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Sera Receives Assistance Xavier Students Receives

from Bula Kids.Pg. 3 Prestigious Award. Pg 12

Duo to Represent Fiji in Jewels Fiji Supports
Regional Supermodel Final. Chinese New Year. Pg. 13
Pg. 5

Rokowati Kinisimere Pg. 13

Business Park
Nearing Completion
Works on the Motibhai Busi-
ness Park is progressing well with
the near-completion of the massive
warehouse and cold-storage facili-
ties for Burger King Fiji.
Motibhai Group Executive Direc-
tor, Bhupendra Patel who is oversee-
ing the $30 million project is opti-
mistic that the second phase of the
project which is the warehouse for
cold and dry storage should be op-
erational in a few months’ time.
“I can proudly confirm that our
centralised distribution centre for the
western division and cold-storage fa-
cilities for Burger King will be up and
running very soon,” Mr. Patel said.
He said their reserve water stor-
age facility which has a capacity to
hold 425,000 liters of water is also
complete together with the fire sprin-
kler system for the entire building. Motibhai Group manager public relations and corporate marketing Shalendra Prasad in front of the gigantic Motibhai Business Park project at Legalega
“All internal pallet racking system Subdivision in Nadi. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI. (Insert: Motibhai Group of Companies Executive Director Bhupendra Patel. Photo: SUPPLIED.)
has been installed and we are just
waiting on some minor works to get been progressing well. future expansions. operations. The Motibhai Business Park is lo-
the final clearance to move in,” Mr. “The office complex is half-way “It will be a one-stop-shop com- “At the moment our warehouses cated at West Road in Legalega Sub-
Patel added. through and should be ready by the prising of executive and administra- are scattered all over the place from division along the Queens Highway
He said the third phase of the end of this year”. tion offices, warehouse, showroom, Ba up to Nadi and the new complex in Nadi near the Nadi International
project which is the construction of Mr. Patel said the project sets a joinery and mechanical workshops, will have a centralized operation to Airport.
a new office complex adjacent to the platform for Motibhai Group to stra- visual department, staff canteen and make day-to-day operations much
massive distribution centre has also tegically position itself for all its di- amenities together with cold storage smoother and efficient for us,” he
verse business operations as well as facilities to cater for Burger King Fiji said.

“Fiji - the way the world should be”

“ You must be asking yourself as to what makes Fiji so special? Amongst many things, the
Fijian people is mainly what makes this tropical island so special when compared to other
FROM THE DESK places in the world.They are friendly, welcoming and gracious. Fiji has all of the requistes

Child Neglect
necessities for the typical tropical paradise, pretty much everything. The golden sun, sandy
beaches, sparkling blue water and tropical rainforest with activities ranging from diving,
snorkelling, jet-skiing and more”


High Emphasis on Work-

Once upon a time we did not need the state to look out for
our children because we believed that it took a village to raise a
child and every adult was a parent.
It is rather sad and unfortunate that children are increasingly
becoming victims of tragic accidents and crimes due to parents

Ready Graduates
This month, the Fiji Police Force directed investigations into
parental negligence following the deaths of two children in less
than a week.
Police Chief of Intelligence & Investigations, ACP Biu Mat-
avou said the Fiji Police Force was growing increasingly con-
cerned with the reports of children becoming victims of tragic
deaths and also victims of crime.
A 2 year old boy of Lomanikaya Village, Vatulele is a victim
of drowning after he was found floating in the sea on Sunday
afternoon, 4 February.
ACP Matavou said the victim had allegedly left his home un-
accompanied and he was discovered later floating 15 meters
away from his home.
On Tuesday, 6 February, the father of a four year old boy dis-
covered his son’s body floating near the shore at Naceva village
in Bega.
The victim had gone with another relative to clean their boat
when it is alleged he was told to return home.
He was found some time later floating near the shore and
attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.
ACP Matavou said investigators into the attempted rape of
an eight year old girl in Savusavu in November last year will
be questioning the child’s parents for negligence as to why she
was allowed to walk to the shop by herself.
“We have always stressed the need to prioritize the safety
of children and that the last resort was to add onto the suffer-
ing endured by a parent or guardian by laying charges of neg-
ligence in the event a child loses their life or becomes a victim
of crime,” he said.
Child abuse is a crucial issue that people need to know
about because the problem is getting worse locally.
While being informed about the problem is an important
first step, taking action is needed to help make a difference.
Child abuse awareness efforts, such as those that are up-
coming, are worthy and deserving of your support.

Send us your feedbacks or suggestions to: Students listening attentively at the orientation.Photo: UniFiji.

The University of Fiji con- education is one of the core interactions with three com- tiary Scholarships and Loans
ducted its student orientation values of the University. ponents as building blocks of Board (TSLB), advised stu-
at the Saweni and Suva Cam- Speaking at the student a knowledge society, among dents on the various policies
puses this month. orientation, the Vice- Chan- others; these building blocks and regulations of the scholar-
Student orientation is an cellor, Professor Prem Misir, are internationalization, inter- ship and loans scheme.
THE JET is Fiji’s first community newspaper published weekly by important day in the academ- highlighted on key aspects disciplinarity, and academic- Registrar, Mr. Kamlesh
YOURSPACE LIMITED from Nadi - the tourism capital of Fiji. ic calendar of the University. that students need to be industry collaboration,” he Arya spoke on the student
On the day, students are aware of when they enter the stated. academic support structures
PUBLISHER/EDITOR: SAMUEL SHANKAR Cell: 9966115 able to explore the University University including plagia- He further added that as as well as the regulations gov-
NEWS : ANA SOVA Cell: 7378722 facilities, the courses being of- rism, absenteeism, student students at the University of erning the University while
NEWS : MARIA LAQETA Cell: 9216562 fered, gain important knowl- evaluations, the importance Fiji, they would experience Mr. Ravineet Sami, Executive
ADVERTISING : MARGARET NAQIRI Cell: 9360047 edge about the University as of interdisciplinary approach both disciplinarity and inter- Director Finance at UniFiji,
well as be get to know some to studying and much more. disciplinarity. spoke on the financial and fa-
OFFICE PHONES : 6707075 / 6750443
of the roles and behavior ex- He stressed that UniFiji “Disciplinarity is the exper- cilities aspects.
EMAIL : pected from them at the Uni- continue to put high empha- tise within a particular disci- After the general orien-
: versity. sis on producing work-ready pline; and interdisciplinarity tation, the five Schools and
WEBSITE : The University of Fiji is graduates to help develop a will enable students to study Centre held individual and a
unique and students are con- knowledge-based economy. problems and their solutions more detailed orientation for
sidered as an integral part and “I harbor no illusions that that require inputs from sever- students advising on various
COMPLAINTS: The Jet Newspaper continues to strive for excellence in the most important stakehold- your entrance into the intel- al disciplines,” he explained. aspects within the Schools as
its publications, with this in mind we welcome all complaints and sug- ers of the University. Providing lectual halls of this University Mr. Ravinesh Kishore, Divi- well as important regulations.
gestions from our readers. All such comments could be sent to quality and affordable higher would provide face-to-face sional Head West, of the Ter- We thank you our readers for your valued

Food may Influence

support towards The Jet Newspaper.

Cancer Spread
There is mounting evi- hope to take advantage of mour spread throughout the ment of lymphoma and intes-
dence the food on your plate cancer’s “culinary addic- body. tinal cancers.
can alter cancer’s growth and tions” to improve treatment. But when the mice were Prof Hannon told the BBC:
spread, say Cambridge scien- Asparagine is an amino given a low-asparagine diet “We’re seeing increasing evi-
tists. acid – a building block of pro- or drugs to block asparagine dence that specific cancers
Animal research, pub- tein – and takes its name from then the tumour struggled to are addicted to specific com-
lished in the journal Nature, asparagus. spread. ponents of our diet.
showed breast tumours strug- Spread “It was a really huge “In the future, by modify-
gled without the dietary nutri- The study, conducted at change, [the cancers] were ing a patient’s diet or by using
ent asparagine. the Cancer Research UK Cam- very difficult to find,” said Prof drugs that change the way that
It is found in the foodies’ bridge Institute, took place on Greg Hannon. tumour cells can access these
favourite asparagus, as well mice with an aggressive form Last year, the University of nutrients we hope to improve
as poultry, seafood and many of breast cancer. Glasgow showed cutting out outcomes in therapy.”
other foods. Normally they would die in the amino acids serine and
In the future, scientists a couple of weeks as the tu- glycine slowed the develop-

Sera Receives Assistance from

Bula Kids
Sera Vosailagi of Sabeto Sera is a 14 year old girl sist the teenager.
has been the first beneficiary who lived independently “Sera is now enrolled into
of the Bula Kids Project in looking after her bed-ridden Jasper Williams High School
Nadi. grandmother. They relied on and we have recently bought
Nadi Bula Festival Trustee, social welfare income and it the list of things she needs for
Titilia Vuataki Bula Kids is a wasn’t enough to sustain their boarding school. She is now
new project introduced by livelihood. ready and fully equipped with
Bula Festival as part of their Pan Pacific South-East her boarding amenities,” she
donation towards Fenc fiji. Asia Women’s Association said.
“We have revised our do- (PPSEAWA) identified Sera as Ms. Vuataki said they’ve
nation towards Fenc and we a child who is in need. received other requests and
have agreed to directly pay A PPSEAWA member hope to assist them accord-
and assist the children,” Ms. brought her to the attention of ingly.
Vuataki said. the Association and the Bula “Bula festival is focusing
She adds the project began Festival Association. on their community center
last year agreed by the Bula Ms. Vuataki said the Bula but apart from that, the main
festival committee 14 year Festival Association worked project we will be funding the
old, Sera is their first recipient. together with PPSEAWA to as- Bula kids of Nadi”.

Walesi TV Launched in Korobebe

and Nagado

Villagers of Korobebe in Sabeto, Nadi pictured with the AG,

Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum after recieving their Walesi TV start-up
pack. Photo: DEPTFO.
Villagers of Nagado in Sabeto, Nadi pictured with the AG, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum during the Walesi TV launch in the village.
Photo: DEPTFO.

Villagers of Korobebe and Nagado in Sabeto or in the interior of Naitasiri. Walesi Television has eight channels and formed with latest developments.”
Nadi will now be able to watch television on “The Government will bring these services every Fijian, even those living in the remotest “Fijians will be able to watch live parlia-
the new Walesi Digital Television Platform. closer to all Fijians because you need to be part of country, can access this digital platform. mentary sittings and also you can watch the
While officiating at the launches of Walesi, informed with latest developments,” Mr. Khai- He told the villagers there that every Fijian latest debates.”
Attorney General and Minister Communica- yum said. has the right to access this services whether in Walesi Television has eight channels and
tions Hon. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum told the villag- “Fijians will be able to watch live parlia- Suva, Vanua Levu or in the interior of Naitasiri. every Fijian, even those living in the remotest
ers there that every Fijian has the right to ac- mentary sittings and also you can watch the “The Government will bring these services part of country, can access this digital platform.
cess this services whether in Suva, Vanua Levu latest debates.” closer to all Fijians because you need to be in-

Sweet Tweets: How would you spend your Valentines Day?

Ariel Cole Betty Bharka Deborrah Stella Janki Patel Milly Raulini Sonny Masidili

“For this year I will not “I’ll be spending Valentines- “I will be spending my “To me the Valentines day “I would spend my Valen- “I will invite my girlfriend
celebrate Valetines day but day with my family,friends Valentinesday with my kids is everyday and i prefer to tines day with my parents for a dinner where we can
I rather spend my time with and activists dancing to and love ones at home spend more time with my at home andalso dosome spend our quality time
my business and getting the event called One Billion because to me it is a day family and my children”. catchup with family mem- together and exchange
more clients on board”. Rising Song in Lautoka. to enjoy in spending time bers and love ones”. gift before taking her back
So much fun, passion and together with love ones home”.
love”. especially my children”.


Chamber Hosts Forum with Chinese

The Nadi Chamber of Year starts on 16th Febru- ing facilities is the first of its velopment and opening of growth, productivity, creating and developments with more
Commerce and Industry ary but they have decided to kind in Fiji,” this newest hotel as well as jobs and employment and more construction of
(NCCI) once again organised celebrate it a week earlier as “The roof top gives a mag- the Chinese community who “We were hosts to a num- hotels, resorts, housing and
a business forum in conjunc- many Chinese members in- nificent and stunning pan- continue to confidently invest ber of trade delegations from many other activities
tion with the Chinese New tended to travel to China to oramic view of Nadi area, like in Nadi and other areas in Fiji. mainland China last year who
Year on Saturday, 10 February be with their families for the a bird’s eye and it could be Chinese Chamber of Com- continue to show keen inter- In view of the robust
at the newly constructed Na- festivities. easily classed as Nadi Tower,” merce and Industry who are est to and looking at trade growth, NCCI invited a wide
lagi Hotel in Nadi. The venue is sponsored by he said. largely based in Suva have and other businesses with range of speakers touching
This is the third consecu- the Nalagi Hotel in Martintar “It will undoubtedly be- forged a special relationship NCCI. The Chinese New Year upon relevant issues and top-
tive year for a business forum next to McDonald’s. come an astounding and his- with NCCI and following the gives us an opportune time ics for discussion.
by NCCI to be combined with The nine-storey hotel is yet torical landmark in Nadi or signing of an agreement last to recognize and honor the “It’s an opportunity for
the Chinese celebration. to officially open and the NCCI whole of Fiji. year. significant contribution of the members to take advantage
2018 is the Year of the Dog business forum is the first to I’m pretty certain that it will “We continue to exchange Chinese community in Nadi of the day-long event with top
according to Chinese zodiac. be offered this special privi- become a popular hotel in ideas with various aims and as well as other areas,” speakers carefully chosen to
This is a Year of Earth Dog, lege which Dr. Raju said they due course and attract a lot of objectives.” “They have contributed address issues affecting the
starting from the 2018 Chinese were very grateful for. tourists as well as the locals. Dr. Raju said this was an- immensely to the growth, private sector. I’m sure mem-
New Year on February 16 and “Nalagi Hotel is the tallest The roof top swimming pool other major milestone where- development and economic bers will find something of
lasting to 2019 Lunar New building in the western divi- will be a star attraction apart by many Chinese investors prosperity of our country,” he interest and useful and help
Year’s Eve on February 4. sion with 200 rooms and the from other facilities offered.” are showing more and more said. develop professionalism,” Dr.
NCCI President, Dr. Ram roof top 25 meters swimming Dr. Raju said NCCI is proud interest to invest in Fiji there- Nadi is the fastest growing Raju said.
Raju said the Chinese New pool with a function and din- to be associated with the de- by creating opportunities for area in terms of investments

Illegal River Gravel

Extractions Takes its
Toll in Mosi River

Illegal river gravel extrac- and sand extraction. Mineral Resources through
tions continue to be a prob- There have been many re- its monitoring by the Environ-
lem affecting many river sys- ports of illegal extractions with ment Division continues to
tems around the country with a recent complaint leading to raise public awareness on riv-
the Mosi River in Nawaka, the confiscation of equipment er resources ownership and
Nadi being the latest case. of HRF Investment on January its sustainable management
During a monthly inspec- 4, 2018. to ensure that benefits reach
tion by the Department of Further investigations on the resource owners within
Mineral Resources illegal ex- the issue will be conducted the legal process.
traction of gravel by SSS In- with the inclusion of all rel- For any illegal river gravel
vestment was spotted as the evant stakeholders. extraction activities, the pub-
company does not have a li- The villagers of Yavuna lic is highly advised to report
cense from the Department of have been advised by the in- the matter to the Acting Direc-
Lands to extract gravel. spection team to report any tor Lands, on email – raijeli.
The Lands Department future illegal activities to the or tele-
is the authority which issues Ministry. phone contact 3313555.
license for such river gravel The Ministry of Lands and Extraction machinery of SSS Investment at upper Mosi River, Nadi. Photo: DEPTFO.

