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Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing © 2013 Indian Association of Health,

2013, 4(5), 1006-1010 Research and Welfare

Standardization of eve teasing scale for boys: Reliability

and validity analysis
Deepa Ghosh
Department of Psychology, Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura

The aim of the study was to standardize an eve teasing scale for measuring attitude of the boys towards eve teasing.
The sample size was 100. The original questionnaire consisted of 37 statements. After item analysis, only 21
significant items (p<0.01; p<0.05) were kept in the Eve Teasing Scale for boys (ESB). Accordingly, ESB was
applied to the 100 students of different colleges of Tripura. Following the standard rationale each item was scored
and the scores were summated for each of the seven categories. Then, the inter category of coefficient of correlations
were determined and the said correlation matrix was utilised to factorial study utilising Principal Component Factor
Analysis. The factorial study reveals that the total of 21 items were clearly Clustered into two factors. Factor I
consist of three categories viz. girl's responsibility, improper socialisation and media's role and factor II consists of
four categories viz., consciousness about the problem, feeling of security, lack of knowledge, boy's responsibility.
The result of Principal Component Analysis of factorial study indicates that the eve-teasing scale has a good amount
of construct validity. Then the reliability coefficient was determined by applying the Spearman Brown prophecy
formula. The reliability coefficient of the factors I and the factor II were 0.788 and 0.841 respectively which
designate the test as a reliable one. Later ESB was applied to a group of 280 male college students. Results
(Mean=11.153; SD= 3.829) reveal that boys of colleges have predominantly favourable attitude towards eve
teasing. Further the results provide some interesting cues about the concerned phenomena.

Keywords: eve-teasing, standardization

Eve Teasing is a euphemism used in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan fun is not only the sole motive which encourages men to indulge in
for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of eve teasing behaviour, but also the non-fulfilment of psychological,
women by men with Eve being a reference to the biblical Eve (Puri, social and emotional needs. Thus, social scientists believe eve
1999). It is an attitude, a mindset, a set of behaviours that is construed teasing to be a result of the frustrations suffered by a majority of
as an insult and an act of humiliation of the female sex. It is youth. Disappointed by the unbecoming attitude of teachers and
considered as a growing problem throughout the sub continent that, indifferent parents, they yearn for an outlet to express their
ranges in severity from sexually coloured remarks to outright aggression and depression. Besides, many who do not inherit good
groping. It includes Stares, Comments or remarks, Verbal abuse, values tend to indulge in acts of sexual harassment for which our
Suggestive songs, lyrics typically targeted at the girl in question, an social system, values inculcated and outlook of the people can be
unwelcome touch, sexual in nature, Physical abuse beating, flashing held responsible. Men are raised to believe that they are more
which is accompanied by masturbation or an act of exposing one's powerful physically and emotionally than women. They feel that
genitals etc. Many feminist writers have termed it as 'little rapes' they are doing nothing wrong just having some fun (Kale, 2013).
(Dobash, 1998). But the boys, sometimes girls too, amusingly use the Women, on the other hand, are made to feel vulnerable and the
term Eve Teasing. They identify it as a means to gratify their delight. weaker sex. Eve teasing, like rape, molestation, and sexual
It is fine for those girls who accept eve teasing lightly, but a majority harassment, is generally understood in feminist theory to be an
of the girls' is badly affected both physically and psychologically. expression not of unbridled lust and desire, but of power. It is a form
Indeed eve-teasing is the violation of women right to live in dignity. of sexual harassment indulged in by men, never mind their
Further it affects the self- esteem and self - respect of women. Indeed, intelligence or their education.
eve teasing not only affects the victim, but it also has an indirect Violence has surrounded a women's life from birth to death and
influence upon the victim's family. A sense of insecurity regarding become a routinized affair in all classes of our society since
the future of their daughter engulfs the family, and therefore the girls' innumerable centuries. Suffering against women in our society is
are obligated to push out of education and are compelled to enter into manifested in different shades. According to NCRB (2010), the rate
matrimonial bond, sacrificing their career prospect much before they of crime against women has increased from 17.4 during the year
are physically or mentally prepared. Besides these many times it is 2009 to 18.0 during 2010. Tripura reported the highest rate of crime
observed that, desire for brutal group raping and then murder against women at 46.5 during 2010. Of all the crimes taking place in
originate from previous continuous eve-teasing situation which ulti- the country, 3.17 % crimes are held against women (NCRB, 2010).
mately destroy many a peoples life including perpetrators. Similarly, Rape, teasing, molestation, sexual misbehaviour, abduction,
the perpetrators' family also have to suffer mentally and socially. prostitution, dowry related crimes, foeticide; infanticides etc. are
Although the boys consider the phenomenon of eve teasing as some of the crimes committed against women. Amongst the most
something usual, but according to many psychologists, sex, love or serious problems faced by the women, especially at the recent times,
are sexual harassment and eve-teasing. Both these problems have
Correspondence should be sent to Dr. Deepa Ghosh, Department put scar on the Indian society because it is such a common anti-social
of Psychology, Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura act that the women have to face in her day to day life.
1007 Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing 2013, 4(5), 1006-1010

