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Men's Cursillo Weekend 2017

The Men's Cursillo weekend was a success as they took to the foothills in Copperopolis, CA. and
opened their hearts to the Lord. The weekend was filled with laughter, love, and grace, guided
by the Holy Spirit. Father Larry Guerrero, Spiritual Director for the English Cursillo Movement
guided the men and presented Spritual talks, in addition, special guest Priest Fr. Jerry Brown
attended. The Rector was Mike Saccomagno assisted by Vice Rector, Barney Pimentel. It was a
small but intimate encounter with Christ, and the newly dedicated Cursillistas have been on
fire for the Lord ever since! Congratulations new Cursillistas, you did it! May the Lord guide,
bless and be with you always! De Colores! Christ is Counting on You! The next Men's Cursillo
Weekend is October 4th-7th, 2018. If you are interested in serving for the Men's Team or want
to Sponsor a candidate, please call Gilbert Somera at: 209-401-7143

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Women's Cursillo Weekend, October 12th-15th, 2017
Can you say De Colores the way that these women can? With so much spirit, love and heart,
the Women's weekend was a beautiful success! Thanks to Father Larry Guerrero who led the
Women through his inspirational and amazing spiritual talks! In addition, Father Ramon Zarate
visited the weekend and gave us 2 full hours of the most incredible insight on the beautiful
Sacraments our faith has to offer! Led by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Nikki Anderon, Rectora,
and Cruz Pimentel, Vice Rectora, aided in directing a most brilliant women's team! A special
thanks to the Kitchen team, Rollo Room Team, Chapel Team, Den Mothers, Music Team,
Rollistas, Table Professoras, Outside Staff, Palanca Team and newly Dedicated Cursillistas! The
upcoming Women's Cursillo Weekend is October 18th-21st, 2018. If you are interested in
working the Women's team or want to Sponsor a candidate, please call Nikki Anderson, at

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Preparations for Lent
By Nikki Anderson
Lent is just around the corner and on Valentines Day! So let's give the best of our hearts for Lent this
year! It begins on Wednesday, February 14th, 2018 and ends on Thursday March 29th, 2018.

Have you thought about what you can contribute during Lenten season? A good way to prepare is to
read "The Little Black Book Six-Minute Reflections on the Passion Accoring to Mark". The booklet has a
variety of quotes, suggestions, information and timely thoughts. It will guide you through the lenten
practice of almsgiving. Think about your lenten plans, ask the Lord to help you. Spend quiet time with
the Lord.

Ask yourself these questions: What can I give to others? How can I be a better Christian? What am I
willing to sacrifice? Is it through prayer, fasting, abstinence, almsgiving? How can I be generous to
others? Is it through participation in the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl? What can I give up? What is
a real challenge for me? Is it a bad habbit, a possession, pride, time spent away from the Lord?
What type of charity can I give?

We can learn from the Saints, the Saints are great examples of how we can live out our lenten practice!
Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
said "As Lent is the time for
greater love, listen to Jesus
thirst, 'Repent and Believe',
Jesus tells us. What are we to
repent? Our indifference, our
hardness of heart. What are we
to believe? Jesus thirsts even
now, in your heart and in the
poor, He knows your weakness,
He wants only your love, only the
chance to love you."

Why the color purple for lent? It

was the cloak the soilders used to
mock Jesus, kings were clothed
in purple because it was a royal
color, even though the soilders
used the color to mock Him, little
did they know, He is the true
King! Liturgically, purple is the
symbol of penance and preparation. Lent is about giving, what can you give of yourself? Afterall, He
has given us more than we can ever deserve or ask for, to have eternal life! There is no greater love!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

New Cursillistas! How have you been living out your 4th day?
Veteran Cursillistas! How have you been living out your 4th day?
We at the Cursillo movement are praying for you!
As you know, after you have lived out your Cursillo weekend, it doesn't stop there, it must be lived
through your 4th day which is the rest of your life!
Remember that special weekend? For some of you, it was in Copperopolis, in the beautiful foothills,
overlooking sunsets and night stars, waking up to the birds, and being loved by your new friends, with
Christ as the Center!
For others, maybe it was long ago, in a cold gym at St. Mary's Catholic church but with a great courage
and Palanca to know the Lord? or maybe it was in another state, where you listened to rollos and sang De
Regardless, as you went on the journey, you left as a Cursillista!
That means, you are entitled to all the benefits this ministry has to offer!
So where are you living out your 4th day?
If it has been a while, we welcome you back! You are always welcome!
Ever wonder about the friends you made on the weekend? Some of us are still here, and we invite you
back! We will be having a Cursillo Conference! Invitation extends to all Cursillistas who lived their
weekend, whether it was in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, you are all invited to see your
friends again and have decades of fun! We will be singing De Colores, listenting to guest speakers by
Priests, Deacons and Cursillistas, and we will have food and fellowship! We invite all of you, this is the
time to do it! After all this time, what have you done to better understand the Gift of God? Come share it
with us! We miss you! and guess what? Christ is Counting on you! Please look out for an email invite
coming soon!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Sponsor Workshop!

