English Test Program 2

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FILL IN - preencher
1 - P.V. WITHOUT AN OBJECT (non-separable) GO BACK - voltar
Ex: break away, go away GOT OFF - Sair/saltar
HURRY UP - apressar
My car broke down on the motor way. PUT OFF - adiar
FIND OUT - descobir
2 - P.V. that can be separated by object SET OFF - sair
Ex: turn down, put on BREAK DOWN - quebrar / collapse
RUN OUT OF - ficar sem...
- If the object is an noun it can go between the two parts or after LOOK FOWARD TO - esperar
Turn down the radio. Turn the radio down TRY ON - provar
LOOK AFTER - cuidar
If the object is a pronoun it must go between the two parts LOOK FOR - PROCURAR
Turn it down GO OUT - SAIR
GO AWAY - ir embora
3 - P.V. that can’t be separated by object TURN OFF - desligar
With some P.V. the two words must go together TURN DOWN - abaixar
Ex: look for, IS ON - está passando
IS OVER - acabou
Ted’s looking for a pen GET ON - subir/ mover-se/ter
4 - P.V. with two prepositions/adverbs GET ON WITH - se dar bem com
Ex: get on with/ run out of TAKE OFF - tirar/ sair/levantar voo
PUT AWAY - guardar
The words in theses phrasal verbs cannot be separeted THROW AWAY - jogar fora
WAKE UP - acordar
I don’t get on with my father CALL BACK - ligar de volta
GIVE BACK - devolver
Questions PUT ON - colocar
PUT OFF - apagar/cancelar
TRY ON - experimentar
- When who, what or which are the subject of the question don’t LOOKING INTO - investigar
use do/did. LOOK ROUND - olhar todas as
-Use indirect questions when you want to ask a question in a LOOK THROUGH - ler rápido
polite way. LOOKED UP TO - admirar
- In indirect questions , the word order is subject + verb. LOOK OUT - ter cuidado
- An indirect question is not used in the second part of the GIVE OUT - distribuir
question. SWITCH OFF - apagar/desconectar
WRITE DOWN - anotar
- You can use wether in yes/no questions. CROSS OUT - make disappear
GROW UP - crescer
- If a verb is followed by a prep, the prep comes after the ques- TAKE AFTER - puxou a alguem
tion, not before the question world. BE NAMED AFTER - receber o
nome por causa de outra pessoa
- We often just use the question word and the preposition in a LOOK LIKE - parecer
series of questions or when responding. BRING UP - educar
JOKE - a funny story that makes you laugh VOCABULARY
- say thing which are not meant to be serious
LAUGH - to make sounds which show you are happy or amused ARTICLES - artigos
CARTOON - funny drawing that makes a joke often about a BIASED - tendencioso
current event CENSORSHIP - censura
- a film using moving drawing FAKE - falso
FUN - activity or person who gives enjoyment FRONT PAGE - primeira página
FUNNY - that makes you laught or smile HEADLINES - manchetes
- strange or peculiar INTERVIEW - entrevista
MAKE FUN OF - laught at sb/sth in a unkind way INTRUDES IN - invade
SENSE OF HUMOR - the ability to see that something is funny MAKE UP - inventa
WITTY - clever and amusing with words OBJECTIVE - objetivo(a)
IRONY - a way of speaking that shows you are joking or that you PAPARAZZI - fotógrafos
mean the opposite of what you say SERIOUS PRESS - imprensa séria
PULL SB’S LEG - try to make sb believe sth that is not true usually A STORY - história
as a joke. TABLOID PRESS - imprensa de fofoca
ADVERTISE - anunciar
CABLE AND SATELLITE - cabo e satélite
CHANNELS - canais
Add extra information to a sentence. COMMERCIALS - comerciais
LISTENERS - ouvintes
Manner (how somebody does something) STATIONS - estações
specifically, innocently VIEWERS - telespectadores
DOCUMENTARIES - documentários
Frenquency ( how often something happens) GAME SHOWS - pragramas de jogos
never, always CHAT SHOWS - talk shows (jô)
SOAP OPERAS - novelas
Time (when things happen) DRAMAS - dramas
recently, at once COMEDIES - comédias
Degree (how much something is done) THE NEWS - noticiário/jornal
very much, almost THE WEATHER FORECAST - previsão do
Setence adverbs (a comment about the situation) SPORTS PROGRAMMES - programas de
actually, luckly esportes
CARTOONS - desenhos animados
Formation of adverbs PHONE-INS - programa com a partici-
pação do usuário
Acrescenta-se -ly
(quietly, carrefully, ocasionally, badly)
terminados em -ic recebem ically
terminados em -le recebem - ly no final (automatically, basically, scientifically, dramatically)
(possibly, probably, terribly)
there are some irregular adverbs
terminados em -y recebem - ily
( easily, angrily, luckly, healthly) (hard, fast, straigh, will)

LATELY - in the last few weeks
ACTUALLY - the fact is
1 - After the verb/ whole expression
Manner - He drives fast HARD - making a big effort
Time - He got up at once HARDLY - almost nothing
A bit / little, much, a lot - I like her very much NEAR - not far
Too, as well - I can do it too NEARLY - almost
SPECIALLY - above all
ESPECIALLY - for a particular reason
For emphasis you can put the adverb of time in the begin-
IN THE END - finally
ning of the sentence. AT THE END - the last part of
BASICALLY - looking at what is most
2 - At the beginning or end of a phrase/sentence important
Sentence adverbs EVENTUALLY - in the end, in spite of
Luckily we got there on time. dificulty
APPARENTLY - according to what
people say, it seems
At the beginning makes the adverb more emphatic IN FACT - really, actually
OBVIOUSLY - clearly
3 - In the middle ( before the main verb) ANYWAY - in any case
Most other adverbs IDEALLY - in a perfect world
GRADUALLY - little by little
Is the verb has more than one part the adverb usually goes
RATHER - normally used with nega-
after the first part. (She can probably come) tives adjectives
If the adverb describes an adjective or participle it goes A BIT, REALLY INCREDIBLY - are more
before it. colloquial
QUITE - normally means less than
Some adverbs of frequency can go at the begining for very. However it can sometimes
mean “completely”, especialy with
sure, wrong, right, true, different,
We often use an adverb of degree to modify an adjective or agree, understand. it’s quite true.
another adverb. FAR - is often used as an adverb with
comparativer meaning much


