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Ae Tieng : Ay x PaRCtG % su © %, o 7 Way yw ORIGAMI CONVENTION MAY 1987 THE AMERICAN MGSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY e Friends of The Origami Center of America Tea Th Street New York, NY 10024 » (212) 496-1890 or Museum Ext, (212) TR3-1300 ext. 557 following © £ publications and Centro Diffusiose Origaml (Italy! Asociacion Espanoia J+ f4piroflemia {spain} Monvement Francals des Pileurs de Papler (France) British Origami Society (England) . The model "Telephone" (page 190) was invented by Lore nar. 3. “Phampler" on page Tz shoul Se “pamphlen”. for the "Dragon" body (page 77 sale. shoitd go to 1. The model "B111 Sear" {page 53} was dLegrann samtel Randlaet. & The motel "$1 Shirt" (page RO) was created by Takahama aid adapted by Rachel # neglected to crac = sh Griyaml Society magacsine and Mark Overmars for diagrams for Frencis Ow's ‘Ster Medallle". We apologize t2 Francis Ow, alsa, for using his model before receiving express written permission. a, The “Tiss Rosa” (page 92} is Improved when step 1 1s as felinud, the twisting antion thea startiag she narra ond! = ' ' 1 ¥ VS seeding 5 _! ! I 1 SS ee ee The Friends of The Origami Center of America TE West 77 Street New York, NY 10024-5192 212-769-5635 say 1987 Dear Friends Member: Welcome to Origami Convention 19871 Whether you are with us "in spirit" or in person, we hope you enjoy cur annual event. Between formal folding sessions, impromptu lessons happening in the Hospitality Area, and the folding fun at the open houses, you can look forward to 23 hours of origami heaven on earth - if your desire, your eyes, and your fingars are strong enough. ‘The recently renovated facilities provided to us at the American Museum of Natural History are well suited to our needs, ‘hey are also FREE. ‘this allows us to spend your registration fee on supplies and materials for you, The Friends aciowwledgen with deep epereciaticn the genatosity of the bisa trustees. ‘We bold our conventions (this is the tenth) to give ourselves the ity to share with one another. Our registration fee is low bemause all work is carried out by volunteers. We could not present a gathering of this size without the hundreds of hours given by sorters, addressers, filers, boners, baggers, comters, signers, disgrammers, teachers, and others. ‘ur thanks to you, as well as to the generous money givers, learners, and folders, ‘the convention is a tine for all of us to reinforce the spirit of sharing as originally articulated by the Origami Center of Anerica's founder and director, Lillian Oppenheimer. Sharing is now an international philosophy, and our convention is che of many held all over the world. We are proud to he part of an informal international community that shares paperfolding. We acknowledge the dedication (more than 25 years) and support of Tillian Oppenheimer to origami and to ‘the Friends. ‘This program represents only a small percentage of the models taught during the convention. Many af the models represent menbers who cannot attend, ‘send Origami Teaching Tips & The Friends of The Origami Center of America i © Copyright 1987 by the Friends of The Origami Center of America. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this phamphiet or portions thereof in any form without the prior ‘weitben Bennisiion of the Friends of the Origami Center of america. The Friends of The Origami Center of America 15 West 77th Street Wew York, N.Y. 10024 TABLE OF CONTENTS Description tr Intreduction TI. The Goal of Teaching Origami III, Preparation Iv, ‘The Clase =r ve Origami Vocabulary I, INTRODUCTION Our organization has grown in numbers and enthusiasm. when we meet, everyone is excited about learning origami. As our membership increases, so does our need for teachers. This booklet has been prepared to encourage members to share through teaching. We have brought together the ideas of several experienced teachers. Their techniques, phrases, and simple tips may be helpful to eur meibers during an origami class in their homes or at the Convention, It is our aim to build confidence in teachers, thus helping them enjoy their teaching experience. The booklet is divided inte four sections. The first section highlights the goal of teaching origami. The next two sections are the collection of tips for the preparation before and during class. The last section is a list of words commonly used in origami, ‘This origami vocabulary is offered to encourage the membership to use these terms while teaching. Many teachers agree that it is helpful when students van perform the series of folds needed to construct @ base when the base is simply