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Preliminary Development Of Prototype Of

Savonius Wind Turbine For Application In Low
Wind Speed In Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
A. Albani, M. Z. Ibrahim

Abstract: - Wind turbine is a technology which converting wind energy to electric power. Wind energy is easily accessible anywhere in the world and
is one of renewable energy. However, in Kuala Terengganu, the lower average wind speed become one of the factors wind turbine has not been used
widely as alternative method for generating the electric power. Thereby, small scale wind turbine which can generate electric power in low wind speed
must be develope. In this study, a Savonius type of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) has been designed, fabricated and its performances was tested. A
simulate calculation also has been made to expect the power output generated by designed prototype. From study, found that although low wind speed,
wind turbine still can perform its function and generate electric power. It prove that wind turbine can be as alternative techn ology for generate the electric
power in Malaysia especially in Kuala Terengganu.

Index Terms: - Wind Turbine, VAWT, Savonius, Low Wind Speed, Kuala Terengganu

1 INTRODUCTION The wind speeds in Malaysia were in range of low average

Malaysia is one of many other countries that lie in the wind speed value which is around 1 - 4 m/s [3]. It was also
equatorial zone which its climate is influenced by the approved by Muzathik in year 2009 which said that
monsoons. The weather in Malaysia is characterized by two monthly mean wind speeds between the years 2004 and 2007
monsoon regimes, namely, the Southwest Monsoon from late in Kuala Terengganu were in low speed value [4]. This paper
May to September, and the Northeast Monsoon from briefly discuss about designing of small scale wind turbine
November to March. The Northeast Monsoon brings heavy which is compatible with low wind speed for generating electric
rainfall, particularly to the east coast states of Peninsular power in Kuala Terengganu.
Malaysia and western Sarawak, whereas the Southwest
Monsoon normally signifies relatively drier weather. The 2 METHODOLOGY
transition period in between the monsoons is known as the 2.1 Wind speed analysis for Kuala Terengganu
inter-monsoon period. Kuala Terengganu is the largest city as The wind data were collected from Malaysian Meteorological
well as the state and royal capital of Terengganu state, Department (MMD) station [5]. Since the MMD station
Malaysia. Kuala Terengganu is located in front of South China anemometer height varies with station, the wind speeds
Sea. As concerns for environmental issues such as global quoted here were all corrected to a standard height of 10 m by
warming, the development and application of renewable and using the formula below [6];
clean new energy are strongly expected. Among others, wind
energy technologies such as wind turbine have developed
 0.02337 
rapidly and are about to play a big role in a new energy field X h  X 10   (1)
[1]. The wind turbine can generally be categorized into two  0.656 log10 (h  4.5) 
main categories, those whose rotor shaft rotates around a
horizontal axis and those whose rotor rotates around a vertical The Weibull probability density distribution function used for
axis. Horizontal axis wind turbines, or HAWTs, have blades wind speed is [7, 8,9,10,11,12];
mounted radially from the rotor. Modern types usually are
generally used for large scale grid connected electrical power
wind generation. Vertical axis wind turbines, or VAWTs, are  k  V 
k 1
  V k 
not as common and only recently have they been used for p(V ) w     exp      (2)
large scale electricity generation and usually used for small
 c  c   c 
scale turbine design [2].
where k is a dimensionless shape factor and c is the scale
factor. The linear approximation of the data is obtained by
using the least square method.

———————————————— 2.2 Estimation of wind power

Power, in any measured form, is derived as force times a
 Albani is with Department of Engineering Science, distance divided by a period of time. Wind power is
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala measured in many different units, such as horsepower,
Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. watts, and so on, depending on the application for which
E-mail: researcher use the wind power. The power that may be
 M.Z. Ibrahim is with Renewable Energy Research extracted from the wind is not affected by changes in the air
Group, Department of Engineering Science, Universiti density except for extremely climatic locations and at high
Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala Terengganu, altitudes. It also directly proportional to the area
Terengganu, Malaysia. Email: intercepted. A factor of two increase in the area swept

would double the power output. The estimated power also

highly affected by velocity. Wind speed in the power formula is E  Er  Eg  Et (11)
a cubic function, thus doubling the velocity increases the
power eight times. The basic wind-power equation is that used
for estimating extractable power from any moving fluid mass; 2.3 Design of wind turbine
There are number of approaches that can be taken towards
wind turbine design, and there are many issues that must be
P  AV 3 E (3) careful. There are the design steps include the determine
2 application, review previous experience, select topology,
preliminary loads estimate, develop tentative design, predict
Where, P=power, ρ=the air density, A= swept area, V=velocity, performance, evaluate design, estimate costs and cost of
E=total efficiency. The equation for estimating power in any energy, refine design, build prototype, testing the prototype
particular moving body is; and doing simulation [13].

