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Contact: Ian Patton

Committee Supporting the Recall of

Councilmember Jeannine Pearce
(ID #1398531)
407 E. 3rd Street
Long Beach, CA 90802
Phone (562) 270-5496

Press Release

Recall Committee Asks Court to Reject

Pearce's Restraining Order Stunt &
Political Manipulation
Long Beach, Cal., January 30, 2018:

The attached letter to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Randall Pacheco, the judge for
Councilmember Jeannine Pearce’s upcoming restraining order hearing, will be filed today with the court.

# # #

For Release 11:00 p.m., January 30, 2018

January 30, 2018

Committee Supporting the Recall of Councilmember Jeannine Pearce (ID #1398531)

407 E. 3rd Street
Long Beach, CA 90802

The Hon. Judge Randall Pacheco

Governor George Deukmejian Court House
275 Magnolia Avenue, Dept. S16
Long Beach, CA 90802

Re: Case #18LBRO00136 (Feb. 9, 2018, 8:30 a.m. hearing for a protective order against
Devin Cotter requested by Long Beach Councilmember Jeannine Pearce)

Dear Judge Pacheco,

The Committee Supporting the Recall of Councilmember Jeannine Pearce (ID #1398531)
strenuously objects to Long Beach 2nd District Councilmember Jeannine Pearce—who is
currently waging a desperate anti-recall defense campaign, called "Neighbors United to
Support Jeannine Pearce and Oppose the Costly and Misleading Recall”, ID#1401302—
attempting to convert a Los Angeles Superior Court into a political tool.

Her purpose in petitioning the court for a restraining order is to mislead the public and
distract from the fact that she is currently subject to an active corruption investigation by
the Los Angles County District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division. She intends through
this very publicly announced court action to portray herself as a stereotypical victim of
domestic abuse of the type she hypocritically purports to champion. The facts paint a very
different picture.

This is what she now-infamously did to her victim, the five foot five inch tall former staffer
Devin Cotter, with whom she was having an adulterous affair at the time she hired him to
her Council office, during the early morning hours of June 3rd, 2017:
Figure 1 LBPD arrest photos of Devin Cotter, June 3, 2017, and a subsequent photo, top right, taken by Cotter’s attorney of the
black eye that developed after Pearce’s June 3rd battery. All available at

While Pearce was not prosecuted by the District Attorney—due to insufficient evidence
forwarded by the Long Beach Police Dept. (which, according to local reporting, afforded her
extraordinary special treatment on the scene, see Attachment A), including multiple
contradictory (and at times self-contradictory) accounts from Pearce and Cotter (see
Attachment B)—at no time did Pearce ever claim that she was under physical threat from

Indeed, Pearce’s subsequent police interviews made it very clear that, throughout their
relationship, she had never been physically threatened or harmed by Cotter in any way
whatsoever and has not been a domestic abuse victim (relevant portion highlighted):

Figure 2 From p. 23 of police report DR#17-32687 -- 273.5 ("dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf"). Available at
Furthermore, the police interviews subsequent to her notorious June 3, 2017 episode of
drunk driving (again, the District Attorney declined prosecution only due to insufficient
evidence, because of what LBPD said was a temporarily potentially malfunctioning
breathalyzer device, see Attachment B) and battery (of Cotter), demonstrated that indeed
she was the sole physical abuser and perpetrator of violence in their relationship.

Did Pearce face threats from Cotter? Indeed she did. But they were never physical in
nature. They were threats of blackmail. He used the threat of exposing their relationship
to pressure her and apparently to corrupt her and her Council Office:

Figure 3 From D.A.'s "Charge Evaluation Worksheet", Attachment B, p. 2.

Lastly, your honor, we ask you to take into account Pearce’s history of duplicity with regard
to her relationship with Cotter. Pearce gave varying and self-contradictory versions of the
June 3, 2017 events, and at one point even said the following (relevant portion

Figure 4 From p. 22 of police report DR#17-32687 -- 273.5 ("dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf"). Available at
She later admitted to the police that indeed she did cause the visible trauma and
lacerations to Cotter’s head (see D.A. “Charge Evaluation Worksheet”, Attachment B).
Frankly, any individual, let alone an elected official, who would lie to the police in an
attempt to mislead a criminal investigation, should certainly be disbelieved in any court of
law. And one who would do so while swearing on her “kid” and “dead mom” absolutely
should be disbelieved.

