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------- changes for V2.6.

0 -------
New layout of the comms console, shows comms buttons on the left, a click-able
waterfall of all messages on the right, and a filter-able list of messages in the
Each of the 3 lists are drag-able. There are buttons on the top-center that filter
the messages that show in the center list.
Clicking on a message on the right-hand list causes it to be shown in the center
list, and for the appropriate filter to be set.

Small changes to the fighter-bay card game.

The fighter-bay ship list no longer re-arranges as player fighters leave the bay.

The game no longer has just fighters. Now (internally) they are called single-seat
ships, and there are different sorts of fighters and shuttles.

Now every player ship can carry one shuttle. Many player ships can carry multiple
single-seat ships of different types,
but the first single-seat in the list must always be a shuttle.

In the ship cusomization menu (on server or client) players may now select a type
of single-seat ship, and name each one.

In scripting, there's a new command, "set_player_carried_type", which lets the

scriptor set the exant single-seat ships that are carried in a player ship.

In scripting, there's a new command, "spawn_external_program", which does what it

says. Ideally to be used to start a video player, so pre-recorded videos
can pop up on the main screen.

------- changes for V2.5.104 -------

Some small fixes to comms and fighter systems.

In scripts, set_comms_button, clear_comms_button, and if_comms_button let you add

special buttons
to the comms console, and trigger events based on the comms clicking those buttons.

In scripting Variable parsing, the 'escape' character, '^' (also called a carat)
has been changed to a vertical line
'|' (the shifted backslash).

// new for scripting, for set_object_property; these sound volume values should
range from 0.0 - 1.0

------- changes for V2.5.102 -------

Now all text in scripts comes with built-in variable formatting. Any place in a
script, like:
<log text="This is text." />
can now have formatted variables placed inside them, using the 'escape' character,
'^' (also called a carat). Like:
<log text="This is text. Variable Bob = ^Bob^" />

All scripting variables are now assumed to be floating point, UNLESS expressly set:

<set_variable name="var10" value="2.55"/>

<set_variable name="intstep" value="0" integer="yes"/>

------- changes for V2.5.1 -------

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Fighters now launch pointing in the same direction as thier carrier.

Fighters now have a directional ring to help them find targets that aren't in thier
Fighters now have a background, with windows (thank you Lightwave_Gecko!)

There's a new game mode, Infestation, which demands that you exterminate a sector
full of Biomechs.
Biomechs now have a complete life cycle.
Biomechs have been adjusted somewhat.

------- changes for V2.4 -------

Loads of new ships, including all the Ximni ships, plus new TSN Juggernaut and TSN
Mine Layer.

Big changes to the GM console, and GM script options.

New Customize Ship screen, gives you a better way to choose your ship, name it, and
change its accent color.

set_gm_button, clear_gm_button, and if_gm_button have been added to mission

scripting. These commands let you add graphical buttons
to the GM console, and trigger events based on the GM clicking those buttons.

Added "player_slot" as an attribute to the <"create type="player"/> script line.

This lets the scriptor have more control over exactly which player ship is
referenced in the script.

player_slot is an attribute that identifies players ships in the scripting system.

player_slot is now usable with these commands:
destroy, set_object_property, addto_object_property, set_to_gm_position,
warning_popup_message, set_player_grid_damage,
set_damcon_members, set_ship_text, set_side_value,
if_inside_box, if_outside_box, if_inside_sphere, if_outside_sphere,
if_damcon_members, if_docked,
if_player_is_targeting, if_exists, if_not_exists, and if_object_property.

In addition, copy_object_property now uses the player_slot1 and player_slot2

attributes. So does set_relative_position.

In addition, use_gm_selection (the attribute that lets the subject of the command
be defined by the GM) is now used with these commands:
destroy, add_ai, clear_ai, set_object_property, addto_object_property,
set_to_gm_position, warning_popup_message, set_player_grid_damage,
set_damcon_members, set_ship_text, set_special, set_side_value, if_damcon_members,
if_docked, if_player_is_targeting,
and if_object_property.

