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# is comment line parser skip this line.

; is comment line parser skip this line.

# Best view with fixed width font and with syntax highlight.
# SAAExten Settings
# FORMAT: *In full
# ([[HEADER])
# ([HEADER]])
# i = (int) integer range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
# ex. iIndonesiaPopulationExt = 260000000
# b = (bool) read as int, 0 is false else is true.
# ex. bEarthIsTheCenterOfTheUniverse = 2137129
# f = (float) range from +/-3.4e38 to +/-1.4e-45.
# ex. fMyMathExamScore = -0.0
# uc = (unsigned char) read as int
# range from 0 to 255 else is auto adjust to near.
# * -1 or 0.666 sometime treat as flag.
# -VALUE must follow DATA TYPE.
# -TexID range from 1-126(?) because TexID slot is global
; (all script share same slot)
; if texture become different or solid color box,
; change TexID and reload config(this also reload texture)
# Progress 71%
# *Note: Not all variable can reload.
# Config editor : ampas tahu
bDisableMod = 0

# to see script log first you need root to read logcat,
# open logcat app > settings > log level > debug,
# search for keyword SAAExten or select gtasa as per app log,
# minimize or switch to floating mode, play gtasa, log then visible​
# or
# open logcat app after gtasa close / crash to see log
# *log only record from prolog subroutine proc.
bEnableLog = 0

# this also reload texture from Tx\
# Touch point.
iSlideFrom =6
iSlideTo =4
# In ms.
iMinTime =0
iMaxTime = 400

bUseMetric = 1

# -Some stat not visible
# -Pickup not visible
# -Instant wanted when commiting crime ?
bIsGerman =0
# No blood mean not human :D
bBlood =1
# Because its impossible to fight back
bTramplePed = 1
# HeadShot or mutilation
bHeadShot =1
# Bumping into ped with vehicle, not working?
bHitAndRun? = 0
# Cant override german game
bPickup =1
# Ped's lives worth 5$
bSpawnDeadPedMoney = 1
# Over population, not working?
bKillPed? =1
bPedImmuneToFire = 0

# set -1 to skip.
iHour =8
iMinute =2
bRandomTime =0
bFreeze =0
# 1 minute (ingame) = second (real time)
i1Minute =3

# set 0.666 to skip.
# cant reload.
fX = 0.666
fY = 0.0
fZ = 0.0

;0 Extra Sunny Los Santos
;1 Sunny Los Santos
;2 Extra Sunny Smog Los Santos
;3 Sunny Smog Los Santos
;4 Cloudy Los Santos

;5 Sunny San Fierro

;6 Extra Sunny San Fierro
;7 Cloudy San Fierro
;8 Rainy San Fierro
;9 Foggy San Fierro

; 10 Sunny Las Venturas

; 11 Extra Sunny Las Venturas
; 12 Cloudy Las Venturas

; 13 Extra Sunny Countryside

; 14 Sunny Countryside
; 15 Cloudy Countryside
; 16 Rainy Countryside

; 17 Extra Sunny Desert

; 18 Sunny Desert
; 19 Sandstorm Desert

; 20 Underwater
; 21 Extracolours 1
; 22 Extracolours 2

; 23 Unfreeze weather
; 24 Unfreeze weather now
# set -1 to skip.
iFreeze =1

# set 0.666 to skip.
fVeh = 2.0
fPed = 2.0


# In MB
iStreamMemory = 256
bDrawFPS =1
# Audio Proc must be enable when playing mission
# otherwise game script stuck waiting audio state (ex.soundtrack)
bAudioProcess =1
bReverseRes =0

iOn = 30
iOff = 48

# Dist multiplier for value defined in this config,
# this is the fastest way to change dist
fVisibility = 1.0
fLod = 1.0
fSceneDraw = 1.0
fVeh = 1.0
fPed = 1.0
# fVisibility = 0.5
# fLod = 0.5
# fSceneDraw = 0.5
# fVeh = 0.5
# fPed = 0.5

# Actually ped in passenger seat,
# because ped cant control heli
# atleast someone inside it :D
bEnable =1
bOnlyWhenWanted =0
bEnableWhenMission =0
# Ped Model
iPOLMAV = 285
iVCNMAV = 35

