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J Porous Mater (2009) 16:331–335

DOI 10.1007/s10934-008-9204-0

Synthesis of nano crystalline zeolite Y from bentonite

H. Faghihian Æ N. Godazandeha

Published online: 17 May 2008

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract Zeolite Y was synthesized from bentonite via group, which is an octahedral alumina sheet between two
the hydrothermal method. The effects of various parame- tetrahedral silica sheets. Variation in interstitial water and
ters on the synthesis were investigated. The samples were exchangeable cations in the interlayer space affect the
characterized by XRD, XRF, IR, DTG and wet chemical properties of bentonite and thus the commercial uses of the
analysis. The results show that crystallization temperature, different types of bentonite. Some groups [1–6] have
aging time and concentration of sodium hydroxide play already studied the preparation of various zeolites from
important roles in the formation of the zeolite. P zeolite kaolin or other fly ashes and have made great progress in
was the competitive phase and present in most of the synthesis of 4A, mordenite, X, Y zeolite. Zeolite Y is a
products. However, under optimized conditions, such as parent catalyst in catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons and
crystallization temperature (97 °C), aging time (20 h), petrochemical processes. Synthesis of zeolite Y from
concentration of NaOH (3N), pure zeolite Y with high bentonite might be the best way to chemically utilize
crystallinity was synthesized. The results showed that bentonite resources in the future [7]. Because the chemical
optimization of the process results in a commercial route to composition of bentonite from different locations is not
synthesis zeolite Y from bentonite. identical, the synthesis conditions must be adjusted
according to the composition of the bentonite. The method
Keywords Bentonite  Zeolite Y  Hydrothermal of preparation of zeolite Y suggested by Song [7] was not
synthesis effective for the bentonite used herein. We had to alter and
optimize different parameters such as crystallization tem-
perature and aging time in order to obtain pure zeolite
1 Introduction phase. Since aluminium content of the bentonite was not
sufficient for synthesis, we also had to add a suitable source
Bentonite is a rock formed of highly colloidal and plastic of alumina in the course of synthesis. XRD pattern of
clays composed mainly of montmorillonite, a clay mineral bentonite is shown in Fig. 1. Of interest is that this ben-
of the smectite group, and is produced by in situ devitri- tonite possesses the Si–O or Al–O octahedral and
fication of volcanic ash. Bentonite possesses high cation tetrahedral sheets, which creates a charge imbalance in the
exchange capacity and absorbs large quantities of water to 2:1 layer and might be a potential raw material to syn-
from thixotrophic gels with water. The properties of ben- thesize zeolites [8].
tonite are derived from the crystal structure of the smectite The Si–O and Al–O structures in bentonite are inactive.
This means that it is difficult to directly synthesize zeolites
and the bentonite must be pre-activated to change this inert
H. Faghihian (&)  N. Godazandeha
structure [9]. The most effective way to activate such nat-
Department of Chemistry, University of Isfahan,
Isfahan 81746-73441, Iran ural clay is to thermally transform the inert phase into new
e-mail: phase at elevated temperatures in the presence of alkali
N. Godazandeha hydroxide, which might also be useful in subsequent
e-mail: hydrothermal synthesis because the commercial zeolite Y