Undeniably from the last few years the rate of these crimes have eve teasing as a way of sexual harassment especially in the northern
reached at its peak and the women, irrespective of their age, are states of India. Eve teasing in the northern belt of India seems to be
compelled to accept some forms of sexual harassment as a part of on the increase. Educational institutions build human resources and
their life, for which they remain silent helplessly. Further when it educate the future generation in forming ethics and behaivour, our
becomes impossible to cope with the situation, then they don't approach towards the society. But, very commonly we witness
hesitate to take their own life. After the incident of Sarika Shah in different social evils like eve teasing and ragging predominantly
Chennai in 1998, there has been about half a dozen reports of suicide prevalent in the campus of colleges and universities, due to which
that have been attributed to pressures by eve-teasing (Natarajan, many innocent girls are compelled to sacrifice their career and life.
2008). According to many feminist, considering the semantic roots This makes them psychologically weak, which in the end will have
of the term in India eve-teasing refers to the temptress nature of eves, an impact upon their own life and influence the upbringing of their
making teasing a norm rather than an aberration (Gangoli, 2007). wards. They will not be able to break free from the age-old belief
Moreover girls are advised by the older people to save themselves that, as women they are vulnerable and represent the weaker sex of
from such hazard because according to them eve-teasing is a natural the society. As a result, today's girls will not be able to free
outburst of the desire of the boys. Thus majority of the girls too themselves from the shackles of being the victims of violence,
consider eve teasing to be a something regular occurrence. psychological weakness, and subordination to her male counterpart.
Nowadays woman have made rapid strides in every sphere, but On the other hand the adolescent boys day by day strongly inculcate
they are still targeted in a heinous way. An economically and in themselves wrong conception about themselves and about the
educationally empowered woman is also susceptible to eve teasing opposite sex. This gender biased attitude further influence their
and harassment by their colleagues at workplace or friends / forthcoming behaviour and they will show the same disregard to the
classmates at colleges. As much as the rate of going out to colleges women in and outside their family. Therefore eve-teasing has been
and work independently is increasing the problem of eve-teasing is ruining the academic atmosphere of colleges and universities along
also increasing at an alarming rate. Eve teasing is one such with the bankruptcy of moral values among the youths of today,
phenomenon, which reminds the female gender about their upon whom the future of our country rests. Unfortunately, it is the
vulnerability, susceptibility, timidity and the tag of 'weaker sections seat of learning where eve teasing is rampant and it is silently
of the society'. In the famous Rupan Deol Bajaj case, we find how a destroying many future minds. Moreover, the behavioural pattern of
senior male IPS officer in a social gathering patted a senior woman a male that is customary during the college days is manifested at the
IAS officer in her posterior. If a top notch, bureaucrat in the stature of workplace in the form of sexual harassment. It is all about
an IAS officer can be publicly humiliated and her modesty outraged, expression of male power over women that sustain patriarchal
then it is easily understandable what could be the plight of an relations. Thus, we can say that eve teasing that is originated in the
ordinary girl (Desai, 2008). Women in Indian society have been colleges is the contributor of all forms of sexual harassment
victims of humiliation, torture, and exploitation since long. There are ubiquitous in the society. A change in attitude is need of the hour.
Any change is possible only when we are able to identify the real
many records about episodes like abduction, rape, and murder etc. of
cause behind eve teasing. In this context, the need has been felt to
develop a suitable measure for studying the attitude of the college
Though, the Indian Law does not use the term 'eve-teasing', but
going male towards eve teasing. The construction of the present
victims usually take recourse to Section 298 (A) and (B) of the Indian
questionnaires is a step in this direction.
Penal Code, which sentences a man found guilty of making a girl or
woman the target of obscene gestures, remarks, songs or recitation Questionnaire development
for a maximum tenure of 3 months. Section 292 of the IPC clearly Collection and editing of the items: The items in terms of attitude
spells out that showing pornographic or obscene pictures, books or statements were framed as an outcome of interaction with the youths
slips to a woman or girl draws a fine of Rs 2000 with 2 years of of both sexes, articles published in various newspapers and
rigorous imprisonment for first offenders. In case of repeated offence following standard criteria for framing attitude statements
when and if proved, the offender will be slapped with fine Rs 5000 (Edwards, 1969) and thereby the draft. Eve-teasing questionnaire
with 5 years' imprisonment. Under section 509 of the IPC, obscene was developed for boys consist of 37 favourable and unfavourable
gestures, indecent body language and acidic comments directed at items.
any woman or girl carries a penalty of rigorous imprisonment for 1
Adjudging face validity: The face validity was adjudged by a group
year or a fine or both (Gangoli, 2007). In spite of this, the rate of
of 3 experts, who are conversant in test development and
sexual harassment and eve-teasing is not decreasing. Moreover only
psychometrics. Based on their unanimous opinion, several items
a few women take the course of law (Chatterji, 2007). Thus, the law were rejected, a few new items were added, and the languages of
enforcing authorities have failed to protect women and girls. There several ambiguous items were modified. Those set of items were
are hundreds of women who dare not to report such incidents even if assumed to be categorized into the following inquiry areas: girl's
they wish to, because tremendous psychological pressure from their responsibility, lack of consciousness about the problem, improper
family stops her from coming forward .Practically A victim of eve socialization, media's role, lack of social security, lack of knowledge
teasing is thrice bitten - initially by the teaser, followed by the society and boy's responsibility.
and finally from the custodian of law.
In India with the population of 1000 million 3,100 case of eve Item analysis
teasing were registered in the cities. However, the three fourth of Then the pool of items along with two-point response pattern
India's population is rural where the crimes like such are unreported (yes/no) of the draft questionnaire was administered on a group of
and further it was added that the percentage of cases registered were 100 male students of 18-23 years age, selected from 8 under
very low (Atray, 1988). Moreover, Mohan (1994) mentions about graduate colleges of Tripura, following simple random sampling

