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Gandhāran Buddhism and Inscriptions

Expressions of moment
Inscription Year (CE) Expression of Moment
Apraca reliquary (CKI 454) -7 iśa divasami
Avaca casket I (CKI 242) 6 imeṇa cetrike kṣaṇe
Dewai inscription of the year 200 (CKI 110) 15 itra khanasa
Reliquary of Azes year 73 and the Yona year 201 (CKI 405) 16 iśa divasami
Reliquary of Priavaśa (CKI 331) 69 iśa divasami
Kalawān copper-plate (CKI 172) 77 imeṇa kṣuṇeṇa
Taxila silver scroll inscription of the year 136 (CKI 60) 79 iśa divase
Khadadata reliquary lid of the year 157 (CKI 225) 100 iśa kṣunami
Sui Vihār copper-plate inscription of the year 11 (CKI 147) 138 ayatra divase
Zeda inscription of the year 11 (CKI 148) 138 iśe kṣuṇami
Senior collection pot inscription (CKI 245) 139 iśa (*kṣuṇa)mi
Box-lid inscription of the year 18 (CKI 152) 145 iśe kṣunaṃm̱i
Kurram casket inscription of the year 20 (CKI 153) 147 iśe kṣunaṃmi
Relic Slab from Shāhi Kot (CKI 368) 147 iśe kṣuṇami
Hidda inscription of the year 28 (CKI 155) 155 iśe kṣunaṃmi
Spinwam inscription (CKI 244) 166 atra divase
Shakardarra inscription of the year 40 (CKI 156) 167 atra divasa-kāle
Wardak vase inscription of the year 51 (CKI 159) 178 imeṇa gaḍrig̱eṇa
Chārsadda inscribed bowl (CKI 367) 178 iṣe kṣuṇaṃmi
Uṇḍ inscription of the year 61 (CKI 160) 188 iśa kṣunami
Mamāne Ḍherī pedestal inscription of the year 89 (CKI 161) 216 iśe kṣunami
Kamra Inscription of Vazeṣka (CKI 230) 247 iś̱a kṣuṇami
Ārā inscription of the year 41 (CKI 158) 268 iśe divasa-kṣuṇami

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Tsukamoto, Keishō (塚本啓祥). 1996–8. Indo Bukkyō himei no kenkyu インド仏教碑銘の研究 (A
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