Last year, 4/29/17 we held our Anual Sponsor Workshop and it was a beautiful success! We reviewed
the Importance of the Cursillo Movement, the purpose of the method, the purpose of sponsoring a
candidate and sponsor's responsibilities. Federico Navarro, shared the importance of having personal
contact and how to win the environment bringing others to Christ. Barney Pimentel shared how to be
an Authentic Witness, Cruz Pimentel shared on the Primary Importance of Witness Living, Mercy Somera
shared the Study of the Enviroment and Nikki Anderson shared on the Selection Process and the Mystery
of Palanca. In addition, Barney and Cruz Pimentel gave a beautiful testimony on being a married couple
in Cursillo and how to sponsor married couples.
This year, we will host another Sponsor Workshop. If you are interested in wanting to learn more on
how to invite others to this ministry, how to be a sponsor for someone who is interested in living a 3
Day Cursillo, or if you want to simply just come to see how we plan and share with others on how to be
a stronger Cursillo Community, please come! We welcome all Cursillistas! Also, we will have a
continental breakfast and coffee with special guest speakers on sponsoring Married Couples, you won't
want to miss out! Email invitation to come, Sponsor Workshop TBD, coming soon!

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta Radiating Christ prayer

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my Soul with Your Spirit
and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a
radiance of Yours. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with
may feel Your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only you O
Lord! Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as You shine, so to shine as to be a light to
others; the light, O Lord, will be all from You; none of it will be mine: it will be You shining on
others through me. Let me thus praise You in the way You love best: by shining on those
around me. Let me preach You without preaching, not by words, but by my example, by the
catching force, the sympathetic influence of what I do, the evident fullness of the love my
heart bears to You.

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Humor Corner:

Man: What is a million years like to you?

God: Like one second.

Man: What is a million dollars like to you?

God: Like one penny.

Man: Can I have a penny?

God: Just a second.

A message from Mercy Somera- 3 Day Proper Chairperson

2018 Cursillo is well on its way! If not this year then 2019 is also booked! Our Cursillo
weekends are held at the Madonna of Peace renewal center in Copperopolis!
Men’s weekend--Thur., Oct. 4th - Sun., Oct. 7th
Women's Weekend--Thur., Oct. 18th - Sun. Oct. 21st.
“Feed the fire within.”
If ur looking for more reading material check out the National Cursillo website and we can
order in bulk. “Christ is counting on you, and I on Him”Think about
working a Cursillo weekend (please attend School of Leaders first
Thursdays of the month). Remember, if u feel a little itch but don’t
think you are worthy....God doesn’t always call the prepared, He
PREPARES the CALLED. :) we are all so very valuable in this movement!
Your gifts/talents/time are needed. #service

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Cursillo Families!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

13th Annual English Cursillo Stockton
Diocese Crab Feed and Fundraiser!!!

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

Stockton Moose Lodge-9035 Davis Rd., Stockton, CA. 95209
Doors Open at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm, Marinated Crab, Pasta,
Chicken, Salad and Bread, Dance and Desert at 8pm. no host
bar, no refunds, contact Laura Alaniz for tickets: 209-639-2550
Raffles and Fun!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

School of Leaders, by Nikki Anderson

The School of Leaders, hosted by Barney and Cruz Pimentel is offered every 1st and 2nd Thursday of
the month at St. Bernadette's Catholic Church in Stockton at 7 pm to approximately 9 pm.

It is the core group of Cursillo Leaders who have made the Cursillo their apostolic vocation.

It is a community of Cursillo service members who built up communites, who are Christian Leaders in

Each session starts with opening prayer, and the meetings proceed with Group Reunion, a doctrinal
presentation when the priest is available, technique presentation led by School of Leaders Chair,
Barney Pimentel, covering different Cursillo literature and followed by discussion, after which, the
community gathers in Work by the Sections and goes over preparations for Cursillo events and planning.
Finally, the group closes with visiting the Blessed Sacrament where they take their needs to Our Lord,
Jesus Christ.

The School of Leaders is a continuation of the Cursillo Weekend, it is really about living out our 4th Day
for the rest of our lives.

We learn about how to be leaders in the ministry, through important Catholic doctrine and literature,
we have open discussion and share our thoughts and ideas, we plan on how to evangelize, how to do
fundraisers, how, we as a group need to prepare for upcoming Cursillo weekends, what we can do as a
group to strengthen our movement and much, much more!

If you have lived your Cursillo weekend, the School of Leaders is an extension of the weekend, there is
so much to learn and grow and we do it at School of Leaders, it provides the tools we need to go out
into our communities and leven our environments, it is where true friendships are made!
To be a leader is to be lead by Christ! All of us are leaders! Please come and see what the School of
Leaders is doing! We invite you to be part of living out the ministry! It is a beautiful way to live out our
Faith! It is the call of our baptism. Everyone has a special talent they can bring and share!

To be a Christian leader is the ultimate action of our love for God!

Let's love Him and do his work, together, we can do great things with His guidance!

