LIFA Stock Pitch Competition Information Package

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Investment & Finance Association 1

Laurier Investment & Finance Association

Stock Pitch Competition Information Package

Date: March 16th, 2018

Sign up Here:

Competition Overview

The Laurier Investment & Finance Association (LIFA) is excited to invite you
to participate in its annual stock pitch competition. We are happy to announce that
this semesters competition is being sponsored by Cambridge Global Asset
Management and Sentry Investments, both of which are affiliates of CI Financial.
This competition is designed to simulate the experience of an investment analyst in
the real world. Students are permitted to apply to the competition in teams of up to
two. Each applying team will submit a one-page outline of their pitch which will be
used to evaluate entry into the competition. From the applicants 20 teams (10 per
division) will be selected to pitch in front of the judging panel on the Wilfrid Laurier
University campus. Selected teams will be required to pay an entry fee as outlined
below. Both the first and second place team will have their resumes accepted by
Sentry Investments and Cambridge Global Asset Management. The first-place
team in each division will also receive a $250 grand prize. Lunch will be provided
for all competing teams.

Sentry and Cambridge would both like to reiterate that they are seeking to
recruit on both a co-op and full-time basis. Participating in this competition could
be your chance to kick-start your buy-side career.

Details & Rules

• Teams may not pitch companies in the cryptocurrency or marijuana
• Teams must pitch a long or short thesis (i.e. a buy or sell recommendation)
• A preference will be given to teams pitching North American equities with a
market capitalization above C$100mm
• All applications are recommended to be high conviction pitches based on
fundamentals and value relative to price, rather than those of a speculative

Application and Submission Rules
• Contestants from all Ontario universities will be eligible to apply and
compete in the competition
• There will be two divisions: junior students (1st and 2nd year) and senior
students (3rd year and up)
Laurier Investment & Finance Association 2

o if a junior student is on a team with a senior student the team will be

entered into the senior division.
• Students are permitted to apply in teams of at most two
• Each individual student is permitted to one application (a student cannot
partake in two separate teams)
• Applying teams will submit a one page equity research report relating to
their recommendation and analysis
o There are no formatting requirements, however, a preference will be
given to reports which are readable, visually appealing and well-
o No additional page count is provided for exhibits
o Applicants can include references on a separate page which is not
included in the page limit
• We recommend, but do not require, that the one page report contains:
o A brief company description
o Your Investment thesis (i.e. why are you recommending a buy or sell)
o Risks & catalysts (what will move the stock’s price)
o Supporting valuation work (comparables analysis, DCF analysis, etc.)

Pitch Presentation
• Selected teams will prepare a pitch presentation that is a maximum of 10-
minutes in length (there is no limitation on the number of slides used in this
time period)
• The pitch presentation will be followed by a 10-minute question and answer
period (appendix slides to support answers are allowed and encouraged)
• Selected teams will submit their presentation slides prior to 11:59pm on
March 15th, 2018

Additional Rules
• Once contestants are selected, they are required to sign a commitment-form
ensuring attendance on pitch day
• Applicants may approach any individual for guidance (i.e. executives,
analysts, faculty, or professionals) but the final product must be written by
the applicant(s)
• All data is required to be properly sourced

Competition Fees

• LIFA Premium Members1 are permitted to compete in the competition at no
additional charge

1 Membership claims will be compared to LIFA’s internal records. If your claim does

not match LIFA’s records you will be informed of the appropriate fee required to
Laurier Investment & Finance Association 3

• LIFA General Members1 are permitted to compete in the competition at a $5

• Non-LIFA members (i.e. a WLU student who has not paid a general or
premium membership fee to LIFA, or a student from outside WLU) will be
required to pay a $15 charge
• Fees are charged on an individual basis
o If teams are composed of any combination of the above three
classifications each student will be responsible for their required fee

Important Dates

February 12, 2018 Registration opens

March 4, 2018 Registration closes at 11:59pm

March 7th, 2018 Competitors Announced

March 9th, 2018 Deadline for participation fee at 11:59pm. If the

fee has not been paid the competitor will be
ejected from the competition and another team
will be selected

March 15, 2018 Slide decks must be submitted by 11:59pm

March 16, 2018 Competition at Wilfrid Laurier University,

Waterloo campus (see schedule below for
additional details)

March 16th, 2018 Schedule

Time: 9:30am-10:00am Contestants arrive and sign in
Location: Lazaridis Hall (Judges can arrive at 10:00am)
10:00am-10:45am Keynote Speech or Q&A Panel
Location: Lazaridis Hall
10:45pm-12:00pm Stock Pitches
Location: Lazaridis Hall Classrooms
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch & Networking
Location: Lazaridis Hall
1:00pm-4:00pm Stock Pitches
Location: Lazaridis Hall Classrooms
4:00pm-4:15pm Deliberation period
Location: Lazaridis Hall
4:15-4:45pm Winners announced, photos with judges,
Location: Lazaridis Hall and prizes, closing remarks

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