Youths get Food Safety

In an effort to alleviate and Five participants from the tical and use practices that
improve basic food manage- special school also attended establishes and maintains a
ment skills in the country, the training. hygienic environment.”
thirty youth participants In closing, Minister Laise- Training participant, Vasiti
were trained this week, fol- nia Tuitubou impressed upon Vakamasi, said they were bet-
lowing a training in the west- participants to be more scien- ter equipped on food security
ern division. tific and systematic in their ap- issues and how to mitigate po-
Two days training was proach towards food security tential hazards
organized by the Ministry of and management. “The training is really inter-
Youth and Sports in conjunc- “I would like to urge all esting where I have learned
tion with the Fiji National Uni- our participants to draw from a lot of new things and also
versity’s national training pro- the learning outcome and provided me with knowledge
ductivity center at their Naviti become scientific and sys- based on basic food safety
campus Lautoka. tematic in their approach to management,” she said.
The training was geared identify, prevent and reduce “It has also encouraged
towards basic food safety food – borne hazards in the youth to take up opportuni-
management skills, identify- food process chain,” the Min- ties given by such prestigious
ing and demarcating various ister said. organisations.”
food hazards including better “Such training equip our
Minister Laisenia Tuitubou. Photo: GOOGLE. control measures. young adults to become prac-

Naitasiri Women’s Group

knowledged the Ministry of
Women for visiting them.
Vice president of Nadakuni
women’s group, Mrs. Melaia
Duacakau shared the same

Receive Sewing Machines

sentiments and said that they
were very happy to have the
Minister visit them and share
words of encouragement on
how to operate their income
generating projects.
By MARIA LAQETA “We will sew clothes and
uniform so we can sell it and
In an effort to allevi- these groups to assist in di- Vuniwaqa acknowledged the money earned will assist
ate income generating versifying their businesses. the support shown by the the operation of our women’s
programs,Nadakuni and These income generat- vanua towards their women’s group,” Mrs. Duacakau after
Naqara women’s groups in ing projects will strengthen aspirations. receiving new sewing ma-
Naitasiri received assistance the commitment between “The ministry is happy to chines.
programs from the Ministry of the Ministry and Women’s provide income generating The ministerial week-long
Women,Children and Poverty Groups in working together projects to registered wom- visit to Naitasiri will identify Hon. Vuniwaqa hands over sewing machines to the Nada-
Alleviation. for the empowerment of rural en’s group in Fiji to alleviate ways and means to further as- kuni Womens Group in Naitasiri. Photo: DEPTFO.
Minister for women. poverty by economically em- sist these women’s groups in
Women,Children and Poverty The groups currently man- powering women,” Minister the sustainable development empowerment because it It was also an opportunity
Alleviation, Hon.Mereseini age brush-cutting and can- Vuniwaqa said. of their income generating sets a direct path towards for the Ministry to extend on
Vuniwaqa visited Nadakuni teen projects as part of their The president of the programs. gender equality, poverty eradi- its Zero tolerance and vio-
and Naqara villages and dis- income generation program. Naqara women’s group, Mrs. The ministry believes in in- cation and inclusive econom- lence free community initia-
tributed sewing machines to During the visit Minister Timaima Vakadragusu ac- vesting in women’s economic ic growth. tive.

Duo to Represent Fiji in

Regional Supermodel Final
World Supermodel South tralia & New Zealand. 2018 National Director, As-
Pacific is a regional finals be- Blue De la Mare who is vin Singh said the two main
ing held in Fiji that allows studying law and works with criteria that they took into ac-
entrants to compete from her parents part time in their count in the application pro-
around the region. family business based in Maui cess were something that’s
The regional competition Bay along the Coral Coast will important in the international
winner gets an all-expense be competing in the Teen cat- finals, Citizenship & Experi-
paid trip to represent the egory. ence.
South Pacific Region in Viet- Kolora Momoedonu who A photoshoot was organ-
nam, come November. is an undergraduate student ised at the Five Princess Hotel
World Supermodel Fiji has at the University of the South for the Official Announce-
revealed their two represen- Pacific will be competing in ment which was styled by
tatives who will be flying our the Adults category. Dan Paris Matanimeke, Ward-
Fiji flag at the South Pacific The two contestants are robe by Shopaholic Fiji, Hair &
Regional Finals in April at The Lucky to have Mana Pacific Makeup by Washmina Buksh
Pearl Resort, Pacific harbor. Magazine App (Regions First of Allure & Photography by
The models will be com- 100% Magazine App) Sponsor Asvin Singh a.k.a Bau.
peting with 22 other finalists their Entry fee to the regional
Models from left; Blue De La Mara and Kolora Momoedonu. Photo: ASVIN SIGH. from the region including Aus- south Pacific Competition.

Navatukia Women
Grateful for
The women of Navatukia account which has over $3000 at the handover ceremony,
Village in Naitasiri have as fixed deposit and $300 in Vuniwaqa reminded the vil-
shown their gratitude for the savings with which they ad- lagers of the critical role that
provision of a canteen project minister operations and help women play in any develop-
by the Ministry of Women to- with the community obliga- ment, be it in the family, vil-
wards their women’s group. tions. lage or at the national level.
The Minister for Women, “Last year we assisted She emphasised that the
Children and Poverty Alle- the community in purchas- Government prioritises the
viation, Mereseini Vuniwaqa ing corrugated roofing iron for empowerment of Fijian wom-
handed over the canteen proj- our community hall and this en, which is evident in the in-
ect to the Women’s Group last is one of our major contribu- creased budgetary allocation
week Tuesday. tions to the community’s de- for women empowerment Hon. Mereseini Vuniwaqa at the new canteen for the Navatukia Womens Group in Naitasiri.
Navatukia Women’s Group velopment,” Waco said. programs over the last five Photo: DEPTFO.
president, Asena Waco said The request for the assis- years.
they were appreciative of the tance was made by the Wom- The Minister also moti- services. various programs of the Min- regards to the services that
project which will benefit not en’s Group of Navatukia to the vated and encouraged the A similar message was istry. was provided by the Govern-
only the 35 women who are Ministry after the declaration women to engage with wom- sent out to other members of This was also an oppor- ment during a talanoa session
members but the village as a of the Zero Tolerance Vio- en interest officers to further the community to seek assis- tune time for the Women’s between Minister Vuniwaqa
whole. lence Community last year. enhance their income gener- tance from the Government Group to raise their concerns and those that were present.
She said they have a bank In addressing the villagers ating initiatives and access to to better their lives under the and issues that they face with

Rukuruku and Nukutocia Commit to

Become Violence Free Communities
Two villages on Ovalau Island have received certificates of
commitment from the Ministry of Women, Children and Pov-
erty Alleviation in their bid to be declared as ‘Zero Tolerance
Violence Free Communities’.
The certificates were awarded for their participation in the
first phase of training towards the declaration.
Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Mere-
seini Vuniwaqa last week handed over the certificates to the
chiefs of the two villages and their respective church and wom-
en’s groups leaders.
These are the first communities in Fiji to receive their certifi-
cates with the full support of the church within the community
which was commended by Minister Vuniwaqa.
“The Government is committed to creating more aware-
ness amongst communities and therefore, the declaration of
zero tolerance violence free communities in Fiji is one of the
Government’s main initiatives in this area of concern,” she said.
“Through this initiative, more emphasis is now given on de-
veloping families, as they are the foundation for developing our
Speaking on behalf of the ’Vanua o Nukutocia’, the chief
Ratu Ifereimi Delauca Tokalau said the programme had a posi-
tive impact as men have also contributed towards the initiative.
He added that the programme has been an eye opener for
the participants on the importance of the role played by men
towards stopping violence against women and children in the
Rukuruku Women’s Group president, Rusila Lagilagi said,
“We have 64 women in our village and most of them are house-
wives and with the introduction of this programme, our women
are now better recognised”.
Vuniwaqa thanked the vanua, the church and the commu-
nity for working together in eliminating violence against women
and children.
She emphasised on the fact that the goal of a violence free Hon. Mereseini Vuniwaqa hands over certificates of commitment to the Nukutocia Community. Photo: DEPTFO.
life can only be achieved when everyone participates and treats
each other with love and respect. director for Social Welfare, Rupeni Fatiaki also took the oppor- ment’s toll free helplines available for all Fijians in the form of
A ‘talanoa session’ was also held with the men and women tunity to inform the community about social protection pro- the Child Helpline 1325 and Domestic Violence Helpline 1560
of Rukuruku and Nukutocia Women’s Group after the official grammes and women’s economic empowerment programmes as a support mechanism to assist in cases of abuse and neglect.
program. that they could benefit from.
Ministry’s acting director for Women, Selai Korovusere and The two directors informed the villagers about the Govern-


Dr. Mottaghi Credits Government

for Hosting Summit
THE Secretary-General of Asia Pa- Speaking on behalf of the Prime
cific Broadcasting Union Dr. Javad Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama, the
Mottaghi officially closed the 4th ABU Attorney General said the threat that
Media Summit on Climate Change and climate change imposes to the entire
Disaster Risk Reduction this afternoon. world is undoubtedly the greatest ca-
Dr. Mottaghi thanked the Fijian lamity of challenge humanity has ever
Government and the Attorney General faced.
Hon. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum for hosting “The result of national disaster pos-
the 4th ABU Media Summit on Climate es a particular threat to vulnerable na-
Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. tions everywhere including those of us
“I wish for all partners, regional and the in Asia-Pacific,” Mr. Khaiyum said.
international, to shake hands to work “As the Fijian Prime Minister and
together and deliver our commitment, also the President of COP23 the on-
“Dr. Mottaghi said. going United Nations negotiations to
“In order to put this Action Plan into reduce the emissions of carbon diox-
practice, I call on for a greater partner- ide are driving these events. Extreme
ship between members, CSO’s, NGO’s, weather conditions like cyclones and
individuals, regional and national part- droughts that pose a risk to our people
ners who are committed with the aims and government.”
and goals of the Fiji Action Plan to He urged the media personnel pres-
greatly continue.” ent at the event to utilise this forum as
“ABU is fully committed to continu- messengers of Governments call for
ing helping in the development of the action.
media in the Pacific and also social “The 2018 Pacific Media Partnership
developments through media in the Conference, with its focus of adapt-
Pacific Islands,” he added ing to the digital age and widening
Close to 50 participants had attend- the reach of broadcasts services, also
ed the 4th Asia Broadcasting Union bears particular significance for Fiji.”
Media Summit on Climate Change and Key speakers from various govern-
Disaster Risk Management held at the ment agencies and non-governmental
Sheraton Fiji Resort & Spa in Nadi. organizations presented topics on how
The participant engaged in the climate change is affecting our liveli-
three-day workshop which was offi- hoods in the areas of health, food se-
cially opened by the Attorney General curity and development.
and Minister responsible for Climate A participant speaking during the closing of the ABU Media Summit on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Re-
Change, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. duction at Sheraton Fiji Resort and Spa. Photo: DEPTFO.

Fiji Airways Partners

with USP
Fiji Airways and the Uni- joen, welcomed the formal executives at Fiji Airways and
versity of the South Pacific partnership with USP. their very committed Engi-
(USP) – Faculty of Science, “As the National Airline, neering Team.
Technology & Environment we’re happy to assist in the “Today’s signing is the
(FSTE) have formalised an growth and development of culmination of four years of
industrial attachment partner- Fijian students who are inter- work by both Fiji Airways and
ship for the university’s engi- ested in aviation. Given that the University. We didn’t get
neering students. we have Fiji’s biggest aviation here overnight – months of
The Memorandum of Un- maintenance facility and larg- negotiation, ensuring that IP,
derstanding signed last week est pool of Aircraft Engineers safety measures and so forth
will allow students from USP’s on staff, there really is no bet- are covered in the agreement
Bachelor of Engineering pro- ter place for them to get this for all relevant stakeholders,”
gramme to attain 800 hours of kind of Aviation Engineering Dr. Jokhan said.
Industrial work experience at experience,” Viljoen said. The Industrial Work Expe-
the airline’s Engineering and He adds they are very rience (IWE) is a graduation
Maintenance facility at Nadi. proud of the support they cur- requirement for the Engineer-
The students’ will work at rently offer to Fijian universi- ing New Zealand (EngNZ)
the main Hangar facility under ties by getting students on accredited degrees (formerly
the supervision of senior Fiji various attachments and in- known as IPENZ), Bachelor
Airways Engineers; will also ternship programmes across of Engineering Electrical/
undertake a number of work- all facets of our operations. Electronics and Bachelor of
shops while on attachment. Dean FSTE, Dr. Anjeela Engineering Mechanical Engi-
USP Dean of Faculty of Science, Technology & Environment (FSTE) Dr. Anjeela Jokhan & Fiji Fiji Airways Managing Jokhan was very grateful and neering.
Airways Executive General Manager Engineering Mr. Thomas Robinson. Photo: FIJI AIRWAYS. Director and CEO, Andre Vil- stated her appreciation to the

Pacific TAFE
expands to

The Pacific Technical and parking facilities. Chandra noted, has recorded
Further Education (Pacific It also has Wireless acces- impressive enrolment growth
TAFE) at The University of the sibility in all of its floors and with its labour market-driven
South Pacific (USP) has ex- is designed to be disability- offerings and up-skilling pro-
panded its services to Vanua friendly. grammes. Rajnesh Naicker of Luvu, Lautoka, explains of the success of inter-cropping, his sugar cane
Levu. While opening the Centre, “What is even more re- farm seen here with legumes.Photo: SUPPLIED.
Labasa Centre was of- Professor Rajesh Chandra, markable that Pacific TAFE at
ficially opened due to the Vice-Chancellor and Presi- the same time has greatly in- The new Centre in Labasa under Professor Chandra’s ing and Student Services, Dr
growing demand of students’ dent of USP said that with its creased international accredi- will offer Foundation and Pre- leadership, and evolution and Giulio Paunga, Vice-President
interest in internationally ac- opening, Pacific TAFE is now tations and recognitions,” Pro- liminary Programmes in Busi- transformation of Pacific TAFE Regional Campuses and Es-
credited courses offered by in a position to provide more fessor Chandra said. ness, Arts and Science. is his well thought vision in the tates and Infrastructure, Mr
Pacific TAFE and the growing of its internationally accredit- He added that Pacific TAFE Mr Hasmukh Lal, Executive Strategic Plan 2013-2018. Charan Jeath Singh, Owner of
commitment and presence of ed qualifications in the North- met its target of sixteen (16), Director, Pacific TAFE thanked The Centre will be man- Gurbachan Mall, Mr Parmod
Pacific TAFE in the Northern ern division. and is now in surplus of one the Vice-Chancellor and Presi- aged by the Coordinator, and Chand, Honourable Mem-
Division. This means that students programme as required under dent for availing himself to will house Pacific TAFE teach- ber of Fijian Parliament, Dr
The Centre, which is locat- from the North will have ac- the Strategic Plan 2013 – 2018. open the Labasa Centre. ing and support staff. Samuela Bogitini, USP Labasa
ed at Gurbachan Singh Mall, cess to quality tertiary edu- In 2017, Pacific TAFE re- “You opened the Labasa Present at the opening Campus Director, Senior gov-
has four (4) lecture/training cation and will be able to corded an increase in enrol- Campus back in 2000, and to- were Mr Winston Thompson, ernment officials, Representa-
rooms, a conference room, complete all courses of the ment by twenty-seven per day another footprint of USP,” Pro-Chancellor and Chair tives from Private Sector and
staff and coordinators room, programmes and graduate cent (27%), contributing Mr Lal said. of USP Council, Professor staff of the Labasa Campus
reception area, kitchen, stu- without leaving home. twenty-four per cent (24%) of USP, Mr Lal highlighted, Richard Coll, Deputy Vice- and Pacific TAFE.
dent discussion area and staff Pacific TAFE, Professor total Campus enrolment. has made significant strides Chancellor, Learning, Teach-


Farmers Timely Assistance

Advisory for Young Bee
on Flash Keepers
Farmers are advised by are on flood prone areas to
the Ministry of Agriculture to avoid losses during flooding.
take necessary precautions They can also move
to reduce risk to life and their planting materials to higher
property as a heavy rain warn- grounds so that it can be used
ing remains in force for Vanua after the floodwaters have re-
Levu, Yasawa, Mamanuca, ceded.
Lau and Lomaiviti groups and Farmers also have to be
Northern, Eastern and West- wary of culverts and other wa-
ern Viti Levu. terways created by floods and
The weather forecast by are therefore advised to keep
the Fiji Meteorological Ser- family members and animals
vices revealed that localised away from them.
heavy rain can cause flash It is prudent that farm-
flooding in low lying areas. ers pay close attention to all
Farmers are advised to weather forecasts, warnings
begin securing their property, and advisories issued by the
stock and life. It is recom- Fiji Meteorological Services.
mended that farmers keep It is best for farmers to follow
their animals, machineries precautionary measures so
and farm implements away that losses from flash floods
from flood-prone areas and and strong winds are mini-
secure the livestock sheds. mized and if possible, com-
It is also advisable for farm- pletely avoided.
ers to monitor crops which
Timely Assistance for Young Bee Keepers. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Mariners By ANA SOVA

The Ministry of Youth and most of the equipment. try. members to make the most of

Advised to
Sports facilitated the handing “The Ministry would like “My Ministry continues to the assistance and grow in the
over of beekeeping materials to once again acknowledge assist young people in income areas of honey production.
to the Vatukalo Youth Club in the assistance from the Chi- generating projects,” “Youths need to be asser-
Levuka recently. nese Embassy for providing “It is very pleasing to see tive in attitude, ensuring the
The Ministry also wel- the grant,” that young people are taking project needs to be success-

comed the assistance from “This will certainly moti- the effort in creating oppor- ful,” Dobui said.
the Embassy of the People’s vate a number of youths to tunities for themselves and “There is shortage of
Republic of China in Fiji for be engaged in beekeeping the Ministry is always ready to honey supply in Fiji due the
providing $10,000 for this proj- (apiculture) and become pro- further propel such projects,” demand and I urge you all to
ect. ductive and resourceful,” Tui- Tuitubou said. be proactive in your approach

Minister for Youth and tubou said. While officiating at the to ensure that this demand is
Sports, Laisenia Tuitubou He said the Ministry would handing over, the Assis- adequately met by your con-
welcomed the assistance and continue to address the needs tant Roko Ovalau/ Moturiki, tribution as well.”
urged the youths to make the of young people in the coun- Saimoni Dobui urged the club

The National Disaster Man- Fiji Group.A flood alert also
Grant Signed to Boost Waste
Management Operations
agement Office is advising remains in force for all low ly-
mariners to exercise caution ing areas, small streams and
while travelling out at sea es- areas adjacent to major rivers
pecially the strong wind warn- for the whole of Fiji.
ing in place for Vanua Levu The rain and flood warn-
waters, Northern Lau waters ing comes as a Tropical Dis-
and the Vatu-i-Ra passage. turbance [TD08F] with an as-
Rough seas may be expe- sociated active trough of low
rienced in the areas affected pressure remains slow mov-
by strong winds. Accordingly, ing over the Fiji Group.
travelling out in small fishing In the event of a flood,
boats such as punts or fiber members of the public should
glass boats should be mini- take heed of the following
mized. advice:Refrain from walk-
Mariners are reminded that ing or driving through flood
the safety of individuals must waters,practice caution when
be prioritized at all times. travelling along hillsides or
Practicing caution and re- landslide-prone areas,parents
fraining from sea travel can and teachers are to ensure
save lives. that infants and children do
The National Disaster Man- not play in flooded areas,
agement Office has advised drains, rivers, and other wa-
the general public to heed terways, stay informed for
continuously to the heavy regular updates on all media
rain warning and alerts that for further alerts or advisories
still remain in force for the from authorities.