332 J Porous Mater (2009) 16:331–335

analysis (DTG) and chemical analysis methods. XRD

pattern of the samples were prepared by use of a D8
advanced X-ray diffractometer using CuKa with wave-
length of 1.5406 Å. A S4 Pioneer X-ray Fluorescence was
used for elemental analysis of the samples. Infrared spectra
were recorded with an IR spectrum 435 of Shimadzu
Company. Thermal analysis curves were obtained using
Mettler TG50 model. Measurements were performed in a
nitrogen flow with heating rate of 10 Kmin-1. Scanning
electron microscopy technique (XL30, Philips) was used
for measurement of particle size of the samples at voltage
of 25 kV at 15,0009 magnification. BET surface area, N2
adsorption–desorption isotherm were obtained using a
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 V1 device at 77 K.
Fig. 1 XRD patterns of reference bentonite [9] (a) and Ardestan
bentonite (b)
3 Results and discussion
are synthesized at the basic environment. In this research,
the bentonite is treated with sodium hydroxide at 300– 3.1 Synthesis of zeolite Y from bentonite
320 °C. It is believed that the inert skeletal structure of
bentonite was converted into activated silica and aluminate, Zeolite Y is synthesized by hydrothermal method when
which might be soluble in acidic or basic aqueous solutions. bentonite after addition of sodium hydroxide is thermally
activated. The problem is that the Si/Al ratio of bentonite is
too high to directly synthesis zeolite Y. Some alumina
2 Experimental source must be made up to be suitable for direct crystal-
lization. Sodium aluminate was introduced as a reinforcing
2.1 Synthesis alumina source prior to hydrothermal synthesis. Upon
hydrothermal synthesis, the active Si and Al species dis-
Bentonite as starting material was provided from Ardestan solve in the alkali solution and from a supersaturated
mine in central region of Iran contains SiO2 56.41%, Al2O3 solution. They react with each other and reconstruct to
14.28%, Na2O 4.07%, LOI1 17.03% and Fe2O3, BaO, MgO, form some ring-like structures that are the basic units of
CaO, K2O, SrO, ZnO, MnO, TiO2, 7.97%. This bentonite zeolite construction [10]. To optimize the synthesis con-
was reacted with concentrated HCl (30% v/v, 4 mL acid/1 g ditions many operating conditions were optimized that are
of bentonite) for 8 h at 95 °C. The residue was washed with summarized in Table 1.
deionized water on a vacuum filter and added to sodium
hydroxide solution with ratio of 1:1.2 and the dosage of 3.2 Effect of crystallization temperature
NaAlO2 was added with AlSiO 2
2 O3
¼ 36 and the material was
activated at 300–320 °C for 1 h. The activated samples Crystallization temperature is an important parameter in
were dispersed in deionized water with stirring for 3 h. the hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites. It might influence
Then the mixture was aged at room temperature for a the growth crystal, interface reactions of active crystal
desired period of time (aging time) to form gel slurry. The particles. Two crystallization temperatures of 85 and 97 °C
gel slurry was transferred to the suitable vessel to crystal- were studied. In the XRD of zeolite Y synthesized at 85 °C
lize, under desired temperature (crystallization temperature) no crystalline phase was observed. Instead a sodium alu-
for 24 h. Subsequently, the precipitate was filtered and minum silicate hydrate phase was obtained (Fig. 2). A
washed with deionized water and dried at 70 °C. mixture of zeolite Y and zeolite P were obtained when the
synthesis performed at 97 °C (Fig. 3).
2.2 Characterization
3.3 Effect of aging time
The synthesized samples were characterized with X-ray
diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermal The aging time was studied between 30, 20 and 24 h. The
diffraction lines of the XRD patterns of samples 2, 3 and 4
(Figs. 3, 4 and 5), illustrate that the zeolite P is competitive
Loss of ignition phase present in the resulting products. As shown in the

J Porous Mater (2009) 16:331–335 333

Table 1 Effect of different

Number of Crystallization Aging Concentration of Vessel Type of study
parameters on the synthesis
samples temperature (°C) time (h) NaOH (N) reaction
of zeolite
1 85 30 2 Autoclave Effect of temperature
2 97 30 2 Autoclave Effect of temperature
3 97 24 2 Autoclave Effect of aging time
4 97 20 2 Autoclave Effect of aging time
5 97 20 3 Autoclave Effect of concentration

Fig. 2 The XRD patterns of reference zeolite Y [10] (a) and Fig. 4 The XRD patterns of reference zeolite Y [10] (a) and
synthesized sample 1 (85 °C) (b) synthesized sample 3 (Zeolite P 50.8%, Zeolite Y 49.2%)

