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6200 North Central Expressway &R~?R SPE 3845
Dallas, Texas 75206


Worldwide Occurrence of Abnormal

Pressures, Part II


Bill w-m, ?’ktabermm, Dresser . ~w~~~

@ Copyright 1972
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for the Abnormal Subsurface Pressure Symposium of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers of AIME, to be held in Baton Rouge, La., May 15-16, 1972. permissicJn to coPY
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The
abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where ad by whom the paper is presented.
Publication elsewhere after publication in the JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGYor the SOCIETY OF
PETROLEUM ENGD%EERS JOURNAL is usually granted upon request to the Editor of the appropriate
journal provided agreement to give proper credit is made.

Discussion of this paper is invited. Three copies of any discussion shouid be sent to the
Society of Petroleum Engineers office. Such discussion may be presented at the above meeting,
and with the paper, ❑ay be considered for publication in one of the two SPE magazines.

..—— . . . ..—..-.

Following the general discussion of The The Santa Barbara Channel of California is
Worldwide Occurrence of .Abnormal Pressures a deep trench, heavily faulted, that has re-
Part I, Part II discusses some specific type ceived rapid deposition from the Coast Range
examples in the United States, the North Sea, mountains to the east. The normal sequence
Africa and South East Asia. in the Santa Barbara Channel is sands and shales
with sands predominating. Some deep drilling
INTRODUCTION indicates that at 10,000’ to 14,000’ a massive
shale forms a seal on a pressured section.
The following examples are selected as the While it has not been extensively penetrated,
general type example for the area under discus- seismic records indicate that the pressure be-
sion. In each case the general trend of the low the seal should rise over several thousand
pore pressure profile is plotted versus depth. feet to an equivalent overburden value of 17
Naturally, since each area is covered in a very PPg . The section, as noted, is badly faulted,
general manner the type example is only a gen- and in some cases fault blocks cause pressures
eral example. When drilling, variations in the to appear severai thousands feet Iuigher or
--2..--.1 . ..*+.-..-.. .“,4 irl ~~1~ ~e~~~~~p. ~p= ~
d~pUtILLhlLLaL ~aLL.=.L, a..v ~,. hwer than expected.
basin may cause an entirely different pressure
profile. So these profiles are not to be con- CALIFORNIA - CALUSA COUNTY (Figure 2)
-sidered as a drilling guide but rather as a
general description of the conditions that In the typical profile, the section is a
have already been found in these areas. sand and shale sequence with a change to a
massive limey shale at.about 4,000’. Pressures
In all of the examples give~the general increa?c,to a pore pressure equivalent of about
mechanism is compression of the shales with 12% ppg at 8,000’. At that point a limey
the formation of a cap structure. As a guide, sequence in the shale causes an abrupt increase
the cap structure and the general lithology in pore pressure to a probable overburden grad-
of the area is indicated in the text. ient at about 9,000’ to 10,000’.
l~r~~~~ mm,-n.-.,,mm

References and illustrations at end of paper.


