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1. Would you consider seeking advice from an outsourced consultancy firm?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Yes 317 80%
No 77 20%
TOTAL 394 100%

Seeking an advice



Out of the aforementioned 394 respondents, 20% of them said that they do not

have an interest in seeking advice from consultants and the remaining 80% said that they
would consider seeking advice from an outsourced consulting firm which indicates that

there is a higher possibility for the firm to obtain clients in the market.

2. What form of business organization are you?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Sole Proprietorship 225 57%
Partnership 67 17%
Corporation 102 26%
TOTAL 394 100%

Form of Business Organization


Sole Proprietorship
17% Partnership

Based on the data above, more than half of the respondents with 57% of the

respondents are classified as a sole proprietorship, 17% are partnership, and 26%
represents corporation. This indicates that Gallardo Mendoza & Associates could acquire

higher demand and generate higher revenue if they focus on marketing their services to

sole proprietors. However, it would be best if they could also attract clients among those

classified as partnership and corporation.

3. What is the nature of your business?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Service Business 169 43%
Merchandising Business 122 31%
Manufacturing Business 32 8%
Franchising 71 18%
TOTAL 394 100%

Nature of Business


Service Business
Merchandising Business
Manufacturing Business
Based on the survey conducted, service and merchandising business dominates

the business industry in Las Piñas and Muntinlupa, wherein service business having a

share of 43% and merchandising business dominating 31% of the market. These

indicates that there is a higher possibility of acquiring clients among these kind of

businesses compared to Franchising, which only represents 18% of the respondents; and

Manufacturing, having only 8%.

4. How many years has the business been operating?

Choices Respondents Percentage

1.-3 years 126 32%
3-5 years 91 23%
More than 5 years 177 45%
TOTAL 394 100%

Length of Existence


One- Three years

Three- Five years

23% More than Five years

Based on the survey conducted, 32% of the 394 respondents have been in the

business for at least one year and at most three years, 23% said that they are now in the

market with three to five years of existence, and 45% already exist for more than five

years. Since majority of the respondents have already operating for more than five years,

the firm should consider focusing more on stabilizing the clients business or helping them

keep up with the drastic changes in the business environment.

5. Do you have a consultant for your business?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Yes 82 26%
No 235 74%
TOTAL 317 100%

Consultancy Engagement


74% No
82 respondents, which are equal to 26%, have their own consultant in their

businesses, while 235 out of 317 respondents said that they do not have any. This

indicates that Gallardo Mendoza & Associates have greater possibility of penetrating the

market. Since, there are still a small number of businesses who have their own

consultants. With the use of proper and effective marketing strategy, Gallardo Mendoza

& Associates could attract these possible clients and could be able to increase their

demand in no time.

6. What are your top considerations in choosing a consultancy firm?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Name in the Industry 38 12%
Quality and Expertise 149 47%
Price of Service 82 26%
Location 48 15%
TOTAL 317 100%

Considerations in Choosing a Consultancy


15% 12%

Name in the Industry

26% Quality and Expertise
Price of Service
Based on the data above, firms’ top consideration in choosing a consultancy firm

is based on the quality and expertise of the consultants with 47% followed by the price of

the service having 26%.

Location’s rank is not that high because of the advancement of technology making

long-distance communication possible. On the other hand, name in the industry was not

given much opportunity since many of the clients nowadays became more aware of the

profession and believes that the partners and their staffs are professional enough to

provide their needs. Clients nowadays tend to continue getting services from a firm

regardless of its name in the industry as long as their needs and demands have been


Based on these results, Gallardo Mendoza & Associates will be focusing on

enhancing the quality of its service and at the same time offering services at a lower cost

to attract more clients.

7. Are you willing to avail consultancy services from a new firm?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Yes 250 79%
No 67 21%
TOTAL 317 100%
Willingness to Avail Services From a New



8. Have you tried consulting for your business new product development?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Yes 89 28%
No 228 72%
TOTAL 317 100%

Past Engagement Regarding New Product



72% No

28% of the 317 respondents have already tried availing the services of a

consultancy firm regarding their new product development; however, majority of the

respondents with a percentage of 72% haven’t tried availing such service yet.
Using these figures, Gallardo Mendoza & Associates have a great opportunity to

gain potential clients by attracting and persuading those who haven’t tried that service yet

through the use of effective marketing and advertising strategy.

