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Undergraduate Student Government Eighth Legislature

24 August 2010 & 7 September 2010 – First and Second Regular Sessions
Report – CLAS Senator Judd

CLAS College Council & CLAS Students:

Welcome back to ASU! I hope those of you who participated in the Welcome Week
festivities had a great time and that you are ready for a fast-paced and exciting semester. The
content of this report covers the first and second regular sessions of the ASU USG Eighth
Legislature. These meetings took place on 24 August 2010 and 7 September 2010, respectively.
Let me begin by briefly summarizing what is contained within this report:
• Announcements
o Information regarding general campus events and happenings
• Senate Bills
o Summaries of the bills that have come before the Senate and
explanations of my voting record
• Contact Info & Availability
o Details regarding my personal contact information and my commitments
to CLAS students and the CLAS College Council for the Fall Semester

• Appropriations Deadline Extended
• The submission deadline for the Fall appropriations cycle has been extended to
Friday, September 10, at 5 pm. Application materials are available on Orgsync (go to
your orgs page, click “Files” 6th menu items on the left). Clubs must submit their
budget, application, and sign up for a hearing time above by September 10th at 5 pm. 
• Late or incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.
• If you have any questions concerning any aspect of appropriations email
Appropriations Committee Chair Kumuda Pradhan at
• You can view an updated appropriations timeline at
• College Council Funding
• College councils should prepare their semester budgets and submit them to Ryan
Henderson, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee ASAP.
• Each council should designate one to two representatives to meet with members of
the Finance Committee next week to discuss budgets and funding.
• Contact Ryan Henderson with questions at
• New Humanities Dean
• As many of you probably already know, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has a
new dean of Humanities. Neal A. Lester, former chair of the English department, has
replaced Deborah Losse, who will be retiring.
•Read the official news release here:
Undergraduate Student Government Eighth Legislature
24 August 2010 & 7 September 2010 – First and Second Regular Sessions
Report – CLAS Senator Judd

• SB 01 - Appropriations Process: An act to approve the Associated Students of Arizona State
University Student Activity Fee Appropriations Packet
• This bill made its way to the Senate floor through the Appropriations Committee. The
purpose of this bill was to approve revisions to the club appropriations process. The
Appropriations Committee has put in a lot of work to revise the process, and I had no
trouble voting to support these revisions. Hundreds of student organizations rely on
funding from appropriations, and hopefully the changes instituted will benefit students
while simultaneously streamlining the process.
• SB 02 - 2010-2011 Fee Budget: An act to approve the Student Fee Budget for the 2010-2011
fiscal school year
• This bill was introduced to the Senate floor by Ryan Henderson, Chair of the Finance
Committee. The USG Executives worked hard on this budget, and I voted to support it.
I did have some questions regarding USG oversight of the funds going to the PABand
the SCA, but those concerns were adequately addressed by USG President Goulding
and VP of Policy Wong.
• You can find these remarks in the official minutes of the first Senate meeting.
• SB 03 & SB 04 Ad Hoc Committee Approval: Two acts confirming Zach Fort and Andrea
Montes to the Facilities Fee Board.
• These two bills were brought before the Senate to seek approval of USG President
Goulding’s appointments to the Facilities Fee Board.
• As someone who has both opposed the implementation of the Facilities Fee, as well
as sat in on meetings of the Tempe Campus Facilities Fee Steering Committee, I have
held a particular interest in making sure that the student(s) appointed to this board
have the best interests of ASU-Tempe students at heart.
• These two individuals will be updating Senators regarding facilities expansion on a
regular basis. I voted to support the appointment of both Ms Montes and Mr Fort.
• SB 05 - SB 19 USG Executive Staff Confirmations
• These bills pertain to the confirmation of the staff members hired by the USG
• Positions filled include Athletic Liaison Director, Public Relations Director, Design
Director(s), Intern Director, Voter Outreach Director, State/National Affairs Director,
ASA Director, Local Affairs Director, University Affairs Director, Bike Co-Op Director,
Director of SES, and Campus Outreach Director
• I voted in favor of confirming each individual with the knowledge that they would be
held accountable by the USG Executives to do their jobs.
• SB 20 - Class Registration Reform: A resolution to endorse the Executive Policy for Class
Registration Reform
• The passage of this bill should be heralded as a big win for students. USG VP of
Policy Wong and the USG Policy department have put a lot of time and effort into
drafting a proposal that is both practical and beneficial to students.
• The proposal includes plans to extend the add/drop deadline for students,
requirements for professors to disclose whether they will be using a +/- grading system,
and the creation of a database of course syllabi accessible to students prior to
Undergraduate Student Government Eighth Legislature
24 August 2010 & 7 September 2010 – First and Second Regular Sessions
Report – CLAS Senator Judd


• Office Hours
• The USG Senate Contract states that Senators are to “sign in and fulfill respective
required office hours (6 hours per week for Senators, 2 for Interns).”
• I have already begun holding office hours on the third floor of the Memorial Union,
and I am committed to continually fulfilling this requirement throughout the semester.
• Office hours are the most convenient time for me to meet in-person with College
Council members and CLAS students, so if you would like to meet in-person,
scheduling an appointment during those times would be easiest for me. That said, I will
always do my best to accommodate the schedules of others. I ran for this office with
Availability as one of my guiding values and I have not forgotten that.
• You can always find my office hours posted at
• Conventional Contact Info
• I am not only available to meet in-person during office hours; I make an effort to be
available to CLAS College Council members and CLAS students through the use of
other mediums as well.
• Reach me via email at or I check
each of these accounts on a regular basis--usually several times per day.
• Please also feel free to give me a call at 480.382.2460 if something urgent arises.
• Online Updates
• Social Networks
• I constantly post updates regarding ASU, USG, and CLAS events on twitter.
The account @JuddForCLAS is dedicated to this sort of information, so be sure
to follow it if you’re on twitter. Contacting me on twitter is not only quick and
easy, but I also check it several times a day.
• I also regularly post updates and information to the dedicated Judd For CLAS
Facebook group. This group currently has a membership of 202 people and can
be found here: or search for Joshua Judd: 2010-2011 CLAS
• Website
• The personal Senate website that I started during my campaign is still active. I
have turned it into an outlet for news about ASU, USG, and the CLAS College
Council. I also post my office hours, Senate reports, and Senate bills here.

I hope you find this report to meet your expectations. Please let me know if I can
improve it in any way for the future. Good luck with your semester.
--Joshua Judd
Undergraduate Student Government Senator
Vice-Chair, Senate Finance Committee

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