The signing of a grant con- LCC through its Grant Assis- at the Ministry of Local Gov- chase buy a 5-tonne garbage
tract between the Lautoka tance for Grassroots Human ernment in Suva. truck to improve waste man-
City Council (LCC) and the Security Projects (GGP) Pro- Minister for Local Govern- agement operations of the
Embassy of Japan will boost gramme. ment, Housing, Environment, Council by providing an effi-
the municipality’s waste man- The grant contract was Infrastructure and Transport cient, hazard free and timely
agement efforts. signed between LCC chief Hon. Parveen Kumar Bala was waste collection service to the
The Government of Japan executive officer Jone Na- also present at the event. people of the Lautoka City.
would provide assistance kauvadra and Ambassador of The financial assistance by
worth up to $161,009 to the Japan, H.E. Masahiro Omura Japan will help the LCC pur-


Everyone’s Business New Boat for

to Address Violence Lomaiviti
Against Women

Hon. Mereseini Vuniwaqa at the launching of The Seda Kei Viti.Photo: DEPTFO.

Outer islands is stress free after been pro- boat to these departments is an extension of
vided services for transportation means. the outreach program in taking services to the
To make it happen, the Minister for Women, people in particular those from the remote
Children and Poverty Alleviation, Hon. Mere- islands of Gau, Wakaya, Batiki, Koro and Mo-
seini Vuniwaqa and the chiefs of Lomaiviti turiki.
launched the ‘Seda Kei Viti’ in Levuka. She also said the vessel will be providing
The boat is an addition to the fleet of the much needed assistance to the people of Lo-
Ministry for Women, Children and Poverty Alle- maiviti and these services include easier ac-
viation and will boost the Government’s aim of cess to financial assistance for the underprivi-
decentralising service delivery - delivering gov- leged, quicker response to child protection
ernment services to Fijians wherever they live. and family issues, more awareness programs
Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre in partnership with the Australian Federal Police is currently fa- While launching the boat, Minister Vuni- and availability of advice for the locals.
cilitating a workshop. Photo: FIJI WOMEN’S CRISIS CENTRE MEDIA. waqa said, “Accessibility to services is a chal- The chiefs of Lomaiviti who were at the
lenge for most of the villages and islands in launch included ‘Ratu mai Bureta’ Ratu Jone
the Lomaiviti group so the boat will be used Davila, ‘Turaga na Rokotakala’ Ratu Peni Boila
By MARIA LAQETA primarily by ministry staff to deliver services and ‘Talatala Qase Wasewase Lomaiviti ‘ Rev
around the remote islands on Lomaiviti”. Jiuta Volau.
The Fiji Women’s Crisis the executive level through this training we use a survivor- The ‘Seda Kei Viti’ which is the third boat to In thanking the Government for considering
Centre and the Australian intensive sessions dedicated centered approach that chal- be commissioned by the Ministry will improve the challenge they faced in accessing Govern-
Federal Police team up to Up- to understanding gender and lenges internalized views and service delivery especially for the two Depart- ment services they also acknowledged the
Skilled and improve police gender related concepts. perceptions of women with ments- Women and the Social Welfare- as well huge positive impact that infrastructural de-
responses to violence against The senior level officers the overall goal of improving as other official stakeholders who provide ser- velopments and social benefits provided by
women and domestic vio- will also be taken through in- police response in the area vices in the Lomaiviti group and will be used to Government have made in the lives of their
lence cases. depth sessions covering all of violence against women,” reach Fijians on the islands. people.
Human Rights and Gender the forms of violence against said Ali at the opening pro- Minister Vuniwaqa said the provision of the
training fulfilled its five days women namely; domestic gram.
training for Regional Execu- violence or intimate partner The joint AFP and FWCC
tives Police Officers, Northern violence, rape, sexual harass- training initiative has been
Pacific in Guam. ment and child sexual abuse. rolled out throughout the Pa-
Guam Chief of Police Jo- Facilitator Shamima Ali cific since 2014.
seph Cruz said “One of the who is also the Coordinator Since its inception there
commitments I have made of the FWCC and the Chair has been three first-respond-
as the Chief of Police from of the Pacific Women’s Net- ers trainings held; one cover-
Guam, is to assist police from work against Violence against ing the Northern Pacific held
across Micronesia, such as Women (PWNAVAW) told the in Pohnepei and two covering
this, to up-skilled and improve participants to expect a level the South Pacific held in Fiji.
police responses to violence of discomfort during the train- Stuart Campbell, Advisor
against women and domestic ing. from the AFP also informed
violence cases. “During the course of the participants that there has
He reminded police offi- this training there will times been three regional executive
cers that combating violence where your very own be- level police trainings held in
against women needed a col- liefs and behaviours towards Fiji, and now the current ex-
laborative effort which will women will be challenged ecutive level training in Guam
engaged everyone to address and that’s okay because then taking the number of senior
violence against women. you can be assured that the executive level trainings to
Five days training will take training is effective because in four.

FDB Sees
Reappointment of
Board Members
Four members of the Fiji • Mr Wella Pillay has tonomous statutory body, the
Development Bank (FDB) been reappointed for anoth- operations of which are con-
have officially been reap- er two-year term as Deputy trolled by a Board of directors
pointed to the body’s Board of Chairman; appointed by the Minister of
Directors by the Attorney-Gen- • Mr Inia Naiyaga has Economy.
eral and Minister of Economy, been reappointed to a two- Under the Act, the Bank
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum. year term as Director; and, provides finance for projects
The reappointments, ef- • Mr Rajesh Kumar that contribute to the devel-
fective as of 7 January 2018, has been reappointed to a opment of Fiji’s economy and
are as follows: two-year term as Director. improves the quality of life for
• Mr Robert Gordon The Fiji Development Bank the people of Fiji. Loan funds
Lyon has been reappointed was established on 1 July 1967 are provided for Agricultural,
for another three-year term as under the Fiji Development Small and Medium, as well as
Chairman; Bank Act 1967. FDB is an au- Corporate enterprise projects.

Send us your feedbacks or suggestions to:

Trump tells Israel Peace Singapore’s ‘Escobar’ to
means Compromise; Drop Picture of Colombian
U.S. Envoy Under Fire Drug Lord after Complaints

U.S. President Donald Trump told Israel on Friday that it too would need to make “significant The owner of a Singapore bar named “Escobar” said a picture of the Colombian drug lord
compromises” for peace with the Palestinians, even as they accused one of his Middle East en- may have been a bad choice after angry complaints and a warning from the narcotics agency in
voys of bogging down diplomacy with what they see as pro-Israel bias. REUTERS a country known for its zero-tolerance policy on illegal drugs.

Nintendo’s New Cardboard Toys may be
just what Screen-addicted Kids need to
Spend more Time in the Real World
Last month, the Japanese controllers that can detect
company announced Nin- and follow sources of heat,
tendo Labo kits, a series of such as a person’s hand.
do-it-yourself cardboard toys, Nintendo hopes mixing
for its popular Switch gaming physical products with tech
console. could be appealing at a time
The Switch -- which is when “screen time” is in the
one part handheld device, spotlight. Recent studies have
one part home console -- has shown that smartphone ad-
sold 10 million units since its diction among children and
March 2017 launch. It has sold teens can cause them to be
more units over the first 10 less attentive in class, get in-
months in the U.S. than any sufficient sleep and have a
console in history, the com- higher risk of depression and
pany announced last month. suicide.
Nintendo Labo’s card- “More parents are search-
board accessories can inter- ing for different ways to have
act with the Switch in a num- quality time with their kids,”
ber of ways. For example, by said Cindy Gordon, Ninten-
popping out pre-cut pieces, do’s VP of strategic commu-
users can build a piano that nications. “This is a guided,
plays musical notes or an RC cooperative and creative ex-
car that can be controlled perience where the kids can
with the gaming console. use their imagination and
The kits are aimed at chil- have fun while learning some
dren ages 6 to 12 and go on fundamentals of technology.”
sale starting April 20. The The Toy-Cons are a way for
variety kit -- which includes Nintendo to expand its user
projects like a fishing rod and base for the Switch, as well.
piano -- will cost $70, while “Some of the best games
the robot kit sells for $80. The ever made launched on Nin-
Nintendo Switch ($300) is Nintendo Labo’s fishing rod game. Photo: CNN TECH. tendo Switch in 2017,” said
sold separately. Switch’s screen lights up with which refer to the smaller After you’re done build- offers resistance like a real Mat Piscatella, a games indus-
At a recent event in New which cardboard cut out parts and larger sized components ing, you can use the card- fishing rod. try analyst at NPD. “Nintendo
York City, CNN Tech got an you need for a specific proj- of the rod. Overall, the card- board toys to play games on The RC car is the simplest Labo looks to significantly ex-
early look at the new low-tech ect. board was sturdy and du- the Switch. For example, the project and took about 10 pand that reach, broadening
creations, which Nintendo The fishing reel, which is rable, but still easy enough to string on the cardboard fishing minutes to put together. You appeal to parents and kids,
calls “Toy-Cons.” one of the more challenging fold and assemble. rod connects to the Switch’s can control the car using the and to both players and cre-
When making the card- projects, took about an hour The process, both intuitive Labo game and lets the user Switch controller, by moving it ators. It is, for the video game
board toys, the Nintendo to put together. The pieces and fun, is similar to putting catch digital fish and physi- side to side, and race against world, a new and unexpected
Switch serves as a high-tech have cute nicknames such as together an advanced Lego cally reel them in for points. another player. There’s an in- direction with intriguing mar-
instruction manual. The “Baby Bear” and “Papa Bear,” set. The toy fishing rod clicks and frared camera in one of the ket potential.”



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Children on Ovalau Receive

School Supplies
Some students from vari- School, Ratu Seru Prima- is left behind and to prevent
ous schools on Ovalau Island ry School, Taviya Primary them from any forms of abuse
in Lomaiviti received school School, Rukuruku Primary or neglect,” she said.
supplies from the Ministry of School, Bureta District School, Vuniwaqa also informed
Women, Children and Poverty Visoto District School, Loreto the students that if they faced
Alleviation last week. Catholic Church and Levuka any form of abuse or ne-
Minister for Women, Chil- Public Primary School. glect they can call the Child
dren and Poverty Alleviation, Minister Vuniwaqa said the Helpline on number 1325 to
Mereseini Vuniwaqa handed Ministry remains firm in deliv- get assistance.
over school stationeries, bags, ering the Fijian Government’s Meanwhile, Delana Pri-
exercise books and reading mandate of protecting and mary School head teacher,
materials to the children dur- upholding the best interests of Mr Luke Vateitei thanked the
ing her surprise visit to the children. Government for their contri-
schools. She highlighted the many bution towards the develop-
These children were pre- educational reforms brought ment of the education system
identified by the schools as in by the Government to make in the country and especially
those still in needs of school education accessible to every for the donation that was giv-
supplies after the beginning of Fijian child irrespective of his en to the schools.
the new school year. or her personal circumstanc- Similar sentiments were
The assistance was made es. expressed by the school
up of school supplies pur- Vuniwaqa also recognised heads of Rukuruku Primary
chased by the ministry and the key role that teachers School and Loreto Primary
also those donated by the played in shaping our future School on the timely support
Canterbury Bankstown Coun- through these young minds. by the ministry towards the
cil. “The ministry has various neediest students, hence en-
The schools included in awareness programs on the abling them to attend school
the visit were Marist Con- need for everyone to work better equipped with school
vent School, Delana Primary together to safeguard our chil- supplies. Hon. Mereseini Vuniwaqa with the teachers and students of Levuka Public Primary School.
School, St. James Primary dren, to ensure that no child Photo: DEPTFO.

Xavier Students
Receive Prestigious
Thirty nine students from Xavier College in founded in Great Britain.
Ba received Duke of Edinburgh Awards (DEIA) The Duke of Edinburgh’s International
as part of the Ministry of Youth and Sports pro- Award grew out of the efforts of three men –
gram. HRH Prince Philip, Kurt Hahn, a German edu-
17 students received silver awards, while 22 cationalist and Lord Hunt, leader of the first
students received bronze awards as part of the successful ascent of Everest – who were aware
award. that young people’s development was lacking
The Award is intended to equip young peo- in certain key areas.
ple for life regardless of their background, cul- The post war era was an effort to address
ture, physical ability, skills and interests. the growing concerns the Nation had for its
The objectives are improving young peo- young population.
ple’s attendance at school and college, their The ravages of a World War had demoral-
commitment to education and their achieve- ized the spirits of its young people, self-esteem
ment levels. was low and motivational empowerment pro-
It also improves young people’s employ- grams were scarce.
ability levels and ability to support them finan- Together, the Duke of Edinburgh with other
cially when they need to do so. great men of his era painstakingly developed
It further increases young people’s physical a programme that would remedy the growing
fitness, and their own sense of emotional and concerns a nation had for its greatest asset.
mental well-being. In 1956 the programme was launched,
About the Award adopting the name of its founder, the Duke of
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme was Edinburgh’s Award programme

