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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources


Assessment Resource Summary

Course BSB51107 Diploma of Management

Unit of
BSBHRM501A Manage Human Resources Services

Duration of Training and Learning 100 hours

Term and Year Term 1A, 2016 Trainer

Assessment Methods Due in Week

Assessment 1 Assignment and role-play - 25% 3

Assessment 2 Case Study and Presentation - 25% 3

Assessment 3 – Report - 25% 4

Assessment 4 – Assignment - 25% 4

Last Modification Date July 2015

Proposed Review Date July 2016

© 2014 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1
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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Assessment Task 3 - Evaluate HR

service delivery
In this assessment task, you will demonstrate skills and knowledge
required to collect feedback on and evaluate human resources service

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Assessment description
In response to a simulated business scenario and following on from work
undertaken in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2, you will seek feedback on human
resources (HR) service delivery and develop an evaluation report on

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

1. Review the scenario information provided in the appendices of this
assessment task and the simulated business information for JKL (in
Assessment Task 1).
2. Review work completed and information gathered for Assessment
Tasks 1 and 2, particularly performance information and planned
monitoring activities.
You have implemented the service delivery strategies based on the case
study in Assessment Task 1.
You wish to collect feedback from: managers; external providers of HR
services; and clients, regarding HR performance against set performance
You need to gather feedback covering the following areas:
● financial performance
● customer value
● people development
● operational process efficiency
● organisational values, policies and legal obligations.
You will need to capture information on potential causes for performance
You have decided to develop a client satisfaction survey to gather
qualitative, level 1 feedback (the ‘Reaction’ level on the Kirkpatrick
Model) from a range of stakeholders to supplement performance
scorecard information provided in Appendix 1.
3. Consider the following scenario:

4. Develop a survey on HR service delivery to obtain feedback from

clients, including:
a. senior management
b. line managers
c. recruitment service provider
d. employees.
5. Analyse the feedback (in surveys) as performance data provided in
Appendix 1.
6. Prepare an action plan to support changes and implementation of
changes over the next six months. You may want to use the action
plan template provided in Appendix 2. Include in your plan:
a. activities designed to obtain support and approval from clients
for service changes and changes to SLAs

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources
b. activities, resources and strategies designed to effectively
implement, monitor and win buy in from organisational
stakeholders and clients of HR services.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

You must provide

1. Develop a survey on HR service delivery
2. A 1–2 page report on service delivery performance, including proposed
recommendations for service improvement or variation, Include in
your report:
a) a summary of proposed recommendations for service
delivery changes (executive summary)
b) analysis of performance data, including adherence to values,
code of conduct, organisational policy and legal
c) proposed recommendations for service improvements, for
– changes to service level agreement/s (SLAs)
– changes to implementation strategies
– reference to business needs in connection with changes
and impact (if any) on business or operational plans

3. Action plan to support amended implementation of HR service

delivery. Include in your plan:

a) communications activities designed to obtain support and

approval from clients for service changes and changes to SLAs
b) Activities, resources and strategies designed to effectively
implement, monitor and win buy in from organisational
stakeholders and clients of HR services.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● analytical and problem-solving skills to review business and
operational plans and to develop and evaluate human resources
strategies to support them
● communication and negotiation skills to consult with key stakeholders
across the organisation and ensure their support for human resources
● communication skills to manage service delivery

● learning skills to see that performance is managed and skills are

developed in a range of contexts
● technology skills to:

○ communicate with key stakeholders

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources
○ support HR functions, including data collection and managing
information according to legislation and organisational policies
● knowledge of human resources strategies and planning processes as
they relate to business and operational plans
● knowledge of performance and contract management.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Appendix 1 – Company balanced

scorecard (HR related performance)

Objective or Performance
KRA Result
target metric or KPI

Financial Costs of new HR Cost of HR 20% budget

measures kept measures overrun
to forecasts as
outlined in
Task 1

5% growth in $ revenue $18,000,000

revenue to gross revenue
gross revenue

90% managers % agree 60% agree

agree HR
contributes to

Customer value Maintain market Market share 12% market

share in sales share
and service at
around 15%

10% Market Market share 5% market

share in trucks share

90% managers % agree 70% agree

agree that HR
helps them to
meet customer

People 100% rental % rental staff 60%

development staff trained in trained in sales successfully
sales trained

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Objective or Performance
KRA Result
target metric or KPI

25% managers % managers 4% enrolled in

engaged in enrolled in further training
career internal or
development external

90% job % satisfied with 70% satisfaction

satisfaction rate role and career
prospects within

Process 100% of % completion 80% completion

performance rate
conducted in
accordance with

90% of % completion 75% completion

administrative rate
HR tasks
completed on
time and in
accordance with

90% managers % agree 80% agree

agree their own
HR officer is
effective and

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Survey questions
1. What is your gender?



