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Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 05 December 2007
a. Demography:
          Historically, the municipal population has increased steadily since 1903 to 2000. The highest annual
growth rate was recorded  at 1,418 persons increase in 1995 and the lowest was 174 persons in 1939.
The increase in population slightly fluctuated since 1996 to 2000, which can be attributed to the
unsustained government-sponsored population control program during the period.
          In year 2000, the municipality has a total population of 58,357 inhabitants based on NCSO
conducted survey on the same year. Of these number 6,487 or 11.12% of  the total population lived in
urban while 51,870 or 88.88% are in rural areas. Out of the 56 barangays, 14 are classified as urban,
namely: Barangays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. The remaining 42 barangays are
likewise classified rural by the National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO). The present urbanization level
is low at 11% that   explains the continuing out-migration of the inhabitants due to, lack of employment in
the locality.
          Presently, urban built-up density is 6,978 person per sq. km. which is considered a high density
area, and rural built-up density is 860 compared to the municipal gross built-up density of 779 person per
sq. km. Barangay Namantao has the highest built-up density of 57,154 and barangay 11 has the lowest
with 138. The municipal gross population density is 1,317 persons per sq. km. Barangay 3 has the highest
density with 166 while barangay Cagbulacao, Manaet and Mataas have the lowest density of 1 person per
sq. km. This can be attributed to the geographical characteristics, distance and non-availability of
transport facilities to the urban centers.
          Historical population of Bacacay reveals that from 1903, the locality has experienced fluctuations in
population growth rate with a highest increase of population of 7,093 in 1995 in a spread of five years or
an annual growth rate of  1,418.6/annum and the lowest at 2,677 in 1960 or an annual growth rate of 
223.1/annum. This could be attributed to several factors such as in and out-migration, the government
program on population control which aimed to retard population growth, and the economic difficulties
faced in the more recent years.
          Age-sex structure indicates a younger population with relatively high fertility. Current male-female
ratio is 1:0.98. The total dependency ratio is 93% with young and old dependency ratio of 84% and
8.8%, respectively. A significant number of present residence came either from other provinces with 508
followed by 304 from other cities and municipalities an indication of an early in-migration patterns
experienced in the locality. The highest married female are along age group 30-34 for both sexes. 
          Through the time Bacacaynons maintained their traditional heritage as evidenced by their religious
affiliation being 98.7% Roman Catholic and 98.32% speaking Bicolano At present there are 145 persons
with disability, the highest is 92 mentally ill and the lowest are 25-orthopedic handicapped. Literacy rate is
pegged at 95% with great number of residents having an educational attainment of elementary and high
school graduates and 1919 inhabitants have no grade completed at all. Projected municipal population by
the year 2010 will reach about 71,324 and total work force of the same year is estimated to reach 34,037
that needs a careful consideration in the municipal development planning.

Social Welfare:
            The Social Welfare Office of the municipality serves 56 barangays. With the passage of the Local
Government Code of 1991, the LGU assumed the responsibility of carrying out various social welfare
service programs on child and youth welfare, family and community welfare, women’s welfare,
elderly  and disabled persons, community-based rehabilitation programs for vagrants, beggars, street 
children, scavengers, juvenile delinquents, victims of drug abuse, livelihood and other pro-poor projects,
nutrition services and family planning services. Formerly, these programs were under the Department of
Social Welfare and Development.
At present, the LGU has thirty-five (35) existing Barangay Day Care Centers and eleven (11)
other Social Welfare Organizations/Institutions located in the different barangays of the municipality. All
of these centers/institutions are run by the government. Present services offered include family life
education and counselling, supplemental feeding, educational/financial assistance to families in crisis
situation, and women center. The women who are sexually, economically, and/or psychologically
exploited, battered wives who are in extemely difficult circumstances (EDC) has the highest number of
cases with 5,574 followed by children and youth in EDC with 3,312 cases. The highest number of
clientele/cases served by type of clientele was in Barangay Bonga with 1,602 while the least was in
Barangay 7 with only five (5) cases.
There are seven (7) on-going program/projects under CIDSS covering all the barangays. These
projects provide services such as: substitute mothering, provision of technical and financial assistance,
community organizing and provision of knowledge and skills for gainful employment for various types of

Sports and Recreation:

            For Sports and recreation, there are a total of 53 existing recreational and potential
areas in the municipality with an aggregate occupied area of 25.3 has, and located in each 
Barangay of the municipality. Potential recreational areas are likewise identified that needs
further development and protection that could cater future recreational requirements of the
          Located in most barangays are 53 Multi-Purpose Pavements (MPP), which serve as the
recreational facilities for various occasions such as: ballgames, social activities, as well as
solar dryer facilities for various agricultural products. It has an aggregate area of 25.3 has.
In addition there are 48 school playgrounds, open parks and playgrounds developed in
several resorts. Other recreational facilities that are, likewise, existing in the municipality
include: billiard halls, cockpit arena, public library, computer and video games and the like.
For the outdoor-oriented, there are natural and man-made resorts where people can picnic
or swim, and hills and mountains where they could hike.

Commerce and Industry

                The municipality has   existing commercial establishment ranging from neighborhood
commercial center, wholesale, Central Business District (CBD) wet and dry market, and other
establishments located mostly in the poblacion. It serves as the commercial and economic center of
most barangays including the nearby island of neighboring municipalities.  However, there are no
banking institutions,   real estate enterprises are mostly engaged in the development of beach resorts.
There are also retail traders, some home businesses engaged as insurance agents and cosmetic
product retailers, and other types of commercial establishments presently operating in the locality.
          Notably, the rate of increase of number of establishment is in the minimum, an indication of the
sluggish inflow of investment and a minimal increase of economic activity in the locality. Inadequacies
of infrastructure support facilities such as: bus terminal, parking space and the mixed uses of built-up
areas into residential and commercial areas are hindrances in the expanding commercial activities in
the municipality.

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