President Launches USP’s 50th Anniversary

The past fifty (50) years “When the Fijian Govern- growth of USP. pirational opportunities for unwavering financial support, tralian High Commissioner
have been a period of tremen- ment first considered the “These initiatives, which development that had never and the University’s growing and Professor Rajesh Chan-
dous change for the University possibility of establishing a re- were over and above the existed before. reputation and success in its dra, USP’s Vice-Chancellor
of the South Pacific (USP) and gional university based in Fiji usual levels of commitment He mentioned that the Uni- regional work has led USP, be- and President opened a Time
the young people today enjoy in the mid-sixties, I am sure seen in other similar nations, versity has prospered through ing widely recognised as the Capsule interred by the Aus-
more opportunity in educa- no-one realised that it would showed the willingness of the an understanding that all the best example of regional co- tralian Government on 20 Au-
tion than ever before in our grow to become the centre Fijian Government to assist cultures of our member na- operation,” he further stated. gust 1997.
history. for learning excellence that it the growth of the University tions needed to be recognised The University, he added, The Time Capsule was
This was the sentiment of is today,” President Konrote and contributed greatly to the and nurtured, and that coun- has trained the majority of sealed by the then Australian
His Excellency President Ma- said. rapid expansion of USP,” he tries gained greater total ben- Pacific leaders and its alumni Foreign Minister, Honourable
jor-General (Ret’d) Jioji Konu- He said the Fijian Auditor said. efits from collaboration and are heads of state, senior gov- Alexander Downer and the
si Konrote, and USP Chancel- General provided oversight of His Excellency stated that partnerships that overcame ernment officials and leaders then Acting Vice Chancellor,
lor during the official launch USP’s finances which greatly USP was in a sense, one of their smallness and isolation. of industry throughout the Pa- Professor Rajesh Chandra to
of the University’s 50th Anni- alleviated the need for the the earliest experiments in This he said, provided the cific and beyond. mark the commencement of
versary at its Laucala Campus University to engage costly regional co-operation and its initial basis for these coun- He also said that these construction of the Australia-
on 5 February 2018. external services, in the early founders wanted education tries to come together - build- leaders, many of whom lived Pacific Lecture Theatre then.
His Excellency Konrote years of the University. to be accessible to all parts of ing on unity from our diversity. and studied together during It included USP publica-
said USP has been a steadfast The Government of Fiji, the Pacific Islands. “The University’s thought- their time at USP, were ex- tions, a video cassette from
partner to the Fijian Govern- he noted also appreciated President Konrote added ful attention to the needs of posed to an environment of 1997, and was accompanied
ment in widening the reach the need for the University to that in each of the member all member countries ensures understanding and networks by a note, which was read by
of the Fijian education system be autonomous and it there- nations, USP’s footprint has that all member countries based on friendship. Professor Chandra during the
and fielding a more competi- fore granted visas and work contributed to a significant have remained staunch sup- Following the Launch, H.E Time Capsule’s opening.
tive and talented Fijian work- permits to allow overseas widening of access to higher porters of the University. This Konrote together with His Ex-
force. academics to assist with the education and through it, as- strong sense of ownership, cellency Mr John Feakes, Aus-




Kinisimere Pursues her Dreams at FNU

(L-R) Roko Wati Kinisimere with Watalaita Kalokalo. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Twenty year old Roko Wati Kinisimere of her classes. The soft spoken Kinisimere was all smiles are now both working. I hope to follow in their
Lomai village, Waimaro in the province of Nai- “I knew there would be challenges and sac- as she explored her new learning environment footsteps and also be successful.”
tasiri, believes perseverance, discipline and rifices to make when I was enrolling into FNU. on Nasinu campus this week. “I’m still trying to get used to the campus
commitment are key components in achieving I will be coming in from the village to attend “My programme is for two years so I have and know all the places I will have my classes
one’s dream. classes every day, so that would mean getting to make sure I stay true to myself and my aim. in. I’m looking forward to the orientation later
Hardwork Kinisimere is a student of Fiji Na- up early to be in school well before class time,” I hope to graduate and find work in any area this week to meet with our lecturers and other
tional University (FNU) and currently enlisted said Ms Kinisimere. of office administration or receptionists. But students,” said Ms Kalokalo.
as Trade Diploma in Office Administration re- “I catch the bus at around 6am and I reach for now, I need to stay in school and get good Orientation for students attending classes
cipient with the College of Business, Hospital- Nasinu after 8am. It’s going to be hard, but I grades in this first six months for Semester 1.” on Nasinu, Nasese and Narere campuses will
ity and Tourism Studies. will make it work. I have seen many from the Meanwhile, her niece, Watalaita Kalokalo, be hosted on Thursday, 8 February at 9am at
The Waimaro lass has to make sure she de- village study with FNU and though they had enrolled in the same programme looks for- Nasinu campus.
parts her house before morning cracks to en- their struggles they now have good jobs and ward to a wonderful year.
sure she reaches Nasinu campus on time for that inspire me,” she added. “Two of my older sisters studied at FNU and

Tubuna Determined to Accomplish

her Goals
Iowana Tubuna of Nalidi on the farm. I am the fourth el- thinkers. He said this type of
Nakorotubu, Ra dreamt one dest and the younger two are students generate more cre-
day will get graduated in the also schooling,” Tubuna said. ative ideas by exploring many
blue gown from the Bachelor “I always dreamt of study- possible solutions of one
of Laws programme. ing at a tertiary institution so problem.
She was beaming with that I can pursue the career “When you are here, you
excitement as she attended of my choice after which I will be told to do things in
the College of Business, Hos- will also be able to help my certain ways but do not be
pitality and Tourism Studies parents financially and assist afraid to differ from what
(CBHTS) orientation session my other siblings with their might be expected of you. If
with more than 350 students studies. I want to make my you can differ and justify than
on Nasinu campus earlier. family proud and give them you should be rewarded for
Tubuna, who comes from a the rewards of their sacrifices that. We are here to help you
farming background, said she in helping me reach up to this develop your potentials,” said
was fortunate to be awarded place in life.” Professor Karan.
with Tertiary Education Loan “Currently, I am trying to The orientation session
Scheme (TELS) to study at the adjust to the city life. The life- was organised to welcome
Fiji National University. style here is somewhat differ- the first year CBHTS day class
She used to travel 7 kilo- ent from how we live back in students. Another session
metres daily in a Carriers to the village where you will get will be held this evening at
attend high school and said to see more greenery but it is 6pm for evening students to-
she was always determined more buildings and cars here. gether with those enrolled in
to get enrolled at the national The dressing style is also quite Post Graduate Diploma, Mas-
university. different with pace of life be- ters and Executive Masters in
“My parents are dalo and ing so fast,” Tubuna added. Business Administration pro-
yaqona farmers. From the six College Dean, Profes- grammes.
siblings, my two elder broth- sor Ram Karan encouraged Bachelor of Law student, Iowana Tubuna (centre) with her friends after the College of Busi-
ers and sister help my parents the students to be divergent
ness, Hospitality and Tourism Studies orientation at Nasinu Campus. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Celebration Promotes Multi-

Cultural Harmony
Let us celebrate our common “This occasion is for further re- tunity to demonstrate the richness of between Fiji and China has grown nesses striving in areas of social and
goals more than the differences that union and renewal of friendship. the Chinese culture and to promote even closer than ever. We have wit- economic development in Fiji,” she
we have. It symbolizes harmony and good multi-cultural harmony and diversity nessed the extension of relations said.
Those were the words of Minis- wishes.I bring to our Chinese friends amongst all our communities who between our two countries in an This year is celebrated as the Year
ter for Health and Medical Servic- here in Fiji and across the globe, best are known and recognized through effort to strengthen understanding, of the Dog which is a symbol of loy-
es, Rosy Akbar while officiating at wishes of the Fijian Government,” a common identity of being called friendship and bilateral cooperation alty and honesty.
the Chinese New Year Celebration the Minister said. Fijians. through people to people programs
which was held at the China Cultural Akbar adds that in Fiji celebra- “It is in this spirit of harmony that and activities. We have also seen
Centre in Suva. tions such as this provides an oppor- the bilateral friendly relationship more Chinese companies and busi-

A musician participates in during a Chinese New Year celebration at the China Cultural Centre in
Dance performance by the China Cultural Center in Suva. Photo: DEPTFO. Suva. Photo: DEPTFO.

History of Chinese in Fiji

The history of Chinese nese settled in Fiji in the late
people in Fiji dates to the 1980s and early 1990s, and in
year 1855, when Moy Ba Ling, February 1995, the Fijian Cabi-
also known as Houng Lee, net approved a plan to allow
reached Fiji in a sail boat from up to 7000 Hong Kong Chi-
Australia and settled in Levu- nese to immigrate to Fiji. Con-
ka. He later returned to China, ditions included payment of
before bringing his relatives F$30,000 to the government,
and some others to settle in and investment of F$100,000
Fiji, in connection with the in government-approved proj-
gold rush. Later arrivals came ects.
looking for sandalwood and Many of these invested in
beche-de-mer. According to restaurants, retailing, and mar-
Dixon Seeto, President of the ket gardening (mostly in Ka-
Chinese Association of Fiji in labu, Tamavua, Delaivalelevu,
the early 2000s, the first shops Vikoba, Sawani and Waibau),
in rural areas of Fiji were and have intensified horticul-
opened by Chinese mer- ture around Suva. A further
chants. wave of Chinese has arrived
Chinese people were en- since the late 1990s, many of
franchised for the first time in them from the northern part
1964. The former European of China. Many of the more re-
roll was redefined to include cent immigrants have opened
other minority groups and bakeries and other food out-
renamed the General Elec- lets in Fijian villages, creating
tors roll. Despite being only employment for local people,
a splinter of the electorate, says Fiji Times editor Samiso-
General Electors were then ni Kakaivalu.
allocated 10 of the 36 seats in The exact date of Moy Ba
the Legislative Council, as the Ling’s arrival is not known,
legislature was then known, but on 17 September 2005,
though this figure has gradu- the Chinese community cel-
ally been reduced since inde- ebrated the 150th anniversary.
pendence in 1970.
Around a thousand Chi- Members of the Chinese-Fijian community. Photo: GOOGLE. WIKIPEDIA

The Chinese diaspora in native language.
Fiji is a small but influential Chinese in Fiji also speak
community in the multira- the local Fijian language. Chi-
cial society that makes up nese in Fiji have a strong Bud-
modern-day Fiji. In the early dhist background and some
2000s their numbers were es- retained Confucian traditions.
timated at around 6,000, or a There are also a considerable
little over half of one percent number of Fijians who are of
of Fiji’s population. partial Chinese extraction,
The most recent estima- being descended from mar-
tion puts the population at riages between Chinese and
8,000 making the concen- indigenous Fijians.
tration of Chinese in Fiji at
around one percent. Around WIKIPEDIA
80% of Chinese in Fiji speak
Cantonese and around 16%
speak Shanghainese as their

Jewels Fiji Support Chinese

New Year
The Jewels Fiji is ‘China joy one another’s accompany
Ready’ in time to welcome and enjoy themselves with
the upcoming Chinese Lunar entertainments.
New Year, Year of the Dog, to Mr Patel looked forward to
be celebrated on February 16. host another five to six func-
Meanwhile, the Jewels Fiji tions and encouraged every-
with Chinese Cultural and one to learn more about Chi-
Sports Association celebrated nese culture and importance
the Chinese New Year with which makes Fiji beautiful
fun and entertainment in the place with so much diverse
Jet set town of Nadi. culture.
Jewels Fiji chief executive “We might not be Chinese
and Founder Romil Patel said but we try to fulfil little things
the idea is very significant and that are important to the Chi-
it was a festival time of the nese at this time of the year,”
year to Chinese descendant he added.
because it’s their New Year Following the Chinese
with a new chapter with the New Year celebration, the
believe it would bring them Chinese Cultural and Sports
good fortune. Association of Fiji took on a
“This year Chinese New grand performance to mark
Year, basically is for all our the pre-celebration event.
local and Overseas Patriates Nadi co-ordinator for the
and invited guests,” he added. Chinese New Year celebra-
A lot of local Chinese peo- tion, Gemma Kong said this
ple are Jewels Fiji customers, year marked the Year of the
he said and they felt since Fiji Dog which will is celebrated
is a diverse country with dif- this month on the sixteen, the
ferent cultures and traditional, Chinese 12 year animal zo-
it would be an enjoyable mo- diac cycle.
ment to support them as well “Chinese New Year is most
with the celebration. important traditional festival
“This is an opportunity of celebrated at the turn of the
the year we happened to in- traditional lunisolar calendar Jewels Fiji Chief Executive and Founder Romil Patel (standing 5th from left) with the Chinese Cultural and Sports Association of Fiji
vite them not only to visit and systems,” she added. after they displyed a grand performance outside Jewels Fiji on main street Nadi Town. Photos: SAMUEL SHANKAR.
have a look at our new prod- According to Wikipedia,
ucts but also to come and the Dog is one of the 12-year urday, 28 January, initiating customs and traditions con- make way for incoming good of the Mainland population,
share the happiness and en- cycle of animals which ap- the year of the Rooster while cerning the celebration of the luck. or 500 million Northerners,
joyment at the same time en- pear in the Chinese zodiac re- this year is the year of the Dog Lunar New Year vary widely. Windows and doors are dumplings (especially those
joy each other’s accompany,” lated to the Chinese calendar. which will be commencing Often, the evening preceding decorated with red color of vegetarian fillings) feature
he added. The Year of the Dog is associ- February 16. Lunar New Year’s Day is an paper-cuts and couplets with prominently in the meals cel-
Mr Patel said Jewel Fiji ated with the Earthly Branch The New Year festival is occasion for Chinese families popular themes of “good ebrating the festival.
have been hosting the event symbol. The character refers centuries old and gains sig- to gather for the annual re- fortune” or “happiness”, It is one of the world’s
for nearly 5years in a row and to the actual animal while re- nificance because of several union dinner. “wealth”, and “longevity”. most prominent and celebrat-
Interest him to continued sup- fers to the zodiac animal. myths and customs. Tradi- It is also traditional for ev- Other activities include ed festivals, with the “largest
port the celebration in years The Chinese New Year, tionally, the festival was a ery family to thoroughly
180130024FJ clean
Chinese new lighting
year firecrackers
Quarter page.pdf and
1 giv-
2/5/18 annual mass human migra-
3:50 PM
to come. also known as the Spring Fes- time to honor deities as well the house, in order to sweep
180130024FJ Chinese new year full page.pdf 1 2/5/18 ing money in red paper en- tion in the world”.
3:48 PM

“Chinese tourist in the past tival (simplified Chinese; tra- as ancestors. away any ill-fortune and to velopes. In about one third
don’t have much of Chinese ditional Chinese or simply the Wikipedia stated Lunar
festivals in the town com- Lunar New Year, in modern New Year is celebrated in
pared nowdays there will be China, is an important Chi- other Asian countries and ter-
much happening of the An- nese festival celebrated at the ritories, including Mainland
niversary from the Chinese turn of the traditional lunisolar China, Taiwan, Hong Kong,
communities,” he said. Chinese calendar. Macau, Singapore, Indone-
“But today we have a high- Celebrations traditionally sia, Malaysia, Korea, Thai-
est percentage of Chinese run from the evening preced- land, Vietnam, Cambodia,
tourist arrivals of the year be- ing the first day, to the Lantern Mauritius, Australia, and the
cause its holidays to them just Festival on the 15th day of the Philippines. Lunar New Year
to gather together and cel- first calendar month. The first is considered a major holiday
ebrate,” he said. day of the New Year falls on for the Chinese and has had
Also present at the event, the new moon between 21 influence on the lunar New
he said were local patriates of Jan and 20 Feb. Year celebrations of its geo-
Chinese descendants not to In 2017, the first day of the graphic neighbours.
buy from his shop but to en- Lunar New Year was on Sat- Within China, regional








Happy Chinese

New Year
Westpac Fiji family wishes you a
successful and prosperous 2018.

