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This book is dedicated to my loving and caring mother Luz
Maria whom I am indebted to for her unselfish and generous
support throughout my life!
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This book in the author’s own words is simply a work based on The Holy Scriptures that will if
applied can easily improve the quality of one’s life and attract greater peace and joy or
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Chapter one
What it means to lead a holy and righteous life.

Chapter two
Jesus a shining example of giving, self-sacrifice, and love.

Chapter three
Encouraging children to practice righteousness and setting a proper role-model.

Chapter four
Success in work, family, and life in general.

Chapter five
Biblical points of view on sex, drugs, and alcohol.

Chapter 6
How to create a life of happiness and conclusion.
Page 5.

1) What it means to lead a holy and righteous life.

Perhaps, the word righteousness comes to play when one thinks of being holy. For it is
said that “One must be holy just as Jehovah is holy.” In this day and age when there is so
much unrighteousness and evil lurking about in our world one wonders whether in fact
one should be good or bad. In a world where violence and evil or badness pervade the
media and in many people’s lives one cannot help but wonder whether God cares for us
or whether one should join the bandwagon or simply resign oneself to accept it.
As you will see and realize, being good or righteously inclined has its rewards as well
as its blessings for our heavenly Father never forsakes us.

The scriptures clearly state in Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins be as
scarlet they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as

God lovingly and willingly forgives our sins without any regard to what they may have

In other words, our heavenly Father has the ability to clear and free us of all our sins-to
forgive us no matter how big or small they may actually have been. Even the worst
criminal when repented and changes his course in life can obtain divine forgiveness from
our heavenly Father Jehovah….
Some on the other hand may try to justify their sins or actions and either refuse or believe
they are beyond redemption and that they are unable to change their old ways. However,
if one is genuinely repented and is resolved to change or transform his or her life-there’s
no force on this earth that can prevent this from happening…. Besides, one can also get
help from God almighty through prayer to change or modify one’s former ways. Prayer
coupled with faith and visualization of one’s desired outcome can certainly transform
one’s life into a better and more fulfilling one.

Living a righteous life can certainly usher in God’s true blessings. As most of us
know, two wrongs don’t make a right and even if someone does one wrong “turning the
other cheek” as Jesus himself said has many rewards…. In short, seeking revenge one
others do one wrong is not only counter-productive its also inappropriate in our Lord’s
book. Bringing others harm or taking revenge can have serious karmic consequences for
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the individual doing them. For some sins are unforgivable not to mention the guilty
conscience one may have to live with for having taken revenge. Remember the scripture:

“Vengeance is mine…” Deuteronomy 32: 35

In addition to the afore-mentioned, there is greater joy in doing the right thing. Not
only can one actually have a more peaceful rest and sleep but one’s countenance and
demeanor actually become more pleasant and agreeable to self and others. One mind and
heart are happier as a result of feeling and having a clear conscience…. That reminds me
of the scripture: “ You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

There’s also another scripture that comes to mind which reminds us all that we must have
love for one another just as The Christ also loved us. Jesus was also quoted as saying:
“Love covers a multitude of sins.” So why not forgive our offenders and transgressors?
Besides, if our Lord forgave us our sins who are we not to forgive our brothers?
Remember Jesus gave his life that we may live and receive forgiveness of our sins. Thus,
it behooves us to have a willing and forgiving heart toward all transgressors.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that we may obtain forgiveness
of sins.” (John 3:16).

Here is a partial definition of what it really means to have love:

Love suffers long and is kind; love envies not; love flaunts not itself and is not puffed
up, does not behave itself improperly, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no
evil; rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, and endures all things.” 1Corinthians 13:4 and 5.

What a truly loving act of kindness from the universal sovereign. He could have forsaken
us for the first couple’s rebellion against Him in the garden of Eden. Nevertheless, he
made a loving provision to restore us through Christ Jesus’ sacrifice for a forgiveness of
sins thereby redeeming us from permanent death and destruction.

Yes, God so loved us that He was willing to sacrifice one of his angels for our sake’s.
We should learn from our Father’s example that we should love one another by forgiving
others their sins and trespasses as well as their wrongs and offenses. There’s a saying
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that “There is no greater love than one should give one’s life for his brother.” And Jesus
gave his life that we may all benefit from his sacrifice that we may be blessed by our
Father with life eternal.

We can all prove to be holy or righteous by leading a and wholesome life-by putting
away or liberating ourselves of profanity, vulgar behavior, dishonesty, by acting
responsibly toward all our responsibilities and obligations. We can also do our best to
lead a life of sanctity and respect to others…. Should we find this hard or difficult to
accomplish, we can start by taking small steps at first and then gradually making a
practice of having abundant works goodness. Acts of piety and justice. We can also
practice giving. Jehovah God always rewards generosity.

