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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

Course Handout (Part-II)

II SEMESTER (2017- 18)
Date: 6th January 2018
In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives specific details regarding the
Course No. : MGTS F211/ MGTS C211
Instructor In-charge :NEETU YADAV
Instructors :Nirankush Dutta, Pratyush Banerjee,Praveen Goyal, Surabhi Koul

Scope and Objectives of the Course

The course provides students with a practical and concrete explanation of management and business concepts and techniques they
will need to manage today’s and tomorrow’s organizations. The course follows the “planning, organizing, leading, controlling”
format of managerial functions while putting together many small pictures presented by individual modules into one bigger
meaningful picture. This approach is supplemented at appropriate points with modules on: (i) Business functions, financial
statements, international management, operations management, human resource management, marketing and strategic
management, management information systems; (ii) Managerial competencies: motivation, communication, team building,
decision making, and leadership. Class lectures are supported with readings about business, corporates, and economy integrating
theoretical learning with real world.

Text Book

T1. Stephen P. Robbins, and Mary Coulter, “Management”, Pearson Education, 2017, 13th edition
Reference Books
R1. Koontz H. and Weihrich H., "Essentials of Management", Mcgraw Hill Int. Ed., 2015, 10th edition
R2. Bhat A. and Kumar A., “Management: Principles, Processes & Practices”, Oxford University Press, 2016, 2nd
R3. Robbins , Coulter, and DeCenzo, “Fundamentals of Management”, Pearson Education, 2016, 9th edition
R4. Richard L. Daft, "Management", Cengage Learning, 10th edition.

Course Plan
Sl. Chapter's title Learning objectives LH*
intext book
1 Introduction to Explain why managers are important to organizations, define management & T1 Chapter 1(4 2
Management and describe functions, roles, and skills of managers, describe the factors that are -19)
Organizations reshaping and redefining manager’s job, and value of studying management.
2 Management History Historical background of management, classical approach, quantitative T1 2
approach, behavioral and contemporary approaches (26-38)
3 Managing External Omnipotent and symbolic views of managers, identify features of general T1 Chapter 2
Environment and and specific environment, describe constraints and challenges facing 3(74-89)
Organization’s managers in today’s external environment, characteristics and importance of
Culture organization culture
4 Managing in a Global Contrast various attitudes towards global business, importance of regional T1 Chapter 4 2
Environment / trading alliances and global trade mechanisms, structures organizations use (103-117)
International as they go global, relevance of political, legal, economic and cultural
Management environments to global business
5 Managing Social Meaning and factors influencing social responsibility, greenmanagement and T1 Chapter 2
Responsibility and sustainability, factors that lead to ethical and unethical behavior, 6(158-175)
Ethics management’s role in encouraging ethical behavior
6 Making Decisions Steps in the decision making process, four ways managers make decisions, T1 Chapter 3
decision making conditions, styles and biases 2(43-58)
7 Planning Work Nature and purpose of planning, types of goals & plans, approaches to goal T1 Chapter 2
Activities setting & planning 8(220-229)
8 Strategic Management Definition & importance, six steps of strategic management process, types of T1 Chapter 3
corporate strategies, concept of competitive advantage 9(240-251)
9 Designing Six key elements of organizational design, mechanistic/organic T1 Chapter 3
Organizational model,contingency factors affecting structural choice, traditional & 10(296-312)
Structure contemporary organizational designs T1 Chapter 11
10 Managing Teams Groups & stages of group development, factors determining group T1 Chapter 2
performance and satisfaction, define team & best practices influencing team 13(386-401)
11 Managing Change and Different views and types of change process, managing resistance to change, T1 Chapter 1
Innovation innovation and techniques for stimulating innovation 7(188-195)
12 Managing Nature & function of communication, methods of interpersonal T1 Chapter 14 2
Communication communication, barriers of effective communication, direction of (414-430)
communication flow, role of technology in managerial communication
13 Motivating Employees Define motivation, compare and contrast early theories of motivation, T1 Chapter 16 3
compare and contrast contemporary theories of motivation & current issues (477-492)
14 Being an Effective Define leader/ leadership, compare and contrast early theories of leadership, T1 Chapter 17 3
Leader understand three contingency theories, understand modern views on (509-522)
15 Monitoring and Understand nature and importance of control, three steps in the control T1 Chapter 18 1
Controlling process, tools used to measure organizational performance (542-556)
16 Planning and Control Techniques for assessing environment, techniques for allocating resources & T1 1
Techniques contemporary planning techniques (573-587)
17 Managing Human Importance of HR, HRM Process, HR planning, orientation and training, T1 Chapter 12 1
Resources strategies for employee retention (346-365)
18 Managing Operations Understand role of operations management, nature and importance of value T1 1
chain management, managing operations by using value chain management (591-601)
19 Marketing Understand the marketing plan and its elements, frame marketing objectives Class Notes 1
Management & goals, understand the different elements of marketing mix, marketing
strategies, understanding marketing research
20 Financial Introduction to various financial statements like Balance sheets, P&L Class Notes 1
Management Account, Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements
21 Management Understand the need and importance of MIS in the present business Class Notes 1
Information System environment
LH*: Lecture HoursTOTAL 38

Evaluation Scheme
No. of
Sl. Evaluation Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of Component
1 10/3 11:00 -
1 Mid- Semester Test 90 min. 30% Closed Book
12:30 PM
2 Case Study (in Groups) 2 of 3 50 min. 10% Open Book
3 Quiz (Surprise & Announced) 5 --- 15% Closed Book
Assignment- Report & 1 10% Report Submission
4 ----
Presentation (in Groups) &Presentation
5 Comprehensive Exam 1 3 hours 35% 12/5 AN Partly Open Book

Students are advised to read business newspapers (Economic times, Business standard), business magazines such as

Business Today, HBR, Outlook,Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg,etc. to relate the concepts learnt during lectures and are
encouraged to discuss them during lectures.
 Class notes and essential reading list with pdf will be provided as a supplement to chapters. This will be put in a folder
titled “Resources”on NALANDA portal.
Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in the class

 All the notices concerning the course will be put up on NALANDA and/or Department of Management Notice Board.
 Mid semester grading/ marks will be announced after Mid- Sem.
 In all evaluative component(s), the answers given/ provided from all the sources of information (like internet, blogs etc.)
other than the recommended textbook and reference bookswould not be treated as standard (expected ) answers.
 Makeup will be given only on genuine/medical grounds. For that, prior permissionof the IC is mandatory.
 Please strictly adhere to the test seating plan, as advised. Any violation in that will result in cancellation of student’s
answer sheet.
Instructor-in-Charge (MGTS F211)

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