Banking for generations




Inglewood Boss Optimistic of Return

Growing up Praneel Dass keting real estates in Fiji but
dreamt of becoming a pilot to more than 10 countries
but along the line he found his now including Dubai, United
true calling in real estate busi- States, Australia, New Zealand
ness. and in Asia, and the South Pa-
Born in Natokowaqa, Lau- cific
toka, the Inglewood Realtors The company is back in
Founder and Managing Direc- business after taking a lapse
tor said he loves houses and of two years from the Real Es-
enjoyed working with people. tate industry.
Inglewood Reltors is based Mr Dass established its
in Votualevu, Nadi and also business in 2007 and it was
operates in Lautoka, Suva and closed for two years because
Vanua Levu. he went to New Zealand to
Mr. Dass’ mother, the study Real Estate.
late Savitri Dass, was a well- Mr. Dass said real estate
known Bank officer for Bank is about increasing business
of Baroda where she served and 2017 was bit daunting,
32 years and received a medal however 2018, with a little
from government for her lon- know how, focused goals and
gest service. an actionable plan, a bigger
His father used to be busi- and better 2018 is with reach.
nessman and boxing promot- “Today’s real estate pro-
er from late 70s. fessionals are faced with a
After high school, he com- variety of challenges from
pleted his studies here and shifting house market to a
also the United Kingdom. technological landscape that
After working and strug- has altered the way custom-
gling with some small com- ers buy and sell homes, real
panies, he worked with Car- estate agents is expected to
penters Motors and proved to know and do it all.”
be the best salesmen and was He said it is important to
promoted to team leader. have your finger on the pulse
Then he joined Credit Cor- of the current market and
poration as the marketing and know what to expect in the
lending officer – West before coming year.
he established his own ven- Mr. Dass added that Ingle-
ture. wood Realtors Fiji will focus
He has been in the real es- on using online platforms to
tate business for more than sell homes. Inglewood Realtors Founder and Managing Director Praneel Dass. Photo: PRANEEL DASS.
10 years with experience in “Commercial properties,
finance and extreme sales in tourism and film industry is ments on coastal and central bigger commercial ventures and housing. The building estate lies in the develop-
marketing, currently obtaining pushing market to greater areas. and bigger projects involving phase will supply many prop- ments happening today.
a Master’s degree. heights with confident invest- “Market is at the build- demands for properties for erties in near future.”
He said he is not only mar- ing spreading wings of invest- ing phase, getting ready for sporting facilities, agriculture He said the future for real-

Stunning designed, a desirable location and healthy whose client's satisfaction and best interests are
rental returns make this Jamila Rd listing a triumph on the paramount. His desire to serve his client's particular needs,
market in Nadi. coupled with his market expertise, construction knowledge
And considering the tourist town’s spate of development and superior negotiating skills, set him apart.


in recent times, an exquisite property such as this is a rare Shah has outstanding service and high principals, and
availability amidst the real estate dash. with a high level of market experience and high spirits,
These executive apartments are a set of four newly Shah is placed a top serving real estate personnel.

constructed, 3-bedroom flats with all the trappings of an “Real Estate is about increasing business and 2017 was
upmarket existence directly between Nadi International a bit daunting, however 2018, with a little know how,
Airport and Nadi CBD, along the Nadi back road, where focused goals and an actionable plan, a bigger and better
idyllic surroundings mountain views, with convenient 2018 is with reach.
proximity to Martintar’s retail and recreational hub. Today’s real estate professionals are faced with a variety
There are two flats stationed atop and two on the bottom, of challenges from shifting house market to a technological
with each featuring balconies for perfect lounging and light landscape that has altered the way customers buy and sell
entertainment, covering some 800sqm of Crown lease, for homes, real estate agents are expected to know and do it
which 88 years remain. all.”
Bedrooms include a large master ensuite positioned “It’s important to have your finger on the pulse of the
comfortably away from common lounge spaces and with current market and know what to expect in the coming year.
private balconies, built in wardrobes, ceiling fans, air Firstly, Consumers are optimistic yet barriers remain to
conditioning and security features that cover a private home ownership, like saving for a down payment, poor
intercom at the gate connected to each flat. credit, and qualifying for a mortgage. Potential clients who
There are magnificent rental returns promised here, with are ready to overcome these hurdles and make a move
security features that include centralized password- need to be uploaded in a database. Secondly, Affordability
operated doors and secure stairwells for ultimate privacy will worsen, more properties need to come in market to cool
and safety. the prices. Ironically income will not boost and mortgage
Set amidst a fine neighborhood with modern homes and interest rates will rise to dampen. This will induce more
professional residents, this is a deal not to be missed. seller to jump into the market but pose more problems for
Inspect this property today, call to discuss and present buyers. Even though the recovery remains unfinished, the
your offers. housing market is becoming more stable and more certain
Inglewood Real Estate is a renowned realty house with a for buyers and sellers.”
team of highly trained and dynamic agents and sales staff, Commercial properties, tourism and film industry is
covering the whole of Fiji. pushing market to greater heights with confident investing
Inglewood Realtors revamped its operations in July 2017 spreading wings of investments on coastal and central
and has noted positive growth on the real estate market. areas.
Shahrufh Shah joined the realty company as Senior So, whether buying or selling, Shah will provide you the
Consultant and Operations Manager and brings to the special attention one expects of a dedicated, top-
team 18 years of professional accounting, with a Chartered producing real estate professional. He is praised most
Accounts bade. Alongside his entrepreneurial expertise, often by clients for his enthusiasm, patient approach and
Shah is a passionate and market- savvy professional unwavering loyalty.



Property Consultants/
Operations Manager


Youths to Benefit from Business Training

Twenty-five Navua youths their own income generating
had an effort to attenda week- projects that will make posi-
long business training that tive contribution towards their
provided them with skills to livelihood and community.”
better manage their own busi- One of the participants dur-
ness. ing the training, AlisiDanford
The mobile skills business said her business collapsed
training which was organ- due to poor management.
ised by the Ministry of Youth “I had a canteen business
and Sports and facilitated by but due to poor management,
the National Centre for Small I had to close my business,”
and Micro Enterprises Devel- she said.
opment (NCSMED) enables “I am grateful for the train-
youth participants to design ing, as this has provided me
their own business plan, cre- with knowledge on how to
ate proper financial manage- manage small businesses and
ment, identify Small Medium also on its sustainability.”
Enterprises (SME) and estab- Similar sentiments were
lish Income Generating Proj- shared by another participant,
ects (IGP) to improve basic Roselyn Murti as she encour-
livelihoods. ages young adults to venture
Minister for Youth and into income generating proj-
Sports, HonourableLaise- ects.
niaTuitubou urged the par- “Young individuals need
ticipants to develop their own to be more proactive and re-
small businesses and income sourceful,” Ms Murti said.
generating projects. “You do not have to wait
“The Ministry of Youth and for a capital, however, you
Sports continues to make in- can use your own resources
roads in terms of providing and start small.”
training to our youth populace The training was conduct-
in Fiji,” Minister Tuitubou said. ed from January 29 to Febru-
“I therefore urge our ary 2, 2018 at the Matanitobua
youths to make the most of House in Navua.
such trainings and develop The participants with their certificates. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Nanuku Auberge Resort NZ Shares Fall Sharply

takes “Culinary Quantum Again
Leap Forward’

The appointment of execu- credentials. claim the prestigious ‘Dining

tive chef Oliver Scarf is a ‘cu- “Having someone of Chef Experience Award’ at the 2016
linary quantum leap forward’ Scarf ’s caliber here has taken ANZ Fiji Excellence in Tourism
to the Nanuku Resort. our already substantial culi- Awards.
Meanwhile, theNew Zea- nary reputation a quantum “Our food and beverage
land-born national, needs no leap forward and we are experience is unique with ev-
introduction to Fiji having cut delighted and feel very privi- ery mouthful created and tar-
his culinary teeth with a stint leged to have him on the ex- geted to individuals who seek
at the iconic Laucala Resort in ecutive team,” MrHemmann to savour the essence and
Taveuni. said. flavour of a true gastronomic
His experience also ex- “The level of skill and ser- experience.
tends to several high-profile vice he is brings to Nanuku “A key component of Chef
luxury hotels and resorts in his will provide a wonderful en- Oliver’s overall activity will
native New Zealand. These hancement to our overall focus on raw, dehydrated and
include the eco-designed guest service delivery. wellness cuisine with mainly
TeWaonui Forest Retreat in “Fiji has been steadily Fijian produce.
Franz Josef and most recently, building its reputation as the “This is intended to dove-
as Sous Chef at the George culinary powerhouse of the tail with Nanuku’s popular New Zealand money.Photo: RADIONZ.
Hotel in Christchurch, where South Pacific in recent years on resort ‘Wellness’ program
he took on the acting Chef as evidenced by the arrival which offers our guests the
de Cuisine role at the hotel’s of several master chefs and perfect solutions for dealing NZ shares fall sharply again another horror session in the than 10 percent in the past
renowned two-hat ’Pescatore’ the opening of a string of sig- and ridding themselves of New Zealand’s share mar- United States, with the Dow week, which is being called a
restaurant. nature restaurants in many of everyday stress, in the pro- ket has opened sharply lower Jones average plunging more correction, with analysts pre-
Announcing Chef Scarf ’s the destination’s top resorts. cess promoting and instilling as Wall Street suffers another than 1000 points or 4 percent. dicting further volatility.
appointment, General Man- “Nanuku too has played a the formulas required for a battering. Shares have been battered So far this week New Zea-
agerHemmann said having key role in advancing this rep- healthy lifestyle via a combi- The benchmark top-50 in- by a rise in interest rates and land’s market has fallen more
him join the team represent- utation – we beat off strong nation of cuisine, spa and re- dex fell more than 120 points fears of more to come, which than 4 percent, although last
ed a major accomplishment opposition from several of laxation therapy.” or 1.5 percent in early trading, would raise the cost of bor- year it gained 22 percent.
given his overly impressive Fiji’s top hotels and resorts to with only four minor stocks rowing but also offer better
rising in price. returns to investors.
The latest slide followed US stocks have fallen more RADIO NZ

Dozens Charged for

Infraud Cyber-crime Site
Dozens charged for Infraud tice said 13 of the suspects donia among other countries.
cyber-crime site were now in custody. “As alleged in the indict-
Thirty-six people have They include UK-based ment, Infraud operated like
been charged for their alleged Anthony Nnamdi Okeakpu, a business to facilitate cyber-
involvement in running a cy- who is alleged to have joined fraud on a global scale,” said
ber-crime service responsible in December 2010 and have acting assistant attorney gen-
for more than $530m (£381m) used the nickname “money- eral John Cronan of the Jus-
of losses. mafia”. tice Department’s Criminal
The Infraud Organisation Other defendants include Division.
is said to have dealt in stolen SvyatoslavBondarenko, “Its members allegedly
credit cards and passwords aUkranian accused of having caused more than $530m in
and engaged in bank fraud created Infraud in October actual losses to consumers,
and ID theft. 2010. businesses, and financial in-
As of March 2017, its dark- Five apprehended de- stitutions alike – and it is al-
web-based service’s discus- fendants were based in the leged that the losses they in-
sion forum is said to have had US while others came from tended to cause amounted to
10,901 registered members. France, Canada, Pakistan, more than $2.2bn.”
Nanuku Auberge Resort and Spa,Fiji.Photo NANUKU. The US Department of Jus- Russia Egypt, Italy and Mace- FBC


Fiji Link Welcomes

Second Twin Otter
The Fiji Airways Group welcomed a second They also allow us to connect Fijians to their
brand new Viking DHC-6 Series 400 Twin Otter homes in some of our most outlying islands, in
aircraft to the Fiji Link fleet on Wednesday, 7 partnership with the Fijian Government.”
February. Mr. Caine reiterated that Twin Otter re-
A third brand new Viking Twin Otter Series mained the aircraft of choice for Fiji Link’s op-
400 is expected to arrive in March. erations.
The aircraft touched down at Nadi Interna- “It’s well-suited to our domestic operating
tional Airport at 5:30pm local time to a rousing environment made up of smaller airports, vary-
welcome by Fiji Link and Fiji Airways staff. ing types of runaways and short airstrips.”
Speaking at the welcome event, Fiji Air- Fiji Airways Engineering Teams will paint
ways Group Chief Financial Officer, Nick Caine the new aircraft registration DQ-FJQ in Fiji
said the airline celebrates every addition to the Link livery and complete the installation of all
fleet, from the smallest turbo props to the larg- aircraft seats and interior furnishings over the
est wide body jets. next week.
“We value the contribution of each aircraft It features state of the art customer com-
across both fleets to our network,” Mr. Caine forts, with brand new seats, air conditioning
said. and modern avionics for a smoother flight.
“The Twin Otters allow Fiji Link and Fiji Air- The new aircraft is expected to enter com-
ways to bring guests from around the world mercial service by February 19th upon receipt Welcoming of brand new otter number two which was flown all the way home from Canada
to some of Fiji’s most renowned destinations. of the third Series 400 Twin Otter. by two female pilots. Photo: FIJI AIRWAYS.

Navy Aircraft Participate The Future of Aviation

in Singapore Air Show Lies in the Asia Pacific
Region, Boeing Exec says

A Navy P-8A Poseidon aircraft sits on the flightline prior to a training mission with patrol air-
craft from the South Korean navy in Busan, South Korea, March 30, 2014. The P-8A Poseidon is
one type of Navy aircraft participating in the Singapore International Airshow held Feb 6-11,
2018, at the Changi National Exhibition Center. Photo: PETTY OFFICER 1ST CLASS JOSHUA
The Boeing B737 Max 9 on June 20, 2017. Photo: GETTY IMAGES.
U.S. Navy aircraft are participating in the Karl Murray, mission lead for the crew of the
Singapore International Airshow held Feb 6-11 P-8 Poseidon of Patrol Squadron 8. “Our time
at the Changi National Exhibition Center here. here enables us to showcase our capabilities The future of aviation will is the future of aviation.” with more orders.
Crews from the Navy’s P-8 Poseidon mari- and enhance relationships at the operator level be in the Asia Pacific region, Given that opportunity, he “I’ll tell you what. Over the
time patrol aircraft and an F/A-18 Super Hornet with our friends and allies.” the vice president of market- outlined Boeing’s strategy to last six years, we’ve been the
joined aircrews from the Air Force and Marine Showcasing Naval Aviation ing at Boeing Commercial Air- ensure the company remains leader in the market in terms
Corps for the weeklong exhibition. The Navy The Navy aircrews will host a variety of dis- planes said. a mainstay in the region: of delivery and frankly, it’s de-
aircraft are forward deployed to the Indo-Pacif- tinguished visitors along with industry person- Speaking from Singapore, building the right kind of air- liveries that count,” he said.
ic region as part of the U.S. 7th Fleet and have nel, aviation enthusiasts and partner-nation Randy Tinseth said that the re- planes for customers there. Boeing announced last
a routine presence across the region. military aviators during the public days of the gion would account for about “For us, it’s about building month that it delivered a re-
Singapore’s airshow occurs every two years airshow highlighting the capabilities and en- 40 percent of the market’s fu- the right airplanes with the cord 763 airplanes in 2017.
and is the largest defense exhibition and inter- during legacy of U.S. naval aviation. ture demand. right capabilities to provide That amounted to 49 percent
national tradeshow in the Indo-Pacific region Navy participation in airshows helps dem- “If we look at the growth the kind of flexibility our cus- of the single aisle airplanes
with more than 50 nations and foreign delega- onstrate America’s commitment to the peace over the next few years, half tomers need,” Tinseth said. and 60 percent of the wide
tions and 1,000 defense contractors participat- and security of the Indo-Pacific, while fostering the growth will be here in the A great example of that is bodied airplanes in the mar-
ing. enduring relationships with international audi- Asia Pacific market,” Tinseth last year — we delivered our ket, Tinseth said. He predicted
Aviators Interact at Airshow ences and partner militaries. told CNBC. first MAX aircraft that is up to that the company will outdo
Singapore’s airshow provides an ideal fo- Aircraft assigned to the Navy’s 7th Fleet con- “This is a market that has 20 percent more efficient than itself in 2018.
rum for naval aviators and crews to engage duct forward-deployed maritime operations in been performing well, both airplanes flying today,” he ex- “This year, we are on track
with their U.S. counterparts along with air- support of U.S. national interests in the Indo- in terms of traffic growth for plained, adding that it would to deliver somewhere be-
crews from allied and partner nations from Pacific region. As the Navy’s largest numbered passengers as well as cargo,” allow customers to connect to tween 810 and 815 airplanes,
across the region and the world. fleet, the 7th Fleet interacts with 36 nations Tinseth said. “It’s our biggest new markets. so that should be another in-
“We are honored to bring our team to Sin- across the region to build security partnerships market for single aisle air- The Boeing executive said dustry record.”
gapore to represent the U.S. Navy before an in- that foster maritime stability. planes, the biggest market for he is bullish about his compa-
ternational audience of aviation professionals wide bodies, and the biggest ny’s growth trajectory — de-
and partner nation militaries,” said Lt. Cmdr. WWW.DEFENSE.GOV market for freighters. So, this spite rival Airbus ending 2017 WWW.CNBC.COM

2017 ANZ FETA Finalists Announced

The Trustees and Organiz- announced during the awards Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort
ing Committee of the ANZ Fiji night on Saturday February Sheraton Resort & spa –
Excellence in Tourism Awards 17th. Tokoriki Warwick Fiji
are has announced the Final- This year sees the intro- ACCOMMODATION LUX-
ists for the 21st ANZ Fiji Excel- duction of a Hall of Fame URY
lence in Tourism Awards award which will be pre- Intercontinental Fiji Golf
ANZ FETA Trustee and sented to Likuliku Lagoon Resort & Spa
Organising Committee Chair- Resort as the first inductee to Royal Davui Island Resort
person, Olivia Mavoa said the this prestigious recognition of Yasawa Island Resort
2017 awards season saw the consistent excellence. CULINARY SERVICES
introduction of the online sub- The theme for this year’s Chantara Thai Restaurant –
missions process. event is “Sustaining our Re- Radisson Blu Resort Fiji
“We have received a num- sources” with the colours Flavours of Fiji Cooking
ber of impressive entries fol- blue and green for the awards School Ivi – Outrigger Fiji
lowing on from the previous night. Beach Resort
seasons, where initial scoring The ANZ Fiji Excellence in Kanavata Restaurant & Bar
has been very close. Some Tourism Awards Trustees has – Nanuku Auberge Resort
categories have more than congratulated the finalists and The Kitchen Grill – Westin
three Finalists for site visits,” look forward to welcoming Resort & Spa
Mavosa said. guests to the Gala presenta- DESTINATION MARKET-
She said the Awards en- tion dinner. ING
tries were assessed by an Tickets are available for Film Fiji
independent panel of judges purchase online on website Rosie Holidays
who are made up of industry Tour Managers
leaders and experts. The following are the fi- SPECIALISED TOURISM
“We wish all our finalists nalists that have been an- SERVICES & SUPPORT TO
the best of luck as we count- nounced: THE INDUSTRY
down to the awards night ACCOMMODATION BUD- Essence of Fiji Rejuvena-
Gala dinner at the Sheraton GET tion Centre
Fiji Resorts Denarau Conven- South Sea Island Pacific Bedbank
tion Centre on Saturday Feb- Tanoa Rakiraki Port Marina Denarau
ruary 17th,” Mavosa said. Vuda Marina Fiji Vuda Marina Fiji & The
The finalists for the indi- ACCOMMODATION QUAL- Boatshed Restaurant
vidual awards for Fiji Pride, ITY TOUR & TRANSPORT OP-
Emerging Leader and Tourism Malolo Island Resort ERATORS: sort ACTIVITY Sigatoka River Safari
Leader will be announced in Treasure Island Resort Rosie Holiday Namosi Eco Resort Captain Cook Cruises Ti-
the coming week. Volivoli Beach Resort Sigatoka River Safari Nanuya Island Resort vua Island
While the recipient of the ACCOMMODATION DE- Tour Managers Fiji SSC Vinaka Volunteering Flavours of Fiji Cooking
prestigious Lifetime Achieve- LUXE TOURISM SUSTAINABILITY Treasure Island Resort School
ment and Visionary will be Maui Palms Maqai Eco Surf Beach Re- VISITOR ATTRACTION & Kula Wild Adventure Park

Jones Announced as
Guest Speaker of FETA Fiji Food
Served in Abu

Former All Blacks, Sir Michael Jones. Photo: GOOGLE.