technique for the purpose of the present study. Data at this stage were of the questionnaire, 27% of the high scores and 27% of the low
collected including different technical and general degree colleges of scores individual were identified. Then, discrimination indices of
Tripura. The scoring rationale is very simple. If unfavourable items each item were calculated by applying t-test. After that, only those
get positive response then the score will be 1. On the other hand if items were retained in the questionnaires which were statistically
unfavourable items get negative response then the score will be 0. significant. The final version, thus prepared contains 21 items [Eve
Thus, the scoring rationale was that high score indicates favourable Teasing Scale for boys (ESB). The category wise distribution of the
attitude towards eve teasing and vice versa. Based on the total scores questionnaire after item analysis has been presented in Table1.

Table 1: Category wise distribution of the attitude statements along with their t-values after item analysis.
Dimensions Item No Statements t-values
Girl's 1 I tease a girls because she wears bust revealing dresses 3.011**
responsibility 8 Girl's reaction to eve teasing is responsible for the boys to tease the girls 4.147**
11 I tease the girls because they accept eve teasing as a day to day affair 5.727**
13 It is true that the girls love to be teased 4.400**
Consciousness 2 I protest against eve teasing 2.355*
about the 3 I feel the necessity to protest against eve teasing 3.527**
problem 21 Eve teasing is a social crime 2.938**
Improper 4 Being a boy, I accept the fact that there are certain things which I should do 2.360*
socialisation 7 I think that both men and women are equal 2.362*
9 I think that men is powerful than women 2.692**
16 I think that a boy teasing a girl is normal 4.473**
18 I think that boys are superior to the girls 4.803**
Media's role 5 I think that the influence of Cinema/Satellite channels are responsible for eve teasing in the society 3.489**
20 I enjoy watching a scene of eve teasing in a movie 4.979**
Feeling of security 6 I think that if I protest, the matter will worsen 4.706**
Lack of knowledge 14 I am aware about sex education 2.450*
19 I think that boys tease the girls due to lack of knowledge about sex education 3.361**
Boy's responsibility 10 I tease the girls just for enjoyment 5.765**
12 I am frustrated 4.710**
15 I get pleasure from eve teasing 5.064**
17 Boys tease the girls to take revenge for being rejected in love 3.134**
*p<0.05; ** p<0.01
N.B.:- Unfavourable Statement: 1,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20.
Favourable Statement: 2, 3,4,7,14,21.