Briefly, to give you some background on our committee, ours is a 2nd District residents
grassroots campaign to remove Councilmember Pearce from office, currently with an
approved recall Petition and in the signature gathering phase of the recall process. The
reasons for our recall effort, all of which came to light subsequent to and as a result of the
June 3, 2017 episode, are as follows:
• Physical violence against former boyfriend/staffer Devin Cotter on June 3rd, 2017
• Unethical hiring of boyfriend & City sexual harassment policy violations
• Driving while intoxicated on June 3rd, 2017
• Corrupt Council office practices to keep Cotter silent about affair
• Demanding special treatment from the Long Beach Police Dept.
• Lying to the police and misleading the police investigation
• Currently under long-running, active Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Public Integrity Division investigation for corruption
• Lying to constituents about the June 3rd, 2017 events during a Long Beach City
College radio interview
More background information on Councilmember Pearce’s conduct can be found at

Please also find two of our press releases from last December elaborating on Pearce’s
history of committing domestic violence: “Recall Committee Highlights Pearce Pattern of
Violence” from Dec. 1, 2017 (Attachment C) and “Pearce's Extreme Hypocrisy on Domestic
Violence” from Dec. 7, 2017 (Attachment D).

You honor, our message, to you and to the public (we are including this letter in a press
release today)—for whom Councilmember Pearce really intends the upcoming hearing—is
simple: One who pantomimes advocacy for victims of domestic abuse, while making it that
much harder for real victims to be believed, by lying about her own purported abuse for
her own personal and electoral purposes, should not be allowed to make a mockery of the
important work of the Los Angeles Superior Court system.

Simply put, the Petitioner’s goals are cynical, desperate, and one hundred percent political.

Ian Patton
Campaign Manager
Committee Supporting the Recall of Councilmember Jeannine Pearce (ID #1398531)
Office (562) 270-5496
Cell (562) 810-9329


Attachment A Stephen Downing Beachcomber articles on LBPD special treatment

Attachment B LAC D.A.'s "Charge Evaluation Worksheet"
Attachment C Recall Committee 12/1/17 press release: “Recall Committee
Highlights Pearce Pattern of Violence”
Attachment D Recall Committee 12/7/17 press release: “Pearce's Extreme
Hypocrisy on Domestic Violence”
Did Councilperson Jeannine Pearce get VIP Treatment from the LBPD? ...


Home » Did Councilperson Jeannine Pearce get VIP Treatment from the LBPD?

Published by admin on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 12:05pm

DUI and Domestic Violence Investigation

By: Stephen Downing

Devin Cotter and Jeannine Pearce

On June 6 confidential sources within and outside the Long Beach Police Department (LBPD) informed the
Beachcomber that 2nd District Councilperson Jeannine Pearce was the subject of a domestic violence and driving
under the influence (DUI) investigation by police officers called to the scene of two separate incidents.

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Did Councilperson Jeannine Pearce get VIP Treatment from the LBPD? ...

In the handling of the incidents the sources reported that the officers were improperly directed to provide special
handling (VIP treatment) for the councilperson and her male companion related to alleged crimes for which both
were improperly released from police custody at the direction of LBPD brass.

Upon receipt of this information inquiry was made of both Councilperson Pearce and the LBPD media relations
desk to validate and/or confirm the varied reports that:

Pearce was given VIP treatment at the direction of LBPD management in the DUI investigation by allowing her
an expanded time frame as well as permitting water intake to mitigate blood alcohol levels prior to taking a
breathalyzer test
Pearce battered her male companion causing visible injury and police officers were instructed not to take a
crime report at the first scene
Police officers were instructed to drive Pearce home
Police officers were instructed to drive her male companion home in spite of the fact that the officers had
discovered the male companion was wanted on a $50,000 arrest warrant and
The second scene later that same morning the male companion turned up at Pearce’s home, caused a
disturbance which resulted in the police being called again, that the male companion again insisted that an
assault report be made and that he was not arrested a second time on the $50,000 warrant.