The ANZ Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards Chief Guest.

(FETA) Committee will be hosting another ex- Chair of the Organising Committee and
citing Awards night this Saturday, 17 January Truste, Olivia Mavoa said they expect this
recognising and rewarding individuals and year’s Awards evening to be outstanding, with Asia Pacific Food and Arts Festival.Photo: KELEPI C ABARIGA.
businesses in the tourism industry for their the presence of esteemed Guest Speaker, Sir
contributions and excellence in 2017. Michael Jones.
To commemorate the Awards 21st anniver- “Our theme for the Awards night is “Sus- By MARIA LAQETA
sary, FETA will feature Sir Michael Jones as the taining our Resources” to raise the awareness
keynote speaker for the evening. of the need to protect our environment and the The first Asia-Pacific food and arts bazaar ent countries get involved in cultural exchang-
The rugby great and Pacific community Industry can take a leading role in this,” Mavoa hosted in Abu Dhabi promotes local food. es; it creates an environment of mutual under-
leader became a knight companion of the New said. Meanwhile, the events was organised by the standing which is always important to have,”
Zealand Order of Merit, for his services to the Event Information Asian Group of Ambassadors from Pakistan, Ja- he said.
Pasifika community and youth. Chief Guest Hon. Prime Minister Rear Ad- pan, Fiji and Malaysia. “We are very happy with the participation,
He is renowned for his contribution to the miral J.V. Bainimarama Within the Fiji Booth, foods served to visi- we had 13 countries taking part with all of
Pacific in the field of rugby as a player, a coach Special Guest Speaker Rugby Great & Pa- tors displayed from raw fish to cooked ones them doing so voluntarily, so I’d say it’s been a
and a mentor. cific Community Leader Sir Michael Jones with coconut cream with tasty aroma of Fijian very good success,” he added.
The former All Black, also holds a chiefly 6pm Start includes Complimentary Wel- dishes. The Fiji Embassy thanked all those that had
matai title in Samoa, and is widely respected in come Cocktails, Award Presentations, Live Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the supported them in the day’s event.
his beloved Samoa. Band Entertainment UAE, Park Kang-ho, said the event reflected the At the events, the Fiji Embassy in United
A beacon for the Pasifika community on and Ticket Price $200 VIP per person OR $2000 United Arab Emirates’s vibrant multicultural Arab Emirates led by Fiji’s Head of Mission to
off the rugby field he has dedicated his knight- VIP per table of 10 people society. the GCC and MENA, Ambassador Kamlesh
hood to the aiga who raised him. FOR TICKET SALES – LOG ONTO THE WEB- “I believe events like these help contribute Prakash, wife Mrs Mala Prakash, fellow Dip-
The annual tourism industry’s night of SITE: OR Contact the Secre- towards more openness and tolerance in the lomats and Staff of the Embassy, also present
nights will be attended by the Prime Minis- tariat, Emele Tuilagivou on E: UAE. participated at the Korean Embassy residence
ter Rear Admiral Voreqe Bainimarama as the M: (679) 831 4837, (679) 7347363 “It’s always good when people from differ- in Abu Dhabi.

12 Destinations Travelers
Might want to Avoid in 2018
Tourism backlash has been in full effect If you must go then ... The neighboring Indian state of Arunachal Alternatively ...
over the past 12 months, with several destina- Travel independently and spend freely at lo- Pradesh has ancient Buddhist monasteries and Increasingly safe and less burdened by tour-
tions announcing they’d had enough of foreign cal businesses that often miss out on money stunning mountains to explore, without the ism than Peru, Colombia is home to the spec-
visitors flooding their streets or disrupting their from those on cruises. same hefty daily fee. tacular Lost City. Far fewer tourists come here,
fragile ecosystems. Alternatively ... 7. Taj Mahal, India making it easier to explore.
Unsurprisingly, this has posed a a dilemma Stay in nearby Cavtat, which has a pictur- 10. Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
for mindful travelers planning their next vaca- esque old town and empty beaches, perfect
tion. for escaping the crowds.
From Venice and Barcelona to the Galapa- 4. Venice, Italy
gos Islands and even the Taj Mahal, here are 12
places conscious tourists might want to think
twice about visiting in 2018:
1. Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Galápagos Islands have tightened travel

India is limiting the amount of domestic regulations in a bid to preserve the natural
visitors to the Taj Mahal. Photo: DOMINIQUE habitat. Photo: RODRIGO BUENDIA/AFP/GET-
A colossal eight million tourists visit the Protecting arguably the most famous natu-
Mass tourism in Venice has driven many Taj Mahal each year, with international visitor ral habitat in the world is a tough task for the
residents away from the canal city. Photo: making up around half. The result is a chaotic Ecuadorian government, with visitors to the
The Isle of Skye has been struggling with in- experience, with crowds jostling to get into Galápagos Islands limited to specific sites and
creasing numbers of tourists. Photo: JEFF J MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES. the grounds of the world’s most iconic mau- marked trails only and a guide required at all
MITCHELL/GETTY IMAGES. Sick of selfie stick-wielding tourists on the soleum. times.
Rialto Bridge and cruise ships plying the Gi- But with the white marble yellowing and However new rules were introduced last
In 2017, the infrastructure of Scotland’s larg- udecca canal and back, Venetians took to the pollution rife in the adjacent Yamuna river, year to help to keep the Ecuadorian province
est island creaked under the pressure as thou- streets in 2017 to vent their frustration. plans are afoot to curb numbers. in pristine condition.
sands of tourists in coaches and cars plied its The city’s population has plummeted to Authorities are considering limiting the They stated that before entering, visitors
narrow lanes, making a beeline for the remote just 55,000 in response to mass tourism, which amount of 40 rupee (around 60 cents) dis- must show a valid return airline ticket, have
fairy pools at Glenbrittle, the iconic sunset spot sees around 30 million people travel there counted fee tickets currently being offered to a reservation at a hotel or a letter from a resi-
at Elgol and the rocky Old Man of Storr, with each year. domestic visitors to 40,000 a day. dent inviting them to stay and a special transit
traffic snarl ups an inevitable result. In fact, there are now plans to prevent However international tourists, who are control card. However, it’s not yet clear when
Eventually the residents of beautiful Skye cruise liners sailing up the Giudecca canal, in- charged a far steeper 1,000 rupees ($15), will these new regulations will come into force.
said enough was enough after complaints of stead forcing them to take a new, longer route still be able to come in their droves. If you must go then ...
noise, overcrowding and even visitors urinat- into the iconic lagoon. If you must go then ... Make sure to stick to the 14 rules outlined
ing in public. If you must go then ... Arrive at dawn. Gates open at 6 a.m., and by the Galapagos National Park.
Police advised visitors to stay away unless Put down the selfie stick and try to explore it’s best to be there by then. Also, be prepared Alternatively ...
they had already booked places to stay. quiet back waters. Also, try to dine in local res- to be jostled. Peru’s Islas Ballestas, off the Pacific coast
If you must go then ... taurants and bars rather than the major tourist Alternatively ... near Pisco, make for a memorable trip, with
Visit outside the summer season, when hotspots. The Humayun tomb in Delhi may not be as thousands of seabirds, penguins, sea lions and
tourist numbers drop and iconic sites can be Alternatively ... spectacular, but the crowds here are nowhere seals across the islands.
explored without having to battle crowds. Annecy in France is home to a network of near as relentless as those at the Taj. 11. Cinque Terre, Italy
Alternatively ... canals, a gorgeous lake and stunning architec- 8. Mount Everest, Nepal-side
Explore the Small Isles of Rum, Muck and ture, all without the inescapable, overbearing
Eigg or go south and get lost on Jura. crowds of Venice.
2. Barcelona, Spain 5. Santorini, Greece

Authorities have discussed a possible tour-

Nepal has amended its mountaineering regu- ist quota to combat overcrowding in Italy’s
lations. Photo: SHERING SHERPA/AFP/GETTY Cinque Terre. Photo: DANIEL STOCKMAN/
Santorini welcomed around two million tour-
Local sherpas have long complained that a The five vertiginous villages of Cinque Terre
Barcelonians have been protesting against ists in 2017. Photo: MAGGIE MENG/CREATIVE boom in numbers is causing dangerous over- on the Italian Riviera drew a massive 2.5 mil-
tourist overcrowding. Photo: JOSEF LAGO/ COMMONS/FLICKR. crowding on the world’s highest mountain lion visitors in 2015, leading authorities to
AFP/GETTY IMAGES. There are few places in the world with sun- above sea level. pledge a cap of 1.5 million tourists the follow-
set views as spectacular as Santorini, but the Having already limited permits in 2015 to ing year.
The Catalan capital saw 34 million tourists tiny island in the Greek Cyclades is reaching climbers with experience of high peaks, Nepal While this statement was later rebuked and
visit in 2016, a 25% jump from 2012. This has breaking point. has now gone one step further, controversially no limits have been put in to place, the con-
led to anger from locals, with anti-tourist graf- Almost two million people visited in 2017, banning blind people, double amputees (with cerns about mass tourism are real.
fiti emerging across the city. 850,000 on cruise ships which drop anchor in the exception of those who obtain medical Cruise liners regularly bring in visitors who
Protesters even stormed the beach at Bar- its caldera, with passengers staying for a mat- certificates) and solo climbers (unless accom- don’t spend money in the area, while the huge
celoneta in August 2017, decrying rowdy be- ter of hours rather than days. panied by a guide) from attempting to conquer swathes of tourists are said to have led to more
havior as well as those using the sand to sleep While those numbers have been capped to Everest or any other mountains in the central landslides and rock falls.
off a night on the sangria. 8,000 a day by the island’s mayor, with a rising Himalayan country. If you must go then ...
Residents say services like Airbnb have sent population due to the tourist boom, Santorini is Officials say the new guidelines have been Visit outside the summer season and go to
rents soaring, forcing them from their homes. in serious danger of losing its charm. implemented to reduce accidents and climb- local restaurants and businesses.
However the city’s government has passed a If you must go then ... ing-related deaths. Alternatively ...
law to limit tourist beds in a bid to tackle the Stay at a local B&B and avoid the ethically If you must go then ... Head south to the gorgeous town of Porto-
problem. dubious donkey rides which take tourists up Make sure you have plenty of climbing ex- venere. With no rail access, it is less enamored
If you must go then ... and down to the harbor. perience, as well an abundance of cash. Per- by tourists and is all the better for it.
Remember there’s more to Barcelona than Alternatively ... mits to climb Everest from Nepal cost $11,000. 12. Antarctica
walking along Las Ramblas. Naxos is within the same group of islands Alternatively ...
Alternatively ... as Santorini, with rugged hills and beautiful Why not climb Lhotse Middle instead? The
Why not head to Valencia for a less hectic beaches. Patmos, in the Dodecanese, is also fourth highest mountain in the world lies south
break, with food and culture to rival the best a worthy, peaceful alternative, with excellent of Everest and has only been open to visitors
of Barcelona. beaches and restaurants. since 2013.
3. Dubrovnik, Croatia 6. Bhutan 9.Machu Picchu, Peru

Visitors to Antarctica have been on the rise

in recent years. Photo: EITAN ABRAMOVICH/
Often described as the last wilderness on
Earth, environmentalists have long been con-
cerned about the impact of tourists visiting
The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is Peru’s Antarctica.
most-visited site. Photo: EITAN ABRAMOV- Today boats sailing around the southern
Dubrovnik plans to impose a 4,000 visitors Bhutan has been attempting to minimize the ICH/AFP/AFP/GETTY IMAGES. continent aren’t allowed to take more than 500
a day cap to reduce tourist numbers. Photo: impact of tourism by charging travelers a passengers, with many carrying as little as 100
ELVIS BARUKCIC/AFP/AFP/GETTY IMAGES. daily fee. Photo: BHUTAN TOURISM. Some 5,000 people a day visited Machu Pic- due to strict rules on the amount of people that
chu in 2016, double the number recommend- can arrive at any one time.
With UNESCO threatening to take away its Although it operates a “high value, low im- ed by UNESCO. While the southernmost continent has no
World Heritage status due to extreme over- pact” tourism policy and charges visitors $200 Despite foreign travelers requiring an of- permanent residents, visitor numbers have
crowding, Dubrovnik has decided to take dras- or $250 per day depending on the time of year ficial guide since 2014, Peru’s government been steadily creeping up in recent years,
tic measures in order to cut tourist numbers. (with a $40 surcharge for groups of two or stepped in to issue new timed visiting slots in with 44,367 tourists traveling there during the
The city is capping the number of people single travelers), there are increasing worries July 2017, with a morning session from 6 a.m. 2016/17 season.
who can scale its 15th century ramparts at about how tourism is affecting the tiny Himala- until midday and an afternoon session from If you must go then ...
4,000 a day -- 10,388 did so in one day alone yan kingdom of Bhutan. noon until 5.30 p.m. Join a science-led cruise with as few pas-
bay in August 2016, many drawn by the city’s Locals have cited concerns about the envi- While the restrictions aim to stop over- sengers on board as possible
starring role in “Game of Thrones.” ronmental impact on its fragile ecosystem, as crowding, the effects are yet to be seen. Alternatively ...
The mayor is also planning on cutting the well as an over reliance on foreign visitors. If you must go then ... Visit South Georgia and the South Sandwich
number of cruise ships entering the ancient If you must go then ... Visit between October and April. Although Islands for a taste of the icy south without sail-
port. Nearly 800,000 people disembarked from Be respectful of the country’s Buddhist tra- this is rainy season, the number of visitors will ing the whole way there.
cruise liners in 2016, most staying for just three ditions and avoid leaving any litter behind. be lower and you’ll have the chance of seeing
hours. Alternatively ... the citadel minus the crowds. CNN TRAVEL