named. ie TZ, THE GOAL OF TEACHING ORIGAMI The goal of urigami teaching is to enable the student to construct a model with pleasure in the exeeution and satisfaction with the result, Whatever the means of communication, when the pupils are happy with their achievements the teaching has been successful. IIT. PREPARATION The following tips are offered by teaching membere to help you prepare for an origami class: » Practice, practice, practice. Fold the model enough to know it backwards and which moves or folds are hard. ‘Try to have several precise explanations for the difficult moves, It may take three times as long to teach the model as it does to fold dt, Familiarize yourself with origami vocabulary and try to use these terms when teaching, Always define an origami term the first time you use it. Include shapes as part of the Sescription such as colored triangle, kite, or roof top. 3, Understand the skills of novice, intermediate, and advanced students, Try ta match the model being taught to the students' level of competence, with enough difficulty to maintain interest but not enough to raise frustration, Decide on the size and type of paper needed te be large enough te be seen from the back row. From a distance, the contrast between the white side and light colors or foil can not always be distinguished. 5, Teach several people the model in advance and learn by their reactions where the instructions need to be improved, 6. Prepare suggestions for the type of paper suitable for exhibition models. Make a model for exhibition. 7. Make step folds 4f you feel the need of reassurance during the teaching. 8. Diagrams are always a plus. If you or someone can draw diagrams or gain permission for use of diagrams in print, your class will be overjoyed. Do not distribute them until the end of the lesson. in any class, some pupils when givon the instructions, will rush ahead and pay no attention to the teaching. IV, THE CLASS The following tips are offered hy teaching members for use during an origami class: Bi 10. Me Introduce yourself, the model, the model’ creator, and any background information an folding this specific model that would be helptul to the students. Enjoy yourself throughout the class. Tf yon have some jokes or stories to share, use them while you wait for the students to finish a move, This will help to create a pleasant atmosphere. Begin at the beginning unless you are sure that your pupils will all know what you mean if you ask for a specific base. ‘Try to use origami vocabulary to describe each fold or base. Remember pronouns like “it” , "thie", "there", or words like “over here* are not precise énough to be part of origami vocabulary. When describing a fold use its name, the place where the fold begins and ends, or other "landmarks" to locate it exactly. Encourage the students to observe your demonstration of 2 move before they attempt it. Perhaps teach each move twice, Use « large piece of paper to demonstrate the model. Give the class as much assurance and positive encouragement as you can. Suggest folders compare their model with their neighbor's. Encourage more skilled folders to help by demonstrating on their own model, Help the individual student yourself even to the extent of performing the move, if that is necessary to enable the Student to proceed to a satisfactory end, The students’ self satisfaction is the one great essential. They must succeed. Frustration and failure will alienate them from origami altogether. Keep aware of the time. ORIGAMI VOCABULARY These are some of the more common words used to “speak origami". he list includss names of landmarks, folds, and bases. Tt will be helpful to be familiar with the words. VOCABULARY Mode white side Colored side Raw edge Folded edge Double vaw/folded edge Corner Center (middle) Center line Diagonal Point Landiark Valley fold Mountain fold Short side (s) Long side(s) Crease va, Fold Pre-creasing or Preparation Folds Book fold Ice-cream cone fold Kite fold Cupboard door fold Diesonal or Diaper fold Pleat Bink Bineh Rabbit ear Squash Lover's knot move Inside reverse fold Outside reverse fold crimp Preliminary base Waterbomb base Blintz base Fish base Windmill base Wing fold Bird base Petal fola Frog (or lily) base Strotching a base Locking Fudge Factor DEFINITIONS MODEL: the finished product of your efforts DOUBLE RAW/FOLDED EDGE: where two raw or folded edges lic on top of each other, (CREASE vs. FOLD: a crease is the line left in the paper when you unfold a particular - move; whereas a fold is a completed move. POINT: the intersection of creases or folds er a location (i.e. center). ‘The corners of the paper and the free ends of flaps may be