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By​ Ben K.

Kaitlin, Nishi Section:​ #8-1 December 14th, 2017

Acceleration Word Problem

1. Scenario with citations*

One summer day, Damon, his friend Jace, and Damon’s Mom, Callie, all went to Six
Flags for a fun day of roller coasters. Damon and Jace raced to the ride Superman at a rate of 8
mph while Damon’s mom was taking her time at a rate of 3mph​2​. Jace and Damon’s excitement
slowly dropped as they beheld the long line for the ride. They quickly halted​3​, annoyed that they
had to wait for a ride they had been looking forward too​3​. Soon, they realized that the line
progressed at a rate of 2 yards every 5 minutes​5​. With around 50 people in line, they could barely
even see the entrance​5​. After waiting in line for 10 minutes, Callie, bored, goes to the concession
stands and buys two water bottle for the boys for $2.00 a piece​5​. Jace and Damon were frustrated
when two guys with fast passes and sped through the line to the front, pushing everyone back 4
yards in only 5 seconds​1​. After what felt like an eternity, Damon and Jace reached the front and
sat in the second car to the front. Immediately, they were zoomed at a rate of 50 mph over 3
seconds. When the reached the high slope, the slowed down to a halt, and then they were zoomed
and gained 150 feet in merely 5 seconds​4​! When they proceeded to exit the ride, Damon, urging
with pee, ran to the restroom at 20 mphn in 10 seconds. On the other hand, Jace, a bit
over-excited from the Superman, took a constant brisk walk to relax himself at 25 yards in 60
seconds​2​.Getting dark outside, they all decided to return home, sleeping, and having the speedy
filled day take over their dreams.
*Each number has the cited information in the sentence prior

2. Scenario w/o Citations

One summer day, Damon, his friend Jace, and Damon’s Mom, Callie, all went to Six
Flags for a fun day of roller coasters. Damon and Jace raced to the ride Superman at a rate of 8
mph while Damon’s mom was taking her time at a rate of 3mph. Jace and Damon’s excitement
slowly dropped as they beheld the long line for the ride. They quickly halted, annoyed that they
had to wait for a ride they had been looking forward too. Soon, they realized that the line
progressed at a rate of 2 yards every 5 minutes. With around 50 people in line, they could barely
even see the entrance. After waiting in line for 10 minutes, Callie, bored, goes to the concession
stands and buys two water bottle for the boys for $2.00 a piece. Jace and Damon were frustrated
when two guys with fast passes and sped through the line to the front, pushing everyone back 4
yards in only 5 seconds. After what felt like an eternity, Damon and Jace reached the front and
sat in the second car to the front. Immediately, they were zoomed at a rate of 50 mph over 3
seconds. When the reached the high slope, the slowed down to a halt, and then they were zoomed
and gained 150 feet in merely 5 seconds! When they proceeded to exit the ride, Damon, urging
with pee, ran to the restroom at 20 mph in 10 seconds. On the other hand, Jace, a bit over-excited
from the Superman, took a constant brisk walk to relax himself at 25 yards in 60 seconds.
Getting dark outside, they all decided to return home, sleeping, and having their speedily filled
day take over their dreams.

3. Questions for the Readers:

1. What is another term for negative acceleration ​and​ provide an example of it in the article

2. Which (person) in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration as compared to the
other (person)? Provide evidence to support your answer.

3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply (a person) that an object is at
rest, as in it’s not moving?

4. What (two) pieces of information did the writer include in the article that are irrelevant and/or
misleading to the reader, as in they are not useful in calculating either speed or acceleration?

4. Image to Accompany Text in Newspaper Article

5. Screenshot of the Newspaper Article
6. Answer Key for Questions for the readers

1. What is another term for negative acceleration ​and​ provide an example of it in the article

Another term is deceleration. Deceleration means for something or someone to decrease in

speed or rate.

Damon and Jace were pushed back 4 yards in 5 seconds from a standstill by the men who
cut the line. This equates to 4¨5=0.8. So, They moved 0.8yards/second backwards. This
deceleration can be expressed as -4yd/s-0m/s¨5= -0.8yd/s​2​.

2. Which (person) in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration as compared to the
other (person)? Provide evidence to support your answer.

Damon, running to pee went 20 miles per hour for 10 seconds. This corresponds with 9.78
yards per second. Multiplying by ten, this gets you to 97.8 yards in ten seconds. Damon’s
acceleration was: 97.8yd/s-0yd/s¨10s=9.78yd/s​2

Jace, wanting to relax after the ride, went 25 yards in 60 seconds. 25 yards¨60
seconds=0.41 yards/second. In 60 seconds, 0.41*60= 24.6yards/60 seconds. Jace’s
acceleration was 24.6yd/s-0yd/s¨60s=0.41yd/s​2

3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply (a person) that an object is at
rest, as in it’s not moving?

The term used to imply that the object wasn’t moving was ‘halted.’ And the reader can
infer that ​standing ​in line forever means little to no movement.

4. What (two) pieces of information did the writer include in the article that are irrelevant and/or
misleading to the reader, as in they are not useful in calculating either speed or acceleration?

Two pieces the writer included are; after waiting in a line for 10 minutes, Callie goes and
gets water bottles that cost 2 dollars each and the line moved 2 yards every 5 minutes.

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