9. If no, are you willing to avail our services regarding new product


Choices Respondents Percentage

Yes 196 86%
No 32 14%
TOTAL 228 100%

Willingness to Avail Our Services Regarding

New Product Development


86% of the respondents who haven’t tried availing new product development

service are willing to try this kind of service offered Gallardo Mendoza & Associates which

indicates that there is a high percentage of potential clients that the firm could generate.

10. For New Product Development, how much are you willing to pay for this

service on a monthly basis?

Choices Respondents Percentage

P5,000- P10, 000 110 56%
P10,001- P20, 000 61 31%
P20, 001- P30,000 16 8%
More than P30,000 9 5%
TOTAL 196 100%

New Product Development Fee



P5,000- P10, 000

31% 56% P10,001- P20, 000
P20, 001- P30,000
More than P30,000
Based from the illustration, most businesses specifically 56% prefers to pay for

new product development at a range of ₱5,000 to ₱10,000 which is the lowest price

offered by the firm. 31% of the respondents are willing to pay at a range of ₱10,001 to

₱20,000 while only 8% and 5% are willing to pay at a much higher price at a range of

₱20,001 to ₱30,000, and more than ₱30,000, respectively. Based on these data, Gallardo

Mendoza & Associates will be offering its services at a lower price to meet the demands

of its potential clients.

11. For New Product Development, how often do you plan to seek for this


Choices Respondents Percentage

Monthly 53 27%
Quarterly 49 25%
Semi- Annually 59 30%
Annually 35 18%
TOTAL 196 100%

Frequency of New Product Development



30% Quarterly
25% Semi- Annually
12. What other services are you willing to avail?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Financial Advisory Services 100 40%
Tax Advisory Services 100 40%
Audit and Assurance Services 50 20%
TOTAL 250 100%

Other Services


P5,000- P10, 000

P10,001- P20, 000
P20, 001- P30,000

13. For Financial Advisory Services, how much are you willing to pay for this

service on a monthly basis?

Choices Respondents Percentage

P5,000- P10, 000 61 61%
P10,001- P20, 000 32 32%
P20, 001- P30,000 6 6%
More than P30,000 1 1%
TOTAL 100 100%

Financial Advisory Services' Fee


P5,000- P10, 000

P10,001- P20, 000
P20, 001- P30,000
More than P30,000

14. For Financial Advisory Services, how often do you plan to seek for this


Choices Respondents Percentage

Monthly 38 38%
Quarterly 23 23%
Semi- Annually 16 16%
Annually 23 23%
TOTAL 100 100%

Frequency of Financial Advisory Services



Semi- Annually
23% Annually

15. For Tax Advisory Services, how much are you willing to pay for this

service on a monthly basis?

Choices Respondents Percentage

P5,000- P10, 000 68 68%
P10,001- P20, 000 24 24%
P20, 001- P30,000 8 8%
More than P30,000 0 0%
TOTAL 100 100%
Tax Advisory Services' Fee


37% P5,000- P10, 000

56% P10,001- P20, 000
P20, 001- P30,000
More than P30,000

16. For Tax Advisory Services, how often do you plan to seek for this service?

Choices Respondents Percentage

Monthly 50 50%
Quarterly 32 32%
Semi- Annually 6 6%
Annually 12 12%
TOTAL 100 100%
Frequency of Tax Advisory

Semi- Annually

17. For Audit and Assurance Services, how much are you willing to pay for

this service on a monthly basis?

Choices Respondents Percentage

P5,000- P10, 000 16 32%
P10,001- P20, 000 13 26%
P20, 001- P30,000 14 28%
More than P30,000 7 14%
TOTAL 50 100%
Audit and Assurance Services' Fee


P5,000- P10, 000

40% 52%
P10,001- P20, 000
P20, 001- P30,000
More than P30,000

18. For Audit and Assurance Services, how often do you plan to seek for this


Choices Respondents Percentage

Monthly 22 45%
Quarterly 11 22%
Semi- Annually 7 14%
Annually 10 19%
TOTAL 50 100%
Frequency of Audit and Assurance
Services Engagement

20% Monthly
Semi- Annually

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