“Give and you shall receive.” One can show generosity by giving to someone in need, by
providing someone with food and shelter, by giving someone poor something to wear, by
giving to your favorite charity. Even just listening to someone’s plight or troubles is a
way of giving as well as giving of one’s time or assistance. There are countless ways to
give and help those less fortunate than ourselves. Remember, Jehovah God will bless
you in countless ways for practicing the art and virtue of giving. For Jesus is quoted as

“…Ask, and you will receive, ….” John 16.24.

2) Jesus, a shining example of giving, self-sacrifice, and love.

Jesus is the primordial and most outstanding example we have of love…. He is by far the
most superlative example we have in The Holy Scriptures for he himself is quoted as
saying: “Love your brother as yourself.” Therefore, we are exhorted not to hate but to
love our brothers and sisters. We are also told to “love God with all our heart, mind,
and soul” that we may be pleasing to Him who created us.
What does it mean to love our Lord God with all our hearts? It means to shun what is
bad and evil, to walk in righteousness, to have works of love and kindness, to practice
goodness, and walk in sanctity. It certainly does not mean to hate and take revenge on
those that hurt or harm us in some way, but quite the contrary. Jesus Christ gave up his
life; what greater love can there be? He healed and cure those with leprosy, blindness,
and even forgave sins. He performed many miracles including the resurrection of the
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dead. How extraordinary a person he was….It is obvious that God had sent and
empowered him to help, heal, and forgive our sins.

Paul was another outstanding example of faith, love, and zealousness for our heavenly
Father’s way and laws. Even though he persecuted Christians and turned them in to the
Romans, he later repented on receiving a vision from Jesus. A true revelation which
caused him to make an about face in his staunch persecution of Christians. He
demonstrated great courage when persecuted by Roman soldiers and ‘’ways and laws that
he dared to call himself an apostle even though he wasn’t one of the original twelve. He
said he should have been one of the apostles for he followed the law to the letter and
worked hard for Jehovah.

Yes, love can be manifested to one’s friends and family by being there for them.
Helping friends who are in need, counseling them or helping them financially and/or
spiritually by praying for them and encouraging them not to give in to negative feelings
or circumstance or situations life may throw at them unexpectedly. “The prayer of the
righteous has great force.” Do not underestimate the power of prayer for it is a sacred
privilege bestowed upon us from ancient times and is a great and wonderful way to
communicate with Jehovah God and his angels. Through prayer we can give thanks for
the many blessings and privileges we have as God’s sons and daughters here on earth. It
is also a way of praising our creator for all the gifts and wondrous things he bestows upon
on throughout our very lives. Our heavenly Father has blessed us with life and the
golden opportunity to live forever in his earthly kingdom once we are approved by Him.

“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” Mathew 5:5.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart...”
Psalm 37:4.

Do your best to please Jehovah and you will see your life turnaround for the better.
Delight in everything you do. You will actually take pleasure in helping others for you
will actually be doing everything that you do for our Father in heaven who actually takes
joy in seeing his servants do his will. What is God’s will? That you may follow his son
Jesus’ example of humility and fine conduct and be rewarded with eternal life here on
earth. It is not God’s will to walk in unrighteousness nor to lead a sinful or immoral life
without regard for others. It is not God’s will to be selfish and greedy and to be a hoarder
of wealth and material possessions; for materialism really is undesirable and unattractive
to our heavenly Father. It is not leading a worldly and wicked life on this planet where
murder, violence, and strife seem to pervade too many human lives. Be of help to others
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and God on seeing your “good works” will help you. This should motivate us to want to
do what is right and good before all. Not like the Pharisees who on making a sacrifice do
not wash their faces or change their clothes as to appear righteous before God and
mankind…. God can read hearts and knows when one does a deed out of the goodness of
one’s heart and sees whether we are honest and true or are hypocritical. Hypocrisy will
get you nowhere except, perhaps with a fool! Jehovah hates the foolish and hypocritical;
therefore, avoid being so and you will reap many joys and blessings from life.

Paul also aptly wrote in Phillipians 4: 8 and 9,

“Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things
are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of
good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think on these

things.” He also exhorts his fellow brothers to do and learn those things which they have
received and heard from him and assures them that the peace of God will be with them.

Moreover, a greater love of God and man can be manifested by following the advice
Paul gives in 1Corinthians 13: 4-8

“…Love suffers long and is kind; love envies not; love flaunts not itself and is not puffed
up, does not behave itself improperly, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no
evil; rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails.”

Perhaps, also, one may want to adhere to The Ten Commandments in order to live a
more peaceful, satisfying, and righteous life while dwelling here on earth. These are the
commandments given to man that he may prosper and lead a pleasing life to our Father
who resides in heaven:

1) You shall have no other gods before me.