# for now only for Player vehicle,
# Neon texture @ Tx\Shad\Neon.png
bEnable =0
bCastLight =0
iLightColourDiv = 3
ucRInit = 10
ucRMinimum = 20
ucRMaximum = 80
ucGInit = 20
ucGMinimum = 20
ucGMaximum = 90
ucBInit = 30
ucBMinimum = 50
ucBMaximum = 100
# set 0 to make it static
# negative value is possible
iRStep = -4
iGStep = 3
iBStep = 4
# position
fXA = 0.00
fYA = 1.50
fXB = 0.00
fYB = -1.50
fLightRadius = 0.75
fLightHeight = -0.60
fNeonRadius = 1.8
fNeonMaxHeightVisible = 3.0

# for now only for Player vehicle,
# Base smoke texture colour must white
# otherwise you will get weird colour
bEnable =0
bBurnOutSmoke =1
bAlwaysCast =0
# for asphalt, concrete, pavement etc.
ucR = 255
ucG = 255
ucB = 255
ucA = 255
fSizeMult = 1.0
fLastFactorMult = 1.0
fVelXMult = 1.0
fVelYMult = 1.0
fVelZMult = 1.0
# for grass etc.
ucR = 100
ucG = 255
ucB = 100
ucA = 255
fSizeMult = 1.0
fLastFactorMult = 1.0
fVelXMult = 1.0
fVelYMult = 1.0
fVelZMult = 1.0
# for soil, country path etc.
ucR = 255
ucG = 255
ucB = 140
ucA = 255
fSizeMult = 1.0
fLastFactorMult = 1.0
fVelXMult = 1.0
fVelYMult = 1.0
fVelZMult = 1.0
# for sand etc.
ucR = 255
ucG = 255
ucB = 85
ucA = 255
fSizeMult = 1.0
fLastFactorMult = 1.3
fVelXMult = 1.3
fVelYMult = 1.3
fVelZMult = 1.3
# for gravel, stone etc.
ucR = 128
ucG = 128
ucB = 128
ucA = 255
fSizeMult = 1.0
fLastFactorMult = 1.0
fVelXMult = 1.0
fVelYMult = 1.0
fVelZMult = 1.0

fTurnSpeed = 0.07
bResetRot =0

# In hour
iOnStart = 16
iOnEnd = 17
iOffStart =7
iOffEnd =8
fBackLightSizeC = 0.3
fHeadLightSizeC = 0.8
bHeadLightSizeR+ = 1

fLod = 160.0

fPathSearch = 350.0
fFrontMax = 280.0
fFrontMid = 250.0
fFrontMin = 210.0
fBackMax = 150.0
fMin = 200.0

fNormal = 310.0
fMax = 410.0
fLookDown = 220.0
fEmergency = 200.0
fTrain = 600.0

bEnable = 1

bRandom =0
ucR =0
ucG =0
ucB =0
ucSandR = 71
ucSandG = 71
ucSandB = 61
ucBloodR = 40
ucBloodG =1
ucBloodB =1
ucMudR = 45
ucMudG = 32
ucMudB =6

# No effect if disable ingame when enabled before
bLongCarriage =1

iDecPedHealth =2
bBurn =0
# This effect only if you inside
iCameraShake = 40

bEngineBroken =1
fDmgParticle = 100.0
fBurnHealth = 100.0

# When night/Foggy/Rain/Strom
bEnable =1

bSiren = 1

bEnable =1

bRacingCar =1
# Or
bLowRider =1
# Or
iCarPrice> =0
bWithShadow =1
bSoundID = 1131
# 0 = Gunflash
iEffectSet =0
bBike =1
bTrafficVeh =1

bArmedDriver = 1

# In percent
iChance = 10

bStrongBrake = 1
fMaxMinSpeed = 6.5
fMaxMaxSpeed = 38.0
fAccel = 3.8
iMaxMaxRoaming = 69
# popcycle.dat max veh roaming.
# Cant restore to default when reload ingame.
# set -1 to skip
iPatchMaxGlobal = 50

bEnable =1
# Player vehicle
iWidget = 77
# In MS
iTilme = 500
fFrontXInc = 0.095
fBackXInc = 0.07
fFrontSize = 0.4
fBackSize = 0.3
fBikeSizeDiv = 2.0

bEnable =0
# Offset from backlight
fYDec = 1.6

# Offset from backlight
fXMax = 0.2
fSize = 1.0

# Offset from backlight
fXDec = 0.25
fSize = 1.2

fBaseBrake = 120.0
fBase = 80.0
fNightDiv = 1.15
fMaxHeight = 5.0
# Because white light is too bright.
ucReverseDec = 25

