The Last Leave

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Q. i.

What was called ‘places’ 2’ What was special about them 2 (20M)

Ans. The streets, in a little District West of Washington Square, have been crazy. They had broken
themselves into small strips. Those small strips were called ‘places’. The special thing about these
‘places’ was that they

made strange angles and curves. Q. 2. Why did the all people flock to the old Greenwich village 2’.

What did they hunt for there ? Ans. The all people flocked to the old Greenwich village because they

thought of a valuable possibility for their art there. They hunted for north windows and eighteenth
century Gables and Dutch attic and low rents.

Q. 3. How did Sue and Johnsy happen to start a joint studio ?

Ans. Sue and Johnsy met at the table’s! hote of an Eighth Street ‘Delmonico’s’. There they found that
their tastes in art, Chicory Salad and bishop sleeves were extremely similar. So they happened to start a
joint studio. '

Q. 4. What stalked about the colony ofartists in November ?

Ans. In November, a cold unseen stranger stalked about the colony. DOCiOI's called it pneumonia. 5

Q. 5. What did the doctor say to Sue about Johnsy’s illness ?

r. Ans. The doctor told Sue that Johnsy had lost her will to live. She ad olily ten\‘ percent chances of
survival. Medicines would not help her. She
could turvive only by her will power.

Q. 6. What did Johnsy want to paint one day?

Ans. Johnsy wanted to paint the Bay of Naples one day.

Q. 7. What was Sue sketching to illustrate a magazine story ? Ans. To illustrate a magazine story Sue was
sketching a pen and ink drawing.

Q. 8. How did Johnsy associate her life with the falling ivy leaves?

Ans. In her illness Johnsy associated her life with the falling leaves of ivy creeper. It was climbing on the
wall opposite the artist’s window. She thought she would die with the fall of the last leaf of the ivy

Q. 9. How did Sue earn her livelihood ?

Ans. Sue being an artist earned her livelihood by painting pictures that illustrated Magazine stories.

Q. 10. Why did Sue go to meet old Behrman ? (2013)

Ans. Sue went to meet old Behrman because a plan struck in her mind to save the life of her friend. She
wanted to take help from Behrman by making him agree to paint a leaf on the creeper.

~Q. 11. Why did the last leaf not fall?

Ans. The last ivy creeper leaf did not fall because it was not a real leaf. It was a painted leaf on the wall.
Q. 12. What was old Behrman’s masterpiece ? '

Ans. The ivy creeper leaf which was painted by the old Behrman on the wall was his masterpiece. It was
his best creation because it saved the life of Johnsy”

Q. 13. What evidences do you find in the story to conclude that Behrman painted the last leaf. 9

Ans. We find following evidences to conclude that Behrman painted the last leaf. His shoes and clothing
were wet through and icy cold. A still lighted lantern was also found. They got a ladder that had been
dragged '. from its place, certain brushes, a palette and mixture of green yellow colour.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each. Q. 1. Give a brief sketch of old Behrman as he
is depicted 1n the


Ans. Old Behrman was a painter. He was about sixty years old. He had a Michael Angelo’ 5 Moses beard.
He had a keen desire to paint a masterpiece for the last forty years. He was a failure in art. For several
years he had painted nothing significant. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists
in the colony who could not pay the price of a professional. He used to drink gin in excess.

Q. 2. How did Behrman save Johnsy’s life ‘?

Ans. When Sue went to Behrman and told him about Johnsy’S fancies, he did not waste even a single
minute. He took a lantern and a ladder and reached that place. He painted an ivy creeper leaf on the
wall. He did it when it was raining heavily This painted leaf revived Johnsy’ s will to live. She gained
confidence and survived. Thus Behrman saved Johnsy’ 5 life
Q. 3. What was the significance of the last leaf in the life of Johnsy?

Ans. Johnsy associated her life with the falling leaves of the W)( creeper. She thought that she would die
with the fall of the last leaf of the creeper. Her condition was turning from bad to worse. Thus, the last
leaf was a question of her life and death. This leaf had a psychological effect on her mind At last, when
Johnsy was sleeping an unreal leaf was painted on the wall by Behrman. When she awoke she saw the
leaf still there. She was happy and regained her confidence.