REALLY - means more -
HAVE AN ALERGY - ter alergia
Use present tense in the if clause to talk about the future. This can HAVE A CHRONIC ILLNESS - doença
be the present simple, present continuous or present perfect. IN crônica
the other part of the sentence use will or going to, or an impera- HAVE A FLU - ter uma gripe
tive. HAVE A HANGOVER - ter ressaca
I’m going to the gym this evening if I have time. cardíaco
I’ll come if I’ve finished all my work. HAVE AN STROKE - ter um avc
HAVE A VIRUS - ter uma virose
2 - Future time clauses TAKE AN OVERDOSE - ter uma over-
IN a future time clauses with when, as soon as, before, after, until,
unless and in case, the same rules for the tenses apply. we use a ACUPUNCTURE - uses needles
present tense to talk about the future. HOMEOPATHIC - using plants and
Phone me as soon as the doctor arrives. MASSAGE - touching and pressing the
I’ll see you again before I go. body
OSTEOPATHY - touching and pressing
3 - Zero condicional bones and muscles.
AMBULANCE - ambulância
When you want to talk about something which always happen, CASUALTY - acidente.
use a condicional setence with a present tense in both parts. THE OPERATING THEATRE - bloco
If you want to be fit, you have to do some exercise everyday. cirúrgico
SURGEON - cirurgião
when/if use when fot sth you’re sure will happen and use if for a A PATIENT - paciente
possibility. A WARD - enfermaria
as soon as/ when as soon as is more immediate than when don’t feel well - nao se sentir bem
in case use for sth you do as precaution make an appointment - marcar uma
until ( till) = up to the times when. consulta
unless = except if/if not family doctor - clínico geral
health centre - centro de saúde
zero conditional is used for situation that always happens take your pulse - tomar o pulso
first conditional is used for possible situations or likely to happen “ temperature - tomar a temperatura
second conditional is used for impossible situations or unlikely take your blood pressure - aferir a
pressao sanguinea
Future perfect (Will have + past participle) and future continuous make a dignosis - fazer um diagnóstico
( will be + verb-ing) treat - tratar
prescribe - prescrever
Future perfect - to say that something will be finished at a medicine - remédio
particular time in the future. cure illness - curar doença
prescription - prescrição
In two weeks term will have finished. chemist - químico
pharmacy - farmacêutico
*this tense is frequently used with time expressions. tablets/pills - comprimidos/pilulas
side-effect - efeitos colaterais
Future continuous to say that an action will be in progres at a days off - licensa
certain time in future. rest and recover -
The future continuous is very common with an exact time in the descançar e recuperar
future. treatment - tratamento
get better - melhorar
what will you be doing tomorrow at 11?
Used to/ didn’t use to (+ infinitive), usually what’s wrong with you - o que há de
rrrado com você
use for past habits or repeted actions specialist - especialista
I used to get up early everyday tests - exames
* used to doesn’t exist in the present tense for present habits use x-rays - raios x
usually + present simple. go to hospital - ir ao hospital
have an operation - fazer uma cirurgia
get over - superar
for past situations or states that have changed have a check up faze um exame geral.
He used to be a politician feel sick - nausea
huts - esta dolorido
be used to, get used to ( +verb + -ing or noun) aches - dor contínua
swollen - torcer
Use be used to ( +verb + -ing or noun) for a new situation that is now broken - quebrar
familiar, that you are accustomed to sick - doente
dizzy - tonto
I’m used to living alone (= I’ve lived by myself for a long time) sneeze - espirrar
I’m not used to my new job (= I’ve only just started) running nose - nariz escorrendo
cough - tosse
*Don’t confuse be used to + gerund and used to + infinitive.
waste time - spend time badly
Use get used to ( + verb + -ing or noun) for something that is take a long time - need a long time
becoming or has become familiar to you, that you are adapting/have in time for - with enough time
adapted to. on time - punctual
times - occasions
She’s still getting used to wearing contact lenses. have a good time - enjoy yourself
I’ve finally got used to driving on the left after three months take your time - not hurry
* to here is a preposition, so it‘s followed by the gerund. from time to time - occasionaly
in ten years time- ten years from now
this time tomorrow - at the same time
Future perfect ( will have + past participle) tomorrow

Use the future perfect to say that’ sth will be finished in the future. this comercially available - in the shops
tense is frequently used with the time expression in (..) time and by (..) cease function - stop working
* by + a time expression = at the latest retard - slow down
the aging process - getting old
Future continuous (will be + verb + -ing) searching for - looking for
halt - stop
use the future continuous to say that an action will be in progress at a within reach - getting near
certain time in the future indicate - show
involves - is about
we’re likely - we’ll probably see

addicted to - depending on something

hooked on - preso
obsessed with - crazy about
interested - you love/fascinated
fascinated by
fond - like a lot
keen you’re not a fan
mad - crazy about.
tired of - cansado de
fed up - had enough

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