referrad to as points. LANDMARK: a point, crease, edge, or fold which locates the area or move precisely. PRE-CREASING (Preparation folds}: a series of folds and unfolds which creates landmarks or prepares the paper for subsequent moves (i.e. pre-creasing in reverse folding) . LOCKING: a move that helps to hold the model in shape, often the insertion of a flap inte = pocket. FUDGE FACTOR: a small gap or space which allows for the thickness of the paper ‘when folded layers are brought together. Fudge factors prevent the buckling of thick folds. Gorner Genter line Gente Raw edge (middie) Folded edge Diagonal The Friends of The Origami Center of America wT BASICS Short side =, Pauper folded ike ao accordian or a tan. f PINCH RABBIT EAR AV Solaoh The Friends of The Origami Center of America SQUASH erense ve ea twe Jaye LOVER'S KNOT MOVE pull put Pulling the aides of @ tap apart to ' out when you can not tn te cattes A crimp Is m tapered pleat. auteide reverse fold BASES:/PRELIMINARY|WATER-BOMB| FISH Zs BLINTZ WINDMILL DK Bilntzed squares can be folded Into other bases. —L és The Friends of The Origami Center of America te WING FOLD Taino BASE STRETCHED BIRD BASE \ , Thie WMwatration ahe blvd bane etretened. Stretching |e pulling tsps apart fo form » naw an. Frog bases can alse be atretened. — Malling Addreme: The Friends of The Origem! Center of Americn 15 Weet 77th Street Hew York. M.¥. 10024 CONVENTION PROGRAM 1987 editor? CAROL ANN W\LK 1 asst. editor: KATHLEEN OREGAN typesetting: BRANDY Youn CONVENTION PROGRAM 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Bear by Stephen Weiss ....... Blow-up Chick by Aldo Putignano Butterfly by Jean Pout Latil ...... Centipede by Peter Engel Crab by Peter Engel .. Dimetradan byJohn Montrall Dragan by Timothy H, Murphy . Fly by Mare Kieschenbaum ...... Generations by Robert J, Lang . Hummingbird by Mike McKinley. Jack Rabbit by John Montroll .. Penguin by Jean Paul Latil..... Ram's Head by Michael Sussman Rhinoceros by Mike McKinley Robin by JFK. Wiatrowsk? .. a Wings af Fantasy dy Ranaria Benjamin . ANIMAL MODELS page 1 7 s y i) Neeazreue $ BILL ANIMALS Bill Bear by George Rhoads... Dollar Bill Butterfly by Tac! Bond Dollar Bill Donkey by Lore Schirokauer. Dollar Bill Fish by Ted Bond ........00+ Dollar Bill Squirel by Lore Schivokauer. Dollar Bill Swan by Lore Schirokauer.. Bg298u GEOMETRIC MODELS Rhombicesidedecahedron by Douglas M, Caine Ring Pentallexagon by Ricky W.K. Wong Solid Decadacty! Structure by Ricky W.K. Wong Solid Origami—A Panorama ean WK, ene Todd's Cube by Todd Kirschenbaum 5.0... HUMAN-RELATED MODELS $1 Shin by Rachel Kate... $2 Pantsuit by Rachel Kate Gion Dancer by James M. Sakoda The Origami Master by Michael Sussman . PLANT MODELS Four-Leaf Clover by Kathleen Beyer. Shamrock by Mike McKinley . Tissue Rose by Carol Ann Wilk. OBJECT MODELS Biplane by Mare Kirschenbaum ... Business Card Holder/Envelope by Kathleen Beyer ‘Constructing Takshame's Jewels by Michael Naughton Dinosaur Bost by Elizabeth Reeds ........4 Five-Pointed Star by David Shall Hat Variation by Dorothy Kaplarr Heart-Shaped Box by Karen Reeds Maltese Cross by Karen Reeds ... Napkin Ring #1 by Catherine Abbott Napkin Ring #2 by Catherine Abbott Napkin Ring #3 by Catherine Abbott Seamless Box and Lid by David Shall Stand-up Heart by Joha Geist ‘Ster Medaille by Francis Ow . Stop Sign/Trees by Karen Reeds Tank by Sean A Peterson . Telephone by Lore Shirokauer . The Magic Book by Rachel Katr ... ‘Two-piece Lunar Lander by Ross Kohler . BEAR_ by STEPHEN werss Use a pectangle reperhened [2/, 4, Same color bath Sides. iy Press te shape top ot spout, heed, neck shoulders, cap back. Crimp neck Mawr cemel pear feys forward Open + fond ouf ears, ilenT teil auth peverse Lill, Round underside of bel y slightly, Fad behind botfcam ef neck,includthy smai/ protusion at fap of front 196, ether crimp is madé in neck, model ©1986 , Stephen Weiss drawings © 19%6 Robert Lang and Sfyphen Weres 6 BLow- UP CHICK. by Alpe PuTianANo START sale PARR WHITE SIDE UF Fup IN MALE AS SHOWN). UNFOLI. NOW CELE. SIDE 13 UR, FOLD IN HALF PGoNALLY. UNFoee. “ Teen END Foe, FOLD IN HaLe DIAGONALLY EXP THE OTHER WAY, AnD. HCeD BY THE BSTTOM creHexs aa Vette FeLPeD. EET PSH esti UNTIL THE Fook CenTeR Lae MEET. larvae E Beene Te PRES FLAT wiTH Tio FLAPS ON FOLD CePNes In To HecT EACH SIDE, Fel ToP LAER UP Cente® Line. sh - FOLD Tor RAP Dowd As SHOWN CREASE FRUCED FLAPS Pow AS SHowAl AND Tc (nT Pockets. 1. 