P MV 2 (4)
Where, P=power, M=mass, V=velocity.

To get from equation (3) to equation (4) take each term in turn.
M (mass) of the wind is equal to the density times the volume
of the wind.

M  Vol (5)

The volume of the air is equal to the velocity (V) of the wind
times the effective area over which it acts,

Vol  AV (6)

Substituting equation (6) into equation (5) then get:

M   AV (7)

Putting this expression back into equation (4) then get:

Fig. 1. The methods for designing of small scale wind turbine.
P  (  AV )V 2 (8)
3.1 Wind Analysis for Kuala Terengganu
P  AV 3 (9)
Equation (9) describes the power in the wind. To derive an
equation which can be used to estimate the power which the
rotor can extract from the wind we need to modify this
equation. It need to be multiply by the estimated total
efficiency of the wind system (E).

P  AV 3 E (10)
The derivation of equation (3) now provides all the parameters
necessary to calculate the estimated power output of the
system with the exception of the variable E, the total efficiency
of the system. There are a number of considerations when
calculating the overall efficiency of the wind turbine (E). These Fig. 2. Monthly mean wind speeds in Kuala Terengganu
are efficiency of the rotor (Er), generator efficiency (Eg), and
transmission efficiency (Et).

The VAWT has rotors which move in the direction of the wind.
In this study, the savonius vertical axis wind turbine was
chosen. The savonius rotor, proposed by the Finnish inventor
S.J. Savonius in 1925, is a vertical axis rotor driven by drag
force [15]. The rotor blade design is essentially modification of
‘S’ rotor comprising of two semi-circular rotor blades but with
the exception that the rotor blade have been horizontally
displaced. Fig. 5 show about how the rotor works can be seen
by studying the velocity stream diagram below.

Fig. 3. Frequency distribution in Kuala Terengganu

Fig. 5. Wind speed stream illustration diagram

From the wind speed stream diagram in figure above, can be

seen that the surfaces move with the wind for half a revolution
and against it for the other half. The differences in drag
between the concave and the convex surfaces creates a
pressure differential and induces rotation. One of the important
things to note is the path of the streams through the rotor. The
horizontal displacement of the rotor blades increases the
Fig. 4. Wind Rose in Kuala Terengganu
pressure difference by diverting wind upstream to effectively
The data were collected from the Malaysian Meteorological push the top blade into the wind. This aids in the rotation of the
Department (MMD) station Kuala Terengganu. The rotor and increases torque. This type of rotor is capable of
coordinates of MMD station is 05° 56'N, 116° 03'E. The wind obtaining efficiencies of up to 24% of the energy in the wind
speed collected from Malaysian Meteorological Department but typically a figure of 20% is more a realistic value [16]. Even
(MMD) station. The monthly mean speeds in Kuala though the Savonius rotors low efficiency, it is simple and less
Terengganu for year 2010 was showed in Fig. 2. The highest expensive to fabricate on a small scale than complex vertical
value was in December, 2.65 m/s and the lowest in axis machines such as the Darrieus and comprises of the
September, 1.57 m/s. Kuala Terengganu faces the Northeast following advantages over the horizontal axis machines:
Monsoon from November to March for every year. The wind
speed was higher in this season. Fig.3. showed the frequency 1. Simple construction
distribution in Kuala Terengganu. The frequency is highly 2. Lack of necessity for over-speed control
peaked in the range 1-4 m/s, this indicate that most of the wind 3. Acceptance of wind from any direction without
speed at Kuala Terengganu lies in this range. This distribution orientation
of wind speed is important in determining the percentage of 4. Relatively inexpensive to fabricate on a small scale
time during a year, the power that could be generated from
small scale wind turbine. The prevailing wind direction was Given the above advantages the Savonius rotor meets the
South southwest (SSW) on the site as showed in Fig. 4. This criteria for a simple and economical wind turbine for small-
showed that the Kuala Terengganu has low wind speed and scale electrical energy generation.
the specialized small scale wind turbine need to be design and
develop for generating electricity by using wind resources. 3.3 Mechanical design considerations