Join the School of Leaders, we meet the 1st

and 2nd Thursdays of the month at
St. Bernadette's at 7 pm! See what ways you
can show your support! All you have to be is
a Cursillista!
De Colores! February 2018 Edition
Men's Cursillo Friendship Group at World Ablaze Men's Conference

Group Reunions
Group Reunions are where friends come together! Cursillistas make the best friends! It is what our
ministry is about! Make a Friend, Be a Friend, and Bring our Friends to Christ! Oftentimes we find
ourselves in environments that separate us from Christ, but in these environments, Christ is the center
of our attention! Shouldn't He always be our center?

Join a friendship group, it is where we develop what is fundamental for being a Christian! "For where
two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt 18:20)
All Group Reunions should start in Prayer to the Holy Spirit, share with each other the moments closest
to Christ, Piety, the things they learned from Christ, Study and the things they are doing for Christ,
Action. The Groups should share their apostolic success and failures and get help and support from
fellow members, in additon the groups should always close in prayer and thanksgiving. Friendship
groups strenthen our will to serve the Lord, to become stronger Christians, to develop a true sense of
friendship!There are groups all throughout the Stockton, Manteca, Tracy areas. Remember your friends
you made on the Cursillo Weekend? Call them, set up a group if you are not in one and follow the order
of reunion, let us know when you want to set one up, we can show you how! All you have to do is be a
friend and make Christ your center!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Ultreyas! St. Bernadette's Catholic Church, 3rd Thurdays of
every month at 7 pm! Please Join!
Ultreyas are where all friendship
groups get together and get the
chance to visit other groups, at
Ultreya we move forward with
prayer, reflection, songs, group
reunion, and we have Witness
Speakers and Echos, plus final
prayer, De Colores song followed
by fellowship and potluck,
Ultreyas are held the 3rd thurday
of every month at St.
Bernadette's if you are interested in becoming a
witness speaker please let us know, contact Lisa
Martinez at 209-263-8235

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Church Visits- in the last couple of years, Pre-Cursillo team has visited all the churches in the Stockton
Diocese, evangelizing ad speaking in masses, passing out fliers and informing parishoners of the Cursillo
Ministry, show of interest forms were available and Welcome back Cursillista forms.
This year, we will be doing it all over again, visiting the parishes and inviting our Catholic brothers and
sisters to Cursillo.
Please look out for a list of churches we will be visiting, it is a fun and exciting way to live out our
apostolic action and vocation to the minitsty, first and foremost to live out what Christ wills for us, to
spread His love to others!
Hosts will be having a table with fliers and forms, Cursillistas will be helping pass out fliers after mass
and we will have speakers make announcements at the masses to inform them of upcoming Cursillo
If you feel the call to evangelize, we need volunteers to help!
Call Nikki Anderson at 209-570-7917

Stockton Diocese English Cursillo Movement welcomes

newly appointed Stockton Diocese Bishop Myron Cotta!

The newly appointed Bishop will be installed on March

15th, 2018.

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Group Reunion Workshop 11/4/17 Presentation Church
Cruz Pimentel

The Group Reunion Workshop was held at Presentation Church on Saturday, 11/2/17. Cursillo sisters
Liz Chativa and Cruz Pimentel led the workshop and guided the new 2017 Women Cursillistas on how to
form group reunions in their areas. Prayer, Song and fellowship warmed the air.
Several sisters spoke about the importance of grouping and shared what their different groups are
doing. A brief grouping demonstration was given, and then all broke into groups of 3 or 4 to expierence
grouping first hand each with a seasoned Cursillista. Many inspiring testimonies on grouping were
given. Sign ups for new groups were taken.
All left feeling very energized and ready to group!

We are beginning a new year..2018..and God is knocking on our door. He comes with passion and love
for us to answer His call.
It’s time for us to step out of our comfort zone and make our voices heard.

Brothers and Sisters is this your call, your voice, your time?

Let’s make 2018 our calling and put to use our talents.

Not my will be done, but THY will be done. AMEN!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Photos from Past Events, Cursillistas have the most fun!

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

Letter From the Desk of: Gilbert Somera, Lay-Director

DeColores Brother and Sister Cursillistas. As my term of office draws to a close this
May we will be nominating replacements at the School of Leader meetings. I want to
thank God for allowing me to serve as a Lay Director since May 20, 2015. There will also
be other positions that will have to be filled. If you have any interest in one day being
able to run for election now is the time to step forward and learn by participating in a
committee. You can see how the movement has grown as we spread our progress
throughout the Diosces of Stockton. I invite you to attend the next several School of
Leaders meetings to nominate Cursillistas to serve on the Secretariat. There will be
excellent opportunities to meet and talk with fellow Brothers and Sisters who will be needing committee
members to carry out their duties. It is important for all Cursillistas to participate and get to know their
Leaders and learn of this world wide ministry.The School of Leaders meetings are held on the 1st and 2nd
Thursdays of the month at 7PM. The location is 2544 Plymouth Rd. Stockton, CA in the board room of the
Saint Bernadette Church. If you have any questions or need a ride please call meat 209-401-7143. Please
call 24hours in advance so that I can make arrangements

De Colores! Christ is Counting on You!


For submissions to our newsletter, contact:

Nikki Anderson 209-570-7917

De Colores! February 2018 Edition

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