Fig. 5 The XRD patterns of reference zeolite Y [10] (a) and

synthesized sample 4 (Zeolite Y 65.6%, Sodalite 13.6%, SiO2 20.8%)
Fig. 3 The XRD patterns of reference zeolite Y [10] (a) and
synthesized sample 2 (97 °C) (zeolite P 57.6%, zeolite Y 42.4%) 3.4 Effect of concentration of sodium hydroxide

figures, low aging time is beneficial to the formation of Y The concentration of sodium hydroxide of the aqueous
crystalline seeds, and at higher times, percentage of P solution significantly influences the crystalline pattern of
zeolites was increased. the synthesized zeolites. The XRD analysis shows that an

334 J Porous Mater (2009) 16:331–335

Fig. 6 The XRD patterns of reference zeolite Y [10] (a) and

synthesized sample 5 (b) Fig. 8 IR spectra of synthesized zeolite (a) and reference of Y zeolite (b)

increase in the concentration of NaOH from 2 to 3N can zeolite Y [11]. The weight loss (18.56%) occurred between
result in an enormous change in the crystalline pattern 57 and 97 °C is within the reported value for zeolite Y [11].
(Fig. 6). Because the water molecules are bounded to different
The sharp diffraction peak of the zeolite Y when the cations, the dehydration was occurred at two distinct tem-
concentration of NaOH is 3N is obvious and pure zeolite Y peratures placed in the same dehydration range (Fig. 7a).
is synthesized. By taking the conditions used in the syn- Figure 8 represents the IR spectra of skeletal vibration.
thesis of sample 5, pure zeolite Y is obtained (Table 1). It shows that the zeolites Y synthesized with bentonite have
similar skeletal vibration spectra as those zeolites prepared
3.5 Characterization of synthesized zeolite conventionally. The spectra of the synthesized zeolites
contain some bands at 420–500, 500–650, 650–720 cm-1,
As shown in Fig. 6, the XRD pattern of the synthesized 950–1,250 cm-1, 1,050–1,150 cm-1 and 3,000 cm-1 that
zeolite is similar to that of zeolite Y typical crystal struc- are originated, respectively, from the bending vibrations of
ture of a zeolite Y. Chemical composition of the T–O, double ring, symmetry stretching, asymmetry
synthesized zeolite obtain from the results of XRF was as: stretching, cross-out bonds, asymmetry stretching of inner
SiO2 47.70%, Al2O3 17.34%, Na2O 9.56%, LOI 18.56% tetrahedral and water hydroxyl bond [11].
and Fe2O3, BaO, MgO, CaO, K2O, SrO, ZnO, MnO, TiO2,
6.84%. The ratio of AlSiO 2
2 O3
is 4.8, and within the reported 3.6 Measurement of particle size of synthesized zeolite
value for zeolite Y [11]. As shown in Fig. 7 the DTG curve
of synthesized sample is similar to that of the reference of The particle size of synthesized zeolite Y was measured by
scanning electron microscopy technique. Figure 9 shows

Fig. 7 DTG curve of synthesized zeolite (a) and reference of Y

zeolite (b) Fig. 9 Scanning electron microscopy of synthesized zeolite

J Porous Mater (2009) 16:331–335 335

prepared by activation treatment using hydroxide

sodium and crystallization hydrothermal synthesis
under the proper synthesis conditions.
2. The crystallization temperature, aging time and con-
centration of NaOH play important roles in the
formation of the zeolite prepared from bentonite.
3. There are apparent competitions between zeolite P and
Y during the synthesis from bentonite. Thus, it is
important to control the reaction parameters to obtain
the desired zeolite. So under optimized conditions,
such as crystallization temperature of 97 °C, aging
time of 20 h, concentration of NaOH 3N, pure zeolite
Y was synthesized.
4. Pure zeolite Y with a high crystallinity can be prepared
from bentonite. The sample has small particle size and
Fig. 10 Nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherm of synthesized good hydrothermal stability.

the SEM image of this zeolite. The average of particles size

was 59 nm. References

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1. Bentonite with low alumina content is a promising 12. M. Arruebo, R. Fernando, S. Irusta, J. Arbiol, M. Ricardo, J.
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