2) You shall not make for yourself any graven idol, or any likeness of anything that is
in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water below the
earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them….
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3) You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not
hold guiltless anyone who takes His name in vain.

4) Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

5) Honor your father and your mother.

6) You shall not murder.

7) You shall not commit adultery.

8) You shall not steal.

9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s
wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything
that is your neighbor’s.

Keeping these commandments as well as saying the Lord’s prayer (known as The Our
Father) and reading the scriptures daily helps fill our mind’s with good wholesome
thoughts and draws us closer to our God and Father thereby creating a stronger and
healthier bond and faith in the Universal Sovereign.
The scriptures also tell us that we should not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil
with good, Romans 12:21. Should not that motivate us to live a righteous and good
life before God and mankind in general?
It further goes on to say in 1Peter1:22 and 23,
“Since your souls have been purified by obedience to the truth through the spirit unto a
genuine brotherly love, love one another deeply with a pure heart, for you have been
born again, not from perishable seed, but imperishable through the word of God which
lives and abides forever.”

Love truly is the fulfillment of the law, Romans 13:10.

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3) Encouraging children to practice righteousness and setting a proper role-model

Being a proper role-model for one’s children is quintessential for optimum peace and
happiness in the home. A violent or feisty environment at home is counter-productive as
well as unwholesome before our God and Father in heaven not to mention what our
neighbors may think of us when overhearing us fight or argue. Children are like glue-
they learn whatever they see and hear; and they are great emulators or imitators of
those they see(especially)in the home. Because of the closeness that parents provide their
offspring, children are quite prone to imitate and follow in their parent’s footsteps. The
reason being is that children tend to be malleable and tend to copy everything their moms
and dads do and say. Hence, it behooves us to be very careful what we say or do in front
of our children as they will emulate every sort of behavior they learn from their parents in
particular. This could also be the case with friends or relatives that are close or that are
often in close association with your children. So parents be aware of those in close
association with your children as I am sure you want the best for your children….

If you are often angry or upset this is what your children will learn-yes, to be the same
in most if not all situations. This of course, will bring you and them a great deal of
unhappiness, malcontent, and sorrow. If on the contrary you are often happy and content
with what life situations may throw at you, you will exhibit a positive form of behavior
which your children will also learn and imitate. You will be creating and promoting a
philosophy of life happiness which your children will carry on into their adulthood for
many years to come. The Scriptures clearly tell us that we should not exasperate our
children and by doing so we will encourage a form of godly devotion which is quite
pleasing to our creator. Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to
anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” We are also
demonstrating that we know how to handle life’s problems and do not become
overwhelmed by any situation whatsoever in life as a whole. We are showing growth and
maturity in knowing how to handle any problem that may arise. “Let your light shine
before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in
heaven.” Mathew 5:16. Furthermore, Ephesians 4:29, 31, and 32 state the following:

“Let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good
for building up, that it may give grace to the listeners…Let all bitterness, wrath, anger,
outbursts, and blasphemies, with all malice, be taken away from you. And be kind to one
another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.”
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So you see there’s no excuse for arguing, insulting or offending anyone let alone getting
physical with anyone at all, especially with those closest to us. Yes, Jehovah considers
these things to be sinful and reason enough to lose one’s grace and favorable position
before Him. Much food for thought indeed. Do not fear for if you do what is right and
good, what is praiseworthy you will never lose our heavenly Father’s favor. You will
always have his love, protection, and blessing….

4) Success in work, family, and life in general.

If you always do what is righteous you will have successful experiences at home and at
work, and wherever you go. You will always get along with your friends, colleagues,
and loved ones or at the very least have greater satisfying and peaceful relations with
And you will never have any strife or conflicts with anyone at all. Rewards will come to
you in the form of love, support, promotions, and success. All will admire you and your
family. All will speak well of you and want to be friends with you and associate with you as
well. Also, you may want to remember the scriptural adage: “Do unto others as you would
have others do unto you.” With respect to having successful relations with family, at work,
and life in general one can always pray to Jehovah God if you are having conflicts or
difficulties with family, friends or colleagues. Trust in God with all your might and He will
make your paths straight. I.E., by trusting in Him and leaning on Him for solutions to your
problems He will ensure your success and happiness…. What greater comfort can anyone

5) Biblical points of view on sex, drugs, and alcohol:

In today’s day and age most people seem to think or believe that sexual immorality as
l as living out of wedlock is acceptable to our Father in heaven. In a world filled with
darkness by the prince of evil, religious morals and principles seem to be overlooked or
totally ignored especially by the younger generation. Sad to say but the world has been
blinded by Lucifer and his angels. Unfortunately this is a world pervaded by loose moral
and ethical standards as well as fervent use of drugs and alcohol. Much to their own
chagrin, too many families are affected by drugs, alcohol, and sexual immorality. Also,
quite a few people do not believe in tying the knot or getting married and have chosen to
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live outside of marriage. Mainly because they simply do not want the commitment
that marriage vows compel one to keep and because they just do not want the
commitment that marriage vows oblige a married couple to keep or maintain. It would
appear that more and more people worldwide are staying away from God and His word
the Bible and adhering to their own form of lifestyle and morality.