At the time of this publication Councilperson Pearce has not responded to written requests for comment. On June
6, at 10:47 p.m. the LBPD media relation’s desk responded to the Beachcomber inquiry via email with the following

“On Saturday, June 3, 2017, at approximately 2:40 a.m., the California Highway Patrol (CHP) called Long Beach
Police and requested assistance investigating a possible domestic violence and driving under the influence
incident. CHP indicated they had discovered a vehicle parked facing southbound in the painted center median,
north of the Golden Shore exit, on the 710 Freeway. A female driver and male passenger were being detained at
the location by CHP.

When Long Beach Police arrived at the location, CHP officers indicated that they were unsure if a crime had
occurred and asked for LBPD to investigate further. LBPD did not find sufficient cause for arrest related to a
domestic violence incident or driving under the influence. The female driver admitted driving the vehicle, however
she successfully completed a field sobriety test. The female driver was taken home by a friend. The male
passenger was transported home by LBPD officers. The female driver is identified as Jeannine Pearce, 36 years
old and a resident of Long Beach.

At approximately 6 a.m., the female driver was returning home with her vehicle when she was confronted by the
male passenger involved in the earlier dispute. She immediately drove away and called police. Officers responded
to the 2200 block of Florida Avenue and located the subject. The male subject was arrested for public intoxication
and an active $50,000 warrant for driving under the influence. The male subject is identified as Devin Cotter, 36
years old and a resident of Long Beach.

The investigation remains ongoing.”

Follow up investigation since receiving the LBPD media relations response indicates that Devin Cotter is a former
campaign manager and legislative deputy for Mayor Robert Garcia, worked on Pearce’s campaign for city council
and subsequently served for eight months as Pearce’s chief of staff following her election until his resignation in
February 2017.

The Beachcomber has filed a public records request for all documents related to the two incidents and will provide
on-line reports as the investigation into the alleged improper special handling (VIP) treatment is updated.

[Story update 6/8/17, 6 a.m.]

Following publication of the above article the Beachcomber submitted a list of 20 pressing questions to the Long
Beach Police Department regarding the “Special VIP Handling” of Councilperson Pearce and her former Chief of

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Did Councilperson Jeannine Pearce get VIP Treatment from the LBPD? ...

Staff Devin Cotter. Late last evening LBPD Chief Robert Luna responded to that submission without answering
any of the questions posed:

“The Police Department recognizes that there are many questions regarding this matter. It is the Department’s
responsibility to document circumstances in order to conduct a thorough investigation to determine if a crime or
crimes have been committed. Due to the ongoing criminal investigation, additional details of the case and related
circumstances are not being released at this time.

We are reviewing the circumstances surrounding this incident to ensure the actions taken in the field were
consistent with our policies and procedures. We do not have a policy directing special “handling” of public
officials. However, the Police Department does have a notification guide included in its policy that requires
appropriate notifications be made when an incident involves the arrest or serious criminal conduct involving a city
employee or VIP.

The men and women of the Long Beach Police Department respect the rights of all individuals and work hard to
maintain the public trust that we have established. “

Finding the chief’s response a non-response and one that rings hollow when it comes maintaining the public trust,
the Beachcomber responded and – among many other concerns – posed the following questions to the chief:

In that the LBPD has already announced that there was no finding of DUI or domestic violence at the scene,
what “investigation is continuing” and what is the crime that is being investigated?
If the LBPD could not find sufficient cause at the scene, where Cotter complained of being attacked by Pearce
and had visible injuries to prove it - and an arrest was not made - to what purpose and to what end does the
so-called "continuing investigation” serve?

The Beachcomber also uncovered additional information about the $50,000 DUI warrant that was not served upon
Ms. Pearce’s former chief of staff when the LBPD brass instead ordered their police officers to drive Cotter home
from the scene of the first incident.

