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Managing Organisational Design and Change

Session 6
Portfolio Assignment
Managing Organisational Design and Change

Workshops Fundamentals:

Review: Key Assignment Information

Review: Portfolio Requirements
Review: Marking Criterion

Review: Conceptual Metaphor of what is Managing Organisational

Design and Change

Key feedback from 2016-17 Portfolio Assignment

Real World Examples

Effective Introduction
Effective Conclusion
Appendices (what to include)
Research Sources
Example Portfolios (between ranges 15 – 90%)
Managing Organisational Design and Change
Key Assignment Information:

Word Count: do not exceed 6000 for all 10 questions and introduction/conclusion
Font Type: Times New Roman or Arial
Font Size: 12-point text size
Line Spacing: 1.5
Using this template submit a portfolio of 12 questions from question bank (maximum
6000 words).
*****All your organisation analysis tools are to be included in the appendices*****

Indicative word count includes:

• Introduction
• All answered questions (10)
• Conclusion
Indicative word count does not include:
• Reference list
• Appendices
Managing Organisational Design and Change
Portfolio requirements: (Extract from Template)

You are required to produce a portfolio of 10 answers from 15

questions. Sections 1 & 6 are mandatory; sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 have
optional questions.

Assignment tasks (follow very carefully):

The use of this template is mandatory

Introduction to include a brief summary of the organisations you will analysis
Answer the following number of questions from each section
Section 1 Exploring Organisations Mandatory Answer all 3 questions

Section 2 External Analysis Optional Answer 1 question only

Section 3 Internal Analysis Optional Answer 3 questions only

Section 4 Exploring Strategy Optional Answer 1 question only

Section 5 Exploring quality and organisational change Optional Answer 1 question only

Section 6 Exploring performance and organisational change Mandatory Answer the one question

Conclude with a summary drawing together your research

Compile a reference list of all your research sources (not included in word count)
Include your organisations analysis tools in the appendices (not included in word count)

Research expectations 6-8 hours per question, 4-6 hours for introduction and conclusion
Managing Organisational Design and Change
Marking Criterion
Criterion A B C D TR F
1 Well-developed answers Poorly developed answers with little
providing evidence of evidence of understanding of the topic
significant understanding of areas questioned.
the topic areas questioned.

2 Evidence of using the No real evidence of using the module

module content materials to content materials to develop answers
develop answers and and support discussion.
support discussion. (20%)

3 Effective use and No use and application of the literature

application of the literature to develop answers and support
to develop answers and discussion.
support discussion. (20%)

4 Effective introduction and No effective introduction and conclusion

conclusion sections to the sections to the portfolio of answers.
portfolio of answers. (10%)

5 Application of real world Does not use real world examples to

examples to demonstrate demonstrate application of theory.
wider subject knowledge
and understanding. (10%)

Overall comments:
Mark………………………… Grade ………………………
Managing Organisational
Design and Change

Think of a box
Full of tools, each designed for a specific job
Manager (you)
Managing Exploring
Organisational and
Design and Change Performance
Change Change


External analysis
Managing Organisational Design and Change
Key Metrics from 2016-17 Individual Portfolio Assignment

357 students
Huddersfield, Oldham Campus
BABM, BABAM programmes
Average mark 60.5%
15 Tutor Referrals (TR)

Key Feedback from 2016-17 Individual Portfolio Assignment

Read and understand the
question Answer all questions Main reasons for TR, low marks,
Answer all parts of each question and the potential better performance

Other reason for poor performance:

• Poorly constructed ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’
• Real world examples to demonstrate wider subject knowledge and understanding
• Limited application of module materials to develop answers
• Descriptive answers maximum 55%
• Limited evidence demonstrating application and engagement with the tools
and techniques
• Support statements of facts and opinions of others with appropriate references
• Poor evidence of wider reading – research sources – academic sources and not solely
easily accessed web resources
• Limited application of critical analysis
• Introducing new content in the conclusion
Managing Organisational Design and Change
Real World Examples:

• Why: marking criterion (10%)

• Why: it demonstrates wider subject knowledge and understanding, particular
the practical nature of this module


1. Option 1 - Select one organisation you are very familiar with and use all strategic tools
and techniques to analyse this single company/organisation. Though for some
questions you will need to provide other examples to illustrate depth of knowledge and
understanding i.e. questions 1, 2 and 3. This option is relevant for students who wish to
engage in a deeper understanding of one particular organisation.

2. Option 2 - Select different organisations for each question. Though, similar with option
1, some questions you will need to provide other examples to illustrate depth of
knowledge and understanding i.e. questions 1, 2 and 3. This option is relevant for
students wishing to generalise strategic analysis by applying the tools and techniques
across different industries, sectors and markets.
Managing Organisational Design and Change


What it is not:

• A rewording or rephrasing the portfolio questions

What it is:

• A short discussion introducing strategic leadership analysis and decision-

making and the rationale for your selection of questions

• Here you need to briefly introduce:

o the main organisations(s) you will analyse
o the quality research article you will critique, or the main quality guru
you will explore in more detail (section 5 optional question)

• You may wish to include a short discussion why you chose the
organisation(s), quality article or quality guru.
Managing Organisational Design and Change


What it is not:

A summary of the question you have answered

A section you introduce new information, material, content

What it is:

A short discussion drawing together your research.

Here you may discuss

i) what you personally have learned from your research of
strategic leadership analysis tools and techniques
ii) what you have learned from analysing your organisations of choice, and
iii) what does it all mean to managing organisational design and change
Managing Organisational Design and Change

Questions you are expected to demonstrate engagement and application

of strategic analysis tools and techniques. Evidence in appendices.

• PESTLE analysis
• Porter’s Five Forces (include analysis and rating of each force)
• McKinsey 7S model (include the PESTLE or 5 Forces influence)
• BCG product/service portfolio matrix
• Porter’s Generic Strategy Matrix and table of competitive positioning
for each organisations
• Generic value chain of sector/industry, Porter’s Value Chain Model
• Initial stakeholder analysis matrix, stakeholder analysis grid current
and future set of stakeholders) – include reason for future new stakeholders
• Scenario planning diagram indicating the different futures for your
chosen organisation
• Strategic drift diagram relative to your real world example(s)
• Balanced Score Card for your chosen organisation of analysis

You may include other appropriate analysis tools and techniques for above and any
other question.
Managing Organisational Design and Change
Research sources:

Academic text i.e. peer reviewed articles,
academic text books, government publications,
reference works, conference papers, company
and market reports, seminar and lecture notes,

Quoting, paraphrasing and summarising

Summon is the best database

APA referencing guide)

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