Strange Reports of Weaponized Sound in Cuba (Health Matters)

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Strange Reports of Weaponized Sound in Cuba

■ James C. Lin

n late August 2017, The Potential for
­m ed ia out let s be- Weaponizing Sound
gan reporting on Audiologists, otologists,
the U.S. State Depart- and hearing scientists
ment’s disclosure that are aware that robust
H a v a n a - b a s e d U. S . audible (and, perhaps,
diplomats were expe- inaudible) sound may
riencing health issues damage hearing and
[1]–[5]. Their residences vestibular sensory sys-

were described as hav- tems, as well as alter

ing been targeted with human emotions and
bursts of sound waves. moods. However, it is not
Diplomat ic staff and clear whether a weapon
family members have that covertly uses sonic
repeatedly reported hear­­ energy to injure people
ing loud buzzing or scrap­­ actually exists today.
ing sounds. Symptoms include severe consulted by media outlets and the U.S. Nevertheless, this event is calling at-
hearing loss, headaches, ringing in the government appear baffled. tention to the reality that sonic and
ears, nausea, and problems with balance The Cuban government has denied ultrasonic waves could potentially be
or vertigo, which are suggestive of a con- any involvement. U.S. State Department weaponized for health attacks.
nection to the inner ear apparatus within officials have speculated that the dip- The U.S. State Department has called
the human head. lomats may have been attacked with upon Cuban authorities to ferret out who
While suspicious of a Cuban govern- an advanced sonic weapon operating is making these health attacks. And,
mental role in directing the “attack,” outside the range of human audi- apparently, the Cubans have of­­fered to
U.S. officials have yet to pin down the tory response. allow the U.S. Federal Bureau of In­­ves­­
source or find any weapon that poten- The reporting of health issues asso- tigation to come to Havana and look into
tial culprits might have used. Experts ciated with hearing loud buzzing, or the incident, implying that they are coop-
what was described as bursts of sound, erating with the investigation and so did
James C. Lin ( is with is mystifying and has caused consider- not deliberately target U.S. embassy per-
the University of Illinois at able distress among embassy staff and sonnel with any sonic weapon.
Chicago, United States. their families. In fact, the incidences To date, the consensus among media
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2017.2765778
have caused some diplomats to return reports seems to be a collective sigh
Date of publication: 12 December 2017 home with their families. of dismay that “scientists still have a