4 azn Fon = RTs ué (FAP cones. EDGE in Te CoNTER CREASE A. 15, oar, ha COMPLE alice a PUSRANS OF KATHLEEN CfKEiGaN BUTTERFLY by sR START FROM Square, 5A| OE RE GR Pa Ses OG NTS ON one =iDe, COu0L. ON THe OTHER. FORA 2 cone BUTTREFLS FOU AS SHown Jo MAKE > PRELIMIVARY BASE @ BEING Town CopNER D EXACTLY ON AB, pe eae Ge AlSe DH Along DE a aie aera CREASES MADE IN PReTMEE To Reverse FeLD TRIANGLES Mano ADINTC Morel 8 FRATL NOW YORE, 3/27 CENTIPEDE fy PeTeR ENGEL BECH WITHA 4* 1 RECIMIGLE ETE Side UP. to Wig i™ > TAN ! | i or ayy LAA AZ AZ A ISRISINET AZO AGL i he YN 1 Lil 1 {41 MIDDY NANTAINTIN ” BBs DRORERD ped Phe, aesedue a ATR Ae” * ~ SEE RG <| j\ y4 eave. re panrairan 1 Bet ate ENE HS TE | DAG af 7h is no i ne cn nae CRAB by PeveR ENGEL Q Bore arte nee Pmt: Weta tet A Fare ore IRA nal Lm TMI P1PEG West eH eno a ee ee te Meee 2 tt nr Ved ap 2 DIMETKEDON by SeHN MeNnTEOUW. 1 a ° h ” Ones upon a ¢imetrodon thera wes atime. The time's nome wes Welnut because his nose would nearly touch the ground, One day, about 150 million years 690, ‘Wolnut’s father sald to him, Saale 259 brothers and sisters and your 254680 bo phows and nolcas and cousins and aunts will starve!” ‘Andi with that, Welnut set out to find his eatch, anty bringing five bones with him, He weddied to the Dect yl shop end asked for the biggest pterodecty! five bones could buy. |mogine his sur prise when ho was given ane 3 ‘which waa bigger than # bread box!! (Breed boxes were pretty big in those days.) Thus ends # true story inte the ancient lives of these mysterious creatures. 3 On 2 Dimetradon Repeat steps 15-17 three times. 6 Dimetrodan 56 Crimp fold the tat] 30 ; the tip will be lower Pleat Ahn alentrdon's ‘than the body, then i curt it 26 Mate mite boc on, Ke Deno bp iment WiMueeey * Bearer st ee ® @ ® a 3 For HALF ‘Sok 7S CET AD FEUER WACK. na BEG wd CRANE Base. Fok UP, 7 Fem Tea Tuexing a Frese \escte. “Bor SES eT Ens, \ \ 1 1 CG Berinse cae Fotwern PITS Bouin TS FSR THE TRRONS, © tes Lots sREGHED CARNE RAE FLY Pa mage KIRScHENRAUM SQUARE ZIAEH BYw TISSUE Fore Cowlmencded PULL OUT INSIDE LAvERS. OF SQUASH FED WEN NSIRE LENG SECTION ANP WRAP AZCOND ONG SION csr @ Drone nes Q A az" © 4mMes REVERS] FED Mippec : LAters AT 45° Layers UI Val PAgaIT EAR AD FoLp Layers Powh) A) PRecesase i Boren Toe eeeRse reeps (Srer 1) fg OUTSIDE REVERSE FOLP LARGE TD! py REPLACE ReverSe FOLDS VALLEN = REPEAT 19-17 ON OER WING PULL TO Lavine To Pov MARKED with © (To? OF Mote SHewL> Be coeved) __ AD MOUNTAIN FOLD Wins AS SHOWN eyes! @) rap In SipEs CSUIGHTEND oF Gof Section FoRMED IN 2°. ~ cpeppeaD OUT FRONT (LIKE rO? LeneeS- RAST) A) REVERSE Fam EerIom OF EYES B) MoubTAN FouP Toe oF EYES CD PACH IN CENTER OF BYES Bp Koop ,ouT Exes: CReLper. RecomMenDeD) AY SMINEL FOLD: CackeD Section OW WINGS EY TUAN vest By UL WINGS Gr) : (20) Nese Crore): PINCH IN f Legs CP): CREASE AS SHowN ANO "@ELEASE" - “Eptrom Lees AT APPROX. AO" spent pad : Legs, SHAPE Lees (earron): AND FLARES Cor ENS TO Form FEET v BAgsiT BALLON Le. 4 124s 2 A)FeU simes oF Lees TO “Eee aCe ret OPEN ost PLEA VALLEY FeeD Bort yeu uses Ha pe AND Fecp IW Hae LaGe OnISAEE AND FLAgs oor “ni FEET Shee ee: elosep sik — ABDOMEN WILL Now BE Rounben, NOTE: “SINK” SHOULD Be Sime i @?) COMPLETED FLY: \A886 Mare Ritsehesbers, ns 2 GENERATION= by KeGegzT cz. LANG 1. Use a square, white side up. Divide the square inte fourtha and eightha as shown, cg 3. Belarged view. Crease angle bisector Squeese the vides, and oquach the top down. 3 5. Like this. Turn the paper 6. Do the mame thing on the ower. other side. 7. Fold one layer over in front and back, {It will be neces sary to include the crimp that ja ‘partially shown to Batten out the model 0. Cloved-sink the hidden point upwards. Repeat behind. 0. Crease the angle trisectors. Repeat behind. 10. Crimp the side lap in ward on the existing creaser, Note what happens up at the top of the model. Reprat on the right, and behind. 13, Closnd-sink the ind- cated point as far down as pow sible. Repeut behind and om the dea. This is dificult to perform. tn fact if you Sind it any, you're probably doing the wrong thing. AL Squeete where indicated and bring one layer upward. The dotted lines show the location of hidden creases, 14, Swing one layer over to the right (the paper will not tie fiat). 42. Squash the point down Gat. Repeat steps 11-12 behind and on the sides af the model. 18, Crimp the indicated lay- vera. To flatten out the crimp ‘eatly, it will Be seceasary to roll the edger of the *packel* out ward, thas decreasing it size. 16, Close the model back up. Repeat stepa 14-16 in the other three aimilar places. 