The if_docked command takes a "name" attribute, which is the STATION that the
player might be docked with. The player may be specified by
using the player_name, use_gm_selection, or player_slot attributes. Otherwise the
default is (as it has been) player ship zero. This is
also true for if_player_is_targeting.

------- changes for V2.3 -------

Many small bug fixes prompted by you, the awesome player.

Gun camera indicators have been fixed.

Fighters and carriers have been implemented, as a first pass. The Medium carrier
holds 5 fighters; the dreadnaught now has 2.

Changed the overall difficulty of the game in several ways, including:

--Making the enemy ships at higher levels hit a bit harder
--Making the enemy ships at higher levels faster and more maneuverable
--Making enemy fleets move as a group more intelligently
--Making the enemy skaraan ships more troublesome, with a new shield-vampire
ability (IF they also have shield drain, the drain reinforces their own shields)

added "tauntImmunityIndex" as a value the script can change for enemy ships. 0,1,
or 2, corresponding to the taunt immunities in vesseldata.xml for each race

anomalies are now scaned on Science like ships and monsters. Science can now
identify the type of anomaly.

The game master console now cannot be shared; only one client (connected to a
server) may be the Game Master.

Made a completely internal change that affected many parts of the code. I was
using a variable improperly (from a code-safe POV) and fixing it required many
changes throughout the code.

??Fixed a problem causing crashes when monsters were killed. This problem would
leave extra derelicts lying around, and turn piranhas into classic monsters.

Accepted the vesselData.xml changes suggested (and produced) by ryleyra.

------- changes for V2.2.0 -------

Many new types of Monster are now in the game. They all behave differently.

What used to be "Anomalies" (which were just floating gas cans) are now actual
"pickups", that buff your ship in different ways.

Changed mine code to be more efficient.

New PlasmaShock torpedo. Does little damage to shields, but (if not blocked by a
shield) destroys an enemy ship from the inside.
Adjusted energy rewards so you have less chance of getting so much energy your ship

------- changes for V2.1.5 -------

Now the game connects to (and works with) the War Server, a seperate and free
Windows program that models a galactic war.

------- changes for V2.1.1 -------

fixed a nasty crash bug that kept multiple ships from joining the game.

Fixed messages from stations so they don't send "friendly" messages to ships that
aren't their friends.

------- changes for V2.1.0 -------

In the script command "destroy_near", the list of valid values for "type" now
include "whales", "drones", and "all".

When at warp, turning on reverse caused you to coast to a stop, not drop out at the
normal rate. Using this with high warp, you could coast
from one end of the map to the other through nebulas and everything while only
using 100 or so energy and actually gaining energy if you so choose.
This has been fixed.

The "showScrnPopups" value in artemis.ini can turn off the popup messages in the
lower-right of the screen.

On Science and Capt's Map, WASD keys scroll the map.

ALT-f toggles the framerate counter, thought the feature has been in the game for a

More DMX flags, mostly for torp tube function.

Start and confirm a jump with the ENTER/RETURN key, cancel it with SPACE, TAB
between the two text boxes.

The "showVisTab" value in artemis.ini can turn off the VIS tab for old machines
that aren't happy with the 3D view.

updated list of AI blocks for brain stack, reflecting the new ai block,
also added new page of server-side mission debug info (accessed by the F7 key), to
help with debugging/understanding the AIShip brain stacks

Fixed bug causing all ships to "stick" on a heading when the "sideValue" was set.

Changed the set_ship_text script command

ATTRIBUTE: hailtext
VALID: text this ship will reply with when comms "hails" them

The version numbering system has been changed, to 3 integers.

Added 8 new stations, and radicaly upgraded what stations can do.
Each of the 4 standard enemy races has its own base type. These bases can all
defend themselves, and have various shield strengths.

There are now 5 TSN bases. The old base has been renamed the Deep Space Base.
Some of these bases can also defend themselves.

All friendly bases still produce torps for you, and let you dock. But different
bases have modified production speeds.

All coop and single-player games used to have exactly 4 stations. Now that has
changed. A random number of different player stations appears in each game,
but the total production potential of the friendly bases won't change. In other
words, you might get lots of science stations, or a few bigger stations.

