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Advanced Unit 1

Life Teacher’s notes

What sort of person are you? Ask students to decide which ‘keeping
going’ phrases they will use when making
Task type their presentation.
Presentation and role play debate
4 Divide the class into groups of four to six
Preparation students, splitting up the pairs who
You will need one copy of the worksheet previously worked together. Each student
for each group of four to six students. Cut must make a one minute presentation on
out the six ‘type of person’ cards on each their person to their group. Tell other
worksheet before the lesson. members of each group to listen and
make notes during each presentation.
1 Lead in by writing ‘Person of the Year
Award’ on the board. Ask students in pairs 5 Hand out the six ‘type of person’ cards
to think of a famous person who they to each group. (You will need one set of
think should be presented with an award cards, cut out along the scissor lines, for
for outstanding achievement or each group). Tell students to place them
prominence this year. face down in the middle of the group.
Each student selects a card at random
2 Hand out the student cards. Once from the pile and must keep it secret.
students have chosen a person, tell them
to prepare notes on who the person is, Tell the groups to discuss which of the
what they have achieved, and why they nominees in the presentations they
should win the award. listened to should get the award. In the
discussion, they must play the role on
Extra activity their card. For example, the student with
Brainstorm possible criteria for selecting the ‘chatterbox’ card must try to
people of the year on the board first. dominate the conversation, while the
Criteria might include: making an ‘control freak’ must tell others what to
important discovery or invention, helping think. Refer to the types of people
world peace, producing an important work described in exercises 10 and 11 on page
of art, being in the public eye, improving 13 of the Student’s Book. Set a time limit
the lives of others. of five to ten minutes.

Then ask students to choose a person 6 Once students have completed their
based on the criteria. discussion, ask groups to agree on a
‘person of the year’. In feedback, ask
3 Tell students that they are now going to students to say which role they think
make a presentation using their notes to other members of their group were
argue in favour of their nominee for the playing in the discussion.
‘Person of the Year Award’.
Extra activity
Extra activity Each group presents their person of the
Revise the language of ‘keeping going’ year to the class, giving the reasons why
(Life Advanced Student’s Book page 16). they selected that person.

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