The Humbolt County sequence shows three type and size casing that may be used in the
seals, a11 limey shales, at 2,000’, 6,000’ and intermediate string.
10,000’. The pressure profile reaches equiva-
lent of 12% ppg at 4,000’. It holds its value WEST TEXAS - PERMIAN BASIN (Figure 7)
to about 6,000’ where a second seal causes the
pressure to rapidly increase to about 15 ppg. ‘me Ralpkl b-we Estates .W=J.J.
1 +hnt
ULLCLU -ar.amtl.,
. -&G...AJ
The third seal at below 10,000’ causes a pos- reached 28,500’ is used as a type example for
sible increase in pore pressure to overburden the Permian Basin. In this case mud weight was
equivalent at somewhere around 14,000’. The used rat-her t-banpore pressure and it may be
basic section agaiilis Ssrds Znd shlles %’ith ~.~tedLb.atthe pore pressure gradient increase
fine grained limey sand shale appearing in the at 10,000’ and decrease at 23,000’ is somewhat
seal sections. more rapid than the mud gradient appears to
indicate. In general, in West Texas the higher
UTAH - UINTAH BASIN (Figure 4) pressures occur in the center section of the
hole and the production in the Ellenburger or
The Utah section passes through various carbonates is normal pressured. This apparent
formations down to approximately 10,000’ or anomoly caused considerable confusion in the
the lower Green River shale. At that point early drilling of the Permian Basin and only
the bentonitic lower Green River shale forms in the past 5 years has this problem been clear-
a seal that over the next thousand feet carries ly understood.
the pore pressure to approximately 15 ppg. The
Uintah Basin section varies considerably be- SOUTH TEXAS - ZAPATA COUNTY (Figure 8)
cause of its ciassic hite~mmiiitaiil bggiil
structure. The type example is picked for the In the Jurassic sections of Zapata County
center of the Basin and considerable variation in South Texas, pressures are normal until
will occur around the edges. 6,000’ where the onset of a massive limey shale
causes a slow but gradual increase in pore
COLO&iDO - RIO BLANCO COUNTY (Figure 5) pressure over the next 6,000’. By 12,000’ at
the top of the Austin chalk pressures have
The Rio Blanco County Section is typical approached 16 ppg. All drilling in the area
of the west side of the Rocky Mountains. In indicates that these pressures are persistent
this case the pressures occur initially quite until some great depth. It may be presumed
deep at approximately 14,000’. At this point that the Ellenburger when found would approach
the pressures increase to slightly greater normal pressure but there is no evidence to
than 12% ppg. This is greater than the frac- indicate whether or not this will occur.
ture gradient of the upper formations. In
~~~i~~cp.i~x~en~ive IQSC circulation is noted UPPER TEXAS - OFFSHORE (Figure 9)
because of subnormal pore pressures due to the
relief in the area. The general area off Galveston shows a
double profile. Pressures are normal to
OKLAHOMA - ANADARKO BASIN (Figure 6) approximately 8,000’ where there may be either
a sandy or limey shale. The limey shale which
In the center of the Anadarko Basin, the is generally associated with a higher percent
Atoka shale occurs between 10,000’ and 14,000’. shale to sand sequence above it is an indicator
Within the top of the Atoka shale is the first of high pressures and the pressure gradient
pressure seal. The pressure rises gradually increases rapidly to 16 ppg over about 1,000’.
in the Atoka for several thousand feet. At the It retains this pressure for 3,000’ to 4,000’.
base of the Atoka the pressure may regress to The onset of the massive lower Miocene shale is
normal or may continue to rise to the equiva- a signal for further increase in pressure pro-
lent of 16 ppg. If the pressure regresses it bably to a theoretical overburden value close
approaches normal by the Marrow sand and cont- to 18 ppg.
inues normal through to the Mississippian.
At 7,000’ when the section above has been
If the pressure continues to rise below largely sand, the sandy shale that extends for
the Atoka it approaches 16 ppg by the Marrow several thousand feet maintains its normal
sand and retains essentially at that pore pressure. Below 14,000’ in the normal pressur-
pressure until returning to normal in the car- ed section, however, the onset of the massive
bonates of the Mississippian section. In the lower Miocene shale is an indicator of pressure.
deep wells of the Anadarko Basin the intermed- This has not been penetrated extensively, how-
iate casing point within the Atoka is critical ever, the indications are that pressures will
because it limits’-hole size in the deeper sec- increase to a theoretical overburden value.