There's a new layout option. Deep Strike lets you play a game where only the
enemies have stations, and you're all alone against the enemy hordes. In both
single and
coop modes, you must destroy all enemy stations to win. In single player mode, you
must also destroy all enemy ships.

We've upgraded the PC engine to the latest version of DirectX 9 (we were using a
very old version before).

The terrian adjustments for missions are now much more granular.

There's a new client mode, called Data. This mode toggles between LRS, TACT, and
INFO modes by pressing space. This client mode exists so, if you are blessed with
extra computers/screens, you can have an extra screen that's locked to a specific
data presentation.

------- changes for V2.0 -------

The UI art has been completely replaced, new crisper fonts, custom screen controls
torpedo controls, and significant changes to every game screen.

Artemis 1 had distinct enemies and friendlies. This was inflexible, especially for
multi-ship games (which are much more popular than we originally assumed). So a
lot of underlying structure was changed, so that any ship could take on any role
for any side.

Artemis 2.0 can now support up to eight simultaneous bridges (48 players). Multi-
ship games got special attention, with lots of bug fixing and UI changes.

Science scanning now has much more data displayed about NPC ships, and this
information has more mission ramifications.

By popular request, there is now a full-fledged PVP mode, where any number of sides
and teams can battle each other in arena sectors that can be tuned to limit torpedo
and ship types, as well as the number of NPC ships on each side.

four new NPC non-combatant ships now ply the spacelanes, offering many new
scenarios for Artemis crews. These ships can be broken down, hijacked, blinded,
held hostage, and more.

Pathing AI has been added to all NPC ships. No longer can players rely on the
stupidity of enemies that blunder into black holes and minefields.
Artemis ships play in real 3D now, with climb/dive controls (button, keyboard, and
joystick). Players can fly OVER a black hole, and come up underneath enemies.

The Skaraan enemy race has always bedeviled Artemis players with cloaking, warping,
and other special abilities. Now these abilities have doubled, including tractor
beams and drone launchers.

As with any major release, there are also many, many bug fixes, corrections, and
adjustments, thanks to the feedback of our awesome fans.

------- changes for V1.702 -------

fixed problem where changing ship name on client would make the server crash
changed the DMX code to stop the lights at the conclusion of a mission
changed the engine sound to stop at the conclusion of a mission
underscores (_) were breaking the new expression evaluator in the scripting
changed the scripting if_client_key functionality to work better

------- changes for V1.70 -------

fix problem with comms text color changing over time.

Now engineering has another key (RETURN/ENTER) that resets all the coolant values
to zero. Also, pressing the key
that resets all sliders to 100% (SPACE) and then pressing it a second time will do
the same thing (reset coolant values).

F9 and F10 will now cycle through all the consoles active on your client.

On Helm, press RETURN/ENTER to center the rudder of the ship. Press ESC to toggle
reverse on and off. Yes, Helm now has reverse.

On Science, press Y to select the closest object to your ship. Press U and I to
cycle through all the scannable objects on your screen.
Scan selected objects by pressing RETURN/ENTER.

On Science, you can now use the mousewheel to zoom.

On Engineering, there's a dark red bar around the "selected" system of the eight
systems you can adjust. Move the selection using
the A and D keys. For the selected system, change the power slider using the W and
S keys. Adjust the coolant for that system using
the E and C keys.

You can toggle shields with the Q key, but now you can also use the K key to raise
shields, and the L key to lower them.

On Weapons, Auto Beams can be toggled with the B key.

All references to USFP have been changed to TSN.

Scriptors now have more power over the text of a unit that science sees. They can
adjust text fields for race, class, small desc,
and science desc. Small desc appears in the info dialog of the science console.
So does science desc text, but only after a unit has been
scanned twice.

You can now type in values for the jump drive.

Engineering damcon systems have been adjusted, so they (hopefully) don't fall out
of sync with the server.

An expression evaluator has been added to the scripting system. Now, everywhere
you might use a literal number (like 1, or 3858, or 34.56),
now you can use an equation (like 5+3, 45.6 * 65/ 2, etc.) You can even use
variable names in the equations,
(like myVal, 5 * speed - 2.44, etc).