Protected Areas in the Pacific Benefit
from IUCN-SPREP Partnership
Big boost to Pacific island seen the enhancement of the
countries as they demon- Pacific Islands Protected Area
strate the global leadership Portal (PIPAP), the ‘one-stop
in their actions to help halt shop’ for all information on
the world’s biodiversity loss Protected Areas maintained
through the establishment of by SPREP with partners and
Protected Areas. Members. Through BIOPAMA,
Special areas on land, the JRC is also contributing
coastlines and open oceans essential technical support to
have the added support of a the PIPAP.
significant regional project The PIPAP is the premier
which is now entering its sec- regional online resource for
ond phase – the Biodiversity all Pacific island protected
and Protected Areas Manage- area information managed by
ment (BIOPAMA) Programme. SPREP and can be found at
BIOPAMA aims to improve “We are pleased to be
the long-term conservation working closely with SPREP
and sustainable use of natural to improve the quality of base-
resources in African, Carib- line information for protected
bean and Pacific (ACP) coun- areas which is so necessary
tries, in protected areas and for their effective manage-
surrounding communities. ment and good governance
It is an initiative of the ACP and to help identify invest-
Group of States financed by ment priorities” said Mr Ma-
the European Union’s 11th son Smith, IUCN Regional Di-
European Development Fund rector for Oceania.
(EDF), jointly implemented “In addition to the work
by the International Union that SPREP will be delivering
for Conservation of Nature for BIOPAMA in the region,
(IUCN) and the Joint Research IUCN will be calling for pro-
Centre of the European Com- posals for small and large
mission (JRC). grants to support targeted
In the Pacific region it is actions associated with ter-
implemented in partnership restrial, coastal and marine
-by IUCN’s Oceania Regional protected areas in priority
Office (IUCN ORO) and the locations in all fifteen Pacific [L-R] Mason Smith, Ingrid Swinnen and Kosi Latu.Photo: ORO.
Secretariat of the Pacific ACP countries”.
Regional Environment Pro- In 2013, a State of Con- in recent history. Any loss of some countries having estab- management of protected ar- of national representatives
gramme (SPREP).Building on servation report for Oceania biodiversity has negative ef- lished even higher national eas,” said Mr Kosi Latu, Direc- and organisations to collec-
the first five years of activities highlighted that the thousands fects on community wellbe- targets. tor General of SPREP. tively review protected area
financed by the 10th EDF, BIO- of rocky islets, coral atolls and ing and livelihoods. IUCN ORO and SPREP “Given the fundamental records, discuss ways to im-
PAMA’s second phase now volcanic islands of the Pacific BIOPAMA provides strong continue to build their en- role that effectively managed prove data and information
progresses to 2023. region host exceptionally high support to the Protected Ar- during partnership commit- protected area systems play sharing amongst key partners,
The vital role information numbers of plant and bird eas support programmes ment through the BIOPAMA in safeguarding native biodi- identify challenges faced and
plays to bring about good de- species found nowhere else implemented by IUCN and programme and on related versity and maintaining the gaps, and discuss grant mak-
cisions is recognised in BIO- on earth. SPREP. These programmes projects and obligations in ecosystem services that are ing priorities.
PAMA which provides tools However, islands and sur- assist Pacific island countries conjunction with national needed for sustainable de- The workshop will also
for data and information man- rounding waters and their achieve their commitments to governments, NGOs and oth- velopment, SPREP is proud to include hands-on capacity
agement, services for improv- inhabitants have evolved in saving the world’s biodiversity er partners. continue this important part- building in data gathering and
ing the knowledge and capac- isolation and are naturally through the Convention on Bi- “The BIOPAMA programme nership with the IUCN, the EU acquisition, data manage-
ity for protected area planning vulnerable to threats such as ological Diversity Aichi Target complements SPREP’s exist- and the ACP Group of States ment, creating spatial prod-
and decision making, and land clearing, over harvesting 11, which calls for at least17% ing work on protected areas the EU”. ucts and monitoring.
funding opportunities for spe- of natural resources, invasive of terrestrial and inland water and will assist SPREP Pacific A major BIOPAMA region-
cific site-based actions. species and rapid shifts in cli- areas and 10% of coastal and island member countries to al event is being planned for
The partnership between mate. Islands have had 80% of marine areas to be effectively meet their national protected June 2018 in Apia, Samoa, to
IUCN ORO and SPREP has all known species extinctions conserved by 2020, and with area targets and improve their bring together a wide range

Super Wood could Replace Steel

Engineers at the Univer- cations where high strength, ue achieved at intermediate
sity of Maryland, College Park large toughness and supe- or partial lignin removal. This
(UMD) have found a way to rior ballistic resistance are reveals the subtle balance
make wood more than 10 desired, “ said Huajian Gao, a between hydrogen bonding
times times stronger and professor at Brown University and the adhesion imparted
tougher than before, creat- who was not involved in the by such polyphenolic com-
ing a natural substance that is study. “It is particularly excit- pound. Moreover, of outstand-
stronger than many titanium ing to note that the method is ing interest, is the fact that
alloys. versatile for various species of that wood densification leads
“This new way to treat wood and fairly easy to imple- to both, increased strength
wood makes it 12 times stron- ment.” and toughness, two proper-
ger than natural wood and 10 “This kind of wood could ties that usually offset each
times tougher,” said Liangbing be used in cars, airplanes, other,” said Orlando J. Rojas,
Hu of UMD’s A. James Clark buildings -- any application a professor at Aalto University
School of Engineering and the where steel is used,” Hu said. in Finland.
leader of the team that did the “The two-step process re- Hu’s research has explored
research, to be published on ported in this paper achieves the capacities of wood’s nat-
February 8, 2018 in the journal exceptionally high strength, ural nanotechnology. They
Nature. “This could be a com- much beyond what [is] re- previously made a range of
petitor to steel or even titani- ported in the literature,” said emerging technologies out of
um alloys, it is so strong and Zhigang Suo, a professor of nanocellulose related materi-
durable. It’s also comparable mechanics and materials at als: (1) super clear paper for
to carbon fiber, but much less Harvard University, also not replacing plastic; (2) photonic
expensive.” Hu is an associate involved with the study. “Giv- paper for improving solar cell
professor of materials science en the abundance of wood, efficiency by 30%; (3) a bat-
and engineering and a mem- Liangbing Hu, left, and Teng Li, right, are engineers at the University of Maryland, College as well as other cellulose-rich tery and a supercapacitor out
ber of the Maryland Energy In- Park who have found a way to make wood more than 10 times stronger and tougher than plants, this paper inspires of wood; (4) a battery from
novation Institute. before. Photo: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. imagination.” a leaf; (5) transparent wood
“It is both strong and “The most outstanding for energy efficient buildings;
tough, which is a combination is as strong as steel, but six like projectiles at it. The pro- er-growing but denser woods observation, in my view, is (6) solar water desalina-
not usually found in nature,” times lighter. It takes 10 times jectile blew straight through like teak in furniture or build- the existence of a limiting tion for drinking and specifi-
said Teng Li, the co-leader more energy to fracture than the natural wood. The fully ings,” Hu said. concentration of lignin, the cally filtering out toxic dyes.
of the team and Samuel P. natural wood. It can even be treated wood stopped the “The paper provides a glue between wood cells, to These wood-based emerging
Langley Associate Professor bent and molded at the begin- projectile partway through. highly promising route to the maximize the mechanical technologies are being com-
of mechanical engineering at ning of the process.” “Soft woods like pine or design of lightweight, high performance of the densified mercialized through a UMD
UMD’s Clark School. His team The team also tested the balsa, which grow fast and performance structural mate- wood. Too little or too much spinoff company, Inventwood
measured the dense wood’s new wood material and natu- are more environmentally rials, with tremendous poten- removal lower the strength LLC.
mechanical properties. “It ral wood by shooting bullet- friendly, could replace slow- tial for a broad range of appli- compared to a maximum val- SCIENCE DAILY

Jokes for Kids

* Teacher: “If I gave you * A blonde and a redhead * A teacher asked her
2 cats and another 2 cats have a ranch. They have just students to use the word
and another 2, how many lost their bull. The women “beans” in a sentence. “My
would you have?” need to buy another, but father grows beans,” said

Samoa Facts
Johnny: “Seven.” only have $500. The redhead one girl. “My mother cooks
Teacher: “No, listen tells the blonde, “I will go beans,” said a boy. A third
carefully... If I gave you two to the market and see if I student spoke up, “We are all
cats, and another two cats can find one for under that human beans.”
and another two, how many amount. If I can, I will send * Kid 1: “Hey, I bet you’re
* Teacher: “Kids, what would you have?” you a telegram.” She goes to still a virgin.”
does the chicken give you?” Johnny: “Seven.” the market and finds one for Kid 2: “Yeah, I was a virgin
Student: “Meat!” Teacher: “Let me put it to $499. Having only one dollar until last night .”
Teacher: “Very good! Now you differently. If I gave you left, she goes to the telegraph Kid 1: “As if.” Samoa is an island coun- the largest city of Samoa.
what does the pig give you?” two apples, and another two office and finds out that it Kid 2: “Yeah, just ask your try located the South Pacific The city is located on the
Student: “Bacon!” apples and another two, how costs one dollar per word. sister.” Ocean.
Teacher: “Great! And what many would you have?” She is stumped on how to Kid 1: “I don’t have a The official name of the central north coast of Upolu,
does the fat cow give you?” Johnny: “Six.” tell the blonde to bring the sister.” country is the Independent Samoa’s second largest is-
Student: “Homework!” Teacher: “Good. Now truck and trailer. Finally, she Kid 2: “You will in about State of Samoa. land. Apia is the only “city”
* A child asked his father, if I gave you two cats, and tells the telegraph operator to nine months.” Samoa is located about in Samoa. It has population
“How were people born?” So another two cats and another send the word “comfortable.” * A bus full of ugly people halfway between Hawaii and
his father said, “Adam and of about 37,000.
two, how many would you Skeptical, the operator asks, had a head on collision with New Zealand in the Polyne-
Eve made babies, then their have?” “How will she know to come a truck. When they died, sian region of the South Pa- The country lies within
babies became adults and Johnny: “Seven!” with the trailer from just that God granted all of them one cific. the area of “Ring of Fire,”
made babies, and so on.” The Teacher: “Johnny, where word?” The redhead replies, wish. The first person said, “I Samoa shares maritime a major area in the basin
child then went to his mother, in the heck do you get seven “She’s a blonde so she reads want to be gorgeous.” God
asked her the same question borders with American Sa- of the Pacific Ocean where
from?!” slow: ‘Come for ta bull.’” snapped his fingers and it
and she told him, “We were Johnny: “Because I’ve * Reaching the end of a happened. The second per- moa (United States), New a large number of earth-
monkeys then we evolved to already got a freaking cat!” job interview, the Human son said the same thing and Zealand, Tonga, and Wallis quakes and volcanic erup-
become like we are now.” * Mr. and Mrs. Brown had Resources Officer asks a God did the same thing. This and Futuna (France). tions occur.
The child ran back to his two sons. One was named young engineer fresh out of want on and on throughout The islands have narrow
father and said, “You lied to Samoa has two official
Mind Your Own Business the Massachusetts Institute the group. God noticed the
me!” His father replied, “No, & the other was named of Technology, “And what last man in line was laughing languages: Samoan and Sa- coastal plains with volcanic,
your mom was talking about Trouble. One day the two starting salary are you looking hysterically. By the time God moan. rocky, rugged mountains in
her side of the family.” boys decided to play hide and for?” The engineer replies, “In got to the last ten people, As of 1 January 2017, the the interior.
* My friend thinks he is seek. Trouble hid while Mind the region of $125,000 a year, the last man was laughing population of Samoa was The highest point in Sa-
smart. He told me an onion is Your Own Business counted depending on the benefits and rolling on the ground.
the only food that makes you to one hundred. Mind Your package.” The interviewer When the man’s turn came, estimated to be 195,470 moa is Mount Silisili, at 1858
cry, so I threw a coconut at Own Business began looking inquires, “Well, what would he laughed and said, “I wish people. meters (6,096 feet) above
his face. for his brother behind gar- you say to a package of five they were all ugly again.” It is the 167th largest sea level. It is located in the
* What happens to a frog’s bage cans and bushes. Then weeks vacation, 14 paid holi- * A boy asks his father, country in the world in centre of a mountain chain
car when it breaks down? he started looking in and days, full medical and dental, “Dad, are bugs good to eat?”
It gets toad away. terms of land area with running the length of Savai’i
under cars until a police man company matching retire- “That’s disgusting. Don’t talk
* Q: What did the duck say approached him and asked, ment fund to 50% of salary, about things like that over 2,842 square kilometers island.
when he bought lipstick? “What are you doing?” “Play- and a company car leased dinner,” the dad replies. After (1,097 square miles). Over the millennia, the
A: “Put it on my bill.” ing a game,” the boy replied. every two years, say, a red dinner the father asks, “Now, The country is made up Samoan people engaged in
* Q: Is Google male or “What is your name?” the of- Corvette?” The engineer sits son, what did you want to
female? of nine volcanic islands, two trade, battles and intermar-
ficer questioned. “Mind Your up straight and says, “Wow! ask me?” “Oh, nothing,” the
A: Female, because Own Business.” Furious the Are you kidding?” The inter- boy says. “There was a bug in of which – Savai’i and Upolu riage of nobility with the
it doesn’t let you finish a policeman inquired, “Are you viewer replies, “Yeah, but you your soup, but now it’s gone.” – make up more than 99% of neighbouring islands of Fiji
sentence before making a looking for trouble?!” The boy started it.” the land. and Tonga.
suggestion. replied, “Why, yes.” Apia is the capital and


ODPP Rape and Sexual Offences Statistics

–1 January to 31 December 2017

The following data is authorised for release There were a total of 227 peo- sault (17), defilement (23) and sexual assault mestic relationships or where the accused was
by the Office of the Director of Public Prose- ple charged with a total of 444 separate counts (81). known to the victims.
cutions (ODPP) and relates to the number of of serious sexual offences as of 31 December There were 200 victims of the 444 separate To date, the youngest victims of serious sex-
formal indictments (Information) filed in the 2017. There were 24 people charged that were sexual offences. Of the 200, there were 130 vic- ual offences are 1 year 10 months and 1 year 11
High Courts of Fiji by the Director of Public under the age of 18 years. The youngest ac- tims under the age of 18 years. months old and the accused persons were the
Prosecutions. This media update consolidates cused person charged with rape was a 12 year All accused persons charged with sexual of- father and grandfather of the victims.
data released by the ODPP from 1 January to old boy. fences were male however victims of the sex- Refer to the table and graph below for a
31 December 2017. The offences were rape (300), attempted ual offences were both male and female com- breakdown of the statistics from 1 January to
This data is confined to incidents of serious rape (7), assault with intent to rape (10), ab- prising 184 female victims and 16 male victims. 31 December 2017.
sexual offences only. duction with intent to rape (6), indecent as- There were 76 offences that occurred in do- ODPP




Vonn Ready to Bow out of Olympics

on a High Note
The most successful wom- mined to make up for that. says she is in good shape now
an skier in World Cup history, “I want to end on a high - even if she has to incorpo-
American Lindsey Vonn says note,” she told a press confer- rate maintenance work into
she wants to end her Olympic ence on Friday. her regular training.
career on a high when she “I really want to put an ex- “When I warm up in the
gets her fourth Games under- clamation point on my career. morning, I need to warm up
way next week. It took me until my third Olym- my knee first, for 15 minutes.
The 33-year-old says she pics how to figure out how to Then I have to bike, I have to
intends to compete on the deal with the pressure,” said stretch, I have to do all these
World Cup circuit for one Vonn who made her Olympic extra steps that I didn’t have to
more year as she targets the debut as a 17-year-old, racing do before,” she said.
record number of race wins, in the combined event, at Salt “In 2010 I was a much
in either gender, of 86 set by Lake in 2002. healthier athlete but in 2018
Swedish great Ingemar Sten- Vonn says she has slowly I am a much stronger athlete.
mark. learnt how to handle the pres- Not just physically but also
Vonn’s downhill victory in sure and high expectations mentally. I have overcome a
Garmisch on Sunday took her that arrive with every Olym- lot. I know what I am capable
to 81 career World Cup race pics. of and I can handle myself
wins. “I think in my second better than I did,” she said.
Yet when it comes to the Olympics in Turin, I put more The speed specialist, who
Olympics, Vonn has a solitary pressure on myself than any- will not compete in Giant Sla-
gold medal, in her favoured one put on me. I am just going lom, wants to ensure that she
downhill, from Vancouver to lay it all out there,” she said. takes full advantage of her Lindsey Vonn. Photo: GOOGLE.
eight years ago. Vonn has had her share of fourth Games. of being able to represent downs since Vancouver but streak, I am skiing exception-
Injury robbed her of a injuries in her career, includ- “This is probably my last my country,” she said. I feel like I am coming into ally well and I have a lot of
chance to defend her title in ing the knee operation that Olympics, I am soaking in ev- “I’ve had a lot of ups and these Olympics on a hot confidence”.
Sochi in 2014 and she is deter- kept her out of Sochi but she ery moment, I am still in awe REUTERS

Pyeong Chang Olympics: a New

leveraged international aid, as a significant contributor of
international trade, and inter- aid to developing countries.
national investment with its Olympic sports can support-
domestic ingenuity, to show cultural, political and eco-

Cornerstone for Peace and the world it is possible to

transform in one generation
an agrarian economy into a
dynamic technological and
nomic diplomacy in its efforts
to achieving and sustaining
The Olympic Truce Reso-

Prosperity cultural producer.

