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personal expenses go to expense log



Jan Feb Mar Apr Jun Jul Sep Nov May

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expense log go to dashboard

date category subcategory amount note

1/3/2017 Kolera Fuel 1.00
2/1/2017 Diare Hair Cut 2.00
3/1/2017 Diare Berdarah Cinema 3.00
4/1/2017 Tifuls perut Widal(+) Sweets / Candy 4.00
5/2/2017 Tifus Perut Klinis Internet 5.00
6/2/2017 TB Paru Klinis Landline Phone 6.00
7/2/2017 Kusta PB Electricity 7.00
8/4/2017 Kusta MB Gym 8.00
9/4/2017 Campak Clothing 9.00
10/6/2017 Difteri Subway Pass 10.00
11/2/2017 Batuk Rejan Fuel 11.00
12/1/2017 Hepatitis Klinis Hair Cut 12.00

Page 2 of 12
main categories subcategories go to expense log

category name

Diare Kampiri Tinco Labae Citta Puskesmas category 6 category 7
Diare Berdarah Rent/Mortgage Food Car Cable Subcategory 1 Subcategory 1 Subcategory 1
Tifus Perut Klinis Gas Hair Cut Car Insurance Cinema Subcategory 2 Subcategory 2 Subcategory 2
Tifuls perut Widal(+) Landline Phone Medication Bus Pass Club
TBC Paru BTA (+) Internet Contact Lenses Subway Pass DVD Purchases
TB Paru Klinis Mobile Phone Tea/Coffee Fuel DVD Rentals
Kusta PB Water Clothing Car Tax Eating Out
Kusta MB Electricity Dry Cleaning Rail Card Gym
Campak Insurance Cosmetics Car Repairs Magazines
Difteri Health Insurance Tuition Music CD
Batuk Rejan Credit Cards Sweets / Candy Music Lessons
Tetanus Sporting Events
Hepatitis Klinis
HepatiismHbs Ag (+)
Malaria Klinis
Malaria Vivax
Malaria Falsifarum
Malaria Mix
Demam Berdarah Dengue
Demam Dengue
Suspek AI/AI
Gigitan Hewan tersangka Rabies
date category subcategory amount note
3/6/2011 Transport Subway Pass 21 March Pass
date category subcategory amount note
3/6/2011 Transport Subway Pass 21 March Pass
date category subcategory amount note
4/6/2011 Transport Subway Pass 21 April Pass
4/1/2011 Transport Fuel 54
4/4/2011 Daily Clothing 42
4/4/2011 Daily Contact Lenses 29
4/1/2011 Daily Sweets / Candy 2.75
4/1/2011 Daily Tea/Coffee 12
4/1/2011 Daily Hair Cut 12
4/2/2011 Housing Electricity 62
4/2/2011 Housing Landline Phone 39
4/2/2011 Housing Internet 29
date category subcategory amount note
5/3/2011 Transport Fuel 54
date category subcategory amount note
8/1/2011 Daily Sweets / Candy 2.75
date category subcategory amount note
6/1/2011 Daily Hair Cut 12
date category subcategory amount note
4/6/2011 Transport Subway Pass 21 April Pass
4/1/2011 Transport Fuel 54
4/4/2011 Daily Clothing 42
4/4/2011 Daily Contact Lenses 29
4/1/2011 Daily Sweets / Candy 2.75
4/1/2011 Daily Tea/Coffee 12
4/1/2011 Daily Hair Cut 12
4/2/2011 Housing Electricity 62
4/2/2011 Housing Landline Phone 39
4/2/2011 Housing Internet 29
personal expenses data
The PivotTable below provides the data source for the Personal Expenses PivotChart on the Dashboard. Any changes you m
visual modifications to the PivotChart or errors.

date category Sum - amount

Jan 1.00
Kolera 1.00
Feb 2.00
Diare 2.00
Mar 3.00
Diare Berdarah 3.00
Apr 4.00
Tifuls perut Widal( 4.00
Jun 6.00
TB Paru Klinis 6.00
Jul 7.00
Kusta PB 7.00
Sep 9.00
Campak 9.00
Nov 11.00
Batuk Rejan 11.00
May 5.00
Tifus Perut Klinis 5.00
Aug 8.00
Kusta MB 8.00
Oct 10.00
Difteri 10.00
Dec 12.00
Hepatitis Klinis 12.00
Total Result 78.00
oard. Any changes you make may result in

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