As a result of that discovery we asked the executive director of the Community Police Complaint Commission
(CPCC) to add the following element of apparent corruption to the investigation the Beachcomber had earlier
asked the CPCC to initiate into this matter.

The following is the content of that request:

“Public records indicate that the $50,000 DUI warrant issued by the Long Beach court for the arrest of Devin
Thomas Cotter was issued in March 2016. Between March 2016 and February 2017, records at Transparent
California indicate that Cotter was employed by the City of Long Beach, assigned to the mayor’s office and later to
the chief of staff position with Ms. Pearce.

This begs the question - in addition to queries surrounding why Cotter was not arrested at the Hwy 710 scene for
the outstanding warrant - why was the warrant not served by the LBPD when it was first issued in March 2016?

Cotter worked for the city for 11 months while a $50,000 warrant was in file for his arrest. This too smacks of
“special handling” of a city employee assigned to political offices.

The public is entitled to an explanation why this was allowed to occur - and why the warrant was not served until
such time that it aided the purposes of another case of “special VIP handling.” Please add this apparent systemic
misconduct to the CPCC investigation.”

Updates to this story will follow as additional information is developed.

3 of 9 1/30/2018, 10:25 AM
Open Letter to LBPD Regarding Councilwoman Pearce Cover-up | Beac...

Home » Open Letter to LBPD Regarding Councilwoman Pearce Cover-up

Published by admin on Tue, 06/27/2017 - 7:26pm

LB Post Story Contains Contradictions

By: Stephen Downing

The above linked article outlining Councilwoman Pearce's’ statements are in conflict with earlier statements from
the police department.

Interviews with the CHP support the original LBPD release that the CHP happened upon Pearce and Cotter parked
just off of the 710. Her statement contradicts that statement. That also coincides with my interview of the CHP.

Also, our information is that Cotter is the victim of domestic assault, as well. Or at least he was that night. Now
Pearce is saying that she has experienced “escalating threats” and multiple incidents of domestic violence. Again,
this raises the question as to why no one was arrested – as mandated by law – for domestic violence at the first
scene on the 710 or later in the morning in Peace’s neighborhood?

Pearce’s statement also raises the question as to why the city attorney made a deal with Cotter and paid out
$6,000 in taxpayer funds to “settle” the dispute between the Pearce and Cotter rather than booking one or both for
the domestic violence that she now alleges.

Pearce is making city hall and the LBPD look foolish and is throwing a deep shadow over the credibility of Long
Beach governance, not to mention the VIP special treatment practiced by the LBPD in this case.

Please provide the facts surrounding this entire matter. Even Councilperson Pearce now says that what is
“incredibly important to me, I have always championed transparency for members of elected office.”

That statement alone should release the LBPD from any perceived need to “protect-the-parties” from public
exposure. This is about governance in Long Beach and the manner in which our police department and city hall
functions when our elected VIPs and political appointees fall off the rail.

Please let us know when the LBPD – and city hall – suppression of information of this matter will be lifted.

cc: Robert Luna; City Attorney; Anitra Dempsey; Nevin Miles; Robert Garcia; Patrick West; Jeannine Pearce

1 of 2 1/30/2018, 10:30 AM
Has the Pearce Cover-up Been Put to Rest? | Beachcomber

Home » Has the Pearce Cover-up Been Put to Rest?

Published by admin on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 12:39am

By: Stephen Downing

On Aug. 7 the Press-Telegram (P-T) published an article by reporter Jeremiah Dobruck headlined, “Long Beach
councilwoman drank before driving; police said it wasn’t a DUI. Were they Right?”

After establishing that this column broke the LBPD cover-up story surrounding the Pearce/Cotter affair in the
Beachcomber on June 7, Dobruck went on to describe me as “a former Los Angeles Police Department deputy
chief who lives in Long Beach and often vociferously criticizes the city’s law enforcement.”

I didn’t take great exception to the description although “vociferous” (raucous and strident) may be just a bit of an
exaggeration, as I do my best to support the opinions (enthusiasm and determined) made in my columns with facts
– or at least raise questions about statements coming out of city hall that don’t add up.