# Constant value
f0 = 15.0
f1 = 10.0
f2 = 150.0
f3 = 255.0
f4 = 0.009
f5 = 2.0
f6 = 1000.0
f7 = 0.1

fMult = 6.0

f0 = 3.0
f1 = 2.5
f2 = 3.5
f3 = 3.0

ucR = 100
ucG = 100
ucB = 100


bEnable = 1

# If you use modded car and get random crash disable this or fix vehicle tuning info.
# 0 = disable 1 = paintjob only 2 = all except wheel 3 = wheel + paintjob else = all.
iMode = 1

fMult = 0.5
ucRGB= 10


# __todo
bEnable =0
iTexID = 16


bTurnOff =1

# Activate by swipe widget CAM
fStep = 0.2

bEnable =1
fTurnOffSpdLimit = 1.0
bAlsoTurnOffRadio =1

bEnable = 1

bEnable =1
iShakeCamera = 123
fEffectDimYInc = 2.0

bEnable =1
fSpdMin = 46.0
# Offset
fY = 0.0
fZLimit = 20.0

bEnable =1
fMaxDist = 300.0
bExplodeMaxDist = 1

# Vector offset from center. *Set fX 0.666 to auto detect.
fX = 1.25
fY = -8.05
fZ = -0.05
fSpeedMult = 1.2

# Toggleable ingame
bEnable =0
# Except Shift notif
bDrawStat =1
bWithClutch = 1
# WidgetID
iClutch = 33
iShiftUp = 25
iShiftDown = 22

bUnlimited =1
bEffectHB =1
bAutoInstall = 0

# Toggleable ingame
bEnable =1
# 0=DrifA
iSet =0

bBullet =1
bFire =0
bExp =0
bColl =0
bMelee =0
bTires =1
bGasTankExp = 0
bStayOnBike = 0

bEnable =1

bInstantRotor = 1

# If you use modded car and get random crash disable this or fix vehicle tuning info.
# 0 = disable 1 = paintjob only 2 = all except wheel 3 = wheel + paintjob else = all.
iMode = 0

bEnable =1

bCanPedInteractToPlayer = 1
bCanPedDoCover =1

fDraw = 500.0
fRem = 400.0
fSpawnFront = 400.0

ucWidgetAlpha = 150

bMilitaryZone = 1
bPlnt =1
bWaterCreature =1
# 0=always disable, 1=always enable, else leave as is
iLA_Riot =0
bForbidTerritories = 0

f0 = 0.0085

fArea = 150.0
fStrength = 1.5

bEnable =1

fDivFactor = 255.0
bEnable = 1
# Offset
fX = 0.0
fY = 1.0
fZ = 1.0
# In second
iUpdRate1 = 30
iUpdRate2 = 60

bGang =1
bGangWar =1
bPoor =1

bEnable =1
# Offset
fX = 0.0
fY = 1.0
fZ = 2.0

fMultLow = 15.0
fMultMed = 25.0
fMultHigh = 35.0
fMultMax = 45.0
fBase = 1234.0
fMaxLow = 2000.0
fMaxMed = 3000.0
fMaxHigh = 4000.0
fMaxMax = 6000.0

# fObjDrawDistMult = (iDrawDistSett - 50) / 5.0

fLow = 450.0
fMed = 550.0
fHigh = 650.0
fMax = 750.0

f0 = 470.0
f1 = 470.0
f2 = 500.0
f3 = 580.0
f4 = 480.0
f5 = 500.0

bEnable =1
# In 24 hours
# Priority
# 0 Night (fill empty hour)
# 1 Afternoon
# 2 Day
# 3 Morning
iMorningStart = 5
iMorningEnd = 11
iDayStart = 11
iDayEnd = 16
iAfternoonStart = 16
iAfternoonEnd = 20
# range 0-100
iTransparency = 100

fDivFactor = 3000.0
bProcPositive = 0

bEnable =1
fXInit = 0.0
fYInit = 0.0
fZInit = 0.0
fXStep = 0.0
fYStep = 0.0
fZStep = 0.025