17, Crimp the two hidden pointe at the top outwards. Valley. fold the hidden points in the inte- rior, at the bettom of the madel ‘There are sight auch pointe, - 20, Reversetold a head, Fold 49, Carefully (because of the cone wing down in front. Fold a thickness) reversefold the two wing down on the amaller bird as - points at the bottom. well 22. The more adventurous may Sih to try for Three Gen- ations. Begix by dividing the Paper into 2thy; crense and fold 4 preliminary fold an shown, Pro- teed with steps 3-16 om the armall- est square at the top of the pre- liminary fold. Then, begin again ‘ak step 3 and continue to the ‘end. The (raly masochistic may wwiah to try for even mare gener ations, The generalization of the the method ia obvious, 18. Reverse-fold one of the Hiny points at the top of the model, to forms head. Petalfold the bottom of the model, diatriboting the layers symmetrically. Repeat the petabfotd belind. 21, Fininhed Two Genera- tions. UMMINGRIRD by Mme Mekmusy 1, Start with a right triangle (cut a square on the diagonal} Color side down. 2. Valley fold erges to the center. 7. Mountain fold behind. 4. Inside reverse fold. Outside reverse fold. 6+ Pleat fold to form head and beak. Valley fold wings and return them to about 90°, Mountain Fold = valley Fold Previous Folds ————— gh Unfold to step #3 (1) Mountain fole (ii) valley fold Note: Agter making these foles the model will bulge up slightly. 8. Valley fold and refold thru steps #4 tae to 46. Note: On smaller models steps #7 & #8. can be omitted. ve OE Rwcern Decoration Idea - Use Tenko'a flower of wake a lily, fun a small piece of wire thru the flowers center sné fold the Hamminghird's beak over the wire. Hummingbirds are attracted to red or orange colored flowers. Hummingbirds are usually colored green. Narch 1987 By John Jack Rabbit Alontroll John Montroll Jack Rabbit John Mentroll 19 Jock Rabbit 32 Reverse fold to form the tat), ‘a Tuck inside. Repent behind. Repeat behind. John Montrol behind. Jack Rabbit Deni nd. behind. Jack Rabbit behind, TENGUIN by sean Pave LATIL FiNoeé PUPPET c@ HAT _ SE PAPER. BLACIC 0A one SIPE, WHITE on THECTHER. FoR FG PUMET: S" XS" Spuace. _FOR-CHIUDS WAT: Qe" K DB" SpUAE. FOR ApUT HAT! Sex Zo" SPUACE. WHITE SIDE FACING “fou HE CREASES AS SticMIN TO Maley Peet NARY BASE Fr UNE FB,AND INSERT EAND D Ure PEkes. 45 BENG F PowN with A. VALLEY Fop mW AMP of EN. MAKE A ganar eu © Br ao cr ALONG CA (VALLEY mm N Folp), BY BEINGING FA ALONG OA CvauLer FHP), BY BeMGIG COVER 4 CVAUEY A Fes, F Moot AIA) Folt> THE Baas Wt we ANGLE: Along rope MAKE winka's MAE Te DETAL- HEAP wi eves Parc Te MAKE THE TSILt i) 3 Bae ie nae CREASE MAI MADE IAN) STEP) Moenrtains Fou ZSMAL é heer TRIANGLES SPUN, SAN. 1787, WEw York RAM'S HEAD by michae sussman, 2, = sit foot fip\ fst peal fad dewn rear / Bort Plays py if" - Heb Imoctel ev te Gn VW 2 6, ie ching by Fuld as als ceeds -Nal® Kandy ee Rabbit Ca 4ppe uot Va nad = valley feld ype right Section. “6 Ploy & leet Vall Bid rile Pah A on I Flags > amen pornls oTuvn over a Crimp hovas “s.uash fold eyes = Inflate belwooh herns - Shape muzzle aad nostri'ts RHINOCEROS by MIKE McKINLEY 1. Color side down lightly crease eash side inte k's, giving you 16 small aquares. 2. Valley fold edges to center. 3. Squash fold all four corners. 4. Mountain fold behind. 5. Reverse fold to make horn and backend. &. Squash fold all four legs. 7. Mounts nm fold under - all four legs. 8. Mountain fold under all four feet, 9, One finished Rhino - you can ada beady eyes {# you like. Mountain Pold Vi tn age ® vad Folé Previous Folds ROBIN by SK. wiATROws: ust party brown on nme be, red on the offer red water bomb pall back Flap up ond ont Ey vp outside reowse fold all Inyers one out immer Flaps on both sides pit Elaps out and zwvel F fold legs down P Qe Bid insite bool inside vite of opened bealy ae veverse Bold beth Legs, janes ANops 20 breast Poe E Oe buck a 3 eS), dragrams 4 cabo Prom orignal Cragrams by TRebMatrews ke WINGS OF FANTASY by RANANA BENTAMIA) tart with 2x/, 34) on Yad Hefanale Fitsiations Show. 2x1 rectangle <> D SAS repeat behind ehind A NV a curl “cul bot fi flees abs Lata op hak Fr. Cus) Ce 19 (hitn “cach double lap h form “Sracots] wings Pe 198? ie By cawile Prom orrsien) didgranes by Ranonn Benjamin 33 BILL BEAR by Geoese RHoups Grosse a dotter win thwise into fourths; unfold. Bring the lower corners ta the center line, i: a. 3. Se Te 8. 