The Comms console now uses the number keys was well as mouse clicks to navigate the

The scripting system has new commands that let you ask certain clients for keyboard
input. Those clients will now send keyboard press
messages to the server, which can be used by the script (using the "if_client_key"
conditional) to trigger events.

Collisions have changed, from a soft bounce to a hard bounce. This changes how
space objects bump against each other, in a subtle but
significant way.

Vector normalizing code was changed to trap a zero-normal condition

Removed "invisible to sci" from Skaraan abilities

Changed the way torpedo unloading is handled. "tube lock" should no longer exist.

Enemy fighters often showed up with USFP textures and science details. This has
been fixed.

The ship option controls on the Helm and Main Screen consoles (when NOT playing)
have been changed. there's no longer a "submit"
button; changes are automatically submitted.

The initial dialog box that lets you set a resolution has a new mode; full-screen
windowed mode. This makes the screen a borderless
window that covers the entire desktop.

Changed sound code to tolerate a missing sound device (for rackmount servers).

Show/hide arcs in weapons now also has the option to show player arcs only.

Made drones fall into black holes.

fixed problem with comms text color over time.

DAMCON Team Replenish message always poped up when docking, even if no teams took
casualties. Fixed.

The warp slider has been recalibrated, so you have to drag it all the way up to
reach warp 4.

Clients and servers both now have a toggle button called "3d Chase Camera" that
lets you choose a chase cam OR an "out-the-window" view.

On the client login screen, there's now a bit more information about the status of
the login attempt.

------- changes for V1.661 -------

In 1.66, I added a feature that would punish ships that collected too much energy,
thinking this would be an interesting
added challenge. It seems to be much more of a headache, so I've just made it more
forgiving, AND added adjustable
values to Artemis.ini .

------- changes for V1.66 -------

Major changes have happened to support both custom input and custom output.

--(custom input) The keyboard and joystick mapping is now routed through a file
called controls.ini . This file allows
you to change which key or joystick button triggers which UI event. Because all of
the game controls are
based on the client, changing this file on the server computer won't do much good.

--(custom output) The Artemis program now interfaces with the ENTTEC Open DMX USB
This small box costs $65us, and interfaces between your USB computer port and one
or more DMX devices.

The file in the DAT/ directory called DMXCommands.xml describes events that can
happen in the game, and what DMX values
should be sent in response.

When a friendly ship or station dies, the nearest other friendlys confirm the death
in a comms message

Observer cam got wierdly shaky; fixed

Several game sounds were volume or pitch adjusted

If the ship overcharges with too much energy, all engineering systems now start to
heat up!

added scripting control of how much coolant you have

Stations no longer fall into black holes

All players now get an explicit PVP death message to the pop-up window

helm and client main screens can change ship name, hull type, and movement type.

beams don't all shoot at once

warp engines have some inertia now

Comms labels are now more clear.

------- changes for V1.65 -------

++ Major changes ++
The 3D graphics have been upgraded, with glow and specular maps, and upgraded
particle effects.

Torgoths have been changed radically, with all new ship art. They are now a race
of super-capitol ships,
much larger and tougher than any you've seen before. They have lots of beams, but
they ALSO fire
drones, which are large, long-range, slow-moving torpedos. The player can target
and destroy these drones before they can

Arvonians (previously known as "Argonians") have been changed radically, with all
new ship art,
into a race of fighters and carriers.

Because of the massive changes to the behavior of Torgoths and Arvonians, they have
become "support races". This means that
(for Invasion Mode) they no longer have their own fleets, but accompany Kralien
fleets. Skaraans are still the same
loner sneaky scumbags they were.

Pods of space whales have been added to the game. Harmless and beautiful, but
fragile and easily killed. Some enemy races
react differently to space whales, and these reactions could be used against

The player now has a self-destruct sequence.

(helm/weapons) lower shields
(helm) stop dead
(engineer) reduce all systems power to zero.
(engineer) increase power to warp, to cause an overload.
On overload, your ship flares up like an exploding sun!