# Always disable when skybox enabled
# == max fx
bPlaneTrail = 1
# >= med fx
bFarCloud =0

fDistMult = 0.600
# Dynamic size multiplier divider. *Greater value = Smaller size.
fDynSize = 14.0
# This make awesome effect to veh/ped mostly when sun in horizon.
bCastLight =1
# Initial size without multiplier!
fMoonSize = 1.2
ucMoonR = 210
ucMoonG = 210
ucMoonB = 210
ucMoonA = 255
# if bCastLight == 1
# Moonlight
ucMoonLghtR = 95
ucMoonLghtG = 95
ucMoonLghtB = 125
# Sunlight follow sunRGB @ timecyc.dat

fAdvOpacityDec = 190.0
# Direction to sun.
fAdvDirFactor = 2.91
# Completely disable advanced shadow (cant reload)
bDisAdv =0
# Dont remove classic shadow when advanced shadow is selected
# (good shading)
bDontRemClsInAdv = 1

bEnable = 1

# Disable all mean dont touch anything
bDisableAll =0

bEnable =1

bEnable =0
iMaxDist = 10,000

bEnable =0
ucNumEffect = 50

bOnlyWhenRain =1

# __todo
bDraw = 1
iStyle = 2
fScaleMult = 0.005
fPXMult = 0.55
fPYMult = 0.05

bDraw = 1
iStyle = 3

bDraw = 0
iStyle = 3

bDraw = 1

bDraw = 1

bDraw = 1

bDraw = 1

bDraw = 1
bAlwaysDraw = 1

fBlurStrength = 0.0
bHidePlayer =0
bHideVeh =0
bResHudColor =1

# set -1 to disable
iWidgetIDSwiped = 160

# set -1 to skip
ucR = 180
ucG = 25
ucB = 29
ucA = 255
ucR = 54
ucG = 104
ucB = 44
ucA = 255
ucR = 50
ucG = 60
ucB = 127
ucA = 255
ucR = 172
ucG = 203
ucB = 241
ucA = 255
ucR = 100
ucG = 156
ucB = 204
ucA = 255
ucR = 255
ucG = 255
ucB = 255
ucA = 255
ucR = 0
ucG = 0
ucB = 0
ucA = 255
ucR = 144
ucG = 98
ucB = 16
ucA = 255
ucR = 168
ucG = 110
ucB = 252
ucA = 255
# 10
ucR = 150
ucG = 150
ucB = 150
ucA = 255
# 11
ucR = 104
ucG = 15
ucB = 17
ucA = 255
# 12
ucR = 38
ucG = 71
ucB = 31
ucA = 255
# 13
ucR = 226
ucG = 192
ucB = 99
ucA = 255
# 14
ucR = 74
ucG = 90
ucB = 107
ucA = 255
# 15
ucR = 20
ucG = 25
ucB = 200
ucA = 255
# 16
ucR = 255
ucG = 255
ucB = 0
ucA = 255

ucAlpha = 150

ucR = 200
ucG = 100
ucB = 50

ucR = 100
ucG = 150
ucB = 200

bBuildingOnFire =1
bEnableTraffic = 1

iMax = 9
iMin = 8
bEnable =0
# Total tex is 4
iMinTexID = 11

bDrawCrosshair =1

bDraw =1
ucBackR = 110
ucBackG = 110
ucBackB = 110
ucBackA = 85
ucFrontR = 230
ucFrontG = 230
ucFrontB = 230
ucFrontA = 121
fFrontSizeYMult = 5.1
# Multiply calculated front multiplier
fBackSizeXMult = 21.0
fBackSizeYMult = 1.5
# Auto disable when bDraw = 1
bAutoAimTargetMark = 0

bEnable =0

# No effect if disable ingame when enabled before
bFollowPlayer = 1

bEnable =0
fScaleXMult = 0.0
fScaleYMult = 0.0
ucR = 150
ucG = 150
ucB = 150
ucAlphaMax = 100
ucAlphaMin =0
ucIncStep =5
ucDecStep =1
iTexID = 15

bEnable =1
# force always use texture with _0 suffix (ignore skybox state).
# this also affect ScreenDirt
bTex_0 =1
bIncludeMoon = 0
fScaleXMult = 2.1
fScaleYMult = 2.1
fPosXMult = 1.0
fPosYMult = 1.0

# Max 45
; 28
iPropTotal = 11
# Minimum number = lensa_ tex,
# next larger lensb_ lensc_ etc. max is z_
iMinTexID = 17
; h 23
0.9 0.0 1 0.0 7 500.0 500.0 120 120 120 180
1.0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1000.0 150.0 150 150 150 230
-2.0 0.0 2 0.0 2 90.0 90.0 130 130 130 170
-0.3 0.0 1 45.0 3 90.0 90.0 150 45 80 250