13, a. 15. Mountain-fold the lower end of the bill upward, forming the sresse just below the "E" in STATES. ‘The tip should project 3/8" sbove the top edge in fig. 2. Fold the lower cornera to the center line. 1 Unfold e| ins Pold the nesr lnyer downward st the intersestion of the diagonal creases with the verticel ereases. Fold the corners to the vertical ereases. Fold, the upper triangle downward. Then, working from the betton, mountsin-fold along the vertioel orensos. (The inalde lsyers of the corners X will be pullsd to the rear, although the corners X remain in place~=soo fig. -7.) The mountsin-folding operstions of step 6 ere shom here in progresa. Fold the tip of the upper triangle to the top, Mountein-fold the top down along the upper edge of the T-shaped forme tian. Fold the lower section upward slong the lower sdge of the “r". Kountein-fold the near flapa inward ag shown, bisecting the right angles of the upyex corners Hi ond N, Grasp the Upper construction KN snd pull it up somewhet; then flatten the model. (This gives the neck-formation the eatre length needed for the heed later on.) Pold corners T and U so aa to form twe forty-five degree right brfangies, siengle 7 alightly lnrger tian triangle Us (ses fig. 1 Turn the nodel overs Pold the cornsrs to the verticwl ereaso-lines. Working from the bottom, repest the operations of steps 6 end 7 by mountsin-folding along the vertical creases; the inner leyers of the eQeners % will be pulled to the back. Grasp cornexs Ad 3 (the original corners of the bil1) and pull thew outward @= far aa they will go. it ig. 1a. 20. al. 2b. Nous tein-fola the model in halt. Inside the Beer, locate triangles T end U, formed invetop 12, Fold triangle T over trianglo U, tucking T betwoan the baue of ‘tha neck-forsation and the body; this helps the finished Bear to hold ite shaps. Reverso-fold tha lower left corner of the model te shape the hindwuarters. Than rotate tha model to the position shown in fag. 13, Reverse-fold the legs. (Note that the hind legs aro ontside roverse folds, wherdaa the forelegs are iniide reverse folds.) Rovars2-fold the neck=flep downward to begin formation of the head. ‘Tye heal 42 sho in an enlargod View in fig. 21. Kountein-fold the lower right corer te the inside of tho hend, taiine careful note of the position of the ereaue. Repost ‘behind. Open the hetd toward the left, exposing the inner olde. Working outward from the center, fold the upper part of the donor conztractions downwerd; lot the oars “spread” outvand at the and of the procoss, taking up tho availedlo slack. Pull the brow-fiaps outws watch the blnck dots. ‘The brows ara texing up the sleck [rem the insides of the car-flaps. Fold Isft to right, closing the: head, Blint the noso with a reverse: fold, burying the tip assynctrically Pinishad Beare 3a SILL BEAR (contr) $ pie BUTTERFLY bt Tep Ponip 187 @ ON ONE HALE OF A PBL VALLEY Face: AS Impicared . Ligttem, Gece SIDE OF Baw uP 1s RECOMMENDED. VALLEY Foud BACK -oWLy AS FAR AS TundesTeD @ Now mountain FeLD Karck Y mownTAn TR | For Back DenRA, SIDE, ALSO @ i NoT ALL THE WAY TS ED. OPEN UP ALL THE Way, Now MUATAW FocD > — ary be 1 RerOUD Bae wes i “To piaseam @) BaiNG THE PRevbusty FaedED mounted Feud (A) te THe EME IaocaTEn &4 THE Ag toed, wsrticrt wit Foam THE veuey PoLb O i? ‘nea Vine oF THe WHOLE Git (B), FALD TE Give oven, THE minnie Depeessin THE TP sie tans Te VirLbeY Foy. Putra eeu une AND REPEAT FouDs on Lert SiBe OF Bue SraneD AS YOU WARQoul Boy AREAS THE Bony wittt And TWS WALLEY FootS Be THE THO SIMS TesETHER., willed Brinig THE Wisl§e Back INTB MORE CoRReLT Posiricel, Mouitaid PoLB THE Tip to Compucre Puc THe Heap (A) Fora, TMAH OVER | Fou a mino A OF EAcH Sie ap THE mooue G2) A gurrenrey witicH PoesaiT Fey Fein! AS FAST AS THE DorsaR DES. 62 IR BILL DONKEY by Loge scHitokauer ee De Br Thit create Gnxgtlens aid foot Sane $e ' s f the 4 lyatley Calet sa tontinwtet 5 ft inside Te eats Ceniiens The mecle a f/Hle on> fens Caeerrns Drawings by Robert Lang BILL FISH by TEP BeNP 187 O vacney Foee iat Haee DARK SHOE OF GiLe Ye plus abut 34° if mings Bhat Jp" be at ee AUVERSE HERD 5 = Ord Tihite EOS AS winicaTeD, Wate Paes. ARe NOT” Eauac int LENGTHS FIRST moun Tard Feud @ “To THE REAg veel Fou © Baining tHe FaovT Fobed EQGE ALMOST “TO THE ToP edge OF THE main BODY. REVERSE Fold tHe TAIL, OPEN OUT THE Heap END. REVERSE Foup IME TAIL From THe PENDS OF THE BiLL TO {nse THE BoDy AS TnodicateD, (YARE WHAT Wn A muutran FOLD A VALLEY FOLD, AND valley FaLb A Touma Foc AND REVERSE Fo THE ASSEMBLY iNT THE Body, AND REVELE FoLd our oF > SHI WHATEVER STILL SthwS UNDERTHE BODY On THE TAIL END, THE FRONT assemBey is ON 1TS Whey Te THE Bopy, Leaving THE SHADED AREA expoich, REVEUE SHADED AREA wee BE Lert exrose Pou THE PitonT FIN ONLY Race INTRA ‘PoRTion @ Niboed INTHE BoDy. TRY Te, bueuienTe tHe Tap Fill on THE BoTTOM, VALE FOLD FRONT uml Baek s | Fins Pom A DouAe Bi FISH, PouAd, Bilt S@viRREL by Loe scuigokaver_ This can bz folded froma 3x7 neckan gle. Treat the green side of the doltar bilf as the colored mide. Hake the preGiminary base at the pyramid end, Vallty and mountainfold cenber Gengthwise crease OF Green sidt up Crease as indicated and unfold “\Tiirh paper ever + Creaseas indicated