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Kaytlin Furlong EDI 685 January 15, 2018

Lesson: Matching Cause and Effect

Time Frame: 45 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Subject Area: Guided Reading

Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a
text (e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence).

 I can identify the cause and the effect.
 I can match the correct cause and effect.

Anticipatory Set: I will begin the lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge of
the reading skill that we have been practicing for the past week: identifying cause
and effect. I will ask students to raise their hands if they can tell the rest of the class
what cause and effect mean. If their understanding of the two definitions is still not
clear, I will give them the following information:
Cause is why an event happens.
Effect is what event happens.
After defining cause and effect, I will place 2 different images (see Pg. 3) on the
ELMO document camera. I will ask students, as a class, to help me write a cause and
effect statement for each of these images.

Task Analysis
 After activating students’ prior knowledge, I will explain the directions for
our activity. “For this activity, you will be given a yellow piece of paper that
has either a cause or effect written on it. Your job is to find which of your
classmates has the matching piece of yellow paper and then decide, together,
which is the cause and which is the effect. After you have found your
matching classmate, please take a seat together on the rug.”
 Via the ELMO document camera, I will show them the following example: I
earned three SCORE cards and I got to go to the SCORE party! I will ask them
to help me decide which sentence is the cause and which is the effect. Each
piece of paper has cause or effect written on the back of it. I will explain that I
want them to circle or underline which is the correct answer. For example: I
earned three SCORE cards is the cause, while I got to go to the SCORE party is
the effect. I will ask students to explain how they knew which was which.
 I will then distribute the yellow pieces of paper and give students about 10
minutes to find their partner, decide which is the cause and which is the
effect, and find a place together on the rug.
 After all students are seated, in pairs, on the rug, we will continue the lesson.

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Kaytlin Furlong EDI 685 January 15, 2018

 I will ask each pair to read their sentences, as well as their decision about the
cause and effect, aloud to the class. If I notice a mistake, I will ask the class to
assist me in fixing this error.
 After all students have shared their matches, I will wrap up by asking
students to reflect upon the lesson. For example: Was it difficult to find the
matching piece of paper? How did you find your match? How did you decide
which was the cause and which was the effect? Now that we have done this
activity, who can explain cause and effect to the rest of the class?
 14 cause/effect matching sets
 2 cause/effect images
 ELMO document camera

Modeling/Guided Practice: I will model the task that I want them to complete via
the ELMO document camera. Additionally, I will ask guided questions (examples
above) to activate students’ prior knowledge as well as to help them reflect upon
what they have learned.

Checking for Understanding: The anticipatory set is intended to check for

students’ understanding of the relationship between cause and effect. Additionally, I
will walk around the room while students are completing the activity, to offer
assistance where necessary. Finally, students will share their matches at the end of
the lesson to demonstrate their understanding.

Independent Practice: Students will have their own piece of yellow paper with a
cause or effect statement on it. However, they will be working as a class to find the
classmate who has the correct corresponding statement.

Closure: Students will share their findings and we will then, as a class, discuss these
conclusions and reflect upon what we learned. I will ask guided questions (examples
above) to help them with this reflective process.

Assessment: Students will be formatively assessed on the responses that they give
during our sharing time on the rug. The purpose of this assessment is simply to help
me gauge how well students understand cause/effect relationships after this

Self-Reflection of Lesson:
 What could have gone better?
 How were my behavior management skills?
 How were my time management skills?
 Did I model/scaffold appropriately?
 Did I frequently check for understanding?
 Do I feel that students met the objectives?

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Kaytlin Furlong EDI 685 January 15, 2018

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