Q. 4. ‘A friend' in need' 18 a friend indeed.’ How did Sue prove that she was a friend indeed ?

Ans. Sue and Johnsy were friends In November when J ohnsy suffered

pneumonia, Sue took every care of her. She called a doctor. She brought her board in the room. She used
to give her mental support.

But the sickness of Johnsy was getting out of control. Medicines were not working on her. She had lost
her will power to live She associated her life with the ivy leaves outside the window and developed a
thinking that she would die as the last leaf falls. At last Sue thought of a plan. She went to Behrman, an
old painter, to make him paint a leaf on the wall. Old painter did the same and when Johnsy saw the last
leaf not falling, she regained her confidence on herself She was cured Hence Sue proved to be a friend in
need and thus a friend indeed.

Q. 5. ‘There cannot be any greater sacrifice than that of giving one’s ‘ own life for others‘. Justify this
statement considering the sacrifice made by Behrman.

Ans. Behrman was an old painter. When Sue went to him and told him about Johnsy’ s foolish fancy that
she would die with the fall of the last leaf on the creeper, he heard Sue’s problem. He, at last decided to
help Sue 'by saving Johnsy’ 5 life. In the rainy night he went out with a lantern and ‘ ladder. He painted a
leaf on the wall It was looking like the real one. The Old man was caught by pneumonia. He died two
days after but he saved JOhnsy’ 3 life. Behrman had made a great sacrifice.

Mending walls

A. ‘Answer the following questions in about 25 words each :

Q. 1. Why do hunters make gaps in the wall between the land holdings of the poet and his neighbour ?

4 Ans. Hunters make gaps in the wall between the land holdings of the . poet and his. neighbour because
they want to find out rabbits for their hungry dogs. ‘ ‘

Q. 2. When does the poet tind gaps in the wall between his and his neighbour’s land holdings and why
does he not find them earlier than that time ? ‘ _

Ans. The poet finds gaps in the wall between his and his neighbour’s, land holdings during spring time.
He does not find them earlier than that time

because during the winters no one had‘ seen or heard the gaps made

Q. 5. now no the poet and his neighbour set the wall between it" once again ?

Ans. During the spring time the poet and his neighbour meet. T h1 decide to mend the wall. They pick up
the “di‘tlrld round stones fallen 1 their sides. Both of them place them rightly and properly to keep them
I valance‘ Thus, they set the wall once again.

Q. 4. Why does the poet tell his neighbour that they do not need: wall between them and how does his
neighbour respond to his statement 2
Ans. The poet told his neighbour that they did not need a wall between them because there were no
cows to wander into the neighbour’s field and destroy the crop. The neighbour’s response to his
statement was sGood fences make good neighbours.”

. ‘Q. 5. What does the poet like to know before building a wall and why'?

Ans. Before building-a wall the poet wanted to know what he was

walling in or walling out ? And whom would he offendifthe wall was not

built 27 He wanted to know this because he did not feel the necessity of wall between his land holdings
and those of his neighbour.

Q. 6. Explain : ‘ / “I could say ‘‘elves ’ to him ‘ But it is not elves exactly, and I’d rather he said it for
himse'h.r "

Ans. The poet thinks that ‘elves’ don’t love'a wall. They pull it down. But he is not sure of who does this
work exactly. He wishes that his neighbour too, like himself, should not love walls and fences.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each :‘

Q. 1. “Good fences make good neighbours.” Explain the meaning of this statement in the context of
‘Mending the Wall’.

Ans. The poet is a modern youth. His neighbour is an old orthodox nd conservative person. The poet
does not like fences or walls to be there Btween‘their land holdings. But the neighbour sticks to his
ancestral and iditional views. He ignores the poet’s Views and asserts. the statement Food fences make
good neighbours” two times in the. poem. By saying so means that the fences are a sure cure against
disputes, misunderstandings, Sgivings and mental differences between neighbours. The establishment
Walls makes it sure that there will be no trespassing or encroachment then.
, Q. 2. What notion in regard to building a wall does Robert rost t to put into his neighbour’s head and
how does his neighbour react to