ungolad, Valley folul Paper oh Cengthwise crease and Form pre€rminary base ab @eft end ' el @ ente Flap an dt petal Fale as then in Folded odge Pull 3id@s of petal fold slight arband sink point of petag with ameuntaih Feld. Folal Me of @ bird are oh each © side of netal fold. Bring sides of petal Fold ug @iithe bork aulteg ether. fold bird base Flap oloan ‘Pur threereverse ‘old in tip of tail. @oese corners inte Gente reverse fold to lech ty. F: @® Feld toil wn haf and bring out Corner @ Pnerse fold fa ldown and up asindicated, Put Small revese foldsin, joo, earsand thighs 2S Open “upand Shape evs ©irvet oT DoULAR BILL SWAN by cog ScHiRORAUEN 4a and untold center Cengrhunte. Than fellow steps 243 woara khan Lon each side of center crease Thit it wos = | brote be SZ mw © facto ligt 9 © @ Sida view of medtel with tail fold complete Cy Bach view of rghtride of fig 4 RHOMBI-Cos|- DODECA-HEDRON by Pouscas M-CAINE wo ndalt Chine ” 4 Aiaguins dene by Anite v = cy | D open ut Tigre hall nf 9 tine @N(rvase Chlinps inh ® lap crimes ovty te white avea fn meuitels Ald Prayer Module back 98 1 Was Make 29 modalrs following steps 1-09 Add the Following Crass fe module #297 Finished \ 4 Hake motlle *30 allowing sttes Loli) they eytinus at Bik 2 Rifecurs fir Steps ely Fillow genera | 5 Bs valley cease stk Top white paint along Chegse Connect modules 43 followss over white Pertion of 4% module AZo gos Im Second t- last medule +429 goes In last beloved porta df Al slips RING PENTAFLEXAGON by RICKY Wik. WONG Evifevs im Fav inttepetlatien of diagrams See induc, Ain ovigin, tachi, |} Ginko ta coll leaded stata. - Saag Sat cobtane . Ty Hab a ae kee FT sigt M see "elles, eit a niteles dd ' yy A ern Pate, toate tig tue the othr OA. fon see, ied Poi ig eon as led cto Fenad Gatley by stury FETO C Fav seguanens of Flecing,, pleace cot Speenke chingrans ) Fille Huy PacADAgTE STBACTURE . OF THs Raney Peart prpeestir ews ANE, DIFFERENT scanes APPEARED OWENS FLOM SOUD DECADACTYL STRUCTURE by 2ickt wk. WONG He Stately | s Stel editeE naby : Few anTirprtclen of Magram tee tee 2 Alternate pamettrin ancl RECTANGUEAL Peoroerows volley folds. Altwethwr a 2 natn Us, Footscae Contant 10 CS uppty OLS [per] GALA nctchings Op a shall gghetes J Pond. flap page pt ATES, a0 nie Ppt hoot pyreia ands eit ned — Flew. cate mi preciesed wok : Pith wk we = Bah ag SOUD PRIGAM| -A PANORAMA by Ricky wr. WONG ———7 diters mete: Tht PRNCPAL Foepnc Pl e0/ ne Se ave SPH | pee Ree vad general ssiging Hechniques tear ie args ra i, can be applied t% aay Sold fetid 4 Solid model £. Wong demonstrates origami) Atve with 9 cx “| Seiki ce Cems hae ce jibe a fe! Sle otek pow to Saathen Sart e y of canna’ Pr wvcudan of. |

<) thal lbs, tenets avert etd eo 5 bags fe CRWNED etGOE @ oepers Abo bina *B “ RIGEY bd WON t TOPP'S COBE by Terr erescHeneaum PRECREASE, THen VALLEY COLLAPSE AS SHOWN FELD CoRMERS (Nt FeePate 5 MeRe squsess IN A SIMILAR. BASH(ON CONNECT OTHER UNITS To FORM CuBe— Leck AS MANY INSe@t one UNIT BRAN Cu INTO ANOTHER G) COMPLETE TBDBS cuRe! | 1487 Foto. Qbitizbed lth (imagsie bop Mary Ketyibeben) Me $1 smiQr fem aHAMA by Bieter nate. BSSIN BLAck sips Ur @rennste @repsires UNFOL> Te Mea AT CentER CREASE OP Te Fic MARES. J I ‘Tq @rexo onsen Orr reo @unmee Ore rw @reem torem TeP WHITE VP. TWER IT Seales: ae eas: Sore UNDER (Be Bike coLaR AS i dein i meas O CaN K He $1 suier EX He $2 FANT SUIT by RACHEL KATZ. peer eee uP 7 PYRITE ex ORI, a : Ae. ioe @ fap tHe wep LAER up Te MEGT THE BeToM eDGe THE CREASE. REPEAT TSH(ND. = Wl US er 2 i NOTE! IT Leos Like 4 hw" Oz ae we es FReuw tHe se Te WeEt aT THe CENTER. CREASE FELD IM HALE. UNFOCD. J k Ne @ © PRESS Pewn cw TOP - @ AND Tudke 1A. GA SIDE — CREASE Wet REVERSE FOP) RIGHT Liye Beant Te THEN UNFOLD AND LEET TOP ePGes c Te ASSEMBLE! MAke A $1 sHICT Gee DAGRAMS orHet BG Z) (PS te O - BAS a FELD CORNERS reap UATUCE SHIRT. UP AS SHewn. ee INSIDE INSeeT PANTS UNFOCe. suey RET SHIRT Bt Mac Origaot © James M, Sakoda, 1987 Samwha mip 36 etna ered Et “Ten sccordion peat Yor 3 fx foi Gion Dancer Tea sett underhan Siena. §, Fold the end ihrough the knot farm Boe 10. The Gioa Dancer HE ORIGAMI MASTER. By MicH4eL. SUSSMAN es db ” OR ay ma bind of Preliminary Penws AG® ahenut me Ce Saunsy fa\d pours Y PD -Rabbe Rabbi car ah Sold ko Oe. GN 7 Fol in order indicated, ~Crionperms up, leavin ner elbows rounded, ~VaAd hands up, “FAA prelimrinacy: base tusidic model. Top of ‘prelimery bare b tomes ro belkan of collar ~ Inside ures of eviwinary bese Fold loser tops ap lure model -Tuek white areas into model ~inseed head wre hat, belived, ~ Foi cheeks “Pe — Crimp elbows a reeenctieit a Nie as. cormers > Man, L£el& sleeve tormer “Pull perelininacy bese our team bead role “Ad lust Wands —[SS——_ The Origaws Wester n 4] ee ‘ Bs "| LEAT FAI Dx Shiccemnyee” GM ateity Gy aeaemt eo onEes:.. GB) Foie tn toe eg oF the te Flap. A. Coceet pitt 140. ‘toy tole en Lina. ‘One feat is far hope, And one is for faith, ‘And one is for love, And God put another In for luck? SHAMROCK BY Mime Mckinley Start with an equilateral triangle (see page two on how to make one) Color side down. Preparation creases: Mountain fold from corner to cents Valley fold from aides te center. 