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Jim Alexiou

Chapter 1:

Jim: “Coming Penny”

Jim: “Here, I’ll help you”

Jim: “More shoes?”

Jim: “Of course, of course” smiled. “And a new shoes and a new dress for the disco tonight”.

Jim“You have a basketball match, too, don’t you? On Saturday?”

Jim: “All the family can come and support the team”. “Except Mum, of course, she’s busy on

Chapter 3:

Jim: “Oh yes, no problem. But you said something about money on the phone.”

Jim: “We’ve never paid a caretaker before. Are you sure?”

Jim: “No, of course not. But there was quite a lot in the bank last time I used the bank book.”

Jim: “Maybe a month ago.”

Jim: “True. Do you think he…?”

Jim: “Yes, of course, of course. I know you’re busy. Work the boys hard!”

Chapter 8:

Jim: “The police know, so Steve and Viki have contacted them. They’ll be here soon.”

Chapter 9:

Jim: “Thank you, Doctor. That’s marvelous new.”

Jim: “The doctor says you’ll be ready to come home tomorrow.”

Jim: “Now this has happened. I really wish O could buy you what you want. I sometimes”

Chapter 10:

Jim: “It sounds more like a new world than a new job, Phil.”

Jim: “Harris, I must thank you for giving Philip this chance. It has changed his life.”
Penny Alexiou

Chapter 1:

Penny: Alex, Viki and Philip come here ia le lunch time

Penny: Silence please

Chapter 3:

Penny: I can do I have no money, call to the Lord levendis, Lord I can give work please but
not tell anyone please

Chapter 10:

Penny:Family I have to tell the truth I work cleaning in the House of the Lord levendis and
since talk to for you work son

Philip Alexiou

Chapter 1:

Philip: ‘Of course it is’ ‘I can play this game in my sleep. I’ve played it thousands of times. I
need some new games...’

Philip: Why mom, I love you and is very important for me.

Chapter 2:

Philip: Hi friends. How are you? Guys I need you, today I fighters with my parents, my dad is
very bad, he don’t buy me new games

Philip: Why? What’s your problem Vickie, be quiet, you don’t know anything.

Philip: I’m not afraid with my dad.

Chapter 6:

Philip: Ohhh my arm, my right arm. I think that my arm is broken.

Philip: Help meee.

Chapter 9:
Philip: Sorry mom, sorry dad I’m was a stupid, I love you, and you’re the most important for
me...really sorry. I love all my family

Viki Alexiou

Chapter 1:

Viki: Always is the same mom …

Viki: Oh Alex , you look terrible .Please wash your hands and face .Now!!

Viki: Oh … mmm Dad , I need new basketball boots fot our match on Wednesday

Chapter 2:

Viki: Philip! … Don´t talk like that .Maybe you are not afraid of Dad , but you should care
about him .He does everything he can for you .And all you can do is say bad things about him
to your Friends!!!

Chapter 6:

Viki: Is Philip dead? … Are you ok?

Viki: Come on Alex , we go for help

Viki: Please we need help we had an accident in the car

Chapter 10:

Viki: Mom, we are very sorry, you know that we love you, we will help you in everything we

Alex Alexiou

Chapter 1:

Alex: I got this from the field

Alex :It´s for Grandma

Alex :Can I have Philp´s ice-cream

Chapter 6:

Alex :I have a headache

Alex :let's find help Viki

Alex: Help…. Help…help

Alex: help us please

Chapter 10:

Alex: I'm going to help you clean the house now

Steve, Chris and Barbara

Chapter 2:

Steve: Hi Philip.

Chris: Hi men.

Steve: Tell us your problems with your parents.

Chris: Did you tell him that?

Barbara: Oh it’s raining, and the bus is lated.

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