Along with the rapid eco-
nomic transformation, social
and environmental concerns
lution adopted by the United
Nations is an example of us-
ing a momentous occasion in
international sports, to build
All eyes are on the 23rd meanspeace (Pyeong) of peace and prosperity. as “the Miracle on the Han have also risen to the fore. In a stronger foundation for a
Olympic Winter Games and prosperity (Chang): In this spirit, the first Olym- River.” For the decade after recent years, we have seen more peaceful and inclusive
and 12th Paralympic Winter goalsintegral to themission pics in South Korea held in the games, its economy grew South Korea make com- world.
Games in PyeongChang this of theUnited Nations andthe 1988 served to foster relation- at an average rate of around mendable steps towards en- The resolution urges all
February. 2030 Sustainable Develop- ships at a time of rapid geopo- 8.5% per year, transforming vironmental sustainability and countries to respect the truce
Top athletes will carry their ment Agenda. litical shifts. the country from an aid recipi- inclusive social policies such by creating a peaceful envi-
national flags in an opening The Olympic and Para- Thesegames featured ent country to a key aid donor. as the aged pension. ronment during the Olympic
ceremony which has come lympic Games attract people many participating nations, The material improvement in Integrating the economic, and Paralympic Games, and
toepitomizethe internation- from around the world and including sizeable delega- the lives of people in South social and environmental di- calls on all countries to work
al community. Sports fans help reinforce a set of unifying tions from both the USA and Koreawasnothing short of a mensions is the cornerstone together, in good faith towards
worldwide eagerly await the objectives. The goal of Olymp- USSR. The thaw in relations to miracle. of the Sustainable Develop- peace, human rights, and sus-
Olympics, andthis timethere ism, asthe Olympic Charter which the Olympics contrib- From 1960 to 1995, GDP ment Goals. South Korea is tainable development.
iscause for cautious optimism states, is “to place sport at uted led to the establishment per capita increased more once again demonstrating to Opening of the direct dia-
that sport diplomacy may the service of the harmonious of diplomatic relations with than one hundred-fold, vir- the worlda way to achieve a logue between two countries
lower tensions on the Korean development of humankind, neighbors such as Russia and tually eliminating absolute more inclusive and sustain- of the Korean peninsula after
Peninsula itself. with a view to promoting a China in the years following poverty from more than half able prosperity. the 2018 Olympics show cas-
Leaders, diplomats and peaceful society concerned the games.The Republic of of the population to less than South Korea now stands es a commitment to peace
citizens from the world over with the preservation of hu- Korea became a member of 5%. as a valued member of the in- and prosperity. I wish South
willwitness North and South man dignity”. Achieving sus- the United Nations in 1991. This miracle was linked ternational community, gen- Korea a promising future and
Korean athletes walking side tainable peace and sustain- The Olympics also her- with another key value of the erating cultural phenomena success in its endeavors to
by side. For this, there could able development are critical alded the economic transfor- Olympics and the United Na- appreciated by young people foster lasting peace and pros-
be few better places than Py- objectivesand the Games in mation of the South Korean tions - international collabora- around the world, playing a perity.
eongChang, which PyeongChang offer promise economy that is now known tion. South Korea successfully leadership role at the UN, and UNESCAP


Fiji FA to Host Symposium

Fiji Football Association expert from USP as well our Yusuf said there were al- player,” pulsory for all district presi-
will soon host a symposium Vodafone Fiji national coach ways problems when the Yusuf adds the main objec- dents and coaches to attend.
for all districts presidents and Christophe Gamel and Fiji FA players came for the national tive of the symposium would “It will be a must for all dis-
coaches to educate them technical director Ravinesh team and dropped because of be to educate district officials trict coaches and presidents
more on Fiji FA’s plans in the Kumar to facilitate the day- consistency. and coached on Fiji FA’s phi- to attend and if the presidents
development of football in the long seminar, “Yusuf said. “Usually we have seen losophy. are not available they can
country. Yusuf said this would be some players when they “This will be done to edu- nominate someone on their
Fiji FA chief executive of- done to put everybody in line come into camp they get fit cate the district officials and behalf.
ficer, Mohamed Yusuf said it with Fiji FA’s plans. and once they go back into coaches how Fiji FA’s phi- He said they would start
will be day long program de- “The symposium will also their districts they are not losophy of possession foot- with all the Viti Levu districts
signed where they will have see that all the coaches need monitored and get unfit or ball works and also the re- and then move to Vanua Levu
an expert from the University to be contracted with the dis- overweight.” sponsibility of the coaches to
of the South Pacific and Fiji FA tricts with a specific condition “We want to educate our the districts on the coaching Fiji FA chief executive officer
officials. and player’s discipline will coaches and districts offi- structure.” Mohamed Yusuf. Photo: FIJI
“We will be getting an also be talked about.” cials on the importance of a Yusuf said it will be com-

Verevou Suspended,
Fined for Deception
Fiji Football Association med Yusuf said Verevou was suspended from district and
has suspended and fined found guilty of deception and club football until he has
Rewa striker, Iosefo Verevou has been charged accord- missed six district matches.
for a case of deception in the ingly. “The fine (to Fiji FA) and
player transfer window which “The committee met and compensation (Suva FA) have
officially closed on 31 January. after all deliberations, a deci- to be paid fully after the sus-
Fiji Football revealed sion was made and Iosefo has pension period to make him
Verevou made a statutory been fined $5000 for decep- eligible to represent Rewa,”
declaration that he wanted tion. He has also been ordered he said.
a transfer to the capital city, to pay $782 as compensation Meanwhile Verevou’s elder
resulting in Suva Football As- to Suva FA for the expenses sibling, Epeli Saukuru is also
sociation incurring expenses they incurred,” Yusuf said. facing a similar case.
after the declaration. In addition to the fines, he Saukuru had applied to
Confirming the decision of has also been suspended for join Lautoka but withdrew.
the disciplinary hearing by the six matches.
Board of Control (BOC), Fiji Yusuf said effective from
FA Chief Executive, Moham- January 1st Verevou has been

Fiji Giants Civic Sports Club Celebrates

(Tuwawa) more than 40 Years
Squad Released Members and Officials of
one of the most feared and
ager and Charlie Singh as
Assistant Manager, won the
Buksh family of Muanivatu
and the Civic Sports Club was
part of the achievement”
Team members that spoke
highly respected Soccer clubs Suva Soccer competition after one of the few that controlled also thanked their fellow
By MARIA LAQETA in Fiji from the 1960’s to the beating highly favorites Sam- matches at the international mates that had come from
1980’s, converged recently in abula 2-1 in the final. and regional level. abroad.
The Fiji Rugby Union re- Colin Slade, Jamie McIntosh, Sydney, Australia to celebrate Dr Sahu Khan, who was Rocky said that when they Special mention was given
leased the Fiji Giants (Tuwa- Benson Stanley and Frank Ha- their reign as a premier foot- also a former coach of the started in 1966 from the lower to US Fiji Times CEO/Publish-
wa) Squad to the Brisbane lai as well as former Wallabies ball club. team, went on to coach the grade, Dr Sahu Khan and Shiu er Rocky Ali Buksh from the
Global Tens tournament. skipper Ben Mowen. The Civic Sports Club, Suva District team before be- Prasad took great care in the United States, who apart from
Queensland Rugby Union Following the Brisbane which once terrorized almost ing appointed as Coach and management of the team, his very busy schedule cover-
hosted the events excitedly Tens, the Fiji Giants (Tuwawa) all their opponents in the Suva Selector of the Fiji Soccer that they never looked back ing the World Rugby Sevens
the Brisbane Global Tens will will then play a Super Rugby Soccer competition during team. and conquered almost every Series, was able to be present
see 12 world class men’s Pre-season match against those early years, was found- During those days, the All team in the Suva district com- together with one of his best
teams featuring 300 stars from the Queensland Reds at Bal- ed in 1966 by Dr Mohammed Black was also one of the pop- petition. team mates and well known
Fiji, all the Australian and New lymore Stadium on Thursday, Ali Sahu Khan as it’s first Presi- ular teams in Suva, and so the At the Reunion dinner, high Fiji Music Director, Composer
Zealand Super sides, Japan’s 15 February at 7pm. dent and the late Shiu Prasad. Civic Soccer team was then accolades were given toDr and Vude King, Mr Seru Serevi.
Wild Knights and French O’Connor further encour- Pratap Singh also became formed as it was also named Sahu Khan and one most im- Rocky was also the first
powerhouse Pau battle it out aged the players to perform the Team Manager during after the Civic Taxis of Suva, portant contribution he had team member to be awarded
in a knockout tournament well at this match in order to those early days. a business which was run by made as Coach in 1969 was the Reunion Medal by Dr Sahu
over two days from February be considered for selection In the 1978, Rocky the families of US Fiji Times when he changed the format Khan.
9-10 at the Suncorp Stadium. for national duties. Ali Buksh, Seru Serevi, CEO/Publisher, Mr Rocky Ali of playing soccer in Fiji, one US Fiji Times has also
Laced with seasoned and “For players wanting to put John Monday,Vinesh, Buksh. which is adopted till today in confirmed that there are also
young local players, the Fiji their hands up for national du- Serome,Samoa, Emosi, Ra- It was also during that era Fiji. plans to celebrate the 60th
Giants (Tuwawa) will be sure ties, this will be your opportu- phael Tuilawa,Terio Vaka- that saw very few Fijian refs “Yes! Dr Sahu Khan has Year in Fiji in 2019.
to attract plenty support as the nity to showcase to the coach- tawam Love,Bob Ah Tack, who were qualified to offici- made an immense contribu-
side makes its debut at this es what you have. Again I Jimmy Singh, together with ate as FIFA referee, however tion to Fiji Soccer and we are
year’s tournament. remind you that what you President/Coach Dr Sahu Fatty Pratap Singh who was proud that we as members of
FRU CEO, Mr John display on the field in terms of Khan, Pratap Singh as Man- also a family member of the the Civic Sports Club can be FIJIAN RAKA MEDIA
O’Connor in farewelling the agility, fitness and discipline
team, reminded them of the will make you stand out and
importance of this competi-
tion in terms of exposure and
the pathway to higher nation-
al duties.
get selected.”
The Senirusi Seruvakula
coached side departed for
Brisbane this afternoon.
Fiji Bati Captain Calls for FNRL
“This is a great opportu-
nity to play at a higher level
of competition for you and
you must take advantage of
The Selected Players are:
Prop - Joeli Veitayaki,
Mosese Ducivaki, Kalivati
Tawake, Eroni Mawi, Timoci
Chairman and CEO to be Replaced
this great opportunity. So I Sauvoli. Fiji captain Kevin Naiqama sional and it’s always been It was only a last-ditch Vosarogo which we thought
challenge you to go out there Hooker - Ratunaisa Navu- has called for the Fiji National like that within the FNRL. For meeting with the Bati’s lead- went really well, but ended up
showcase your talents make ma, Vesi Rarawa, Veremalua Rugby League board to be rugby league to go forward in ership group - involving NRL as blatant lies.”
an impact and win the tour- Vugakoto. voted out and re-iterated the Fiji, the current FNRL leader- stars Jarryd Hayne, Akuila Naiqama said the group’s
nament.” Locks/Flanker - Fabiano players will boycott until they ship cannot be in charge,” Uate and Api Koroisau - that main concern was for the
The Fiji Giants (Tuwawa) Rogovakalali, Levani Kurimu- get their World Cup prize Naiqama told AAP. prevented a possible revolt. non-fulltime players.
have been drawn together du, Viliame Rarasea, Albert money. “What we experienced “That would’ve looked re- “One day we actually
with the Brumbies, Crusad- Tuisue, Mosese Voka, Peni Naiqama blasted the cur- was not good enough, and ally bad,” Naiqama said. called the FNRL office and
ers, and Hurricanes in “Pool Raidre, Filimoni Seru. rent regime as “unprofession- we’ve come to an agreement But it is the failure to pass they said the lady that was
C” also dubbed the group of Half Back/Fly Half - Seru- al” as he opened up on the as a playing group that we will on the $125,000 prize money supposed to pay it didn’t want
death. pepeli Vularika, Frank Lomani players’ discontent over pass- stand down from any Fiji Bati from reaching the semi-finals to turn up that day to put the
Japan’s Wild Knights is in 1st Five - Jone Manu. port, visa and payment issues Tests until we get paid.” that was the final straw for the money into the accounts,” he
“Pool A” along with the Reb- Centre - Ifereimi Tovi- during last year’s tournament. The players’ biggest gripe playing group, and Naiqama said.
els, Reds and Blues while levu, Lepani Raiyala, Penasio He revealed how the is over the late transfers of said the players’ demanded “The players in the squad,
“Pool B” comprises of the Kunabuli, Enele Malele. squad’s player manager was $35 allowances provided by change. not many of them are on
defending champion Chiefs, Wing/Full Back - Aporosa sacked, while the passports of the tournament that were be- “There was a contract we full-time contracts. Some are
Waratahs, Highlanders and Tabulawaki, Timoci Sinate, Ashton Sims, Korbin Sims and lieved to be topped up by the signed that has everything in called to support for their fam-
another new club in French Inia Tawalo. Chris Kuridrani coach Mick Potter were lost - FNRL. black-and-white. They were ilies and were relying on that
outfit Pau. is likely to join the team to re- all in the first week of camp. Naiqama claimed the de- happy to give us 100 per cent money.”
Pau’s squad includes for- place Seru Cavuilati who was Forward Viliame Kikau layed payments lasted the of the prize money and it’s
mer All Blacks Conrad Smith, not able to travel. was also close to missing their entire campaign, and almost something we have not re-
semi-final defeat to Australia forced the squad to pull out ceived,” he said. BULA BATI
Send us your feedbacks or suggestions to: after being stuck in New Zea- of an appearance before the “We had countless meet-
land due to an expired visa. Fijian High Commission in ings with (CEO) Timoci Na- “It was really unprofes- Canberra. leba and (chairman) Filimoni


Page 26 Page 27
Vonn Ready to Bow Fiji FA to Host
out of Olympics on a Symposium
High Note


From left; Paradise Beverages Fiji Head of Sales and Trade Relations Joe Rodan Senior, Head of Operations Suda Deo, Tui Nawaka Ratu Asaeli Naevo, Paradise Beverages Fiji and Samoa General man-
ager Mike Spencer and Secretary Bulou Cokou at the launch of the 32nd Fiji Bitter Nawaka 7s at Nawaka village in Nadi on February 1,2018. Photo: FIJI BITTER NAWAKA 7s/ FACEBOOK.

The event was held at He acknowledged Para- ing Manager, Joe Rodan said Kinisi confirmed 64- teams since its inception in 1987.
the official residence of the dise Beverages continued Fiji Bitter had been sponsor- will compete in the men’s di- The tournament itself has
Momo na Tui Nawaka, Ratu partnership. ing the Nawaka Sevens for the vision, eight Oldies, 16 under groomed some of the finest
Asaeli Naevo. “A big Vinaka Vakalevu to past 31 years with the aim of 19’s, and eight women. rugby players from Nawaka
Traditional sponsor Para- our major sponsor Paradise supporting grassroots rugby. From a humble beginning Village alone such as Manasa
dise Beverages Fiji contrib- Beverages for continuing to “Nawaka 7s gives an op- 30 years ago the Fiji Bitter Qoro, Savenaca Aria, Esala
uted $36,000 to the annual believe in us and continuing portunity for players to show- Nawaka 7s has stamped its Labalaba, Apisai Nagata, the
event. to support us all throughout.” case themselves and we mark as one of the premier late Sainivalai Laulau, Lalai
Nawaka Rugby Club Presi- Kinisi also thanked the know that there are a lot of rugby sevens event in the Driu, Aminiasi Nava, Apisai
dent, Jioji Kinisi said it was a sponsorship of their associate young players out there who country. Naevo and Semisi Naevo to
By ANA SOVA milestone achievement for partners, Fiji TV, FMF Foods, are knocking on the door of Other prominent rugby name a few
the club. BLK, Snap Printing, Wills Trad- the Fiji team,” he said. sevens event that used to The tournament will be
“We are greatly indebted ing Fiji Limited, Skaff n Skaff, “We are happy for Nawaka compete against Nawaka 7s held on the 23rd and the
The 32nd Fiji Bitter Nawa- to our friends and partners Mana Whey, Neon Signz, RES, 7s not only because of identi- competition in the 80s and 90s 24th of February at the Prince
ka Sevens was launched in that continue to support us Fiji Times, Fiji Sun, The Jet, fying players, but more impor- have come and gone, but the Charles Park, Nadi.
Nadi on Thursday, 1st of Feb- throughout this journey,” Ki- Coastal Rentals and others. tantly for the development of Nawaka 7s continues to grow
ruary. nisi said. Pacific Beverages Market- Nawaka itself. bigger and better each year

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