tions of the hole. The Atoks casing point in
a 12+ to 13 lb gradient at somewhere between LOUISIANA - VERMILION PARISH (Figure 10)
12,000’ and 15,000’ causes severe limits on the
. —.-. 45
w 3845 BIL

This section in general is probably the increasing pressure below the Gainesville. Som(
most classic sequence to be found anywhere evidence indicates that the pore pressures reacl
in the United States. The pressures are nor- the equivalent of overburden by 23,000’ or
mal in the sand and s“haiesequences iiithe up- ~1.nnnt . T~Li~ ~~e ~C tb.~ litb.9~Q~~
L*,UUU ~~~~~~S EQ

per part d the !de. In the lower Miocene approach the equivalent of 21 ppg.
the massive shales occur with limey caps. This
causes a rapid increase in the pore pressure EASTERN CANADA - OFFSHORE (Figure 14)
somewhere below 10,000’ to 14 ppg. The very
rapid pressure increase in this transition zone There appear to be two general profiles
causes a tricky pipe setting problem but the associated with offshore Eastern Canada. In
sequence is pure and classic. A second shale the first case the section continues normal
seal occurs at about an equivalent of 15 ppg pressure to well below 14,000’. In the second
mud weight and below that the pressure graduall case the normal pressured section at 12,000’
1 ‘I (WM 1 ~Grz~a~F4= ~ WIaeQ4Va ~~ev shal ~ ~hfch
drifts upward to approximately overbiirdeavaktie te La,u”” -“.. . . .-— -- .. --- —--

causes an increase in pore pressur; to somewhat

There are however, in this area many exce- beyond 13 ppg by 14,000’ to 15,000’. The gas
ptions due to faulting and stray sands. In one shows seem to be associated with the higher
case normal pressure persisted in the Miocene pressure gradient. This is very similar to
until 19,000’ before the onset of massive the section off of the shield areas in East
shales caused a rapid build-up in pressures. Africa.
As a general rule, however, the onset of the
basal Miocene shales and the associated limey NORTH SEA - EKOFISK AREA (Figure 15)
cap form a classic example of pressures due to
compression and the forming of an impermeable In the North Sea area, two basic pressure
cap. patterns appear to predominate. In the series
of fields around the famous Ekofisk a soft
LOUISIANA - TERREBONNE PARISH (Figure 11) gummy shale appears at 2,000’ that requires a
mud density of about 12 ppg to keep the hole
In the Houma area, pressures are generally open. Logs indicate that this is an under-
normal to the bottom of the Miocene where a compacted clay section that has an overburden
limey seal causes a build-up in pressure. In gradient of about 12 ppg. At about 6,000! the
this area there are generally a series of limey shale becomes denser and the gumbo shale of
shale caps that carry the pressure to close to the North Sea occurs. This section may be
overburden value or 18 ppg equivalent by 14,000 1,000’ thick and in some cases requires mud
The pressure profiles and depths in this area weights to 16 ppg to keep the hole open. In
are remarkably persistent and isopressure plots addition the shale causes considerable drilling
indicate that faulting occurred both before and problems. Balling of the bit, plugging of the
after the “down to the coast” slumping. flowline, mud rings , and high viscosity in the
drilling mud predominate. Below the gumbo shale
LOUISIANA - MISSISSIPPI RIVER DELTA (Figure 12) t-hepressure may remain high or may regress tc
about 13 ppg. This condition appears to vary
The Delta of the Mississippi River is nor- locally.
mal pressured and contains massive sand section
down to 12,000’ to 14,000’. There a shale seal NORTH SEA - ZECHSTEIN SALT SECTION (Figure 16)
causes the pressures to rise very rapidly to
approximately 13 ppg. 1,000’ below this there In the North Sea where the Zechstein salt
is another seal that carries the pore pressure is tlii~’k , it re~~ire~ ~ ~1~~w~igh
snd ~~~.tip.’d~’d~
well above 16 ppg. It might be postulated of approximately 14 ppg to keep the hole open.
based on the evidence of Lake Washington Below the Zechstein the pressure appears to re-
field, that seals of this nature drive the -,----- th’egmlbc
gress back towards normal. IrlgciLGLal
pore pressure up to the equivalent of over- shale and the Zechstein salts do not appear to
burden pressure by 18,000’ to 20,000’. occur in the same hole, but they are not mutuall
The pressure gradient in the salt is above
The pressure profile in Mississippi is the fracture gradient for the upper part of the
normal to the top of an anhydrate at approxi- hole. Since the Zechtein is so mobil it is
m~t~~] ~~,QOQt~ This s~~ls the pressure to 12% difficult to drill underbalance. This causes
