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Helen Church
4106 Mountain Street | Beamsville, Ontario | L0R 1B7

Phone (905) 562-7427 | Fax (905) 563-0003 | |

Philip Pastor
Fr. English
Fr. English
Office Administration
Office Administration
Aggie Agnino Ext. 1
Aggie Agnino Ext. 1

• Saturday
Saturday -- 55 p.m.
• Sunday
Sunday -- 99 && 11
11 a.m.
Opened - October 2, 1938 Established as a Parish - January 1, 1986

Schools Contacts
St. Mark School Reconciliation
Catholic Women's League
Principal: Steven Ward Before or after mass or by appoint- Colleen Drake 905-563-8981
Phone: (905) 563-9191 ment.
Knights of Columbus
Marriage George L. Savage 289-566-9383
St. Edward School
Principal: Carla Bianco Six months’ notice; marriage prep Music Ministry
Phone: (905) 562-5531 required. Anthony van Engelen
cell/text 905-563-7067,
Anointing of the Sick Email

Sacraments Please let us know when someone

Ministry Scheduling
has a serious or prolonged illness or Rachel Reid 905-941-4150
is to have surgery. This sacrament
Available Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call
celebrates the healing of mind and
parish office. Fundraising Events
body and the forgiveness of sins. Joe Della Manna
First Communion & Confirmation
Catholic Funeral Rites
Arranged through school. If your Youth Ministry
When a death occurs in your family,
child is not in a Catholic school or is
please call the Parish Office and we
not baptized in the Roman Catholic
will assist you in making the neces- Facility & Grounds Maintenance
Church, contact the Parish Office. Craig Luey 905-988-6522
sary liturgical arrangements.

Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish.
This week
L & D (living & deceased) February 12th - 18th, 2018 Sanctuary
Day Requested for Requested by burns in
Monday NO MASS memory
Tuesday of:
+ Fr. Tom Cresswell Nancy Winslow
6:30 p.m.
+ Giuseppe &
Ash Wednesday + Margaret Lof Staff of St. Mark School
10:00 a.m. Maria Orsi
7:00 p.m. + Maria Da Gloria Pereira Family
Thursday Sanctuary Lamp
Intn’s of Hendriks & deKoning Families - L&D Helen & Andy Hendriks
8:30 a.m. burns to remind
Friday us of Christ’s
10:00 a.m. + Alex & Angelina Prokich Hrvatin Family presence in the
Menno Home Blessed Sacra-
Saturday ment of the altar.
+ Erminio & Lucia DeStefano Lucia Thomson
5:00 p.m. If you wish to
Sunday sponsor the sanc-
For the People of St. Helen
9:00 a.m. tuary lamp for one
week the stipend
11:00 a.m. +Miranda Montague Maria & Steve Montague & Fam. is $35.

