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Letter of Transmittal

Date: 6th March, 2017

M.A. Hakim
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Sub: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,
I have the pleasure to submit my internship report on “Evaluation General Banking
Activities of Janata Bank Limited” as requirement for my graduation. I have completed
my internship program from Janata Bank Limited, Mirpur-10 Branch. I feel most
privileged to be associated with an experienced, efficient and professional team. I
strongly believe that this report will satisfy your requirements and expectations. I have
tried my best to make this report as informative, practical, reliable and relevant as
possible. I have reviewed few books, journals, articles from internet, taking few
interviews, annual report and I drew a set of recommendations which will help the credit
department to improve their competence.

I will be available for any further query and clarification regarding this report whenever

Sincerely yours

Md. Roni Miah

ID No: 13142201020, Intake: 30th
Assistant Professor
Program: MBA
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Students Declaration

I am Md. Roni Miah, hereby declare that the report of internship program title:
“Evaluation General Banking Activities of Janata Bank Limited” is prepared by me
after the completion of three months work in Janata Bank Ltd.

I ensure you that, this report is only prepared for any academic requirement, not for any
other purpose and also inform you that this report have not submitted in any other
organization before. I also assure you that this report has not submitted to any other
private or public university.

Md. Roni Miah

ID No: 13142201020, Intake: 30th
Assistant Professor
Program: MBA
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that, Md. Roni Miah, ID No: 13142201020, Intake: 30th, Assistant
Professor, Program: MBA, Department of Finance, Bangladesh University of Business &
Technology is a regular student. He has completed a three months internship and
prepared a report on “ Evaluation of General Banking Activities of Janata Bank Ltd.”
at Janata Bank under my supervision which is fulfillment of partial requirement of
obtaining MBA degree.

I wish his success in all her future endeavors.

M.A. Hakim
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology


First of all I like to give the greatest gratitude to my almighty Allah to give me the
strength to complete the report within the stipulated time. I express my heartiest gratitude
and deepest respect to my teacher M.A. Hakim, Assistant Professor, Department of
Finance, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology supervisor of my internship
program for his brilliant and excellent guidance and assistance to complete this report.

My sincere gratitude go to senior Executive officer, of The Janata Bank Ltd, Mirpur-10
Branch, Dhaka for giving the excellent opportunity and support me to complete my
internship report. She guided me from the initial conceptualization to planning and
designing the report. My faculty advisor guided me in proceeding with the report works. He
suggested me with additional directions. For them I could complete my internship along
with this report successfully.

And, lastly I would like to thank all the respondents of my survey at desk of the Branch.
Out of their busy schedule they made time for me and provided me with useful
information. I thank all of them for their cooperation.

Md. Roni Miah

ID No: 13142201020, Intake: 30th
Assistant Professor
Program: MBA
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Executive Summary
Generally by the word “Bank” we can easily understand that the financial institution deals
with money. But there are different types of banks such as: Central Bank, Commercial
Banks, Savings Banks, Investment Banks, Industrial Banks, and Co-operative Banks etc.
But when we use the term “Bank” without any prefix or qualification, it refers to the
‘Commercial Banks’. Janata Bank Limited, one of the state owned commercial banks in
Bangladesh, has an authorized capital of Tk. 20000 million (approx. US$ 250 million),
paid up capital of Tk. 11000.00 million, reserve of Tk.17234 million. The Bank has a
total asset of Tk. 508567 million as on 31st December 2015. Immediately after the
emergence of Bangladesh in 1971, the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank
Limited were renamed as Janata Bank. On 15th November, 2007 the bank has been
corporatized and renamed as Janata Bank Limited. Janata Bank Limited operates through
908 branches including 4 overseas branches at United Arab Emirates. It is linked with
1202 foreign correspondents all over the world. The Bank employees more than
15(fifteen) thousand persons. The mission of the bank is to actively participate in the
socio- economic development of the nation by operating a commercially sound banking
organization, providing credit to viable borrowers, efficiently delivered and competitively
priced, simultaneously protecting depositor’s funds and providing a satisfactory return on
equity to the owners.
Chapter one is Introduction, in this chapter I have briefly discussed, objectives, scopes,
Methodologies and Limitation of the study. The objective of the study is to gather
practical knowledge regarding banking system and operation. This practical orientation
gives us a chance to coordinate the theoretical knowledge with the practical experience.
Janata Bank Limited [JBL] is one of the leading bank in Bangladesh. The report covers
the background, function and mostly the general banking activities of the bank.
Chapter two is Company Overview where I have discussed the overview of Janata Bank
Ltd.. It contains mission, vision, core objectives, features, board directors list and
products of Janata Bank Ltd. Chapter three is all about general activities of Janata Bank
Ltd. Which are main topic in report. And i discussed its general Banking Activities like
Account opening, collection of deposits, procedures for opening of accounts, FDR, STD,
DD, MT, TT, PO, Clearing and so on that is topic related. Chapter four is according to
performance analysis and evaluation of Janata Bank. In this chapter I properly discussed
its performance for the last five years and mentioned table of data and drew graph to
show the average performance of Janata Bank Ltd. And also Compared the Bank with the
other public Bank is Pubali Bank Ltd. Using table and graph I compared between two
Bank. Chapter five is all about findings of report, Recommendation of Bank and
conclusion of the report.

Sl. No List of contents Page no.
Letter of Transmittal i
Students Declaration ii
Certificate of Supervisor iii
Acknowledgement iv
Executive Summary v
Chapter One Introduction 01-04
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Origin of the Study
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Methodology of the Study
1.6 Limitations of the Study
Chapter Two Organizational Overview 05-13
2.1 Company Overview of JBL
2.2 Background of JBL
2.3 Inception
2.4 Vision of JBL
2.5 Mission of JBL
2.6 Janata At a Glance
2.7 Corporate profile
2.8 Organogram of Janata Bank Ltd.
2.9 JBL Department
2.10 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
2.11 Corporate Resource
2.12 Human Resource
2.13 Information Systems (IS)
2.14 Product and Services of the organization
2.15 Business area of Janata Bank Limited
Chapter Three General Banking Activities 14-33
3.1 General Banking Activities
3.2 Collection of Deposit
3.3 Procedures for Opening of Accounts
3.4 Application Form for Current and Saving A/C

3.5 Relevant Documents for Current and Saving A/C
3.6 Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR)
3.7 Short Term Deposit (STD)
3.8 Janata Bank Deposit Scheme (JBDS)
3.9 Transfer of Account to another Branch
3.10 Closing of an Account
3.11 Bank Remittance
3.12 Demand Draft (DD)
3.12.1 Issuing of Demand Draft:
3.13 Mail Transfer (MT)
3.14 Telegraphic Transfer (TT)
3.15 Payment Order (PO)
3.16 Operation of Cheque
3.17 Stopped Cheque
3.18 Collection of Cheque
3.19 Clean Cash Book
Chapter Four Performance Analysis & Evaluation 34-50
4.1 Objectives of Performance Evaluation
4.2 Techniques of performance Evaluation
4.3.1 Trend Analysis
4.4 Comparative Analysis and Evaluation with Pubali
Chapter Five Findings, Recommendation & Conclusion 61-57
5.1 Findings of the study
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion

Internship report
Evaluation of General Banking activities of
Janata Bank Limited

Supervised By:
M.A. Hakim
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Submitted By:
Md. Roni Miah
ID No: 13142201020, Intake: 30th
Assistant Professor
Program: MBA
Department of Finance
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Date of Submission: 6th March, 2017


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