18 January/February 2018
big mystery to solve.” But wait a min- Microwave radiation, under other cir- explanation for the source of sonic energy.
ute. There actually may be a scientific cumstances, cannot be perceived by hu- It could well be from a targeted beam of
explanation. It is plausible that the loud mans, e.g., seen as visible light or heard as high-power microwave pulse radiation.
buzzing, burst of sound, or acoustic airborne sound. Furthermore, the hearing
pressure waves may have been covertly apparatus commonly responds to acous- References
delivered using high-power microwave tic or sound pressure waves only in the [1] A. Gearan. (2017, Sept. 1). State Department
reports new instance of American diplomats
radiation, rather than blasting the sub- audible frequency range (up to 20 kHz).
harmed in Cuba. The Washington Post. [Online].
jects with conventional sonic sources. Thus, hearing microwave pulses is a Available:
unique exception to the airborne or bone- national-security/american-diplomats-suffered-
The Effect on the Head of conducted sound energy normally en- traumatic-brain-injuries-in-mystery-attack-in-
Microwave Pulse Absorption countered in human auditory perception. 11e7-91d5-ab4e4bb76a3a_ story.html?ut m_
It has been well documented scientifi- term=.1f1d5aee26f4
cally that absorption of a single micro- A Cascade of Energy Events [2] R. Becker. (2017, Sept. 16). Weaponizing sound:
Could sonic devices have injured diplomats
wave pulse impinging on the head and In fact, the hearing of microwave-pulse-
in Cuba? The Verge. [Online]. Available: www
conversion of that microwave pulse into induced sound involves a cascade of
an acoustic pressure wave by soft tis- events. A minuscule but rapid (~μs) cuba-us-canadian-diplomats-ultrasou nd-
sues inside the head may be perceived rise in tissue temperature (~10−6 °C), re­­­­ infrasound-science
[3] G. Harris and A. Goldman. (2017, Sept. 29). Ill-
as an acoustic click or knocking sound, sulting from the absorption of pulsed
nesses at U.S. embassy in Havana prompt evacu-
depending on the incident microwave microwave energy, creates a thermoelas- ation of more diplomats. [Online]. Available:
power intensity. A train of microwave tic expansion of brain matter. This small
pulses to the head may be sensed as an theoretical temperature elevation is embassy-cuba-attacks.html?mcubz=0
[4] C. Morello. (2017, Oct. 3). U.S. will expel 15
audible tune, chirp, or buzz [6]–[8]. hardly detectable by any currently avail-
Cuban diplomats, escalating tensions over
Would the sound show up on an able temperature sensors, let alone felt as m y s t e r y i l l n e s s e s . T h e Wa s h i n g t o n P o s t .
acoustic-recording instrument? Yes and a thermal sensation or heat. Nevertheless, [Online]. Available:
no. It would depend on the design and it can launch an acoustic wave of pressure world/national-security/us-will-expel-
fabrication of the sensing device. that travels inside the head to the inner
Some readers may find it preposter- ear. There, it activates the hair cells in the a83e-11e7-b3aa-c0e2e1d41e38_story.html?
ous or astonishing that auditory percep- cochlea, which then relays it to the central tid=hybrid_collaborative_1_na&utm_
tion of (or hearing) microwave pulses is auditory system for perception, via the term=.25969005b936
[5] Associated Press. (2017, Oct. 12). Revealed:
possible. So let me explain. same process involved in normal hearing. Sound of the “sonic attack” on Americans in
Studies have shown that the auditory Depending on the intensity of the Cuba. NY Post. [Online]. Available: www.nypost.
phenomenon occurs at a microwave impinging microwave pulses, the level com/2017/10/12/revealed-sound-of-the-sonic-
radiation specific-energy-absorption- of induced sound pressure could be con- attack-on-americans-in-cuba
[6] J. C. Lin and Z. W. Wang, “Hearing of microwave
rate threshold of 1.6 W/g for a single siderably above the threshold of auditory pulses by humans and animals: Effects, mecha-
10-μs-wide pulse of microwaves aimed perception at the cochlea— approach- nism, and thresholds,” Health Phys., vol. 92, no. 6,
at the subject or subject’s head, for ing or exceeding levels of discomfort pp. 621–628, June 2007.
[7] J. C. Lin, “Hearing microwaves: The microwave
example. Most significantly, high-power (including the reported headaches, ring-
auditory phenomenon,” IEEE Microwave Mag.,
microwave pulses may be covertly deliv- ing in the ears, nausea, and problems with vol. 3, pp. 30–34, June 2002.
ered remotely, so that only the intended balance or vertigo) and even causing po- [8] J. C. Lin, “The microwave auditory phenom-
target would perceive the sound in his tential tissue injury enon,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 68, pp. 67–73, Jan. 1980.
or her own head. This, obviously, is at Assuming that the reported events

once astonishing and intriguing. are reliable, there is actually a scientific

Presidents’ Columns (continued from page 11)

has developed through my engagement a great way to build up your profes­­ A Final Note
with my local Chapter. sional network. Later in your career, if As I begin my term, I would like to pay
The Chapter is the fundamental you are applying for an IEEE Fellow­­ tribute to my predecessor as president,
social structure of the MTT-S: there are ship, for example, the support of your Dr. Dylan Williams, who has worked
over 200 of these in almost every cor- local Chapter is an important factor. tirelessly to promote the Society and
ner of the world. Chapters run events The IEEE, in general, and the MTT-S, its members in 2017. I look forward to
for members, in particular through in particular, are highly volunteer- serving as MTT-S president in 2018 and
hosting talks by MTT-S Distinguished driven organizations. So don’t just join— meeting as many of you as possible
Microwave Lecturers, and they provide get involved! over the course of the year.

January/February 2018 19

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