2. What is your position?

Senior management
Line managers
Recruitment service provider

3. How many years of service do you have with JKL?

Less than 1 year

1 - 5 years

6 - 10 years

11 - 20 years

More than 20 years

4. I have good access to HR employees for advice and assistance.

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree

Do not know

5. When I contact my HR department, I usually receive help:

Within 1 workday

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources
Within 2 or 3 workdays

Within a week

After more than a week


6. Have you found that getting HR information is more difficult

than you believe it should be because of a lack of sufficient skill in
the HR staff?

To a great extent


To a small extent

Not at all

7. Have you found that getting HR information is more difficult

that you believe it should be because of a lack of sufficient staff
resources in the HR department?

To a great extent


To a small extent

Not at Not at all

8. Have you had any problems finding or obtaining access tothe

right person in the HR department to get the information or
service you need?



I have not attempted to contact the HR department

9. Do you believe the HR department made sincere attempts to

solve your problems or answer your questions?


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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

I have not attempted to contact the HR department

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Analysis report

Summary for recommended changes

With the introduction of SLA implementation into JKL for a

better structure and system, its main aim was to deliver a new
direction of human resource management system as well as
bringing out the best employee experience and benefits.

 Communication among different departments across the

 Employees’ entitlements and benefits.

 Fair and just work allocation for all employees.

 Ensuring the human rights of the employees.

 Enforcing corporate policies regarding ethical issues

Performance data analysis

According to the performance data collected via

questionnaires, there are some criteria within plausible expectations
while some did not reach the desired standard.

Performance metric
Objective or target Result
or KPI

Costs of new HR Cost of HR measures 20% budget overrun

measures kept to
forecasts as outlined
in Assessment Task 1

5% growth in revenue $ revenue $18,000,000 gross

to $20,000,000 gross revenue

90% managers agree % agree 60% agree

HR contributes to
business financial

100% rental staff % rental staff trained 60% successfully

trained in sales in sales trained

© 2014 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1
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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources

Performance metric
Objective or target Result
or KPI

25% managers % managers enrolled 4% enrolled in further

engaged in career in internal or external training
development programs

90% job satisfaction % satisfied with role 70% satisfaction

rate and career prospects
within company

There occurred some financial overrun due to the ineffective

prior planning and the people training aspect was not performing up
to the expectation. Therefore, some proposed recommendations
could be such as:

 changes to service level agreement/s (SLAs).

 changes to implementation strategies.
 reference to business needs in connection with changes and
impact (if any) on business or operational plans.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources services

Appendix 2 – Action plan template

Strategy/application of
Activity Timeline policy Resources Person Policy
(if relevant)

Reducing the  Identifying the

lead time for sources of problems in HR employees
Manager in HR policy
recruitment 1 month period the process steps.
Involved charge
process & Operation
 Rectifying the departments
procedure policy

 Brainstorming for the

Constructing process simplification HR employees
recruitment to remove Manager in Corporate
1 month period Involved
policies & unnecessary steps. charge HR policy
simplifying them departments

 Identify current issues

and shortcomings to
talk in workshop
Workshop programs for the
sessions for benefits & HR employees
entitlements Manager in Corporate
morale and 4 months period Involved
guidelines. charge HR policy
workplace departments
education  Consider better ways
to amend these
entitlements to better
serve employees.

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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM501B Manage human resources services

Strategy/application of
Activity Timeline policy Resources Person Policy
(if relevant)

 Screen potential
employees for specific Corporate
Internal areas of expertise. HR policy
Involved HR
recruitment & 3 months period
 Conduct interview and employees department Operation
recruitment tests to policy
filter out candidates.

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