++ Minor changes ++
In Invasion Mode, the more difficult fleets now start further towards the edge of
the map
mission scripts can now use the "if_difficulty" conditional to find out hwat the
players set the diff level to.
Engine particles have changed
The way a ship turns when docked has changed
Fixed problem where fleets were chasing their surrendered members
minor size changes to soem UI elements, to make touchscreens easier
added "currentRealSpeed" to player, and made it visble to scripting

stations now should complain about nuke damage

skybox is now synced to clients properly
player torps (when unlocked) will now home on other players, all stations, and
space whales
Player energy cost increases with difficulty. The formula has changed; the cost
for high diff levels is reduced
enemies try to avoid black holes now
The Aux Power Unit's recharge rate has doubled

Plus many bug fixes and other adjustments!

------- changes for V1.61 -------

Game Master is a new client console. It's like the science console, but with
everything fully scanned, and several extra features. It's designed
to be used BY a game master, a game puppeteer, just like a D&D dungeon master, or
the operator of a military sim.

To use the GM console, your server MUST be running a mission. Not just any
mission, but a mission designed for the GM console. By convention, these
mission files should start with the word "Module", to separate them from "normal"
missions that do not need a GM operator. Why?

During play, the GM operator presses keys on the GM console. These key presses are
sent to the server, and used by the script to trigger
script events. The GM operator can also select objects by left-clicking them, and
select points in space by right-clicking on the spot. Both
selected objects and selected locations can be used by the script for various
events. Finally, the GM console has two text entry lines, and several
buttons used to send the entered text to various stations of the players' ship.

Because of the basic structure of this GM console system, the complexity and power
of the GM system comes from the mission script you use. But the
execution of events in the script are triggered by simple key presses. So, by
convention, every GM script (starting with "Module") should come
with a simple text file called "module-doc.txt", which details which keys do what.

Other changes include;

Captain's Map is a new client console. It's really just the science console without
the scan ability. It's inspired by various shows that have,
well, a Captain's Map station.

much bug fixing has occured, hopefully resulting in a more stable game experience.

Enemy ships now have a percentage change of surrendering, and that value is
controllable in scripts (surrenderChance).

Asteroids NOW HURT YOU when the ship runs into them!

Player ships are now limited to warp 1 when inside a nebula.

Changes have been made to the client so (hopefully) you don't have to keep clicking
"ready to play" to get back into the game.

------- changes for V1.60 -------

Science station has lost its sweep arm, and has become a more detailed LRS, with
dragging, zooming, and the ability to scan ships to find out more about them.
Now you can choose from 5 different player ships; Scout, Cruiser (the regular
ship), Battleship, Missile Cruiser, and Dreadnought.
These ships have different beam and tube configurations, and different shields and
AI for enemies and neutrals has been changed to make scripting more powerful. Now
these objects have a stack of "AI blocks" that can be mixed, matched, and adjusted.
On the client, the new console choice screen lets you have more concurrent consoles
and choices. Now you can have an unlimited amount of any console, except helm and
The new ECM torpedo fires and explodes like a nuke. But instead of physical
damage, a ship hit by an ECM blast will lose half of its maximum shield strength,
AND its shield frequencies will be severely damaged, making beams much more
effective against them.
Sloops (Sl) are now Transports (Tr).
The vesselData.XML file and scripting have been changed to give modders more
flexibility. While hull entries still have a unique numeric ID, races have been
broken out into their own objects, and both races and hulls have "keys". This
allows scriptors to make an enemy that is "enemy elite" and "large", instead of
Jump drive gives the players an alternative to warping. This alternate mode of
travel is more like the Battlestar Galactica point jump, and changes the game
Space monsters now hit harder.
In Invasion mode, monsters and black holes start the game a bit closer in, making
them more of a navigational hazard.

------- changes for V1.55 -------

Major changes to the look and feel of the Comms console.
Big changes to the engineering console, to make it generally work better and more
scripts can now test and set the number of damcon team members
mission level 11
For clients, the IP/URL of the server can now be set in the INI file.
Neutral ships weren't affected by mines. Now they are. A script variable can
change that.
Mine art was changed.
Mini-missions has bugs which kept them from paying off. Fixed.
Plenty of new mission script functionality. Please check the mission-file-docs.txt

------- changes for V1.52 -------

Torps are changed.
- mines are unchanged.
- now there's no difference between nukes and homing except the warhead.
- get a lock, torp fires and hits target from any angle (just like the old homing
- no lock, torp shoots out the front, and is attracted by enemies, bases, and other

several changes to make the 3D engineering system work better and more smoothly.