Validity and reliability study The result of Principal Component Analysis of factorial study
provides sufficient evidence to designate the eve-teasing scale as a
Construct validity valid one having a good amount of construct validity.
In order to test the validity and reliability of the said attitude
questionnaire another group of fresh 100 boy students of Tripura was Reliability coefficient
selected from 6 under graduate colleges following simple random The reliability coefficient of ESB factors were determined by
sampling technique. obtaining the odd-even coefficient of correlation and then applying
Following the standard rationale each item was scored and the the Spearman Brown prophecy formula (Table- 4). The reliability
scores were summated for each of the seven categories. Then, by coefficient (Table - 4) of the Factor I was 0.788 and the Factor II was
applying the Product Moment Correlation technique, the inter 0.841 which largely provide testimonies to designate the test a
category of coefficient of correlations were determined and thus the reliable one.
correlation matrix was formed (Table 2) .The said correlation matrix Hence, the ESB Scale has sufficient psychometric
was utilised to factorial study utilising Principal Component Factor characteristics to use the same for understanding the attitude of the
Analysis. boys' college students of Tripura towards Eve-teasing- insuring
The outcome of the factorial study explicitly 'reveals that the total the applicability of the ESB for further understanding of the
of 21 items was clearly clustered into two factors. Factor I thus phenomenon.
consist of three categories viz. girl's responsibility, improper Thereafter, ESB was given to 280 boy students belonging to
socialisation and media's role having factor loadings 0.848, 0.596, different colleges of Tripura viz, Medical College, Engineering
0.844 respectively. College and 5 different General Degree colleges. But due to
Factor II consists of four categories viz., consciousness about the incompleteness of the responses of the boys only 273 data were
problem, feeling of security, lack of knowledge, boy's responsibility finally taken for the study. The Mean and SD of the two factors of
having factor loadings of 0.501, 0.449, 0.582, and 0.599 respectively. the scale are given in (Table 5).
1009 Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing 2013, 4(5), 1006-1010

Table 2: Inter category Coefficient of Correlation Matrix

Variables 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Girl's responsibility
Consciousness about the problem -.067
Improper socialisation .276 -.063
Media's role .615 -.098 .310
Feeling of security .059 .029 .016 .014
Lack of knowledge .018 .038 -.027 .032 .080
Boy's responsibility .165 .075 .031 -.001 .032 .081