3.2 Choosing of suitable wind turbine For a wind turbine the main design characteristics stem from
There are two types of wind turbines. The horizontal axis wind the choice of rotor. Different type of rotors have different
turbine (HAWT) and the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) [14]. characteristics such as speed, power, robustness and overall
design appearance. Once the Savonius has been selected, as

the rotor for the wind turbine, the mechanics elements of the
rotor was inspected. There were a number of elements which
to be considered for to finish up this wind turbine design.
These include:

1. Aspect ratio
2. Overlap ratio
3. Separation gap
4. Cross-section profile
5. Number of blades/ rotor

Fig. 8. Separation gap of the design

Fig. 6. Aspect ratio of the design

Fig. 9. Cross-section profile

Aspect ratio as shown in Fig. 6. is the ratio of the rotor height

to the width. A large aspect ratio of around 3 to 5 provides the
rotor with good torque and power characteristics. The value of
aspect ratio for this design was 3.

Aspect ratio =
Where, H is height of rotor and c is width of rotor. Overlap ratio
as shown in Fig. 7. is the ratio of the diameter of the rotor
blade to the distance which the blades overlap. For buckets of
Fig. 7. Overlap ratio of the design semi-circular cross-section, the appropriate overlap ratio is 20
to 30%. The overlap ratio for this designed wind turbine was
30%. Separation gap as shown in Fig. 8. is determined by the
distance of the rotor blades from the vertical axis. An increase
in the separation gap ratio results in a decrease in the torque
coefficient and the power coefficient; a small negative gap is
therefore preferable. The cross-section profile of a rotor blade

is taken from a vantage point directly above the blade (See 3.5 Rotor balancing
Fig. 9.). There are two type of cross section profile including
Semi-circular type and Bach type. For this design, the Semi-
circular type was selected. The number of buckets that rotor
possesses has a direct effect on the performance of the rotor.
In this design, two-bucket rotor was selected as shown on the
picture. The number of stacks of rotor, is equal to the number
of levels of rotor. In this design the double-stack of buckets
was selected. The double-stack rotor is slightly superior to the
corresponding single-stack rotor in both torque and power

3.4 Generator selected for the design

A type of electrical machine that is being used more frequently
in wind turbine applications is the permanent magnet
generator. This is now the generator of choice in most small
wind turbine generators, up to at least 10kW [12]. In these
generators, permanent magnets provide the magnetic field, so
Fig. 12. Method of rotor balancing
there is no need for field windings or supply of current to the
field. In one example, the magnets are integrated directly into
The rotor or blades must be perfectly balanced or else
a cylindrical cast aluminum rotor. The power is taken from a
vibration at high speeds can destroy the rotor. Balancing the
stationary armature, so there is no need for commutator, slip
wind turbine blades takes some patience. This study explain a
rings, or brushes. Because the construction of the machine is
basic theory for understanding of how the balancing works.
so simple, the permanent magnet generator is quite rugged.
Without a good understanding, it is difficult to correctly balance
The operating principles of permanent magnet generators are
the blades. The method suggested in this study is by using
similar to that of synchronous machines, except that these
weight ring which installed on each blades as showed in Fig.
machines are run asynchronously. That is, they are not
12. This methods involves suspending the object on a
generally connected directly to the AC networks. The power
horizontal pivot and letting the object settle. Then the weights
produced by the generator is initially variable voltage and
(ring) added, so the object does not settle to any dependent
frequency AC. This AC is often rectified immediately to DC.
position because the center of gravity will be in the dead
The DC power is then either directed to DC loads or battery
center. Conventionally, there are two other common method
storage, or else it is inverted to AC with a fixed frequency and
for balancing the rotors, using structure and flat disc. The
disadvantage of both methods for application in small scale
wind turbine was mentioned in Table 1. However, the security
and safety using the weighted ring for rotor balancing need
detail study in future.