Completely changed how nebulas, mines, and asteroids are trasmitted from server to
client. Reduced packet size, and space them out to avoid bottlenecks (like when a
mission starts).

Added a clickable close icon to the bottom-right info popup.

Fixed problem with neutral ships WANTING to attack enemies, but bound to the travel
direction you gave them.
Also, Comms can now ask neutrals to defend/join players, including yourself.

Several other bugs squashed.

------- changes for V1.51 -------

added code to prevent wierd graphical effects and possible crashing
fixed mysterious server lockup
Added INI setting to turn off joystick support
add INI indirection for all SFX
add vesselData.xml tag for the ship internal data file
fixed problem with players getting stuck in the event horizon of a black hole
added random numbers to variables in scripting
added new command to change systems damage in scripting

------- changes for V1.50 -------

Black holes drag everything around them towards fiery doom.

Plenty of bug fixes and enhancements to the scripting system. CHeck the mission-
file-docs.txt file for the current formats and commands.
Comms can now taunt enemies.
3 new missons: trials of deneb. Always exactly the same. Designed as technical
challenges for experienced crews.

Engineering has changed. Now you see a 3D internal view of the ship, with dots
representing ship systems. Diamonds represent the 3 DamCon teams. You can hover
to see data on the systems and teams. You can click a team to select it. You can
click a point to direct the selected team to the point. You can left-click and
drag to spin the ship display. If you leave the teams alone, they will
automatically move to repair damaged parts (red dots).
If a ship point gets damaged by enemy fire or overload, and a team is near, the
team will loose a member and become less effective. Replenish members by docking.
Engineering also has a new way to allocate power. For each of the eight systems,
you have a drag bar that lets you adjust power from 0-300%. Overpowered systems
will build up heat and eventually overload, causing internal ship system damage.
Each system has 8 dots which direct coolant. Coolant is a limited resource shared
between all systems.
press SPACE to reset all systems to 100% power. Hotkeys (1-9) work as they did
Hull damage, front and rear, has been removed for all ships. For players, you die
when all internal points are damaged.
Enemy and neutral damage now calculated differently; 70 points of internal damage
to explode

The weapons station now has a choice between auto-fire of beams and manual fire.
When in manual fire, locking a target brings up a gun-cam (looks like binoculars).
WHEN a ship in guncam is in range and arc and the weapon has cycled, clicking on
the ship fires the beams. The guncam shows special points on the enemy hull that
can be hit. If you click right on those spots, they can result in internal system
damage to that enemy, even through shields. Click off the gun camera to turn it
off (and loose lock).

enemies now surrender a bit sooner

skaraan shields are now tougher
On helm, SPACE stops warping. Press SPACE again to bring the ship to full stop.
Scriptors MAY now set the diff level of a mission, overriding the diff setting of
the user.
Players may once again re-name their ships.
In scripts, the end_mission command didn't really; it does now.
Comms can now tell neutral ships to go protect another neutral or base.
Neutral destroyers are now faster and more aggressive.
Enemy and player beams are now more distinctive.
fog of war (limited sensors) radius has been shrunk.
torp-to-energy and enrgy-to-torp buttons have been moved to the weapons console and

------- changes for V1.46 -------

6 brand new space backgrounds have been added. Mission scripts can choose which
one to use.
Science has been given a small facelift; color-coded text mostly.
Warning message popups have been added. These can be controlled by scripts.
Asking to build a nuke doesn't reset the timer any more.
Station status (for the comms command) now shows how much time is left on the
torpedo build.
player beam damaged increased to 12 (from 7).
Many changes and bug fixes to scripting in general.
seperate volume control for mission voice audio.
exact bearing on helm station.
And lots of small bug fixes.

------- changes for V1.41 -------

fixed some bug with the new mission script system.


------- changes for V1.4 -------

increased 3D view distance.

New mission scripting system, so you can make your own complex missions and share
with everyone.

Neutral ships now cross the sector. Your comms officer can order them around.