0.5 0.0 1 0.0 11 30.0 30.0 120 120 120 120

0.01 0.0 1 0.0 11 50.0 50.0 120 120 120 120
-0.5 0.0 1 0.0 11 80.0 80.0 120 120 120 120
-1.2 0.0 1 0.0 11 95.0 95.0 120 120 120 120

-1.0 0.0 1 135.0 4 65.0 65.0 150 45 80 250

1.000001 0.0 2 0.0 5 320.0 320.0 160 160 160 200
1.0 0.0 0 0.0 6 300.0 300.0 150 150 150 200

; 1.0 0.0 0 40.0 16 1000.0 150.0 64 64 64 200

; 1.0001 0.0 2 0.0 17 150.0 150.0 255 255 255 200
; 0.9 0.0 1 0.0 18 550.0 550.0 80 80 80 200 ;c
; 0.9 0.0 1 0.0 19 110.0 110.0 80 80 80 200
; 0.9 0.0 1 0.0 20 150.0 150.0 80 80 80 200
; 0.6 0.0 1 0.0 21 20.0 20.0 40 25 0 200
; 0.58 0.0 1 0.0 22 50.0 50.0 25 30 0 50
; 0.54 0.0 1 0.0 23 70.0 70.0 30 20 0 50
; 0.48 0.0 1 0.0 21 8.0 8.0 40 5 0 50
; 0.44 0.0 1 0.0 24 4.0 4.0 40 10 0 50
; 0.64 0.0 1 0.0 25 50.0 50.0 115 100 10 200
; 0.38 0.0 1 0.0 26 15.0 15.0 10 20 40 50
; 0.34 0.0 1 0.0 27 20.0 20.0 40 20 0 50
; 0.32 0.0 1 0.0 22 20.0 20.0 40 30 0 50
; 0.28 0.0 1 0.0 23 30.0 30.0 40 15 0 50
; 0.26 0.0 1 0.0 26 15.0 15.0 5 20 40 50
; 0.22 0.0 1 0.0 27 35.0 35.0 40 10 0 50
; 0.20 0.0 1 0.0 22 14.0 14.0 40 25 0 50
; 0.16 0.0 1 0.0 27 25.0 25.0 40 20 5 50
; 0.12 0.0 1 0.0 26 30.0 30.0 40 25 10 50
; 0.10 0.0 1 0.0 24 8.0 8.0 40 10 0 50
; 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 23 35.0 35.0 10 25 40 50
; -0.2 0.0 1 0.0 23 50.0 50.0 40 30 0 50
; -0.4 0.0 1 0.0 22 25.0 25.0 25 40 0 50
; -0.6 0.0 1 0.0 27 30.0 30.0 20 40 0 50
; -0.8 0.0 1 0.0 26 35.0 35.0 15 40 0 50
; -1.0 0.0 1 0.0 23 40.0 40.0 10 40 0 50
; -1.2 0.0 0 0.0 28 200.0 200.0 40 5 0 200

# Camera setting, .

fMax = 85.0
fFadeMult = 0.98
fStartSpd = 0.1

1.3 1.0 0.4 10.0 15.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.85 0.2 0.075 0.05 0.8 0.7854 1.5533
1.1 1.0 0.1 10.0 11.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.85 0.2 0.075 0.05 0.75 0.7854
1.1 1.0 0.2 10.0 15.0 0.05 0.05 0.0 0.9 0.05 0.01 0.05 1.0 0.17453 1.2217
1.1 3.5 0.2 10.0 25.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.75 0.1 0.005 0.2 1.0 1.5533 1.5533
1.3 1.0 0.4 10.0 15.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.9 0.05 0.005 0.05 1.0 0.34907
1.1 1.0 0.2 10.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.75 0.1 0.005 0.2 1.0 0.7854 1.5533
1.1 1.0 0.2 10.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.75 0.1 0.005 0.2 1.0 0.34907 1.2217

fHeight? = 0.6
2.0 0.15 2.0 4.0 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.02
1.0 0.7854 1.4835 0.6 2.0 0.15 2.0 3.0 0.9 0.1 1.0
0.8 0.1 0.3 0.05 1.0 0.7854 0.7854 0.6 2.0 0.15 2.0
4.0 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.02 1.0 0.7854 1.4835

6.0 6.0 15.9 15.9 15.0 0.0

1.0 1.4 0.65 1.9 6.49 0.0

-1.0 -0.2 -3.2 0.05 -2.41 0.0



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