Ans. The poet wants to make his neighbour understand that walls are llecessary between
neighbours..Even nature isopposed to any kind of ers or divisions. Every time the wall is being pulled
down by nature. The Wishes to convince his neighbour to follow his notion. The neighbour,

A. Answer the following questions‘in about 25 words each ': Q. i. What makes Jean and Pierre a ‘pretty
pair’. 9

Ans. The tattered and insufficient dress makes Jean and Pierrea pretty pair’. Besides, both of them are
cheats and hungry The miserable circumstances of their life too make them a ‘pretty pair’

Q. 2. Pierre was very much worried about the holes In his tunic What was Jean concerned about. 9

Ans. Pierre was very much concerned about twenty-three big holes

in his tunic whereas Jean was not interested In him. He was concerned about his hunger.

Q. 3. What reason did Gaultier give for not giving aims to Pierre 9 ' ' (2012)

Ans. The reason that Gaultier gave for not giving aims to Pierre was that he had got nothing for him.
Besides his wife was out and he was very busy. ”

' Q. 4. Why did Gaultier not carry the eel pie when he went to dine with the Mayor. 9 ‘
Ans. Gaultier did not carry the eel pie when he went to dine with the Mayor because he'thought that he
would lose his reputation if people saw [him carrying an eel pie through the streets of Paris.

Q. 5. Gaultier told Marion the way to identify the right messenger. What was it ? .

Ans. Gaultier told his Wife Marion that the right messenger would kiss her hand. T a would be a sign that
everything was all right

9. 6. Whom did Marion give the Pie to. 9 Why?

Ans. Marion gave the Pie to Pierre because Pierre projected himself as the right messenger by kissing the
hand 0f Marion.

Q. 7. “Gaspard Gaultier-is not the man to be treated like that”. Why ‘ did Gaultier say~ so ? _

Ans. Gaultier made the above statement because he was a man of vpbsition. The Mayor had invited him
for dinner but was out. It was a great. .dishonour to him.

Q. 8. How did Pierre come to know about the Tart ?

Ans. When Pierre went to Gaultier’ 5 door for aims and knocked at the

door he saw tart on a shelf Just outside the kitchen. Thus, he came to know about the tart. ‘

_ Q. 9. Why was Gaultier angry with Marion ?

Ans. Gaultier was angry with Marion because he asked her to send
the eel-pie with the messenger but she had not sent any messenger. He had to return homehungry.

Q. 10. How did Pierre escape the ire of Gaultier ?

Ans. Pierre told Gaultier that he had overheard the couple’s talk. So, he took the eel-pie to 'the Mayor’s
house. The Mayor felt very grateful and was hoping him for the dinner. Gaultier was very happy to hear
this. Thus, .‘Pierre escaped from the ire of Gaultier.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each :

‘6 .. . teseribe how Jean and. Pierre managed to get the pie. . . . ‘ (2010, I3) Ans. Jean and Pierre were
hungry. They wanted to get the pie. They overheard Gaultier telling his wife that he had to go to dine
with the Mayor. He asked his wife to send the eel-pie through the messenger. He also told that the right
messenger would kiss her hand. Pierre acted as the messenger. He kissed Marion’s hand and took the
pie. Thus, Jean and Pierre managed to get the pie. , _ ‘ .' $9: . Which was harder to get, the pie or the tart
? Why ? . . ‘ . . g , . . (2014) Ans. The ' tart was. harder to get because after. coming from the Mayor’s
place Gaultier became aware of the cheatby Jeaane gave Jean asound beating. Gaultier also grabbed
Pierre with the collar. Pierre had to do something to escape the ire of Gaultier. He made a false story and
pleased him. Gaultier gave him the tart which was harder to get, for their theft was detected. ' ' ~

" Q. 3. ‘Greed sometimes lands people in' trouble’. Explain the texperience of the greed st'riken ‘Pretty
Pair’ and their subsequent landing ln trouble with reference to the proverb. ‘

Ans. Both Pierre and Jean got the pie easily. But they were greedy. They were not satisfied with the pie
only. They wanted the tart too. To iatisfy their greed Jean again went to Gaultier’s place. He detected
their theft When he returned home hungry. He caught Jean and started beating him

ieverely. Jean exposed Pierre’s fraud. Thus, the greed of the pretty pair led
\em to fall in greater trouble.


