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Proverb is a brief saying that presents a truth or some bit of

useful wisdom. It is usually based on common sense or

practical experience. …True proverbs are sayings that
have been passed from generation to generation primarily
by word of mouth. They may also have been put into written

‘A proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk

which contains wisdom, truth, morals and traditional
views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and
which is handed down from generation to generation.

Proverbs are invented in several ways: some are simple

apothegms and platitudes elevated to proverbial dignity, others
arise from the symbolic or metaphoric use of an incident, still
others imitate already existing proverbs and some owe their
existence to the condensing of a story or fable.

‘Comparisons of proverbs found in various parts of the world show

that the same kernel of wisdom maybe gleaned under different cultural
conditions and languages’

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