Enemy elites now threaten you with tough ships and special abilities.

All new music!

The Artemis's shields have been strengthened quite a bit.

Enemy fleets have been changed to be more reactive and aggressive, and to
(sometimes) spread out more.

Difficulty level effects have changed. No enemy fleet will have more than 5-6
ships. At higher diff
levels, there will be more fleets. Enemy beams now do no more than 5 damage.

Two more settings for sensor strength have been added, for those who REALLY like
fog of war.

Plus other incidental fixes and changes.

------- changes for V1.3 -------
All new ship art.

All new UI art.

User interface greatly modified.

Ships are now defined in a file called "vesselData.xml". It can be edited.

Many settings are now defined in a user-editable file called "artemis.ini".

Nuke torpedos are now rarer and take longer to manufacture. Player beams have been
strengthened. Player shields
now recharge 50% faster.

Helm and Weapons can click on the tactical display, but now the click (to turn the
ship or lock an enemy) is
restricted to the rosetta ring.

Taking the upgrade files from the website, and copying them over the free demo,
used to work, sort of. That's been fixed.

Asteroid fields are now in the game. They block movement and all weapon fire.

The client setup screen allows people to choose which and how many stations their
computer displays. This screen
will let one computer choose to play several stations at once, but Main Screen and
Observer are mutually exclusive to
every other setting. If you choose to make your client be a main screen, that ship
will appear in game. This system is
a negotiation; two or more clients can no longer be the same bridge station.

In addition to letting you choose the different bridge stations assigned to your
client, every client can also look at
a long range scan, and a front view of the ship.

Implemented sensor ranges/fog of war.

Enemy ships have more interesting weapons and weapon arcs. Different weapon arcs
are now color-coded.

NEbulas have been added to the helm tactical view.

Game and installer icons changed.

The "get-too-many-torps-at-a-station" exploit has been fixed.

In a multi-ship game, all ships can now easily re-spawn.

If your ship is hit by an enemy, there's now a "shaky" screen indicator, in two
types, and you can turn it off.

Torpedos now have a maximum range.

------- changes for V1.2 -------

The enemies are smarter. They'll always form 5 fleets, and advance towards their
first station target in a crooked path that avoids
minefields and likes nebulas. They'll stay together, and let stragglers catch back
up. They convey more information about what they are
doing in radio signals which the comms station can pick up.

The server setup screen has been streamlined. The difficulty level now sets the
enemy beam damage, but also the number of enemies in each fleet.

Every bridge station except Helm has been significantly changed.

Beams and shields now have a "Frequency Channel". The weapons officer can change
the beam channel, from A to E.
The science officer can see the frequency distribution of the enemy's shield
generator, as a set of 5 bars. The lowest bar is the
weakest frequency, so the weapons officer should set his beams to that frequency
for maximum effect.

Torpedos are completely changed. They are much slower and have no max range.
They now come in 3 different types. Type 1 Homing torpedos need a target lock, but
then will always
hit the target with great force. Type 4 LR Nuke torpedos launch straight out from
the ship,
travel straight until they detect a close enemy, home in, and explode, damaging
ships in a large area.
Type 6 Mine torpedos simply fly behind you and become static space mines. The
artemis can carry a maximum of 8 Type 1 Homing,
2 Type 4 LR Nuke, and 6 Type 6 Mine.

The Artemis has 2 torpedo tubes, which must be loaded before being fired. The Type
1s need an enemy target lock to fire. The others do not.

Bases have stores of the torpedos, and when you dock, they will re-stock you with
as much as they have (up to your max limit). But you can
use all that they have, and they won't be able to give you more. The comms station
can now query each base to find out what they have.

Bases make new torpedos, though it takes 2-5 minutes depending on which type they
make. Comms can request that they make only a certain type.

The engineering station has lots of new features suggested by the community. The
purple buttons now include 'double arrow' buttons
that can maximize or minimize the power settings. Also, if you click on the
power circles, you can adjust the power that way. Finally, the number keys on the
keyboard can be used to save and restore entire sets of power
settings. To store the current energy settings, hold SHIFT and press a number key.
To retrieve that setting, just press the number key.
Two buttons also allow you to trade Mark 1 torpedos for energy, and vice versa.

