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Department of Chemical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

CL 205:Mass Transfer Operations I

Solution key of Midsem February 24, 2015

1. (a) This is a semi-batch process where the moist airstream should be considered as an
infinite source of water that flows with non-depleting moiture content, whereas the
silica gel initially has low moisture content and continues to adsorb moisture from
airstream until it reaches equilibrium. Hence the moisture content of airstream both at
the begining and end will be same, as equivalent to 12 mmHg partial pressure or
12 18.02
Y = = 0.009968652 kg of water/kg of dry air
760 − 12 29
which will reach equilibrium with silica gel at X2 = 0.2835 as observed from the graph.
Further, 4.54 kg of moist silica gel initially has 5 wt% adsorbed water. Hence the weight
of dry silica gel is Rs = 4.54 (1 − 0.05) = 4.313 kg and its initial moisture content is
X1 = = 0.052632 kg of water/ kg of dry silica gel
1 − 0.05
Hence the mass of additional water that the gel has adsorbed will be Rs (X2 − X1 ) =
4.313 (0.2835 − 0.052632) = 0.995736 kg of water or nearly one kg of water.
(b) This is a batch operation. Initial air, p = 15 mmHg
15 18.02
Y1 = = 0.012511 kg of water/kg of dry air
760 − 15 29
Initial silica gel, 5 wt% water
X1 = = 0.052632 kg of water/kg of dry silica gel
1 − 0.05
Amount of dry silica gel is

Rs = 0.454 (1 − 0.05) = 0.4313 kg

Mass of dry air is found by ideal gas law

" #
PV 760
(101325) (11.33)
Es = Mair = (29) = 13.16565 kg
RT (8314) (273.15 + 25)

Hence the slope of operating line is

Rs 0.4313
s=− =− = −0.03276
Es 13.16565

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Solution Key of Midsem CL 205:Mass Transfer Operations I February 24, 2015

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Solution Key of Midsem CL 205:Mass Transfer Operations I February 24, 2015

From the point P , coordinates (X1 , Y1 ) in the figure, the operating line of slope −0.03276
is drawn, to reach the equilibrium point Q which provides the final coordinates of
(Xe , Ye ).

Xe = 0.201 kg of water/kg of silica gel

Ye = 0.0076 kg of water/kg of dry air

Hence the final moisture content of air and silica gel are

= 0.754%
1 + Ye
= 16.736%
1 + Xe
respectively. Mass of water adsorbed by the gel is

Rs (Xe − X1 ) = 0.4313 (0.201 − 0.052632) = 0.064 kg.

2. (a) For calculation of KG the following equations will be useful

Ky = P K G (1)
1 1 m
= + (2)
Ky ky kx
yAi = mxAi (3)

One needs to convert the given eq. pA = 25xA , into eq.(3) as

pAi 25xAi
yAi = = = 2.5xAi
P 10
Hence m = 2.5, putting these values consecutively in eqs.(2) and (1)

1 1 2.5
= +
Ky 8 10
1 1
KG =  P  = 1
 = 0.2667 kmol/(h)(m2 )(∆p,atm)
+ 10
= kmol/(h)(m2 )(∆p,mm Hg)
= 3.51 × 10−4 kmol/(h)(m2 )(∆p,mm Hg)

For calculation of interfacial concentrations, xAi and pAi , following equation will be
NA = kx (xAi − xAL ) = ky (yAL − yAi ) (4)

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Solution Key of Midsem CL 205:Mass Transfer Operations I February 24, 2015

Using eq.(3) in eq.(4) and rearranging them,

ky yAL + kx xAL
xAi = (5)
kx + ky m

Now, 4 mass% bulk concentration of solute in liquid means

4 4
MSO2 64
xAL = 4 96 = 4 96 = 0.0116
+ MH2 0 64
+ 18

and 10 mole% bulk concentration of solute in gas means yAL = 0.1

Putting these values in eq.(5), one obtains

(10) (0.1) + (8) (0.0116)

xAi = = 0.0331
(8) + (10) (2.5)
pAi = P yAi = (10) (2.5xAi ) = (10) (2.5) (0.0331) = 0.827 atm

(b) Overall gas phase resistance

1 1
Ky 5.35
Individual gas phase resistance is 70% of overall gas phase resistance
1 1 0.7
= 0.7 =
ky Ky 5.35
ky = = 7.643 kmol/(h)(m2 )(∆y)
Individual liquid phase resistance
m 1 1
= −
kx Ky ky
m 3.2 (3.2) (5.35)
kx = 1 = 0.7 = = 57.07
− k1y 1
− 5.35 0.3

The overall liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient

1 1 1 1 1
= + = +
Kx mky kx (3.2) (7.643) 57.07
Kx = 17.12

As the pressure is one atmosphere, the overall mass transfer coefficient

KG = = 5.35 kmol/(h)(m2 )(∆p,atm)

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Solution Key of Midsem CL 205:Mass Transfer Operations I February 24, 2015

3. Fill in the blanks

(a) Kinematic viscosity is also known as momentum diffusivity
(b) Prandtl number is the ratio of momentum diffusivity and thermal diffusivity
(c) Danckwerts developed the surface renewal theory
(d) Grashof number is 140 and buoyancy force is 7 newton. Then the viscous force is
0.05 newton
(e) Peclet number is the product of Reynold’s number and Schmidt number / Prandtl number
(f) If the temperature decreases, the rate of diffusion will decrease
(g) Dimension of eddy thermal difusivity is length2 /time
(h) ”Two resistance” theory is applicable for interphase mass transfer.
4. The steady state flux of molecular diffusion in binary fluid is expressed as



− xA2
NA = ln   (6)
z NA + NB NA

DAB = 2.137 × 10−6 m2 /s
z = 2 mm = 0.002 m
xA1 = 0.1
xA2 = 0.2
The pressure is 1000 kPa or 106 Pa and temperature is 25◦ C or 298 K. As the gas
mixture follows ideal gas law, P V = nRT , one obtains
n P 106
c= = = = 0.4036 kmol/m3
V RT (8314) (298)
As the flux of N2 (gas B) is 20% of the flux of O2 (gas A) in opposite direction, we have
NB = −0.2NA and hence
= = 1.25
NA + NB NA − 0.2NA
The eq.(6) takes the form
DAB c 1.25 − xA2
NA = (1.25) ln
z 1.25 − xA1
(2.137 × 10 ) (0.4036) 1.25 − 0.2
= (1.25) ln
0.002 1.25 − 0.1
= −4.904 × 10
Hence the flux of diffusion of oxygen is 4.904 × 10−5 kmol/(m2 s). The negative sign
indicates the direction of flux i.e. from 20 vol% to 10 vol%.

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