2
From Initial Planning
to Integrated Solutions ................... 9/3
Financial Solutions .......................... 9/3
Service and Training ....................... 9/4

Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 9/1


Introduction Your partner What we have to offer

As a true partner in everything to do with This chapter is intended to high-light our
1 power supplies we offer it all. Siemens truly comprehensive range of services for
The energy market is changing, and so are
Services attend to all the tasks that help the energy market.
the “rules of the game”. The focus of at-
you to achieve not only the best possible Take a look and see the enormous breadth
tention is gradually moving away from the
economy in a competitive world but also of what we have to offer – for your prod-
old individual power suppliers and coming
reliability of supply, optimum technical per- ucts, your systems, your plant and equip-
to rest more and more on what we now
2 call “energy service providers” who can
formance and safety. ment – everything to do with power trans-
Our range of services extends across the mission and distribution.
master every aspect of power generation,
board into every area of power transmission
transmission and distribution.
and distribution, from analysis, planning
Anyone who wants to make the most of the and project design throughout the whole
opportunities offered by a deregulated and lifetime of an installation to its eventual
3 liberalized market needs a business partner disposal.
For further information please contact:
who can advise and support, who offers
an individual service and a high standard of Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31- 73 44 49
training and who is always available when
you need him – twenty-four hours a day.

Fig. 1

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From Initial Planning meter management system, the DEMS de-

centralized energy management system, the
to Integrated Solutions SINAUT® Spectrum open network control 1
system and the SICAM® system for substa-
tion automation.
Power System Planning – The first step
towards economical solutions
Project development and
The first step towards a new, extended or
modified network always is a reliable initial
construction of large-scale systems 2
planning. No matter if this step involves Infrastructural and industrial projects call for
network analysis, equipment, plant or sys- a broad range of products and services. The
tem design, or the integration of various demands frequently go beyond the scope
network components – we have the right of just power transmission and distribution. Fig. 2
know-how to perform any of these tasks. In such cases, your competent Siemens 3
Our services include counselling, power contact can open up the door to everything
system calculation, planning and design as we have to offer in terms of power engi-
well as the analysis of networks of all volt- neering.
age levels. In international project business, there is
Our innovative approach and experience nowadays an increasing trend towards in-
of many years allow us to meet all the de- volving consulting engineers, general con- 4
mands of our customers. To assist us in tractors and project developers.
this task, we developed several high-level Because of the global interconnection of
simulation programs such as NETOMAC®, this business it is essential to have an ef-
the world’s most powerful tool for calcu- fective communication in place. With our
lating electromagnetic and electromechani- experience over decades we contribute to 5
cal transient response, and SINCAL® for an efficient project execution of such inter-
the study of interconnected networks. We national projects including external and in-
also perform on-site measurements and ternal Siemens partners. Fig. 3
advise our customers about viable options
to improve and optimize their power sys-
Fit for the energy market –
tem. With our AC/DC real-time simulator
with integrated IT solutions
we determine control and protection set-
tings for HVDC systems, FACTS and pow- With the ongoing development in informa-
er quality equipment. A team of experts will tion technology IT over the last decade, it is
always assist you with the installation and possible to build up integrated IT solutions,
commissioning of these devices on site. designed to solve your problems and help
you to optimize your business processes. 7
However, the world of IT is still character-
Decentralized supplies can be ized by so-called island solutions, which
planned-in too should be integrated into an overall system.
There is no doubt that in the future some Our IT solutions cover all your tasks: Network
Fig. 4
existing large concentrations of generating Management, Energy Trading, Customer 8
capacity will be replaced by a larger num- Management and Business Operations.
ber of smaller decentralized units. Such One good example of our integrated solu-
units can be powered by wind, biomass or tions is meter management, where the busi- Financial Solutions
solar light and will soon be generating be- ness process flow from meter reading to
tween 10 and 15% of all the electricity that consumption billing is efficiently supported.
is needed. Intelligent systems will provide So that none of your projects fall at the 9
the control and ensure an optimum energy hurdle of finance, we can advise you on
mix. A partner in system administration how to finance them in the most suitable
This will make great demands on the plan- Whether it be extending a system or simply way for you.
ning and implementation of integrated en- looking after it properly, as your partner we
ergy management systems that cover the can also undertake all your system and data The international trend: Operator models 10
whole distributed network right up to final management. That could be of great inter-
consumption. est for large-scale system administration in Project finance is in world-wide demand
connection with power system management, these days, for major schemes sponsored
Our partnership with you also means pro- by both governments and the private sec-
viding generation management, load man- for example. Typical tasks of this kind are
the editing of system parameters, regular tor. It is this that provides the necessary
agement, delivery management and com- freedom of action for investment. We help
munications, with consumers too, integrat- checking of system security and the addi-
tion and editing of mimic diagrams, listings you to explore many new avenues of ap-
ed into the network itself. For this purpose proach – total customized solutions, capital
we employ intelligent supply systems, in- and records. In this area we can provide
backup either through on-site service or by finance from the world‘s money markets –
cluding subsystems such as the NEXUS to fit your needs at attractive rates.
means of teleservice.