On the other hand, the scriptures give us the morals and principles by which we
should all live in order that we may have good health, happiness, and Jehovah’s
approval…. Moreover, If we want to live forever in God’s kingdom and not be destroyed
on the final day of judgement you will pay heed or credence to the Lord God’s advice
and counsel on matters we should avoid and what we must do in order to be approved by

Regarding marriage the Bible has this advice to follow in Hebrews 13:4:

“Marriage is to be honored among everyone, and the bed undefiled. But God will judge
the sexually immoral and adulterers….”
And with regard to improper conduct including drugs and alcohol the scriptures have this
to say: “Therefore put to death the parts of your earthly nature: sexual immorality,
uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil desire and covetousness, which is idolatry.”
Colossians 3:5.

Furthermore, the disciple Paul says in Galations 5: 19 and 20:

“Now the works of the flesh are revealed, which are these: adultery, sexual
immorality, impurity, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousy, rage,
selfishness, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I
warn you, as I previously warned you, that those who do such things shall not inherit the
kingdom of God.”

Yes, sexual immorality and improper or unchristian conduct such as indulgence in drugs
or alcohol would only defile and hurt our own bodies.

As you can see, Jehovah does warn us not to practice the works of the flesh which will
only lead to His disapproval and death and destruction for those disobedient to his laws
and ways.
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6) How to create a life of happiness and conclusion

You may often wonder how one can have peace, joy, and happiness when it seems so
ephemeral and short-lived. The secret is in the scriptures. Read Sermon on the mount
and you will discover some of the ways in which you life can become blissfully
happier and more satisfying. Some will say “live and let live” in hopes of finding true
peace and happiness but, as you may already know that does not always work to our

In a world full of strife and discord it may be hard to believe or accept that anyone at
all can be truly happy and at peace with him/herself and others. But, reader do not
despair for the following will aid or help you in leading this peaceful and happier life we
all year for in this lifetime.

Mathew 7:12 quotes Jesus as saying the following,

“Therefore, everything you would like men to do to you, do also to them, for this the Law
and the Prophets.”

Is it not true that most men and women do just the opposite when seeking revenge or
payback. Jesus teaches us to do what is right and good and not to seek revenge when we
are wronged, but to commend ourselves to the Lord Himself. He also advises us not to be
judgmental of others that we may not be judged and not to look at our brother’s speck in
his eye or defects and shortcomings or misgivings, but to look at our own instead.

And we all know the often quoted scripture, “Do unto others as you would have others do
unto you.”

The disciple Paul again reminds of what it really means to have love for your brother
or sister in the faith. Still this can be applied to others in general even though that may
not be of the same faith or doctrine. Jesus also said, “Love one another, just as I have
loved you.”

Here are Jesus’ own words as he expressed them in “Sermon on the Mount.”
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“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those
who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the
earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven. Blessed are you when men revile you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of
evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be very glad, because great is your
reward in heaven, for in this manner they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Mathew 5:3-12.

Jesus goes on to list a host of other things one should and should not do to have true
peace and happiness. The author encourages you to read Mathew chapters 5-7.
However, Jesus does state that contrary to popular belief that we should love our
enemies, bless those that curse us, do good to those who spitefully use and persecute us
that we may be sons of our Father who is in heaven. Mathew 5:44 and 45.

He also sums it up by asking us :

“For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Mathew 5:46-48. And
he goes on to say do not tax collectors do the same? If you only greet your brothers what
good is it to you? Be perfect just as your Father who is in heaven is perfect.

And if you indeed want to be closer to God and build a stronger relationship with Him
then approach our heavenly Father Jehovah and ask Him to help you grow closer and
reveal His purpose to you. You can also ask Him to help you understand The Holy
Scriptures and to protect you from the wicked one and his angels.

In conclusion, if you want to have a happier and more fulfilling life do adhere to the
counsel and advice given by Jesus and many others in the scriptures. You can certainly
improve your life through the scriptures by building a stronger bond and relationship with
our heavenly Father, Jehovah, the universal sovereign. Yes, you can truly have a happier
and peace filled life. Yours is only for the asking!
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Reverend Doctor Michael Anthony Chevallier is an ordained minister and doctor of

divinity. He is also a healer, Reiki Master, a clinical hypnotherapist, and former teacher
and professor in the New York City area for over 15 years.

Should you wish to share your thoughts on this book or are in need prayer or healing
contact Reverend Chevallier. He is available for healing and/or hypnotherapy services on
a donation basis. Feel free to e-mail him at:

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