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Measurements and Vital Signs Webquest

Name: Kelana Collins

Date: 2/5/2018

Use the readings and videos in the lesson to find the information below.

Abbreviation for Temperature T

Abbreviation for Pulse P or HR

Abbreviation for Respiration R

Abbreviation for Blood Pressure BP

Abbreviation for Hypertension HTN

Average Temperature for Healthy Person 98.6 F or 37 C
Temperature that Constitutes a Fever 100.4 F or 38 C
Five Ways of Taking a Temperature Tympanic, Temporal, Rectal, Axillary, Oral
Most Accurate Way to Take a Temperature Tympanic & Rectal

Least Accurate Way to Take a Temperature Axillary

Average Pulse Rate for an Adult 60-100 bpm

Tachycardia Heart rate above 100 bpm

Bradycardia Heart rate below 60 bpm

Arrhythmia Irregular rhythm of heart
Normal Respiratory Rate for an Adult 14-20

Bradypnea Abnormally slow breathing

Tachypnea Abnormally rapic breathing

Normal Healthy Blood Pressure Reading 119/79 or below

Prehypertension Blood Pressure Reading 120/80 – 139/189

Hypertensive Blood Pressure Reading 140/90 or above

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