1. Pleat into kite shape. 2. Petal fold and bring down ail three flaps 3. Valley fold all three wings up. © 4. Valley fold all three wings down, even with center point. 5+ Valley fold the flap down. Book fold over and do the same on the other two sides. 6. Bring the leaves up to about ae v@) J. Top view. valley Fold -------~ & Mountain Fold =..= Previous fold TA TM Keb Shevoeh. Mark i107 91 Shamrock page two To mke an equilateral triangle (all three sides the same length), book fold a square in half and lightly crease, Next place a square of the same size with one point on the corner and the other point even with the fola. Mark this epot on the fold. Make a cut from the corner to the marked spot. Unfold - Viola - an equilateral triangle. A note of thanks to Endla Saar. The shamcock was hidden in her five point star. Also the Saar Star pattern works on a square and s hexagon and I imagine on any other multi=sided figure. TISSUE ‘ROSE by carol ANN WILK start wih fire jonied equarts of bathrvom tissue feep rolling and folding petals atound prick point, Adjusting peta! positions by eye ba to 7 p VW 2) a_i > rake stm optiiig with av) usert hooked wire Sem Iv AL, \ ) fe! and Sheth vhs J bas A uae ahd wid stem diagrams by Aldi 190? BIPLANE by MARC KiescHenB4uM LARGE SQUARE — BROWN /TAN TISSUE FOR PeCAMMENDED PRECESASE CaReruLLy |NTo 24s AND THEN PLEAT Me a COuLARSES 45 SHOWA ~ : j ES “REVERSE” ENTIRE SECTION Down NEW Fours WILL Ee FORMED AND SOME FOS may SLIP REVEISE Town wa | RENERSE DowN jATTEXEMAL. FOUDS AGE “ALIGNED.” (@ Fats mare So BAe Pee t 4 secs epee ene si SiGe PUuEAT on RY z FOr | Lava. uf FfoM Bor AS BEST AS POSSIBLE AND QoUND OUT WINGS, MoUNTAUM FOLD “Tips OF WINGS IN. Purr oveR 2 LAYERS AND Maks + TRIANGULAR S@uasy , ean i Q@) WINGS CBOTTOM)+ » COLeR. CHANGE WES SQUASH, 28 ciao ente: cond AND FLATTEN: Wpites re elews: THEM Od Leer wine (tA)! Qi ei Pager ere, CEPEAT ON CHE wih WRAP A@ouT INSIDE L4verRs SWING ONGE SIDE OF STeuT Fot_ Coat CHANGE, AND THIN THAT SIDE— 1 GEPEAT Vaiss Feud Side OF Wile ; A ® ReteAt eS > +S i FOLD STAUT IN HALE Axp Tin, BeReAT CRIMP BOTH WINGS TowACDs CENTER, FUTIEN WINGS Tice STRUTS INTS Ter wings WING SEETIOM (2) ese GD) ae ONER Fine i ree Susu ff (B) Gere: Qa ”* & MOUNTAIN Foid onl & + ORNEES AND THEN RABBIT GAR STRUT, 26 WING SeoneN Nor SHowN OE aoa Me AD5UST, RE h Vesom & : oe at > MOUDTAIS FoLb EXCESS PAPER tor APSUST WINGS, ZeUND out Bepy, MAKE SUEE Wines AND LANDING GEAR AZ= AUGNED. BE Mine Ketg heh Business Card Holder/Envelope Savebs paper = the ety orn é © ite ane casata w ontey svasee' én tne @ mussh a vetter-arasse te tne secinegiel dlepeneh Term ever. waerieat ategerat, Open ups Tue ener. @ Fore siden oe sitowine an tee @ fore aver te Greve sartem sep ap fate or mare candy, stntertion. alone senator areeee Green wows) warm * @ tear Oingrsms Rethinee Berar How to fold pieces for “Takahama's Jewe|” diagrams by Michael Navghton Oy ORee @, | I od | i. 4 4 o Natley fold edaes to Open back ob, Notley fold corners middle. Naltey fold right Nelley fold. corner edge to middle © h ey aS LS Valley fold lower oon “Torn over Avading vader right gz Y Natley fold Worizontel (Ho fold) fountain fold hortental S- piece G- piece ya-piece & Sopicce 108 alope i aTnpow paqayaioy yl PAHO? adeys press oepauy BUNS) a deity tapun qd qurod snd Fe ‘es aepy aon 0 roe sng ery rapun y qured sna avo pros—uTezunoU G[spou s2erd—2z yp "99 astinjaoiarajune ,86 soak uBqt o3e30 Ts BE eat asn vou ‘arnpou aoared-z doy :a10N] eq ur ders *_pz ‘9 wo S5Eq) ainpow eoo1d-z ajquasse 0} mo} q drys capun 2 quron 7 Ng epee Vv qurod astmaoqoueyunee .A6 anata yysta ay ey0y «Slapou asara_gg pt ajnpow asaid OG ‘-2T ‘6 soy aseq? £ 8jqumasse oj moy PINOSAUR. BOAT bu euzateTH Reeps (7 ves) 1 take crease A fist at z Slant ails ahd unfide “Then bring carve TWh hace age Ooo % Repeat on back Coloped aide up outside reverse old head and tail: ray Ve Botton Hy angles, es as-flinpers te west tat on fable. 18% diagrame by CAcie Hom ewigckal deograms by Kterds 107 ENE POINTED STAR ty Davi SHALL Use a square. Width of finished star will be abaut. 80% of the width of the

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