PPg . Below this a series of local evaporates problems in properly placing casing in the
drive the pressures up to close to 15 to 16 ppg section.
by the top of the Gainesville limestone. The
pressures appear to stay constant within the NORTHERN EUROPE - ZECHSTEIN DOMES (Figure 17)
limestone until the onset of either an evaporit
or a dense limestone cap causes a rapidly Where the Zechstein appears in domes in
fPART TT) SPE 3845

Northern Europe, the pressure problems become incidence of ash sections, which may form an
extreme. The Zechstein is a mixed salt with a impermeable bentonite seal, there is enough
high percent of water of crystallization. It tuff to form a ready channel for water to
therefore, acts in a much more plastic manner escape. In this case it must be assumed that
than does the sodium chloride salt more common the tuff sections are continuous throughout
in the United States. In the Zechstein zones the area.
of Northern Europe the pressure rises rapidly
when entering the salt. In the shales under- In the upper part of the section offshore
..——— the edges of the dome: the mud weight Java, water flows around the edge of the basin
approaches overburden value and remains high have been recorded in the volcanic ash sections.
as deep as the section has been penetrated. T%ese occur at very s“naiiowdepth and have a
water drive due to the dip of the basin. Very
AFRICA - NIGERIA (Figure 18) little warning is given of the salt water flows;
the flow is at very great rates since the ash,
The sands of the upper section in Nigeria for all practical purposes, has infinite per-
are extremely permeable and preclude any ab- meability.
normal pressures. It is only in the deeper
part of the section where the first massive SOUTH CHINA SEA (Figure 22)
shales occur that a pressure build-up takes
place. The pressure cap appears to resemble The basin of the South China Sea combines
the pressure caps off the Louisiana Delta. limey shales and volcanics in such a manner
to cause very high pressures. The section is
EAST AFRICA - OFF OF THE SHIELD AREAS (Figure again normal down to about 6,000’. At that point
19) the onset of a limey shale seal is much iike
that in Sumatra. This is further followed by
Off of the Shield areas of East Africa a limey series that seals the pressure approx-
the pressure profile to some degree resembles imately overburden value by 12,000i. All evi-
the offshore Canada profile. The pressure dence indicates that the 17 to 17$ lb over-
remains constant because of low deposition burden value extends to a great depth beyond
rates through a great deal of the section. this point.
Deep within the section where an increase de-
position rate has occurred, pressures increase. KALIMANTAN (Figure 23)
The evidence is scanty but the pressure caps
seem to be a limey sandy shale. Rapid deposition in the swamps and offshore
areas causes a pressure gradient of 13 ppg from
INDONESIA - SUMATRA (Figure 20) the surface down to about 6,000’. At that
depth the pressure may regress rapidly to nor-
In the typical profile for Sumatra, pres- mal for 2,000 to 3,000’ or it may maintain it-
sures remain constant through the sand shale self. This pattern is not clear at present.
sequences of the Holocene to about 6,000’. At At about 9,000’ pressure rises very rapidly to
this point the onset of very limey shale causes an overburden value of about 17% ppg where
a rapid increase in pressure to about 15 ppg. they appear to remain to great depth. Inland
This pressure is maintained through a limey in Kalimantan, as drilling moves up the moun-
shale section below 10,000’. Within this tain slopes the pressure profiles change radi-
section a unconformity within the Holocene cally and tend to approach the normal or sub-
appears to cause a regression to normal normal state due to the relief of the land.
pressure at about 10,000’. But this soon re-
turns to the 15 ppg value. Below 12,000’ in NORTH NEW ZEALAND - OFFSHORE (Figure 24)
the massive Black Claystone shales it might
be expected that the pressure profile could Gummy shales and rapid deposition in the
rise to approach overburden value. The unusual Northern end of New Zealand cause overburden
characteristic of the Sumatra Section is that i] pressures in an unconsolidated shale of about
tlx?shalesequences of the Holocene the shales 13 ppg to 6,000’. This is a characteristic
are extremely limey. In some cases what has of the area as it is in Kalimantan. In the
appeared to be sand is simply granular lime- case of New Zealand, however, at 6,000’ pres-
stone. sures regress rapidly to normal and appear to
remain normal from then on.
TWIWINIVCTA - Ttiwl$ (17.t.-?,,ve 97-)
Lz.JJ”..u”An -=~= \LJ_6-L’- ‘~)

