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Consent Agreement for Deduction charges


According to the Company’s policy (Employee pre - loan

management regulations) and the company financial management

system, if the employee has a long-term existing pre-loan (of more

than 3 months) without a valid reason for not paying back the loan

(or not paying back on time), and after the extension from the

financial management department of another three months and

continue to fail to return the full-loan, the financial management

department has the right to coordinate with the human resources

department to deduct a one-time payment (or installment

deductions), the amount of the original loan or the subsequent left-

over unpaid loan amount from your after- tax bonus, Economic

compensation or other benefits for repayment of the above unpaid


Financial management center, human resources center

Year Month Day

I hereby undertake and agree to the above arrangements and

approach made by the Company to directly deducted my existing

unpaid loan from the Company, from my own after-tax bonuses,

economic compensation or other benefits.

Employee Signature:

Year Month Day

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