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Name Age Sex MALE

Preferred Food Meat daily Egg daily Almond daily
Height (cms) Weight (kgs)
Diseases /Conditions
Taking Medicines
Test name Results Min Max Test name Results Min Max
HBA1c 5.5 6.5 Biliurbin-Total 0 1.2
Blood sugar Fasting 60.0 100.0 Biliurbin-Direct 0 0.2
Insulin Fasting 2.9 25.0 Biliurbin Indirect 0.25 1.0
Insulin Resistance 0.0 1.8 Albumin-serum 3.2 4.6
Total Cholesterol 200.0 240.0 Gamma GT 9.0 52.0
Triglycerides 150.0 199.0 SGOT(AST) 0 35
HDL 0.0 40.0 SGPT(ALT) 0 45
Triglyceride/HDL ratio 0.0 2.0 Alkaline phosphatase 0 115
ApoB/A1 ratio 0.35 1.0 Amylase 28 100
HSCRP 0.0 1.0 Lipase 13 60
Homocysteine 0.0 30.0 Iron 70 180
Creatinine 0.9 1.3 Hemoglobin 13 17
BUN 7.0 21.0 T3 40 181
Urine Microalbumin 0.0 15.0 T4 4.6 10.5
Bun/Creatinine 10.0 20.1 TSH 0.5 8.9
eGFR 0.0 60.0 VIT D 30 100
Calcium 8.6 10.2 Vit B12 211 946
Magnesium 1.7 2.4 Hepatitis B (HBS AG) <-------Choose Here
Uric Acid 4.4 7.6
Specific Issues If any
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Abnormal Powered By : PALEO TEAM 03072017

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