The science station's contact list has changed. You can now see each contact's
distance and direction. If it's an enemy, you can see
how many points are left in its front and rear shields, and if it has internal hull
damage. To the left, you can also see it's
shield signal profile. These 5 bars show you which channel of the shield is
weakest (lowest). Tell that to the weapons officer so she
can correctly tune her beams.

The comms station no longer has a sensor sweep. Instead, all messages sent
anywhere in the sector are omni-directional.
There are no more meaningless messages about "missing the Artemis already". The
enemy fleets are smarter, and have more interesting things
for you to overhear.

The new 'Transmit' button in the upper-left is your voice to the game. Click it,
choose a type, choose a specific game object, and
choose a statement. The message you assembled will be sent, and you may recieve a
You can tell enemies to surrender. You can tell stations to 1) give you a status
report, 2) prepare for docking, or
3) focus torpedo production. Once you ask for docking prep, the station will be
more efficient for the next 60 seconds.
You can also send a variety of different messages to other player ships (if they
exist in your sector).

FIXED: IF joystick is attached, the warp hotkeys and sliders no longer work. when
you use the slider, you have to hold it in place, otherwise you drop out of warp
the instant you "let go" with the mouse.
found and fixed bug causing station shields to be very weak
fixed the ability to run up huge energy totals by performing the conversion trick
right next to a starbase and docking multiple times
added missiles to science scanner
change torpedo systems power to effect reload speed, not torp damage
server sounds are now audible when the server window is not the active one
the game can now be drug between multiple monitors, IF you do it immideately,
before the actual game starts.

------- changes for V1.12 -------

Artemis now has an APU, which regenerates energy at a very slow rate. The engineer
can shut off all systems to allow the APU to regenerate energy in an emergency.
Fixed mouse being visible on main screen
Giant bug caused low frame rate with many enemies on the map; fixed
Player starts facing up, not down
Enemy shields are now visible (iconically) on the tactical and bridge station
Beams were changed cosmetically
Enemies survived/killed calculation was fixed
The starting screens now remember the last info typed in
You can now type in a longer prefix code
The joystick buttons were simplified. hold button 1 for warp 1. Hold button 2 for
warp 3.
Fixed: Main Screen clients crash when pressing End Game button on score board,
tries to go to server configure screen
Fixed: Main screen indicators not all synced?
Fixed: player dot on main screen radar shouldn't be red
Fixed: Can't hear shields up/down sounds?
ship weapon arcs (drawn on hte brdgie consoles) are now much more accurately drawn
A toggle button lets you turn on/off weapon arcs

------- changes for V1.1 -------

Players can choose the name and Prefix Code of their ship
players can target and shoot each other
game doesn't end until all players OR all enemies are dead

When more than one player ship is created, each begins parked next to a different

spaced out some of the starbases so one of them is often in peril sooner than the
results screen is now more bland, and doesn't show any "score", but is repeated on
every main screen

On the science console:

clicking on contacts on the right-side list makes it the selected target for the
now shows hover text on meter bars
anomalies now show up as intermittent blips if they are in the scan field
nebulas now visible
added the bearing to the info displayed about the ship in the side panel

Added slave(client) main screens, so each bridge can have it's own main screen
buttons on all stations (but engineering) now allow 4 levels of zoom, plus a toggle
between absolute and relative modes
No in helm, you cna click on the screen and have the ship auto-turn to that point
steering UI was moved to left side of helm screen
LRS and tactical now show grid "sectors"
warp hotkeys were added to the helm (keys 1-4). Pressing them again stops warp, as
does SPACE
observer client is now working
changed the hull damage indicator to the correct ship outline
fixed it so clicking just off a button doesn't unlock the target in the weapon
main screen controls now on comms station too
cosmetic red alert system, with a button on comms
server adjustment for network update tick speed
gave engineering an energy-to-torpedo button, too
added help text to mainOption screens
added F1 toggle help overlay for each bridge station

skybox texture fixed

network code completely re-done for efficiency
Fixed bug where, if in warp when game ends, new game starts in warp!
Removed server test keys for release build

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