Hancco Palomino Victor Problema 23

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Pipe Flow Design 23

Results Data
Pipe Flow Expert Results Key f = Co lor of Pi pe : V el oci ty i n m/ sec

flow in m³/sec
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

P1, f =0.0000

N1, 18.0m 195.741 kPa.g
1.8 bar.g@ 20.0m
371.741 kPa.g

P2, f=0.0000
P4, f =0.0000
N2 0.0m N3 0.0m
371.907 kPa.g 371.907 kPa.g

Designed using Pipe Flow Expert from www.pipeflow.com Page 2

Fluid Data

Zone Fluid Name Chemical Formula Temperature °C Pressure kPa.g Density kg/m³ Centistokes Centipoise Vapour Pressure State
1 Water H2O 20.000 0.000 998.000000 1.000000 1.002000 2.400000 Liquid

Pipe Data

Pipe Id Pipe Name and Inner Diameter Length m Mass Flow Vol Flow m³/sec Velocity m/sec dP Total Loss Entry Pressure Exit Pressure
Notes mm kg/sec kPa kPa.g kPa.g
1 P1 1400.000 2000.000 0.0000 9.3902 6.0974 176.000 371.741 195.741
2 P2 1400.000 18.000 0.0000 9.3910 6.0843 -176.167 195.741 371.907
4 P4 1400.000 9.000 0.0000 9.3803 6.0875 0.000 371.907 371.907

Pipe Fittings

Pipe Id Pipe Fitting Position Description Imperial Size Metric Size Database Ref K Value Quantity K Total Entry K Total Exit K Total

1 P1 Start of Pipe Pipe Bend 54" 1400 mm PB 0.1700 1 0.1700

0.1700 0.0000
2 P2 Start of Pipe Long Bend 54" 1400 mm LB 0.1900 1 0.1900
0.1900 0.0000
4 P4 Start of Pipe Standard Bend 54" 1400 mm SB 0.3600 1 0.3600
4 P4 End of Pipe Open Pipe Exit 54" 1400 mm Open 1.0000 1 1.0000
0.3600 1.0000


Pipe Id Pipe Name Inner Diameter Comp. Name Comp. Type Comp. Value Flow m³/sec Mass Flow kg/sec Comp. Loss kPa
1 P1 1400.000 REJILLAS Fixed Loss bar 1.7600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Designed using Pipe Flow Expert from www.pipeflow.com Page 3

Node Data

Node Id Node Type Node Elevation m Liquid Level m Surface Press. Press. at Node HGL at Node Demand In Demand Out Demand In (Vol) Demand Out
bar.g kPa.g kPa.g (Mass) kg/sec (Mass) kg/sec @ Fluid Zone (Vol) @ Fluid
Density Zone Density
Downstream Downstrem
m³/sec m³/sec
1 Tank N1 18.000 20.000 1.7600 371.741 547.907 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 Join Point N2 0.000 N/A N/A 371.907 371.907 0.0000 0.0000 9.3902 9.3902
3 Join Point N3 0.000 N/A N/A 371.907 371.907 0.0000 0.0000 9.3967 9.3967
5 Join Point N5 18.000 N/A N/A 195.741 371.907 0.0000 0.0000 9.3898 9.3898


Designed using Pipe Flow Expert from www.pipeflow.com Page 4

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