Table 3 Factor Matrix of the seven variables selected for ESB They strongly establish that boys teasing girls is a natural
obtained from Principal component Factor Analysis phenomenon. Practically, different studies proved that girls' do not
possess favourable attitude towards eve-teasing. Much of the times
Variables Factor I Factor II
they remain silent or possess avoiding tendency towards eve-
Girl's responsibility 0.848 teasing. Indeed improper social conditioning, patriarchal structure
Improper socialisation 0.596 of the society, lack of proper training, too much interference by
Media's role 0.844 parents make the girls to be subservient and passive while men are
Consciousness about the problem 0.501 conditioned to be antagonistic and hostile. Rather in the cases of
Feeling of security 0.449 sexual harassment the perpetrators get acceptance in the society,
Lack of knowledge 0.582 while victim continues to be looked down upon, as if she herself was
Boy's responsibility 0.599 responsible for her plight. The victim has no other way but to suffer
Table 4: Odd-Even Correlation coefficient and Spearman-Brown in silence (ICRW, May 2002, Domestic violence in India: Exploring
Reliability Coefficient of ESB Factors Strategies, Promoting Dialogue). Sexual harassment in public
places, educational premises arise in them a lot of social, educational
ESB Factors Odd-Even 'r' Spearman-Brown Reliability and mental problems (Singh & Singh, 2010). 68% of the boys blame
the media for instigating eve-teasing behaviour in the society. Again
I 0.650 0.788 54% of them clearly admit that they enjoy the scene of eve-teasing in
II 0.726 0.841 the cinema and satellite channels. Here it is mention worthy that
50% of the boys enjoys the scene of eve-teasing in the movie but
Table 5: Means and Standard Deviations of ESB (N=273)
other portion of the boys is not influenced by the media. Therefore it
Factors Mean SD can be said that though layered song, lyrics or scene of eve-teasing
I 6.860 2.602 play significant role especially in the adolescent period to instigate
II 4.293 2.889 the boys for such unwelcomed behaviour but it is not the main factor.
Total 11.153 3.829 Practically, the boys who have favourable attitude towards teasing
enjoy such scene in the movie. Therefore the attitude towards
N.B.:- Scoring Rationale- Unfavourable statement if respond positively or
opposite sex and towards them is the vital factor leading to such
'Yes' will get a score 1 & vice versa., Favourable statement if responds
negatively or 'No' will get a score 1 & vice versa., High Score indicates offensive behaviour. In fact people's values, morality play
favourable attitude towards eve-teasing and vice versa. significant role in the formation of attitude and thereby influence
people's perception. Wrong societal attitude and prejudices towards
Discussion opposite sex lead the boys to play such unacceptable social
behaviour. The family in particular and the society in general is
The overall mean scores speak in favour of the saturation of the score
responsible for nurturing such attitude in the males. There are many
distribution towards the higher scale continuum indicating that
studies which establish that male subjects attributed less
majority of the boy students of colleges have had predominantly
responsibility to the perpetrators, in comparison to the female
favourable attitude regarding the issue of eve-teasing. Factor wise
mean scores have also been observed to endorse the same views. subjects in matters of sexual harassment (Valentine-French, Radtke
et al., 1989). Further according to Lerner and Matthews (1967) there
The result incorporated in the Table-5 reveals that 82% of the boy
is a tendency to blame innocent victims for their undeserved fate as a
students of colleges think that they are superior in comparison to
means of maintaining one's belief that the world is fair and just.
girls. They considered women as weaker sex both in terms of
Moreover eve-teasing is such a type of crime that is easy to commit
physical and psychosocial aspect. This inappropriate male
but difficult to prove. For such reasons many of the offenders are
perception of female sexuality does not develop in them suddenly or
acquitted due to lack of sufficient evidence. All these make the boys
within one day. Parents and family members play significant role
to feel safe and more tenable.
behind the development of such objectionable attitude. Therefore it
is the upbringing that matter. Further 78% of the boys think that girls' Further the factor II scores clearly divulge boys' fondness towards
reaction pattern towards eve-teasing initiates the boys for teasing eve-teasing. More than 50% of the boys admit that they involve in
behaviour. Moreover more than 60% of them believe that girls love eve-teasing just for enjoyment. According to them eve-teasing
to be teased. Again 58% of them opine that vulgar dresses of the girls should not be viewed as social crime. Further a large amount of boys
are responsible for boys teasing in the society. reported that boys tease the girls as a retribution for being rejected in

love. In my earlier study on eve-teasing, girls' directly blame the be taken at the earliest to bring forth a far-reaching change, which are:-
boys' grievance, aggression towards n opposite sex for such unsocial Social awareness about eve-teasing should be increased manifold
behaviour (Ghosh, 2011). This fact indicates that frustration, through skits, drama, debates, seminar etc held exclusively in
grievance, aggression or hatred towards the opposite sex is a colleges and universities.
contributor to eve- teasing. Further study
on this point with a large Co-educational system of education should be encouraged and all
sample is essential. the male and female students should be allowed and motivated to
On the other hand Factor II revealed that a notable percentage of participate in games & sports, cultural activities, along with
the boys (above 40%) feel the necessity to protest against eve- literary activities to release their tensions.
teasing. Further 60% of them accept the n
eve-teasing as social crime. In every educational institution, problematic boys will be
According to them insufficient knowledge about sex education is a identified through complain box , psychological test and then
factor which make the adolescent boys curious about opposite sex. they will be counselled by professional efficient psychologist or
They meet up their curiosity by involving themselves in different counsellor.
offensive behaviours viz., eve-teasing, n
rape, molestation, watching Equal treatment should be given to the children irrespective of
adult content in the movie or in the internet. All these factors indicate their gender in the family and in the educational institutes.
that boys' consciousness about the issue is one important factor in Specifically boys should not be treated as special member in the
framing attitude towards the opposite sex. Consciousness makes an family by their parent.
individual aware about his own and others' thoughts, memories,
n New legislative measure considering the intensity of the problem
feeling, sensation and the environment in which one lives. It is
should be imposed against eve-teasing.
related to educational and social learning. If the boys are socially
n Further study with large sample including other section of the
conscious, then their behaviour would be positively refined, which in
boys is required to understand the phenomena.
the long run will act as a precursor to the formation of a gender free
society and for its truthful development. Limitations of the study
Concluding remarks n Every section of the boys are not included in the study.
The Eve-teasing scale thus developed n and standardized with required This study is conducted only on educated boys.
amount of reliability and validity whichn
ensured the applicability and Private colleges are not included in the study.
suitability of the scale. This scale measures the attitude of the boys
towards eve-teasing. In this study it is found that majority of the boys References
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