Stewardship of Treasure YOUth Blasters Winter Schedule

YOUth Blasters upcoming gatherings will be at the
February 4th, 2018 - Offertory (156) 3,364 parish on the following dates:
February 11th & 25th from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Loose 142
Building Fund (16) 2,358 YOUth Blasters always have a great time growing
in our faith together through prayer, activities, crafts,
Facility Maintenance (38) 587 music and snacks! All newcomers are welcome
(grade 3 and up)! Please pick up a registration form
“May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!” from the office and return it at our next gathering!
Ministry for the Sick and Homebound Retrouvaille
We are grateful to those who give of their time and
A Lifeline for Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are
care to bring Holy Communion to our parishioners
you frustrated or angry with each other? Retrouvaille
who cannot make it to church due to sickness or has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing
infirmity. If you know of anyone who would like to re- marital difficulty at all levels. For confidential infor-
ceive communion in their home or while hospitalized mation about, or to register for the program begin-
at West Lincoln Hospital, please contact the parish ning with a weekend on March 16, 2018, at the
office. Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls,
SVDP Society please call 905-664-5212 or email:
MISSION - The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a or visit the web
lay Catholic organization whose mission is: To live site at
the Gospel message by serving Christ in the
poor with love, respect, justice and joy. Share Lent in the name of Peace
VALUES - The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent Lent is a time to reconnect with God through prayer,
de Paul implies that as Vincentians we: see Christ in fasting, and almsgiving. This Lenten season, Devel-
anyone who suffers, come together as a family, opment and Peace – Caritas Canada invites you to
have personal contact with the poor, help in all pos- learn more about peace and dialogue as part of the
sible ways. Share Lent Campaign. Thanks to money donated
Canadian Tire Money annually by Catholics during Share Lent, Develop-
We continue to collect Canadian Tire money to pur- ment and Peace can support 170 partners and 202
chase raffle prizes for fundraising events. It can be projects in 36 countries around the world. Solidarity
brought to the office or in the collection basket. Calendars will be made available with daily sugges-
tions that will call us to be peacemakers and to con-
Sanctuary Lamp available dates: vey this message of faith and love with each other in
May 14-20, 21-27, May 28-June 3 our St. Helen parish, our schools and community.
Envelopes will be provided to make a donation on
To receive the weekly bulletin via email, make your Solidarity Sunday, which will take place on March
request by email: 18.
February 11th - 6th Sunday Ordinary Time 26th World Day of
You Can Make Me Clean the Sick (Feb. 11)
Ancient Israelite teachings on purity/leprosy. (Lev) Mater Ecclesiae:
Paul’s summary advice about Christian behavior. (1 Cor) “Behold, your son... Be-
Jesus heals the leper. (Mk) hold, your mother. And
In Greek, the word Penta- from that hour the disci-
teuch means “five rolls” and ple took her into his
describes the first books of home.” (Jn 19:26-27)
the Hebrew Scriptures. To- This is celebrated universally on the feast of Our
day’s first reading comes from Lady of Lourdes (February 11). The World Day
Leviticus. As the third book of of the Sick focuses on three themes: (1) it reminds
the Torah or law, following the faithful to pray for the sick; (2) it invites us to re-
Genesis and Exodus, Leviti- flect upon the meaning of human suffering; and (3) it
cus is like a handbook of rules recognizes and honours all persons who work in the
for the Levite priests and was health care field.
compiled after the exodus from Egypt. ~~~~~~~~~~
The detailed instructions about leprosy are part of On Sunday, February 11, 2018, the World Day of the
the Jews’ legal purity code. Cleanliness was an im- Sick, Bishop Bergie will celebrate Mass with the
portant prerequisite of worship. Entrance into the communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick
temple required physical and spiritual cleanliness. at 2:00 pm at the Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alex-
This code is reflected today in the Mass when the andria. All are welcome to attend, especially the sick
priest prepares by washing his hands. He whispers and those who care for the sick.
the timeless words: “Lord, wash away my iniquity;
cleanse me from my sin.” --Dc. Dick Folger Pray for the Pope’s February Universal Intention…
Say "No" to Corruption ~ That those who have mate-
St. Joseph’s Church Shrove Tuesday Pan- rial, political, or spiritual power may resist any lure of
cake Dinner, Feb. 13th - Held at Blessed Trinity corruption.
High School, 145 Livingston Ave., Grimsby. 3 seat-
Do you have Offertory Envelopes #88?
ing times: 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 and
Please contact the office if you do.
can be purchased at St. Joseph’s parish office week-
days. Children under 3 are free!
Countdown to Lent - February 14th
40 Days for Life . . . from the Guidelines for Lent
Be part of this peace- Ash Wednesday, February 14, and Good Fri-
ful, international cam- day, March 30, are days of fast and absti-
paign to end abortion, nence. Fridays of Lent are also days of absti-
by praying and fasting nence.
during Lent, February Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional
14-March 25. Each church is adopting one day from disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should
8 am–8 pm, for two or more people to give public undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance
and of preparation for Baptism or of renewal of Baptism at
witness for one or two hours, standing on Portage Easter. (Code of Canon Law, 1249-1252)
Street at the Niagara Falls General Hospital, holding
a sign “Pray to End Abortion – 40 Days for Life.” Fasting is to be observed by all eighteen years of
St. Helen's day is Saturday, March 3. You can in- age and older, who have not yet celebrated their six-
dicate the hour/s you will witness on the sign-up tieth birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed.
sheet on the table at the entrance. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may
be taken according to each one's needs, but togeth-
St. Catharines Right to Life Dinner er they should not equal another full meal. Eating
Saturday, February 24, 6:00 p.m. at Holiday Inn between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including
Parkway Conference Centre, 327 Ontario St., St. milk and juices, are allowed.
Catharines. Guest Speaker: Josh Brahm, founder of
the Equal Rights Institute. Join us for an excellent Abstinence is observed by all fourteen years of age
dinner, fellowship and an out- and older. On days of abstinence no meat is al-
standing pro-life speaker who will lowed. Note that when health or ability to work would
inform, inspire and encourage us. be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. When
To reserve tickets ($50, $25 for in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the parish
students), call our office 684-7505 priest should be consulted.
or email: .
More info at Sign of Peace - If you have a cold, please refrain
from shaking hands at the Sign of Peace.

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