Three days to see by helen keller

VA. Answer the following questions in about 25 words each :

Q. I. “It would be a blessing il‘each human being was striken blind and deaf for a few days at some time
during his early adult life”. Say Helen, what makes Hellen think so ?

Ans. Human beings have the blessings of sight and hearing. They olien ignore what they should see or
hear. if they lose their power once only, then they would realise the real significance of these blessings.
Th "idea makes Hellen think that it would be a blessing if each human being was striken blind and deaf
for a few days at sometime during his early adult life

Q. 2. Mention the things'of interest that Hellen found through tactile


Ans. Through tactile sense Hellen felt gentle symmetry of a leaf, the smooth skin of a silver birth or the
rough ,bark of a pine. She also felt the happy quiver of a bird. '

Q. 3. Why does Hellen’s heart cry out with longing to see the things in nature ? , '

. Ans. Helen’s heart cries‘out with longing to see the things in nature

because she feels that beauty is to see not to touch. Besides, she knows the fact that sight reveals more
beauty than touch.
Q. 4. What sort of people would Hellen Keller like to see as soon as her eyesight is restored ?

. Ans. Hellen Keller wishes to see the beauty of nature. She also Wishes to see those people who had
been kind, gentle, compassionate towards her and who had made her life worth-living. .

Q. 5. What would Hellen like to see. in the eyes of her teacher ? (20l4) Ans. Hellen would like to see in
the eyes of her teacher, that strength ofchatacter which has enabled her to stand firm in the face of

1%ng 6: Why would Hellen like to let her eyes rest on the face of a

Ans. llcllen liked to let her eyes rest on the face of a baby so that she could catch vision of the eager,
innocent beauty which precedes the individual‘s consciousness of the contiicts which life develops.

Q. ‘7. What, according to llellen, are the small, simple things that transform a house into a home ?

Ans. The warm colours in the rugs, the pictures on the walls and

printed books are the small, simple things that transform a house into a litiitits.

Q. 8. What would the author like to intoxicate her eyes with, while walking in the woods ?

Ans. While walking in the woods in the afternoon, Keller would see the beauties of the world of nature.
She would absorb in her heart the vast
splendour which gradually unfolds itself. These things would intoxicate her eyes with pleasure.

Q. 9. What would the author like to see in a farm ?

Ans. The author would like to see in a farm, horses or the tractors ploughing the field. She would also like
to see the satisfied farmers and the colourful sunset.

Q. IO. What is the thrilling miracle that the author would like to witness at the dawn of the second day ?

Ans. At the dawn of the second day the author would like to see the thrilling miracle by which night is
transformed into day. She would see the grand panorama of light with which the sun awakens the
sleeping earth.

Q. 11. What IS Hellen Keller’ 5 admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight?

Ans. Hellen Keller’ 5 admonition to the people who would make full use of the gift of sight is to use their
eyes as if the next day they would be stricken blind since sight is one of the most delightful of senses.

Q. 12. Why? does Hellen say that sight must be the most delightful of all the senses"

Ans. Hellen says that sight must be the most delightful of all the senses because the world is dark in the
absence of eyes. One realises the importance of eyes only on getting blind. One should make the full use
of the sense of sight.

