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1. My faith in God 36. My favourite park

2. My love for God 37. My favourite fast food
3. My name 38. My favourite flower
4. My love for my family 39. My favourite dog
5. My love for my boyfriend 40. My favourite cat
6. My memories with my boyfriend 41. My favourite food
7. My love for my friends 42. My favourite song
8. My love for architecture 43. My life verse
9. My career 44. My birthday
10. My dreams 45. Christmas
11. The joy to help 46. Places that I’ve visited
12. The joy to give 47. Countries I’ve visited
13. Kindness 48. My failures
14. Humbleness 49. My victories
15. Patience 50. My disappointments
16. Positive thoughts 51. My emotions
17. My home 52. The alphabet
18. Making my parents proud 53. My phone
19. The people I’ve met 54. My laptop
20. The people I helped 55. My camera
21. Time for self 56. My chargers
22. My childhood 57. The Philippines
23. My college days 58. My pet
24. My high school days 59. My bike
25. My elementary days 60. My watch
26. The feeling of being in love 61. My glasses
27. The feeling of being loved 62. My contact lenses
28. My achievements 63. Arts
29. My learnings 64. Music
30. My awards in school 65. Rest
31. My bible 66. My hangout place
32. My wallet 67. My guitar
33. My bank account 68. My accounts’ passwords
34. My favourite coffee shop 69. My accounts’ usernames
35. My favourite restaurant 70. My birthplace

1. God 36. Lessons

2. Family 37. Honor
3. Friends 38. Wealth
4. Myself 39. Graduation
5. Life 40. Promotion
6. Success 41. College degree
7. Word of God 42. License
8. Targets and goals 43. Diploma
9. Dreams 44. Reputation
10. Learning new things 45. Recognition
11. Good future 46. Authority
12. Achievements 47. Fear to lose something
13. Hope 48. Wants
14. Beliefs 49. Needs
15. Pride 50. Making people happy
16. Challenges 51. Contentment
17. Curiosity 52. Ease
18. Love 53. To serve other people
19. Pain 54. Forgetting
20. Failures 55. New perspective
21. Sorrow 56. To settle for good
22. Food 57. To build a family
23. Dream car 58. Travels
24. Dream house 59. To give and share
25. Dream job 60. To teach
26. Salary 61. Making people proud
27. Money 62. Satisfaction
28. Meeting new people 63. Justice
29. Contribution in the society 64. Confidence
30. Helping others 65. Charity
31. Blessings 66. Comfort
32. Good grades 67. Peace
33. Good outputs 68. Creating memories
34. Changes 69. Relaxation
35. Experiences 70. New beginnings

1. Through emoticons
2. Through facial reactions
3. Through speaking tone
4. Through smiles
5. Through cries
6. Through laughing
7. Through talking
8. Through a stare
9. Through a grin
10. Through a groan
11. Through a growl
12. Writing songs
13. Writing poems
14. Writing quotes
15. Through music
16. Through arts
17. Through prayers
18. Through wining
19. Through silence
20. Through shouting
21. Through eating sweet food
22. Through a prayer
23. Through physical contact
24. Through identifying the emotion and the feeling
25. Through paying attention to body’s reaction
26. Through trying to be honest about feelings
27. Through utilizing a positive form of communication
28. Through hand gestures
29. Through eye contact
30. Through actions
31. Through words
32. Through running
33. Through walking out
34. Through hanging out
35. Through spending money
36. Through sharing
37. Through giving
38. Through hugging
39. Through blogging what I feel
40. Through a head bang
41. Through rolling in the floor while laughing
42. Through tears
43. Through a neutral face
44. Through smirking
45. Through a face palm
46. Through a weary face
47. Through pouting
48. Having no fear of other people’s judgements
49. Understanding the basic emotions
50. Understanding how emotions affect your decision-making
51. Acknowledging each emotion
52. Being culpable to your emotions
53. Have someone to talk with your emotions
54. Preparing for emotiveness
55. Writing down your emotional responses
56. Predicting how you will feel in upcoming situations
57. Develop empathy
58. Through physical contact
59. Through identifying the level of emotion
60. Through letting go
61. Express your feelings without stress
62. Express your feelings without fear
63. Express your feelings without doubt
64. Express your feelings with confidence
65. Express your feelings with honesty
66. Leave your comfort zone
67. Through asking
68. Let time help you
69. Through assessment of self
70. Understand that emotions are meant to be expressed

1. I’m trusting God everything every time.

2. I synthesize knowledge.
3. I can work with different people.
4. I can sometimes predict the future.
5. I think of the future consequences of the decisions I am making today.
6. I try my best to prevent problems.
7. I always try to do my best.
8. I get tired but I don’t give up.
9. I always aim success.
10. I am willing to learn new things.
11. I’m good at reading some of people’s thoughts.
12. I’m good at advising people with heartbreaks.
13. I’m good at singing.
14. I’m good at dancing.
15. I’m fast at completing Rubik’s cube.
16. I’m good at cooking.
17. I’m good at making people laugh.
18. I’m good at making poems.
19. I’m good at making songs.
20. I’m good at playing guitar.
21. I’m good at making people feel appreciated.
22. I see people in their best ability.
23. I see people in their nicest way.
24. I learn to read early.
25. I am curious.
26. I want everything clean and organize.
27. I manage my time properly.
28. I follow my passions.
29. I challenge myself.
30. I think about how I think.
31. I control my emotions.
32. I take care of my body.
33. I eat healthy food.
34. I exercise regularly.
35. I’m open minded.
36. I filter my words.
37. I present myself well.
38. I’m independent.
39. I’m good at playing volleyball.
40. I’m creative.
41. I’m happy.
42. I take time deciding.
43. I know how to focus on my work.
44. I always want to finish all my work before deadline.
45. I want a neat workplace.
46. I work before I play and have fun.
47. I always recognize the people who helped me.
48. I always acknowledge every success and victories to God.
49. I accept constructive criticisms.
50. I have patience.
51. I am kind.
52. I don’t know how to hold grudges.
53. I always try to face my problems and find solutions.
54. I don’t want people hurt and be affected because of my decisions.
55. I am a dreamer.
56. I strive to do my best with all my ability.
57. I always give all to God.
58. I feed my brain through reading books.
59. I decide based on thinking thoroughly not based on my feelings and emotions.
60. I try my best to communicate properly.
61. I think logically.
62. I share my ideas.
63. I try to analyse things first before making a move.
64. I think of other people’s feelings.
65. I have manners.
66. I respect people’s advice and thoughts.
67. Math is never boring to me.
68. I respect and look up to my seniors.
69. I always aim for a good future.
70. I believe in myself and what I can do.

