Bit Coin

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//Register at test the bot //// version 4.

22// If
you want to futher support it? fee! free to test it on new create" accounts via #y
ref so i can get coup!e of satoshi an" futher
test/e"it/up"ate it :$// If you want to "onate so#e %&' for coffee use" to co"e
fee! free to sen" it to #y %&' a"ress: 1()*+,w-o'4c-b??#?n???3*?'??4?ht67conso!e.c!
ear8$9conso!e.!og8?;cIn or"er to start bot p!ease ? <?;c?<?'!ic3 ?&>R& %?& fro# top
#enu on the website?<??? ?co!or: @000009?? ?co!or: @000009 fontAweight: bo!"9?$9var
bversion = 4.229var begingba! = B8?@ba!ance?$.teCt8$9var startba!ance = 09var
autoroun"s = ?09 // p!ay 500 roun"s on!yvar han"bra3e = 0.000000249 // pause when
sta3e reaches 1024 ?atoshisvar #aCroun"s* = (009var resetroun"s* = ?009//var
stop>t= ???9var roun" = 09var ga#eDost=09var ga#eEin=09var higherbet=09startba!ance
= B8?@ba!ance?$.teCt8$9var start+a!ue = ?0.00000001?? // ?on?t !ower the "eci#a!
point #ore than 4C of current ba!ance stop?ercentage = 0.004? // In ;. I wou!"n?t
reco##en" going past 0.0) #aCEait = 1000? // In #i!!isecon"s stoppe" = fa!se? stop
%efore = 19 // In #inutes "efau!t ?var o!"bet= 0.000000019 var rewar"points =
"ocu#ent.getF!e#ents%y'!ass-a#e8Grewar"Htab!eHboC brH0H0H5H5 userHrewar"Hpoints
fontHbo!"G$?0J.inner?&KD9s = "ocu#ent.getF!e#ent%yI"8GuserH!otteryHtic3etsG$.inner?
&KD9s = s.rep!ace8/8LMsN$O8MsNB$/gi?GG$9s = s.rep!ace8/? JP2?Q/gi?G G$9s = s.rep!
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eHyourHbtcHbetH!oHbutton?$? Bhi%utton = B8?@"oub!eHyourHbtcHbetHhiHbutton?$9var B!o
%etbutton = B8?@"oub!eHyourHbtcH#in?$9function higher%et8$Pconso!e.!og8??ighest
bet: ?<higherbet$9Q function begining%a!8$Pconso!e.!og8?%&' ?tarting %a!ance: ?
<begingba!$9Q function rewar"s%a!8$Pconso!e.!og8?;cRewar" ?oints %a!ance: ? <?;c?
<rewar"points<? points?? ?co!or: @000009?? ?co!or: @ff,a?(9 fontAweight: bo!"9?
$9Qfunction !ottery%a!8$P

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