B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each :

Q. 1. How does Hellen Keller remember her teacher, Mrs. Anne Sullivan ?
Ans. Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy was Hellen’s dear teacher. She came to her when she was a child. She
opened the outer world to Hellen. Her kindness and affection had made Hellen’s life worth living. She
gave her the

strength of character with which she could stand firm in the face of difficulties. Now Hellen wanted to
see the outline of her face, so that she could cherish

in her memory. She wanted to study her fa e and find in ll ll livm_ cg of the sympathetic tenderness and
patience lhus. Hellen Kell ~r

bered her teacher. Q. 2. Throw light on llellen‘s love for nature, citing examples from

the lesson. Ans. Hellen had a great love for nature. Up till now she enjoyel the

beauty of nature through touch. She felt the delicate symmetry ofa leaf 8 e 'udged the smoothness ofthe
skin of a silver birch. She also felt the rough and shaggy bark of a pine. She searched the buds by
touching the branches oftrees in spring. She felt the sweet quiver ofa bird. She undertook walks in the
woods. All these examples prove her love for nature.

Q. 3. Summarise the activities Hellen would undertake on the second day. . (20l3)

Ans. On. the second day Hellen would get up at dawn. She would see the grand miracle of night
replacing into day. She would enjoy the sun awaiting the sleeping earth. She would also have a quick
view of the world. How the past changed and progressed through the ages. She would see all that she
knew and enjoyed through her tactile sensation. She would go to theatre or some movie. She would
enjoy the actors acting in the theatre. Thus, she would pass, her second day.

Q. 4. How would you conclude that Hellen Keller was a great lover of art and theatre ? .

Ans. Hellen Keller was a great lover of art and theatre. We can conclude this as it is stated that she would
like to spend the second day’s evening at the theatre or at the movie. She was blind yet she often
attended theatrical performances of all sorts. Her companions made her understand the players’ actions.
Though she was Unable to see yet she wished to see the fascinating figures of actors amid colourful
Elizabethan costumes.

Q. 5. What are the things Hellen is eager to see in New York ? . " (2010)

Ans. Hellen was eager to see the fantastic toWers of New York. The glittering spires that produce an awe
inspiring sight. The huge banks of stone and steel-structures giving impression as if the Gods might have
built them. '

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She would stand at a busy corner and look people-trying by sight of them to understand something of
their lives. She would also see smiles, determination and suffering of the people. . .

Q. 6. What is Hellen Keller’s advice to those who would make full use of their senses” ?

Ans. Hellen Keller advises people to make full use of their senses. This world is full of diversitiesand
varieties: Nature is full of various sights. p€0ple should hear the music of voices, the songs of birds and
the mighty Strains of orchestra. She advises the peeple to touch each object, smell the

Journieya, of The Atlantic ' on A Papyrus Boat

A. Answer the following questions in about 25 words each:

Q. 1. Who was the leader of the crew ?

Ans. Thor Heyerdahl was the leader of the crew of seven members. Q. 2. What did Thor Heyerdahl want
to prove to the world?

Ans. Thor Heyerdahl wanted to prove to the world that the ancient civilizations had reached ages before
Columbus in the jungles of Central America and on the mountains of Peru.

Q. 3. Why did Thor Heyerdahl choose the Papyrus boat for his journey ? . ' Ans. Thor Heyerdahl chose the
Papyrus boat for his 'joumey because

the Egyptians had used the Papyrus boats for sailing on the sea. This fact he came to know through

Q. 4. What advantages did the Papyrus boat have over others?

. Ans. In comparison to other boats the Papyrus boats were more powerful. They had stronger structure.
On the surface they looked flimsy but they were very strong and durable.

Q. 5. What difficulty did Heyerdahl have with the tribals ? How did he overcome it ?

Ans. Heyerdahl had a great difficulty of conversing with the tribals. They did not understand his
language. This difficulty was overcome with

the help of a tribal named Abdullah who knew the French and Persian {anguages He acted as the

Q. 6. What problems did the crew face on the fourth day of their sail 1’ Ans. On the fourth day of their
sail the crew faced a great problem
as they lost trace of time and the hemisphere. They were also unable to contact the Sati harbour on

Q. ‘7. What happened to Norman Baker on 28th June 2’

Ans. On 28th June, suddenly a wild insect bit Norman. He nailed and fainted. Everybody was shaken for a
moment, thinking that a shark had bit

hm . B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each :

Q. 1‘. What were the preparations Thor Heyerdahl had done before setting out for his journey ?

Ans. Before setting out for his journey Thor Heyerdahl did a number of things. First of all he chose the
Papyrus boat for sailing like the early Egyptian. Next he located the tribe which excelled in making
Papyrus boats. He sought permission from their Sultan. He also brought Papyrus trees from Ethiopia. He
managed chickens and ducks which could serve as food on the way. He took a trial of the boats. When he
was fully satisfied he started his journey across the Atlantic.