Others who have lived in Long Beach a lot longer than I wrote and called to say that they saw the P-T piece as city
hall’s way of putting the scandal to bed for good, so that Councilwoman Pearce could move on as if she was
qualified to keep her seat on the city council, continue to serve Mayor Robert Garcia’s mission to undo the city’s
campaign fund reforms and allow city hall to get on with discussions surrounding the mayor’s budget.

I had to agree, especially when I saw that the P-T piece was based on 1) A radio log they received from the LBPD
though a public records request, 2) that the reporter had suddenly turned up “LBPD sources not authorized to
speak publicly on the subject,” and 3) the DUI experts the reporter relied upon to validate a proper police
disposition failed to answer (or be asked) the question we raised in our first column related to the 0.06 breathalyzer
test given Pearce: When was the breathalyzer administered?

Since I was the first person in Long Beach to make a public records request for the radio log (as well as dozens of
other documents) I had to wonder why the Press-Telegram received the LBPD radio log and I didn’t – so I asked.

The next day I received a copy of the radio log from Sergeant Byron Blair, representing the chief of police, Robert
Luna. He wrote:

“Please see the two attached calls for service related to the Jeannine Pearce incidents on the 710 freeway and at
the 2200 block of Florida Avenue.

“The Long Beach Police Department declines to disclose any records that may be responsive to the other items in
your request because any such records are exempt from public disclosure.”

The only reason the “other documents” are “exempt from public disclosure is because the LBPD (think city hall)

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Has the Pearce Cover-up Been Put to Rest? | Beachcomber

has chosen to deem them exempt in order to control a very deep scandal that involves elected and appointed
officials in addition to Pearce.

To that I loudly (vociferously) object as should every citizen of Long Beach who cares about integrity (and
transparency) in governance.

With the help of my LBPD “sources” who “are afraid for their jobs” (think street cops as opposed to programmed
leaks from the brass “who are not authorized to speak”) I was able to get a lot more out of the radio log than that
reported in the P-T article.

Timeframes say a lot, especially when the end result of a police investigation that lasts almost three hours (2:51) at
the edge of the 710 freeway involving at least 6 officers, 1 sergeant and one lieutenant ends with no DUI charges,
no $50,000 DUI warrant served and no arrest for domestic violence.

It also raises questions based on statements coming out of city hall that don’t add up.

The CHP officer who came upon the scene put in a call for LBPD at 2:40 am. The LBPD radio log tells us that
Officers Stojanoski and Skeen (Unit 1A67) from South Division were assigned the call at 2:47 a.m.

But, officers Manzo and Henry (Unit 1A66) – providing backup – got to the location first – arriving at 2:56 a.m.

Seven (7) minutes later one of the Unit 1A66 officers ran both Cotter and Pearce over the Justice Data Interface
Controller (JDIC) network for wants and warrants, the return of which would have been almost instantaneous. FEATURED V
That is a very reasonable span of time for the officers to get the facts from the CHP officer, take a look (and smell)
at Cotter and Pearce, get their stories (allegations) and IDs and make the JDIC check.

Five minutes later Sgt. Steinhauser (Unit 1S20) arrived on scene.

A good sergeant first gets the lay of the land by talking to the officers.

Apparently it took Sgt. Steinhauser 19 minutes to learn what he needed to know. He then called for the Watch
Commander, Lt. Tyae Buford, who arrived on scene a few minutes later – at 3:31 a.m. (if there was no crime or
outstanding warrant why were they not released at that time?)

Once Lt. Buford arrived another one hour and 15 minutes passed while he conducted his investigation, made who
knows what notifications, engaged in who knows what cell phone conversations with the duty chief (and who
knows who else) until the first active decision was made: Officers Manzo and Henry radioed a change of location
and drove Cotter to his boat (home) at Dock DD (4:46 a.m.)

In spite of the fact that Chief Luna announced a rookie (Henry?) needed training over misreading the JDIC
response informing the officers that Cotter had an outstanding $50,000 DUI warrant, my sources continue to
maintain that most everyone at the scene knew of the warrant at the time the officers were directed to drive Cotter
to his boat.