Table 1. Comparison three type of balancing method

Using weight Using structure Using flat disc

 Not disturb the  Disturbing the low  Rotor become

low wind speed wind speed heavier.
flowing from flowing from right  Disturb the low
any side. and left side wind speed
flowing from the
top and bottom

Fig. 11. Model of Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine


3.6 Finished prototype 4 RECOMMENDATIONS

With all of the above criteria taken into account a working Renewable energy has become the most valuable energy
prototype was constructed. As can be seen from the Fig. 12., nowadays especially after the increasing of fuel price around
there are two stacks of impellers. This was to provide for the world. Renewable energy is not only cost-effectives energy
starting from any wind direction and produce a more uniform and value for money in the long run, but also flexible where the
torque. To estimate the power output of the system using generation of electrical power can be done without problem at
equation (3), firstly, the total efficiency (E) need to be remote area. The DC-Motor was the perfect wind generator
estimated. Taking a conservative estimation for the rotor comparing to the AC-Motor. The DC-Motor chosen also must
efficiency of 25%, generator efficiency around 90%, and compatible with the size and type of rotor. The size of swept
transmission efficiency around 90%, we achieved a total area of rotor can be added in future design for enable catching
efficiency of 40.5% using equation (11). With the efficiency of and trapping more wind. The more the wind trapped on rotor,
the complete system calculated an estimation of the power the more the rotation rate and more power will be generated.
output could be made using Eq. (3). For future design of small scale wind turbine, the wind turbine
can be design for application of street lighting at Kuala
1 Terengganu especially in Pulau Warisan Kuala Terengganu.
P  AV 3 E The small scale VAWT hybridized with solar panel were
2 suggested for generating electricity as power source for
artificial lighting trees in Pulau Warisan Kuala Terengganu.
Where, ρ=the air density (taken as 1.24 kg/m 3), A = Swept
area (1.5 m2), V=wind velocity (taken from MMD Kuala
Terengganu, mean wind to be 2.5 m/s), E= Total efficiency
(0.405 as estimated above). Substituting these values into
equation (3) gives power output of 5.9 W. This equates to
around 0.15kWh/day.

3.7 Practical applications

Applications for the model designed and built are very limited
due the fact that it has been built on such small scale. In order
to be suitable for more practical applications, the scale and
size of wind turbine would have to be increased. Other than
that, the selection of wind generator also giving effect to the
performance of wind turbine. Increasing the width and the
height of the rotors swept area would increase the power
output. For this model, the energy was used at the time that it
was generated but in reality there will be times of high and low
demand. This scenario creates the need for some form of
energy storage. The use of lead acid batteries is a feasible
solution but these generally only have efficiencies of around Fig. 13. Artificial lighting trees in Pulau Warisan Kuala Terengganu.
80% [2]. Realistically, the active surface area would need to be
around six times larger than the original model in order to be
suitable for the reality daily application as there is a need to
In this design, a small robust design which was relatively
take account of energy losses at all stages of the energy
simple and cheap to construct was in essence the main criteria
conversion, transfer and storage. Considering that the wind
for wind turbine selection. A savonius type rotor was selected
turbine cost around $250 to construct, and assume the wind
as it best fitted the design criteria. The overall size of the
turbine power output was 0.15 KWh, the payback period can
prototype of wind turbine rotor was 1.0m in diameter and 1.5m
be calculated. So it would take around 6 years to recover the
in height. With the basic design built measurements were
mechanical costs of the wind turbine.
taken, such as the area of the rotor blades swept by the wind,
to determine the estimated power output which would be
A obtainable from the finished model. The results provided as a
Pay-Back Period =
BC power output enabled suitable applications to be suggested.
The Savonius rotor vertical axis wind turbine definitely has a
Where, A= Capital Cost of Turbine ($), B= Electricity cost, C= place in electricity generation. It has many advantages despite
Turbine Power Output its relatively low efficiency. On the other hand; small scale it is
cheap, simple to design and construct and is also very robust.
Pay-Back Period = The authors would like to thanks to Department of Engineering
BC Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for providing
250 supervision and financial support.
0.80  0.15
= 2083days  6 years.


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