Java is an entirely different picture than
Sumatra because of the increased volcanics This has been a very brief and sketchy
in the area. For the most part the section in summary of some of the typical pressure profiles
Java is normal pressured. Where one would that may be found throughout the world. It has
expect the pressures to rise because of the been limited by time and space available but
?E 3845 BILL TIM

indicates, in general, some of the more trouble- “Ultra Deep Drilling Guided by Seismic
some pressure trends that lisvebeen ~bser%’ed. Data” ; world Oil, May 1971, P.67.
2. Kok, P. C. and Thomeer, J.H.M.A. : Abnor-
In general pressure trends can be predicted mal Pressures in Oil & Gas Reservoirs”
on a general geologic basis and probably should Gologie en Munbouw’, Aug. 1955, P. 207.
be included in the discipline of sedimentary or 3. ------- : “Pay Promise in New Zealand”
structural geology. Petroleum Engineer, March 1972, P. 93
4. ------- : lIAJ
, & Gas D-.-.--.-.7-4-.
ULL -G ~~.~
ncaGLv”A.- “.
The drilling engineer, of course, is World”, Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 27, 1971,
aware when he encounters them but only in the P. 91.
last several years have we become aware of the 5. McCaslin, John: “Oil Comes to Canada’s
fact t-hata.bnormaipressures are rtcrmalir.tb.e Atlantic Offshore”, Oil & Gas Journal,
oilfield. Oct. 18, 1971, P. 95.
6. Jobin, T. J.: “How Phillips Will Develop
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS North Sea Oil Production”, Petroleum
Engineer, Oct. 1971, P. 60.
The author wishes to thank the many people 7. Kastrop, J. E.: “North Sea Boom Assured
who have aided in collecting this information. Long Life”, Petroleum Engineer, Oct.
In particular Dr. L. R. Louden, Bob Matthews 1971, P. 45.
and Ray McClendon without whose aid it would 8. ------- : “Two Wells Open Super Deep Age
have been impossible. of Drilling”, Petroleum Engineer, Mar.
1972, P. 49.
REFERENCES 9. Weeks, Lewis G.: “Offshore Operations
Around the World”, Offshore Magazine,
1. Louden, Dr. L. R.; Matthews, il.R.; June 20, 1968, P. 41
McClendon, Ray; Rehm, Bill and Aud, Bill:

m2’— .— 2,CW- PLES?PL 2,0n

, Ll~

unl’— .— 6,0D - 6/31Y

!nim —
, LltW W W. l!zsm’
.— D,aa,-
16 .

— .— 14.UD- 14.WI,
-. 1


F!g. I - Typical
pro f!le,
Cal! fornla,

Fig. 2 - Typ!cal
pro fkle, Call
fern, a,
F!g. 3 -
pf-of, le,
fern, a,

4 - TyP; ca!
prof! Ie, Utah,
. ..=..,..
p, . . . . . .

Santa Barbara Channel Cal usa County (M!ocene) Hum bolt County IMlocene). U!ntah Basin.

2Jm’ 2m’


Mm mm

9 22

—w 24LUZ

9. 9 k,


1 !

Fig. 6 - Typical pressure Fig. 7 - TyP Ical pressure

Fig. 5 - Typical pressure profi Ie, West Texas,
prof! Ie, Colorado, profl Ie, Oklahoma,
Anadarko Bas!n Ral ph Lowe Estate
RIO Blanco County.
(Pennsylvanian). (Permian) mud weight.

210% 2,0N

Gm >“’ EJJ1l’
,’ 6.CID


\ Mao’ _
20K0’ Msoz’

i 9, I ,Wclmr i 9 12.5 !

14sm’ Mm’
14S02< — !3q&m
q w“’
. ‘.

2asm’ 2asol’
I t

Fig. 9 - Typical pressure Fig. 10 - Typical pressure

Fig. B . Typical pressure profile, Louisiana,
prof! le. South Texas, profi Ie, upper Texas,
offshore Vermi I ion Parish
Zapata Co. (Jurassic) . (Miocene -Oligocene).
(Miocene -Cretacf.?OUS).
II 2m2’
I 2,m - —




mm KllX S-WI — alml

mm-l’ — 9W.EW
II w
M#on’ -
—w ~!wt
22.5 E
9 22.5

16,Urn’- i%ae-
14.C02 -w s
Y1.un’ -Sw.Ew

alsn2’- —
lasm’ 2S.WI

I 1 I Y

12 - Typ!cal Pressure Flg. 13 - Typical pressure profi Ie,

Fig. II - Typ!cal pressure Fig.
Miss lsslppi, Wayne County
pro f[le, Lout sl aria,
profile, Loul Sl aria, ~v{i~~i~~ipp: ~:~,er ~e!~~ (Jurass Ic) .
Terre bonne Par!sh
(upper Miocene).

2,am’ — ?,On’ —

6,K0’ –
— Mm’ —
— QHaw.E




— lom—

— d



— \ 14JYJ2’—
——— 14,011’

— lam— — Z&ml’
— lasm’–

16 - Typical pressure Fig. 17 - Typical pressure
Fig. 15 - Typical pressure Fig.
Fig. 14 - Typical pressure pi-oft Ie, North Se?, profi Ie, Northern Europe,
profi Ie, Eastern Canada, profl Ie, North Sea, Zechstein domes.
Ekofisk area (Holocene). Zechsteln salt sect !on.
2,au’ 2,cm’

- LI~ mo’’

6SUI’ 6JJJ2’
- Lucwcs

4 [“----- Cw4+.
loon’ 10.LW ---

E 9 u 1
9 22.5 .
9 12: 16

141D% 14,ao’

I&m’ I&cm’ lam —


213 . Typical pressure F!g. 21 - Typical pressure

F!g. 19 - Typical pressure F!g.
Fig. 18 - Typical pressure pro f,le, Indones!a - ppofile, Indonesia -
profile, Africa - N!ger la, pro f!le, East Afrhca, Java (Holocene) .
Sumatra (Holocene) .
(Holocene). off of shield [Holocene).

4111 I



6,CUI’ 6K0’

: ‘~


9 u .5 E
9 22,


F!g. 22 . Typical pressure



23 - Typical
Kal mantan
low I ands,

+11 24 - Typical
profi Ie, North
profile, South China Sea, Zealand, offshore.
marine (Holocene).

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