It took four minutes for the officers to drive from the Hwy. 710 location to Cotter’s boat dock, but there is no
evidence in the radio log that the officer’s notified communications division that they were transporting a civilian –
as required by LBPD policy for liability reasons. Why?

Now, one would think that if there were no crime to report or arrestee to book that once Cotter was delivered to the
boat dock, the two officers would have gone “clear” and became available for dispatch. But, that is not what
happened. Ten minutes after arriving at Dock DD the officers signed out to the station to “write and file report.” And
they did not clear from that activity until 9:04 a.m., more than three hours later.

That’s quite a report for an incident involving no crime or arrest. It also syncs with the original information I received
from my LBPD sources; that the report written by Officers Manzo and Henry of Unit 1A66 was an “Information
Only” report that laid out all that the officers observed – and were ordered to carry out – and quite likely the report
whose accuracy so displeased the brass that the rookie was called in later in the day to make changes.

But, all of that remains informed speculation – all of which can easily cleared up by city hall being more transparent
and the Citizen’s Police Complaint Commission (CPCC) doing a proper job of interviewing the officers – under oath
– none of which we will count on.

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Has the Pearce Cover-up Been Put to Rest? | Beachcomber

So, let’s back up to when Officers Manzo and Henry left for Dock DD at 4:46 a.m., leaving the assigned unit, 1A67,
Stojanovski and Skeen, Lt. Burford, Sgt. Steinhauser and one other unit, 2A13, to continue their investigation with
Ms. Pearce at the 710 freeway scene – where they had already spent one hour and 15 minutes.

The P-T article reported that their “two LBPD sources” said that Jeannine Pearce blew a 0.06 blood-alcohol level
(0.08 is legally presumed DUI) “when officers gave her a breath test (PAS) …” and a DUI attorney expert queried
by the P-T reporter said that “if the officers believed Pearce was not too impaired to drive with that level of alcohol
in her system, they were right to let her go.”

The 0.06 blood alcohol reading reported by the P-T’s two LBPD sources coincide with that reported by my sources
– as published in this column several weeks ago. But, what the P-T reporter’s LBPD sources do not say is when
the breath test was administered or why. Those questions are absent from the entire P-T article.

Proper police procedure begins with a suspicion of DUI, followed by a field sobriety examination (walk the line,
touch the nose, etc.) and, if the officer’s conclude that the subject is under the influence, it is at that time that a field
breathalyzer (PAS) is administered.

In our earlier column we reported that our LBPD sources said that Pearce was allowed to drink water, was never
administered a field sobriety examination and was not given a breath test until more than one and one-half hours
after arrival on scene – which according to the radio log, indicates that Pearce didn’t blow into the device until after
Officers Manzo and Henry drove Cotter home.

According to Nick Morrow, a retired Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff and court appointed DUI expert: “Alcohol has a
predictable and generally accepted “burn-off” rate. Research shows a .012-.015 percent per hour burn-off as
common. If the PAS test were administered within 20 minutes of the stop (proper police procedure) then a reading
of 0.06 percent would not be sufficient cause to arrest for DUI, absent other objective symptoms. However, if it
were administered more than two hours after the officer began the investigation, Pearce’s blood alcohol level
would have been between 0.084 percent and 0.09 percent – both over the legal limit.”

According to the LBPD radio log the Hwy. 710 scene was cleared at 5:41 a.m., three hours after Pearce and Cotter
were discovered by the CHP. It is reasonable to assume it was around that time that the LBPD concluded she was
not DUI, as reported – or she would have been released much earlier.

The LBPD’s press release said that a “friend” drove Pearce home. Our source said she drove herself home and
the friend who came to get her (her current chief of staff and his girlfriend) was a passenger.

The LBPD radio log indicates Pearce drove into her neighborhood seven minutes after being released from the
Hwy. 710 scene – at which time she observed Cotter and called police communications which resulted in a new
radio call log being generated; an “unwelcome guest” complaint.