1. I usually talk to myself in the mirror.

2. I have a fondness for classical music.
3. I often talk to things.
4. I like to go shopping alone.
5. Whenever I use a new piece of lined paper i always have to skip the first line.
6. I wash hands a lot because I don't like to grease up my stuff.
7. I believe in aliens.
8. When listening to music, I often day dream about me being the one who's singing
9. I love the sound of raindrops.
10. I prefer even numbers to odd numbers.
11. I eat banana with peanut butter.
12. I eat corned beef with sotanghon.
13. I prefer .png files over .jpeg files
14. I always eat sweets after every meal.
15. I cringe when I think of an embarrassing moment from my past.
16. I have a thing for girls with short hair.
17. I hate anything spicy.
18. I love the sea but I can’t swim.
19. I’m a big fan of Disney.
20. I always have that “what ifs” in my head.
21. I can't sleep without a blanket, even if the weather is hot.
22. I can make the hole in my nose big.
23. I wash my hands about 20 times every day.
24. I don't like people being behind me.
25. I hate raisins.
26. When i get nervous i talk like a robot.
27. The clothes in my closet are all up facing same way and separated by color and
28. I hate sour cream.
29. I hate wearing shoes that are not in neutral colors.
30. I sleep on the couch more than I do in the bed.
31. I always date someone who’s older than me.
32. I can’t sleep with lights on.
33. I have a tendency to talk to myself when I’m in my room by myself.
34. I named my bike David.
35. The sound of people eating annoys me.
36. When I’m near the edge of a cliff or rooftop I’m afraid that I’ll jump.
37. I pull out my eyelashes.
38. I like the smell of new books.
39. I don’t wear underwear when I’m at home.
40. I’m afraid of roosters or anything with feathers.
41. I don’t like syrup on my pancakes.
42. I burp more when I’m hungry than when I’m full.
43. I love the texture of sand.
44. I eat cookies and sandwiches in a weird way. I eat the outer edges first and work
my way towards the center.
45. I love bread’s butt.
46. I hate the feeling of lotion on my hands.
47. I eat fruits before meals.
48. I always have a candy inside my bag.
49. I don’t believe in 11:11 wishes.
50. I have a hair whorl in my legs.
51. Crying people also makes me cry.
52. I am obsessed with candles.
53. I like pizza when frozen.
54. I can stay at home alone with Wi-Fi.
55. I like buying cute stuff.
56. When i see a stuff in baby pink, i say it’s cute.
57. I like making babies fall asleep.
58. I hate hearing bad words.
59. I always say sorry to those people whose sad even if it’s not my fault.
60. I appreciate people’s ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ very much.
61. I hate walking beside tall people.
62. I like spending time with myself.
63. I like Greenwich’s pizza than anybody else’s pizza.
64. I don’t eat chicken skin.
65. I love the scent of new clothes.
66. I like horizontal elements than vertical elements.
67. I don’t know how to wink.
68. I always chew my food on the right side of my teeth.
69. I love morning talks.
70. I cry when I’m angry.

1. Praying 40. Vacation

2. Shopping 41. Quality time with family
3. Eat chocolates 42. Browsing net
4. Breathe and calm down 43. Watching TV
5. Remind self that all is well 44. Drinking coffee
6. Remind self that everything 45. Go out with friends
happens for a reason 46. Drinking
7. Talk to someone 47. Watching sunset
8. Have a great time 48. Avoiding caffeine
9. Sleeping 49. Managing time
10. Reading bible 50. Take control
11. Laughing 51. Indulge in physical activity
12. Smiling 52. Keep a stress diary
13. Crying 53. Take everything one at a time
14. Singing 54. Asking instead of guessing
15. Dancing 55. Asking for advice
16. Playing games 56. Setting clear boundaries
17. Go to park 57. Disconnecting to other people
18. Hiking 58. Eliminating distractions
19. Sketching 59. Assessing self
20. Biking 60. Slowing down
21. Swimming 61. Stop worrying
22. Playing guitar 62. Recharging
23. Cuddle someone 63. Getting some support
24. Go out and have fun 64. Taking a bath
25. Cooking 65. Exercising
26. Get something like a stress relief 66. Meditating
ball or a punching bag 67. Slowly count to 10
27. Watch movies 68. Take a time out
28. Resting 69. Get a massage
29. Think happy thoughts 70. Organize everything
30. Painting
31. Watching vlogs
32. Watching DIYs
33. Watching k-dramas
34. Baking
35. Listen to music
36. Rewarding self
37. Want over need
38. Ranting
39. Lay down in bed

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