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Villegas tts.

\ubido,30 SCRA 498 (1969)

Lagutm Lake Deoelapmeti Autlrcrity as. C.A,231 SCR.A 292 (1994)

b. Discretionary and \4i nisterial

Cariiio us. Cspnlottg,222 SCRA 593 (1993)

c. Errors in the Exercise of Fowers

Conmtissiotter of lnternal Reoerutc os. CTA,234 SCRA 348 (1994)

Vi'nza*s-Chata rts. Fat'tune Tobacco,525 SCRA 11 IAAT)

2. Determinative / Investigatory

Cnrilto rrs. CFIR, 204 SCRA 483 (1991)

Departnrcut af Healt'tt i;s. Cutttposttrro, 457 SCRA 438 (2005)


a In Ceneral

Ople rts. Torres, supra

Stnart Conntunicatians tts. t'\rTC, 408 SCRA 768 (2003)
Edu rts. Ericta,35 SCR{ 481 (1970)
Peoplc rts. lLecerarL 79 SCRA 45A 097n
Rep ub Li c i,s. D rtLgrnaker s Labor atories, C. R. 190837 (2014)
ASTEC ERC 681 SCR{ 7i9 (2012)
h4anila Jockey Cluh, Irtt. t,-s. CA, G.R. No. 103533(1998)
ABAKADA Ctu'a tts. Ennita, G.R. No. 168056 (2005). Only the
part on Delegation of Legislative Pon'ers
5lt4 Llutd,Inc. zts. Bases Corntet'sion, G.R. No. 2A3655 (2015)

b. Doctrine of Delegation of Legislative Powers

P angasitutt Tr a1rytor tatiotl t sull r a

Eastent Sltippmg Lines us. POEA,166 SCRA 533 (1988)

C. Requisites and Limits of Permissible Deiegation

People as. lnacercn, suprl

Essteru Sltipplng Lines, sttpra
Ceruantes us. Auditor Genersl,9l Phil. 359 (1952)
Pelaez tts. Auditor Geuu"al, G.R. No. L-23825 (1965)
Balbut'na os. Setretary, G.R. No. L-14283 (1960)
BAC. Ewployees Associtttion tts. Teltes, C.R. No. 1ffi7}4 (2011)
US rrs. A.ngTung Ho, G.R. No.17122(1922)
Tatad rts. Secretary,2B4 SCRA fiA $99n
Cowruissioner of Custonts tts. Wperruix, 664 SCRA 666 (2012)
DAH os. Philip NIorris, C.R. No. 2A2943 (2015)
K]\AU rts. Garcia,239 SCRA.386 (1994)

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