While Pearce and company met with a Sergeant at 4th and Cherry Streets, the radio log indicates that Cotter and
another unknown person (Pearce’s husband?) (both names redacted on log) were at Junipero South of 4th Street
being run for wants and warrants over the JDIC system by officers Jose Castro and Benjamin Cobb, working Unit

Cotter was arrested, according to the LBPD press release, on the $50,000 DUI warrant and for public

From there, Cotter went to jail and – we assume – Pearce went home.

The radio log indicates that the officers dealing with that call didn’t finish their work on the case until after 3 p.m.
that afternoon – which in my experience is a horrendous amount of time to expend on a simple DUI warrant and a
drunk in public booking.

City hall may think that the P-T article and LBPD stonewall has put the scandal and its cover-up to rest, but we
don’t think so. A number of LB residents have offered to support legal action to force the LBPD to produce all
documents (including Cotter’s mug shot injuries) related to the scandal and a very active Facebook page has
emerged from the ether entitled: Recall Jeannine Pearce from Long Beach City Council.

We’re standing by for more to find its way over and around the LB City Hall stonewall.

Stephen Downing is a resident of Long Beach and a retired LAPD deputy chief of police.

3 of 12 1/30/2018, 10:30 AM
Committee Supporting
Contact: Ian Patton
Committee Supporting the Recall of

the Recall of
Councilmember Jeannine Pearce(ID
238 1/2 Obispo Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90803
Phone (562) 270-5496
Councilmember Jeannine Pearce

Press Release

"It isn't the first time she's been violent

with me." Devin Cotter
Long Beach, Cal., December 1, 2017:

Yesterday images of the violence perpetrated by a sitting Long Beach City Council Member were
released by the Long Beach Police Department:

For Release 12:00 p.m., December 1, 2017

Page 2 "It isn't the first time she's been violent with me." Devin Cotter

Page 3 "It isn't the first time she's been violent with me." Devin Cotter

Page 4 "It isn't the first time she's been violent with me." Devin Cotter

In her defense, Pearce says only that Cotter was tossing some of her belongs from the vehicle they
were in, not committing any violence against her.

And Cotter made it clear to Long Beach Police that this is not the first time that Pearce has resorted
to violence.

The question remains, does the mayor of Long Beach, who is soon up for reelection, and the City
Council of Long Beach, more than half of which is up for reelection, condone this behavior?

Silence eventually becomes approval.

Committee Supporting
Contact: Ian Patton
Committee Supporting the Recall of

the Recall of
Councilmember Jeannine Pearce(ID
238 1/2 Obispo Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90803
Phone (562) 270-5496
Councilmember Jeannine Pearce

Press Release

Pearce’s Hypocrisy on Domestic Assault

Long Beach, Cal., December 7, 2017:

Councilmember Jeannine Pearce "took to Facebook" yesterday, according to LB Post, "to celebrate
[a hotel worker's] recognition...I have the pleasure of knowing [her], Pearce wrote. 'She spoke up. She
yelled. She marched. She broke the silence, and she’s been doing it for years. She shared unbelievable
stories of assault...'"

Jeannine Pearce actually had the audacity to write those words just days after the images of her
domestic violence victim were released to the public:

For Release 11:45 a.m., December 7, 2017

Page 2 Pearce’s Hypocrisy on Domestic Assault

As revealed by the recent LBPD documents release (

i/public-records-requests/pearce-cotter-investigation/), Pearce has been accused by her abuse victim,
the five foot five inch tall (according to booking information received by the LA Co. Sheriff’s Dept.) former
aide Devin Cotter, of a pattern of domestic violence:

[from “dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf”, p.6]

Pearce also confirmed that she has never been the victim of domestic violence or ever under any
physical threat from Cotter:

[from “dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf”, p.23]

Page 2 Pearce’s Hypocrisy on Domestic Assault

[from “dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf”, p.28]

And Cotter shed further light on Pearce’s history of rage:

[from “dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf”, p.34]

[from “dr17-32687--273-5-report.pdf”, p.38]

Recall Committee member Lauren Boland said of Pearce’s recent facebook remarks in response to
the LB Post article, “It represents a level of hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness which is nearly to the
point of derangement.”

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