' Q. 2. Describe the launch of the Papyrus boat.

Ans. On 25th May the boat was launched. Pasha’s wife launched it with goat’s milk. She said that it
symbolised hospitality and good wishes. She smashed the pitcher against the wooden cradle. She named
the ship, ‘Ra’ in the honour of the Sun God. Amidst happiness, the Papyrus boat started on its great

Q. 3. Describe some of the hardships faced by the crew during their ioumey. How did they manage to
overcome them ?
Ans. The crew faced a number of hardships during the journey. The violent and stormy winds broke the
rowing oars. One day they lost the trace‘ of time and the hemisphere. They were unable to contact the
Saii harbour on radio. Their ship also got disjointed. On 18th June the crew had to face high rising waves
causing havoc. Sometimes the heavy rain unnerved them, To overcome these hardships the crew never
lost its courage and patience. Every time when they were near the disaster they pushed it away

Q. 4. Describe the last stage of their expedition.

Ans. On the last stage of their expedition, their boat broke into two Darts. But, the courageous sailors
with a sledge hammer rowed the boat togti‘ther. The next problem they faced was the heavy rain. They
did their be“ to save the boat. Ultimately they were able to have contact with Ebenandoah and
Heyerdahl’s wife on a steamer. The sailors then left the ad}? damaged Papyrus boat and took shelter on
the steamer.

the help of a tribal named Abdullah who knew the French and Persian {anguages He acted as the

Q. 6. What problems did the crew face on the fourth day of their sail 1’ Ans. On the fourth day of their
sail the crew faced a great problem

as they lost trace of time and the hemisphere. They were also unable to contact the Sati harbour on

Q. ‘7. What happened to Norman Baker on 28th June 2’

Ans. On 28th June, suddenly a wild insect bit Norman. He nailed and fainted. Everybody was shaken for a
moment, thinking that a shark had bit

hm . B. Answer the following questions in about 50 words each :

Q. 1‘. What were the preparations Thor Heyerdahl had done before setting out for his journey ?

Ans. Before setting out for his journey Thor Heyerdahl did a number of things. First of all he chose the
Papyrus boat for sailing like the early Egyptian. Next he located the tribe which excelled in making
Papyrus boats. He sought permission from their Sultan. He also brought Papyrus trees from Ethiopia. He
managed chickens and ducks which could serve as food on the way. He took a trial of the boats. When he
was fully satisfied he started his journey across the Atlantic.

' Q. 2. Describe the launch of the Papyrus boat.

Ans. On 25th May the boat was launched. Pasha’s wife launched it with goat’s milk. She said that it
symbolised hospitality and good wishes. She smashed the pitcher against the wooden cradle. She named
the ship, ‘Ra’ in the honour of the Sun God. Amidst happiness, the Papyrus boat started on its great

Q. 3. Describe some of the hardships faced by the crew during their ioumey. How did they manage to
overcome them ?

Ans. The crew faced a number of hardships during the journey. The violent and stormy winds broke the
rowing oars. One day they lost the trace‘ of time and the hemisphere. They were unable to contact the
Saii harbour on radio. Their ship also got disjointed. On 18th June the crew had to face high rising waves
causing havoc. Sometimes the heavy rain unnerved them, To overcome these hardships the crew never
lost its courage and patience. Every time when they were near the disaster they pushed it away

Q. 4. Describe the last stage of their expedition.

Ans. On the last stage of their expedition, their boat broke into two Darts. But, the courageous sailors
with a sledge hammer rowed the boat togti‘ther. The next problem they faced was the heavy rain. They
did their be“ to save the boat. Ultimately they were able to have contact with Ebenandoah and
Heyerdahl’s wife on a steamer. The sailors then left the ad}? damaged Papyrus boat and took shelter on
the steamer.
The bet

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