Brotherhood Engagement Survey, Part 1: Alpha Phi Omega: Gamma Beta Chapter (San Jose State University)

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Welcome to Part 1 of the Brotherhood Engagement Survey process. This part will address basic information that reflects on you as a 
pledge for this term. As the Pledge Team, we expect you to answer with honesty and authenticity. It will help us understand you better. 

Name: Standley Hg  Email: 

Birthday: May 16, 1997  Phone Number: 

Year at SJSU: Junior  Hometown: Pasadena, CA 

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2020  Current Residence: San Jose, CA 

Extracurriculars: SJSU Judo Team, Akbayan, VSA  Shirt Size: M 

Sweatshirt Size:M 
Jacket Size: M 

Workplace: Internship at Super-Animation  Major(s): Animation/Illustration 

Work Hours:   Minor(s):  
Quote/Mantra: Nice Guys Finish Last 

Hobbies/Interests: Filming, Acting, Arts &Crafts 

Book: The Secret  Color: Royal Blue and Old Glory Gold 

Movie/TV Show: 500 Days of Summer, Everything Before Us  Sport/Team: Golden State Warriors 

Music/Artist: EDM, Porter Robinson, ODESZA  Games: Cooking Mama 

Animal: Pandas, Cats  Dessert/Candy: Icicles 

Food/Restaurant: Din Tai Fung, Boiling Point, Ramen  Beverage: Ten Ren, Gong Cha 

Holiday/Season: Christmas, New Years  Event/Concert: PORTEONNNN 

What qualities do you like and dislike in a friend, explain? 

Like: Anyone! I love everyone for who they are. 

Dislike: People who are a bad influence. Disorganization. 
Describe your ideal role model and give an example:  

Kevin M Lowe, Someone extremely dedicated to Alpha Phi Omega and been attending Alpha Phi Omega 
events across the nation. 


List ​top five (5) priorities​ you value in life.  

1. Becoming a leader 
2. Having fun 
3. Working on my craft, art 
4. Adventuring 
5. Trying new things 
What is your reason​ for pledging Alpha Phi Omega? 

To grow as a leader and meet new friends. 

Being a Leader 
Being a Friend 
And doing service.. 
What life lessons​ would you like to take away from your pledging experience?  

Not sure but hopefully something new and fresh that I can pass on, something for me to think about after I graduate. 
What are your goals​ within Alpha Phi Omega? Are there ​any positions​ would you like to run for 

Positions: Historian, then maybe VPF, then PA and then Pledge Master 

What are your ​goals outside​ the organization? Any career or academic goals? 

I want to stay at my internship for my while and either move to a new job and/or stay. 
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? 


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