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Service and Training for Expert surveys for economical answers Training for any task

Substations, Switchgear and Whether it be task planning, status evalua- Just as important as good service are good
1 tion or damage analysis, we will be happy operating staff. Only someone who has
System Components – to arrange expert surveys for you at any been properly trained can recognize early
Customized Concepts time. Such results are an important prereq- on the need for service attention, plan it
uisite for economical future planning and properly when it is needed and respond
for skilled repairs or maintenance. correctly to any operational disturbances
2 Every plant, every installation, every system that might occur.
and every product associated with electrici- In order to cover this aspect of demand we
ty supplies can gain in value from skilled Arranging for waste disposal
offer an extensive range of training programs
expert service, whether it be through opti- When installations, plants or parts of them that have been tailored specifically to the
mum availability, long service life, economi- have come to the end of their useful life, needs of our customers. Various courses,
cal operation or fast help in the event of a you will have to dispose of them properly based on theory but practical in nature, are
3 problem. and in an environmentally compatible man- held for small groups of participants.
Whatever the task – we have the experts ner. We will be happy to give you full back-
to deal with it. They are on the spot almost up and take care for arrangements by dis-
immediately after you call and you can rely posal experts. Overall training program
on them to get the job done properly. As well as the actual training itself, we can
4 On-call service and failure analysis also take care of all your training manage-
ment needs. This means the organization
From a single service to total care Our hotline gives you access to immediate and implementation of individual training
You can choose from a truly comprehensive help. One call is enough to get you all the activities as a package including all the as-
range of services. Whether you want a sin- support and backup you need – over the sociated tasks of booking hotels, designing
gle-contract relationship with us or a long- telephone or by specialist staff on-site. programs and looking after participants from
5 term maintenance concept offering optimum the time they arrive to the time they leave.
availability, we have the right one for you.

Customized maintenance contracts

One way of ensuring that you get the best
6 possible service is to arrange a mainte-
nance contract. Such documents lay down
what individual maintenance services will Residual wear margin
be provided by us – for example, 24-hour
on-call availability, coordination of service
7 activities, specific maintenance tasks, fault
analysis, etc., etc., etc. The advantage of Reference
this for you is that you can tailor the scope Reference conditioning conditioning
of the services to your own individual (at initial commissioning) (after repair)
requirements and so do what is best for
you in terms of economy. Actual conditioning
8 deviation Z0 – Z1

World-wide service – Actual conditioning Z1

solving problems on-site
It makes no difference where you are: We
have a service network and a spares deliv-
9 ery service that span the globe, allowing
us to solve your problems quickly, fully and
reliably. Damage limit

Modernize with RETROFIT –

10 at the right price Lifetime
Modernization instead of new investment –
this is where RETROFIT comes in. Failure
Inspection t1 Inspection t2 Inspection t3
RETROFIT is our economical total concept Repair
for looking after the technical side of your time
installations and for adapting everything
to comply with the latest standards. That
means greater safety for your employees,
and greater reliability for the supplies you Fig. 5: Condition-based maintenance:
provide. The right time for action is when costs can be cut and availability can be enhanced.

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